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Officer Kaoko

What's on Your Mind?

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Why do people constantly brag about making AMVs despite them all being complete crap?

The majority of them are just :generic instrumental track + the same 15 "emotional" scenes from whatever anime (whatever terrible anime with the exception of one piece) they choose with their shitty little descriptions like "PLEASE WATCH!!1 I WORKED 30 HOURS ON THIS!!!"

If you spend 30 hours working on a 5 minute video, you're a pathetic loser and you seriously need a new hobby, and a life

Also would be nice if these random idiots would stop spamming my youtube inbox with their ridiculous crap

<3 Parkur. I tried to make an AMV, but gave up once I couldn't get it to the perfection I liked. At least I tried to make a great one. Most people don't bother.

D: I see par-chan is being mean again as usual~ *sighs*

It's not being mean. Parkur's just blunter with his opinions then most. I can be just as "mean" if I wanted to (and I have been).

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Kinda, but the HW is simple enough; just copy down some words a few times.

Ah, I see. I'm learning Spanish. :P

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day, huh?

Yup. I hope I finish my drawing for DCW in time.

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Tomorrow's Valentine's Day, huh?


Ah, I see. I'm learning Spanish. :P

Yup. I hope I finish my drawing for DCW in time.

I see. Never have taken a liking to Spanish. :\

That reminds me, I need to start mine. =X

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