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...what are they doing that it takes 8+ hours? I'm admittedly a little worried




This process could take up to 7 additional hours and we hope to be back online before 2am PST.


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tfw 2am PST is 5am EST 




*audible tears* how will I EVER KNOW what episodes and chapters I was on with MAL down? tumblr_m42rpuaLGs1r58lid.gif

Oh... That's how people keep track? I never knew :0

OMM: It's been one heck of a REM-sleep roller coaster ride...

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OMM #1 The SOTU reminds when we would discuss it the next day back in HS.


OMM #2 Lupe references Mortal Kombat/Naruto in his song...



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OMM: After getting over the fact that MAL is down and won't be back up for hours, I checked my planner and only just now remembered I have three tests tomorrow.  And I'm not even mad.  This senioritis is making me numb to the core...


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Oh... That's how people keep track? I never knew :0


That's what I use MAL mainly for at least. I usually keep all the things I'm watching up on separate tabs but I like keeping my list updated for personal reference (gotta know just how many days of my life I've wasted on this hobby) and in case I lose all my tabs and need to know where I am in things. And knowing my completion count is nice too since I don't really keep track of things otherwise. 


OMM 1: the manga site I read world trigger on is down too sighs


OMM 2: I need a haircut hmm,,,

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Geez, sounds rough.  I hope things clear up by next week.

Not a chance. I got my grades back and they were less than stellar. I must be stupid because if ten hours of continual studying didn't get me anywhere, I don't know what will. I suppose I could have better absorbed the information if I spread out the studying, but given how many classes I had yet to study for, I don't think that was a viable option for me. I'm actually so disappointed that I don't even know how to properly react anymore. It's not normal for me to be this stoic towards my grades but I've reached the point where nothing seems to matter to me anymore; I've hit rock bottom. I'm just so mentally drained because even the simplest of tasks seem like huge headaches now. If you saw the huge pile of used tissues next to my laptop, you'd know what I mean. I probably hit my breaking point, but I'm so numb towards everything around me now it's hard to tell. whoops, strayed off too much again.


I couldn't hep but notice though...  You're one year my junior and yet you're taking BC...  I feel so unaccomplished, haha.

The norm at our school is for juniors and seniors to take the class, yet there are still middle schoolers, freshmen, and an increasing number of sophomores in there. Do you know how demeaning that is? ahahaha...ha.......ha...ha.


And what competition are you talking about here?

It's some formal conference for orchestras where we have to perform in front of people, so it's not anything too special. I normally don't like skipping school, but it conveniently happens to clash with the bio FRQ on Friday, so I'll let this one slide, haha.



OMM: Physics and English exam tomorrow. I don't even know how I feel about this anymore.

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This system is so unfair. They can't monopolize everything. I hope someone will give others a chance to compete and show their talents. Sigh.

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OMM: It's someone's BDay :D

OMM2: It snowed for like an hour. Seriously? People have been all hyped for this the entire week.

OMM3: Volleyball... A great sport. Unless your team members suck.

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OMM2: It snowed for like an hour. Seriously? People have been all hyped for this the entire week.

They said it would snow at around 2 pm, and now it's slated for "before midnight".  And there's only going to be less than half an inch...


(I miss last year's polar vortex...)


OMM: MAL is back up, but nothing's changed...

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