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Officer Kaoko

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yeah you :P Yes way :P Im awesomer than you xP

@ai-chan-who told you that? :P Im the awesomest here

liar :P

Apparently I'm not allowed to grieve either in my house. :|

Other then feeling like crap, I'm doing well. :x

awwww isnt conia enough to make you smile? :P


Of course. :P And hey AiLoveConan~!! XD How're you? :P


lol im okayish

another liar :P

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My ferret died yesterday. My youngest and favorite. :|


:V Liars :P

Im the AWEZOMEZT PERSON on earth :P

see? another lie :V :P

What lie? :P

the one where you said you were the awesomenest when it was obvious that i was :P

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My ferret died yesterday. My youngest and favorite. :|

DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: May (s)he rest in peace.

And hi all~ \o

OMM: Hurray~, half day tomorrow! Which means PANCAKES! \o/

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My cousin's status is the most epic quote I have ever seen....

"The Problem: The smart people of this world are full of worry and doubt, while the dumb ones are filled with unyielding confidence."

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So-chan- Stalking works well. :P

KTP- I know, it's going to take some time though. :(

Misaki- <333333s *hugs* She was six. :(

SL: it's hard to lose your friends, but just remember the times you spent, but make sure to grieve. They are at peace now and won't suffer. Everything happens for a reason, and your memories will always keep their memories with you.

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She has 2 other ferrets, and the oldest one is 14, to give you an idea.

Ah. =X

OMM: .... I hate you dad. <_< Like, I really hate you right now. Forcing me into all honors... THAT IS NOT FAIR. NOT AT ALL. THIS IS MY CHOICE, WHY CAN'T I CHOOSE TO TAKE A REGULAR SCIENCE COURSE? GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! *punches wall*

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