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Just found out that the daughter of one of my mom's good friends was the VA for Minerva Glass. Rather surprised and can't believe she didn't tell me earlier. <_<

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*Le me checking e-mail*

*le notice e-mail regarding Senior Graduation Speech*


First and foremost, we appreciate your time and effort in wanting to make the Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2012 amazing. 17 speeches were submitted this year. We chose to select 10 candidates to audition.

Congratulations, you are one of those finalists! You have earned the right to audition on May 23, 2012 and have a chance at the honor of speaking at the ??????? on June 21, 2012.

Below are the questions that the members had to keep in mind as they rated the written speeches.

Is the speech logical, clear, organized, with good transitions and vivid details?

Is the content interesting, humorous, relatable, and appropriate for graduation?

Will this speech inspire, encourage, enlighten, provoke thought, recreate the High School experience to the listeners?

In order to maximize your chance of earning the TWO student speaking spots, please continue to improve your speech and perfect your oral presentation skills. Feel free to see me or any other teacher/mentor for help.

You must provide a finalized copy of your speech by 3:15 on May 22, Tuesday for the May 23, Wednesday audition to be held in Mr.????’s room ????. Prior to Friday May 18, you will need to see Mr.???? to figure out your particular time slot for the audition.

Please reply to this email with your name, so that I know that you have received this important information.



Class of 2012

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*hair is shuffled* :<

So how are you?

I'm fine... I've been busy because of my classes... D=

How bout you?

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I'm fine... I've been busy because of my classes... D=

How bout you?

D= Same here~~~ ;___________; Since I'm going to be graduating middle school soon, it's sooooo busy~~~~~

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Avengers was AWESOME! and Hilarious too! Wow, I haven't had laughed at action movies since Rush Hour series and Men in Black series! NOt to mention MIB 3!!!! KYA~~~! *Insert fan girl boy reaction here*

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Alright, for those who think it's a joke, my break-up with Jean is legit. I'm not joking around. It's been nice while it lasted, but I don't think I can make it any longer.

Thought that happened a long time ago, but ok.


If I remember correctly, it was implied in IU's "Dear Anonymous" post. :/

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