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I think you choose some nice photos x)

'Got a secret gotta keep it, swear this one you'll save, better lock it in your pocket takin' this one to the grave if I show you that I know you won't tell what I said, cuz two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.' I LOVE IT I MEMORIZE ALL OF IT I LOVE CREEPY SONGS <333333333333333

HAHAHAHA HOW DID YOU KNOW. well, yeah. I did. there were a lot of awesome Mira photos, so I end up combining a lot! XD

I love the last line~~~ TWO CAN KEEP A SECRET IF ONE OF THEM IS DEAD~ creepy~ muahahaha!

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HAHAHAHA HOW DID YOU KNOW. well, yeah. I did. there were a lot of awesome Mira photos, so I end up combining a lot! XD

Great work, as I mentioned. 8) I think she's better than Lucy & Erza. No offense

I love the last line~~~ TWO CAN KEEP A SECRET IF ONE OF THEM IS DEAD~ creepy~ muahahaha!

YAY FOR CREEPS! <333333333

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Great work, as I mentioned. 8) I think she's better than Lucy & Erza. No offense

YAY FOR CREEPS! <333333333

better than Lucy, and almost equal to Erza. lol :P

have you seen its MV? the video itself was creepy! XD I figured out why it was chosen to be PLL's theme song XD

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better than Lucy, and almost equal to Erza. lol :P

have you seen its MV? the video itself was creepy! XD I figured out why it was chosen to be PLL's theme song XD

Still, she's better.

Yep. o.O it was made for it <3

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Thinking of trying out violin lessons....

And lookie:



I can't believe there are more anons than visible members xD

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That's nothing, I was once on when there were 0 members and 6 anonymous. =X

D: What happened?

last time I checked, there were 9 anon users and Google. NINE!

well, I uh...tripped on a protruded nail ;____________; it wounded me without even my consent! D:

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And to those who want to have a little thrill in life...LOOK CLOSELY FOR A LOOOONG TIME.


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And to those who want to have a little thrill in life...LOOK CLOSELY FOR A LOOOONG TIME.


I found that a bit offensive. The F word was there, mind you.

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Feel good and had enough sleep this few months, I guess I must be tired and will taking vacation soon. I feel so good and focused, just like old times I don't feel too stressed, and everything turn clearer after drinking brands.

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Some people don't like it and some people have been brought up in stricter homes where swearing is generally not the way to go.

My parents has always told me that I mustn't swear, but that doesn't mean I should find it offensive. Pretty much everyone at school swears, as well as most of my cousins, and especially an aunt of mine, swears a lot.

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LOL, Yeah! Chek save us XD

should we ask her? LOL XDDD

Really? Offensive? Please, it's just a word. :/

if the word was this small, I wouldn't really care. but...you see, it's too awkward to see the F word that big. :/

Some people don't like it and some people have been brought up in stricter homes where swearing is generally not the way to go.


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My parents has always told me that I mustn't swear, but that doesn't mean I should find it offensive. Pretty much everyone at school swears, as well as most of my cousins, and especially an aunt of mine, swears a lot.

Some people just do. Just because you were brought up not to doesn't mean you necessarily have to find it offensive, nor does it mean you shouldn't find it offensive. It's a matter of personal preference. Some people feel uncomfortable about it, especially those who have grown up around people who don't swear.

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