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Officer Kaoko

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OMM : Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium Sodium..!

You came to DCW and left without even saying a Hello..? D: ): </3

Ohw. Sorry.x . Hello :)

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Ohw. Sorry.x . Hello :)



Ahaha, sorry for the misunderstanding, Sodium is Nara-chan... She is angry with me, so it was for her...

But nvm... hi..! nice to meet you.. :D



I want my partner back..

Sodium: Hey, its summer, no school. So where are you now?! T____T

Look at my location.

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I feel like ten hours of sleep still isn't enough >.>

Ah.... Unlike me... I only sleep 5 hrs at night and 1 hr at noon... And during that 1 hr at noon, I always have dreams that make me feel like I've sleeping for days -.-" Just these days it's happening that...

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Ah.... Unlike me... I only sleep 5 hrs at night and 1 hr at noon... And during that 1 hr at noon, I always have dreams that make me feel like I've sleeping for days -.-" Just these days it's happening that...

:o :O like a nightmare? And tbh I actually only get to ten hours when, and if I decide to sleep before 12am--which is very rare xD 5 hours just won't do for me >__<

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:o :o like a nightmare? And tbh I actually only get to ten hours when, and if I decide to sleep before 12am--which is very rare xD 5 hours just won't do for me >__<

No, I dont think they were nightmares... Just that they were so real...

I often go to bed quite late too ^^ 5 hrs is not good for everyone! 8 hrs is the best, I remember reading it in a scientific article :)

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