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Officer Kaoko

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Yeah lots of loops, and it really does go full speed actually, bu~t...I dunno I wasn't scared whaa DX I was in front of the ride and everyone behind me was screaming while I was just there...with a disappointed troll look on my face DX

@^ secreeeeeeet XDD

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@Zubi-chan -- no it doesn't, but I did ride on one like that XD

@Nara-chan -- stalkersss xD but yeah, it's Star Flyer indeed! And no, it's not terrifying at all DX Surf Dance is waaaaaay better! You know what, we should go there some time xD you, astraculpa, and I xD

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@AL the love expert,philosopher and mathematician-Yes.

@Erza-neechan- Never ridden it (Star Flyer), but Surf Dance is awesome! And that splashing water thing must be Jungle Splash! Now those rides are AWESOME!

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