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Well, you know that bet?

I think I'm being dragged down to the pit of despair and depression again... The one I had over the summer...


True Tears is depressed...Chelsea's depressed...


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Well, you know that bet?

I think I'm being dragged down to the pit of despair and depression again... The one I had over the summer...

Yeah? What happened with it?

*hugs* Don't. Focus on the good things in life. You have a home. A family. Friends, even if they aren't the best. Us. A passion. A skill with writing. A way with words. Think about all of the blessings you've received in life. Then think about those who are lost. Those who are homeless. Those who can't remember. Those who have never learned to read.

I know, right? rolleyes.gif



:o You just thought, didn't you?

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The bet was about not being able to talk about anime or manga for a day.

Not being able to, I realized how much I depend on anime and manga in my life... I think I use it to fill some kind of void in my soul... I don't know what hole though.

And lately, I've been thinking about adoption and such... I don't know. *sigh*

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@Moho: <_< *dodges* you realLy want to kilL me doN't you? :(

@IU: lurking is the best policy... B)

@Misaki: that's goOd to knOw... :D

@Moho: i thought you already knOw that what's up is always the ceiling... (unless you are ouTsidE :P )

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The bet was about not being able to talk about anime or manga for a day.

Not being able to, I realized how much I depend on anime and manga in my life... I think I use it to fill some kind of void in my soul... I don't know what hole though.

And lately, I've been thinking about adoption and such... I don't know. *sigh*

There's also been a big void in my life lately

And that's why I turned to poetry...


@Manang: Stalking is a better policy. :V

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Saki-chan... <3

This is why I love you... Thanks for helping me. Everything you've done...

But that's why I become even more depressed... Knowing that I'm being selfish when there are others suffering even more than I...

I'm a coward. I truly am. There are people out there who I envy. Many members here I envy... How kind you are. How... *sigh* It's complicated.

I'm jealous of how some people can give so easily...

I'm scared.

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The bet was about not being able to talk about anime or manga for a day.

Not being able to, I realized how much I depend on anime and manga in my life... I think I use it to fill some kind of void in my soul... I don't know what hole though.

And lately, I've been thinking about adoption and such... I don't know. *sigh*

I think it's this. You don't know what you want in life. You don't think your life has a purpose. You're wandering aimlessly. Anime and manga take you out of this world and into someone else's problems, someone else's life. You want escape. Isn't that true? But let me tell you one thing. No matter how much you try to escape, you will always end up coming back. And the more you escape, the more you'll find you're unhappy when you're away from that saving grace. The more you try to run the more you'll find yourself ending up at the start. The more you try to hide the more often you'll be found. You won't ever feel truly happy if you don't face your problems and they multiply when you're not battling with them.

So don't lose hope. Without hope, you have no reason to continue on. It's not easy. I used to be the exact same way. In some ways, I still am. No matter how much of a dreamer you are, you've got to keep in touch with reality lest you lose yourself. You'll be troubled, you'll struggle, you'll wonder why you're doing it. But if you don't have an ultimate purpose in mind, you won't get anywhere because you won't be going anywhere. If you don't know your aim, you're heading nowhere.

@IU: lurking is the best policy... B)

No it's not.


I believe I need to rant a little more.

Saki-chan... <3

This is why I love you... Thanks for helping me. Everything you've done...

But that's why I become even more depressed... Knowing that I'm being selfish when there are others suffering even more than I...

I'm a coward. I truly am. There are people out there who I envy. Many members here I envy... How kind you are. How... *sigh* It's complicated.

I'm jealous of how some people can give so easily...

I'm scared.


Look. They're having problems. But the truth is, to you, your problems are REAL. Why? Because they're happening to YOU. It's human nature to be that way.

Whenever you're suffering, look around and realize that the truth is, everyone's suffering, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through.

No one feels their life is perfect, even when from outside it may seem so.

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Saki-chan... <3

This is why I love you... Thanks for helping me. Everything you've done...

But that's why I become even more depressed... Knowing that I'm being selfish when there are others suffering even more than I...

I'm a coward. I truly am. There are people out there who I envy. Many members here I envy... How kind you are. How... *sigh* It's complicated.

I'm jealous of how some people can give so easily...

I'm scared.

^Same here

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@Chelsea: *hugs* just let it all out. That's all part of growing up... I've experienced that fEeling too and it will help you becoMe a betTer persoN... Just remember that everything hapPens for a reasoN and that fate has soMething sPecial for you in store...

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I think it's this. You don't know what you want in life. You don't think your life has a purpose. You're wandering aimlessly. Anime and manga take you out of this world and into someone else's problems, someone else's life. You want escape. Isn't that true? But let me tell you one thing. No matter how much you try to escape, you will always end up coming back. And the more you escape, the more you'll find you're unhappy when you're away from that saving grace. The more you try to run the more you'll find yourself ending up at the start. The more you try to hide the more often you'll be found. You won't ever feel truly happy if you don't face your problems and they multiply when you're not battling with them.

So don't lose hope. Without hope, you have no reason to continue on. It's not easy. I used to be the exact same way. In some ways, I still am. No matter how much of a dreamer you are, you've got to keep in touch with reality lest you lose yourself. You'll be troubled, you'll struggle, you'll wonder why you're doing it. But if you don't have an ultimate purpose in mind, you won't get anywhere because you won't be going anywhere. If you don't know your aim, you're heading nowhere.

No it's not.

Twin, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

@BK: apparently you don't mind if i call you manang so i will :V

Edited by Nobody

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God, Saki-chan... How can there be someone like you out there...?

Your words... I just... Now I'm crying.

How? I... I don't know how to express my feelings now...

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Meh, I rant so much.


God, Saki-chan... How can there be someone like you out there...?

Your words... I just... Now I'm crying.

How? I... I don't know how to express my feelings now...

:mellow: *hugs Chels*

Man, I'm useless here. So many are feeling depressed and all I can do is watch.

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That's a little difficult to do at the moment.

It's not as hard as you think, your greatest enemy is yourself right now, don't drag yourself down with negative thoughts and whatnot, you're an awesome person and you deserve to smile, so smile already :)

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God, Saki-chan... How can there be someone like you out there...?

Your words... I just... Now I'm crying.

How? I... I don't know how to express my feelings now...

Who says you need to express them? Sometimes you know how you feel but you can't write them down. You can't put feelings on paper -- at least not 100% of it.

I'm not going to go into my extremely religious/Christian rant, so I'll take a different route. Everyone needs someone to listen. For some, it may be their parents. For others, it may be friends. For people like me who are unwilling to share, we do it with God. The truth is, no matter how much you deny it, you want someone to love you. To appreciate who you are. To accept you as you are. To listen. Everyone is this way. You'll hear people say, "I don't care about love. I don't want love. It's just pain." In truth, it's rejection, guilt, breakups, and everything that goes wrong that is pain. Love itself is what heals it.

As for hope, it comes easily to some and not so much to others. Hope means telling yourself that things could be worse. You can't find a silver lining without having to face the clouds. You can't give up on hope because subconsciously it will always be there, even when you can't see it. Dreams can move mountains and if you have faith, if you keep hoping, if you keep working at it, you can stand strong even when the sky is falling.

...I'm so quoting from a song. Oh well.

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:mellow: *hugs Chels*

Man, I'm useless here. So many are feeling depressed and all I can do is watch.

Same. I can't even try and offer words of advice because I have no clue what to say.... :(

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@Nobody: ATE!! Why oh why?! T_T that's so...

And i'm stalKing people... :P including you :P and stop cAlling me that!

@IU: it is :V for me that is... :P

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