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I wonder if GOOGLE can solve your problem :mellow:

... Solved it anyway. Had someone scan and send them to me.

No, Google could not have told me which chapters in physics were the ones we took. :mellow:

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if endless love means a love that never ends..

then what do we say for "study that never ends"? ...endless study? *gloomy

What about perpetual hell? (haha sorry for those who love going to school)

OMM: I hate/love rain.

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What about perpetual hell? (haha sorry for those who love going to school)

OMM: I hate/love rain.





Noooo wait.. Why can't I bring my iPhone in!? I know you said no camera phones.,, BUT STILL... My iPhone!!!! DX


LOL iPhones should die.

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LOL iPhones should die.


It's like.. the best touch screen phoneeeeeee EVA. (until galaxies took over the universe)


I mean like... aside from it being small, everything else is what I needed. It's also idiot friendly unlike many other phones... XDDDDDDDDD

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It's like.. the best touch screen phoneeeeeee EVA. (until galaxies took over the universe)

I mean like... aside from it being small, everything else is what I needed. It's also idiot friendly unlike many other phones... XDDDDDDDDD

nah.. Nokia is the best. Lol :P

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Samsung Galaxy S4 FTWWW!! <333

My brother had a samsung... It broke easily :V

@twin-Yeah it is indestructible xD Not really... Comparing to iphone and samsung. Its far better when it comes to quality but theres more apps on android/samsung and iphone.

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What samsung was that? :V 

Besides, I agree. They tend to break faster than any phone I had. :V My last samsung? S3? Three months & Bam. Fell and the screen broke. 

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LOL. They all break too easily. On the other hand, nokia, I dropped the phone on the bathroom floor and *bounce* I caught it again safe and sound :P

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Speaking of phones, I still haven't got one myself. :V


...how come people make fun of me when I say that.

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