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What's on Your Mind?

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God, Saki-chan... You... God...

Look, Chelsea. I know it's tough. I know you feel a million things are going wrong. I know you feel there's no damn way for you to get out of it and find peace. I get how you feel. You're not happy, because it seems like everyone is trying to take your happiness away. Everything that matters to you, manga, anime, DCW, writing...it's falling apart. You don't have something to hold onto because none of it seems to be lasting.

I can't play life for you. You have to do it yourself. However, I have a tip. Give yourself a break. My friend would meditate. Take a few breaths. Think about everything you've gone through. Pour it out. Allow your emotions to show through. Then, compose yourself. Take a drink. Listen to some music. At this point, think about how you've been blessed. Smile. Then...reach out. I find other people's happiness is contagious, especially if it's something they're honestly grateful for. Look into everyone else, your friends, your enemies. Try thinking of life from their point of view. Heck, let your imagination run wild. Why are they treating you that way? What kind of situation are they in at home? A lot of people act certain ways because they're desperately trying to forget about themselves.

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God... Thanks for everything guys. Really. <3 I wish I knew you in real life...

This void in my chest is nagging and me... And clawing into me. I wonder what it's for...

...Maybe it's because of being adopted. It's been coming up in my head so much lately... I want to meet my biological parents...

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God... Thanks for everything guys. Really. <3 I wish I knew you in real life...

This void in my chest is nagging and me... And clawing into me. I wonder what it's for...

...Maybe it's because of being adopted. It's been coming up in my head so much lately... I want to meet my biological parents...

Ok. If that's what you want, go for it. Start doing research. Make that a part of your life, something to look forward to. Make it a project. But...if you find them, don't expect your biological parents to be perfect. They probably had a reason to have someone adopt you. Maybe it was good, maybe it was selfish. However, if this is something you really want to do, I'll support you.

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God... Thanks for everything guys. Really. <3 I wish I knew you in real life...

This void in my chest is nagging and me... And clawing into me. I wonder what it's for...

...Maybe it's because of being adopted. It's been coming up in my head so much lately... I want to meet my biological parents...


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Thank you, Saki-chan. Sincerely.

But... I also... I don't want to hurt my parents now. And I don't have any ways of starting...

When there's a will, there's a way.

You don't have to break it to your parents immediately. I don't think they'll be hurt. I think your parents are smart and kind people to take in a child, and they'll understand what you need and why you feel that way. Rather, I think they'll support you. They are truly your starting point.

If you want, give it some consideration. Lay it to rest. But if it is constantly bothering you, you may want to think about it.

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@Chelsea: nOrmal to want to meEt your biologIcAl parents, chels... But the questioN is, are you ready to faCe them? If you are then GO! Follow your heart... And do what makes you hapPy... :D

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It's 'bothered' me for years now...

Like I said. I don't know anything... I don't know my blood type, I can't really remember the city I was born, and...

I'm in America. I was born in South Korea. I know nothing at all.

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It's 'bothered' me for years now...

Like I said. I don't know anything... I don't know my blood type, I can't really remember the city I was born, and...

I'm in America. I was born in South Korea. I know nothing at all.

You see, that's the hard part for adopted kids. They don't know where they've come from, and in essence, they feel lost sometimes. They're in the middle, unsure where they started, unsure where they'll end up. It means you've started on a rock foundation. Go and try. Ask your parents. I'm sure they're willing to help.

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It's 'bothered' me for years now...

Like I said. I don't know anything... I don't know my blood type, I can't really remember the city I was born, and...

I'm in America. I was born in South Korea. I know nothing at all.

OMG. I think Im almost same situation in you, I mean you wanted to meet your mother I mean father and mother. m152.gif

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As IU said, if there's a will, there's a way. And i'm sure your parents will support.

So cheEr up! DoN't thInk of the futUre yet... Focus oN the pResent... :D

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Yes, but I doubt they know anymore than I do...

And... Well, I'm not sure they'd be eager to help with something like this...

They may not know, but they can help.

Why not? Parents love their children, even if it may not seem so.

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Yes, but... *sigh*

I just don't think they're... I dunno. I just don't think they can help at all... And I don't want to hurt them...

Then try by yourself to piece it together.

I would stay longer, but I need to get to work. Good luck, Chelsea.

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Thank you for everything Saki-chan. Really. <3

How on Earth am I going to put this together myself?

You're welcome.

Figure it out. You have the brains and with a little luck and a little work, you'll have the resources. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Bye all of you! I may or may not be back.

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