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Why do people constantly brag about making AMVs despite them all being complete crap?

The majority of them are just :generic instrumental track + the same 15 "emotional" scenes from whatever anime (whatever terrible anime with the exception of one piece) they choose with their shitty little descriptions like "PLEASE WATCH!!1 I WORKED 30 HOURS ON THIS!!!"

If you spend 30 hours working on a 5 minute video, you're a pathetic loser and you seriously need a new hobby, and a life

Also would be nice if these random idiots would stop spamming my youtube inbox with their ridiculous crap

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Why do people constantly brag about making AMVs despite them all being complete crap?

The majority of them are just :generic instrumental track + the same 15 "emotional" scenes from whatever anime (whatever terrible anime with the exception of one piece) they choose with their shitty little descriptions like "PLEASE WATCH!!1 I WORKED 30 HOURS ON THIS!!!"

If you spend 30 hours working on a 5 minute video, you're a pathetic loser and you seriously need a new hobby, and a life

They are not ALL complete crap- and they brag because it takes patience and practice for one to be good at it.

It takes practice to be good at something. A lot of the time you WILL make twenty-million bad videos before you get used to it and are really good at it. Which means that you can EXPECT for there to be millions of bad videos and only a few good ones.

And no, that doesn't make you a loser. It means you're actually spending time working on a skill that most people don't have that can actually GET you places in the world- which is more than most adults can say. Not very many people can say "I edit (TV show title here) and (another title here) for a living". And everybody HAS to start somewhere.

If you wanna rip on people for doing something that they not only love but will probably pay well in the future, I suggest making a name for yourself first and being a big-shot company owner (or something to the color of that) so that way you don't just look jealous. B) lol

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Okay, let's see if there's something in this post that makes your opinion on this matter as worthless as I think it is

If you wanna rip on people for doing something that they not only love but will probably pay well in the future, I suggest making a name for yourself first and being a big-shot company owner

Yup, there it is

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Okay, let's see if there's something in this post that makes your opinion on this matter as worthless as I think it is

Yup, there it is

I was attempting to be funny, but I see it was wasted.

Oh yes, and your opinion is one everybody should have. That doesn't make you sound bad at all. :rolleyes:

Your opinion is as worthless as mine is, remember. You're just as human as I am. And I don't know who told you differently. It won't get you very far in the game of life at all. xD

What's on my mind: I couldn't sleep for some reason.

Hmmm... oh well. Coffee with chocolate in it with breakfast it is! :D

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Why do people constantly brag about making AMVs despite them all being complete crap?

The majority of them are just :generic instrumental track + the same 15 "emotional" scenes from whatever anime (whatever terrible anime with the exception of one piece) they choose with their shitty little descriptions like "PLEASE WATCH!!1 I WORKED 30 HOURS ON THIS!!!"

If you spend 30 hours working on a 5 minute video, you're a pathetic loser and you seriously need a new hobby, and a life

Also would be nice if these random idiots would stop spamming my youtube inbox with their ridiculous crap

Not all of them. I never put please watch in my videos nor do this sub4sub thing lots of people have told me. Though telliing someone to watch their vid if they aren't someone they know is just....low.

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Why are all you guys have double personality... Its gonna be difficult to keep up with you all.. >__< I feel like I am getting on age... >__<

Oh, Please for heaven's sake kklt, You just find that out? Just whatever it was, Don't talk like you're the one who dosent have a "Doubled Personslity"

maybe we all Don't have a doubled personality, You're just seeing many sides of our only personality =\

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