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@Elli and AL Love experts? *scoots away*


  I am definitely not an expert, especially in something I have so little experience in. o.o

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@Elli- Then AL is the love expert. And DCW's philosopher.


Love expert? I'm not good on that.


Uhhh, what did I missed? *yawns while rubbing eyes*

I don't know...


OMM: I'll make an AMV

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@Ari: I know. Its hard to think of you as a love expert.. Where'd you put the AMV? And heavy metal, really? <_<

Sodium and Princess L: you mean couples who show their love to each other by inflicting physical pain to their other half?

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@Ari No Girlfriend Since Birth

@Elli But I do agrre that they go well together!

@astra It's because you're cold, and you don't like boys (see member title), so you punch them. :twisted:

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@Ari: can't open the third one.... All I can hear is shouting <_< sounds like their throat could burst anytime.. I'll go with the first, I guess. The second one's more like a horror movie heavy metal soundtrack. :/

@Princess L: Actually you don't sound evil even a little...you sound ah,....... Cute.... *runs*

Sodium: how is Oh related to boys?

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