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Officer Kaoko

What's on Your Mind?

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so what are you doing right now? (since i already know how ur day was lol)


Nothing really, just thinking about whether or not I want to:

a) scan my newest pic

B) do A and then make it prettiful on the computer

c) color/ink first then do A

d) not scan it at all and leave it be


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Nothing really, just thinking about whether or not I want to:

a) scan my newest pic

B) do A and then make it prettiful on the computer

c) color/ink first then do A

d) not scan it at all and leave it be


prettiful lol~

i learned a new word <3

im coloring kasumi right now

such a pain ==

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how cood u forget ze hunds!

I just did! D: I was tire! And plus, that's really the only hand I need, so... :/ Easy to forget... Poor Shiho, I forgot her hand until now.... D:

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More like drew. I did it yesterday. Shinichi too, though it's not a ShinShi pic. Just something that came to mind when thinking about the APTX-4869~~


I'm so excited for it~

when'll it be done? (procrastination IS OK)

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