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Officer Kaoko

What's on Your Mind?

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^hello miike. ^_^ how are you? :)

now I was eating my favorite biscuit, it's so tasty. Days are pretty good, I'm wearing two layers of t-shirts, that's for my punishment spending too much in the pool.

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@Miike- LOL. 2 shirts. that must be irritating XD

@RAR - I know. Fresh milk tastes good, I think..

yeah. XD But it's bearable, and I won't catch cold. :)

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does that mean you easily catch cold? XD

*shake head* Not all the time. :D If I'm in swimming pool for long period, I'm likely; I have to be self conscious of my health. :)

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*shake head* Not all the time. :D If I'm in swimming pool for long period, I'm likely; I have to be self conscious of my health. :)

I see. :) Had you answered yes, I would've boasted I'm one unusually strong girl, even stronger than you. XD

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<333 this is an uber slow reply XD I hope you left some for me :V

can't blame you. I just saw this reply of yours, too. XD yea, I've left some in the fridge for you. <33333 btw, had to go to sleep now. *yawns*

good mornight, everyone! :grin:

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