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Officer Kaoko

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(ZUBAT! Where are ya? Battle is nothing without exploding people!

Astra! Help!

Ari-that saying right back at ya!)

*dragons land on the field and incinirates half of the enemy forces*

*Telkhines whack enemies with metal scraps*

*The Roman standard shoots lightning at people*

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*A horde of Varangian Guard attacking the Roman Standards*

*Two regiments of Pavise Crossbowmen raining death upon the attackers outside the castle*

*Valther used BM-21 Grad to bombard the attackers*

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*Legionnaires advance with pila raised and slay the frontliners*

*Dragons with iron sikin continue flying and breahing fire on the enemy troops*

*The Minotaur slays every enemy with his 5 foot double-edged Omega sword*

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*Two regiment of Brigada, armed with Glock 18 and a sword laced with ricin are attacking the Legionnaires*

*Use S-300 to destroy the DNA seeking missile*

*A battalion of Tesla Tank are battling the Minotaur*

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(Tesla Tanks are the new Percy Jackson?)

*The Kerkopes cause disarray among the enemy legions*

*Maimer destroys an entire lane of AK-47s*

*Demeter turns an entire legion of enemies into wheat*

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(No, it's a reference to C&C Red Alert 3)


*Use StuH-42 to take out the Maimer*

*Tesla Trooper killing Kerkopes in one sweep*

*Use V4 Rockets to bombard the Romans*

*Use Apocalypse Tank to turn the tides*

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*launches squirrel archers to RedAngel-chan*

Sodium, you fight Ari-kun! I'll take care of this lady here!!!!!

*commands "Fire!"*

Why do you got modern weapons and all I had were some squirrels plus bow and arrow?

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(Ari-meant that Percy Jackson once killed the Minotaur)

*Satyrs play their pipes and trap enemies in trees*

*Eidolons possess enemies and make them kill theirselves*

*Campers slash through people with daggers and swords*

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TT_TT (like Chamberlain from the Dark Crystal) PLEAAAASE make PEACE! </3


Oh, and I'm not returning the Princess. Since Rukia-chan isn't here to fight back, she's my prisoner of war until peace is made. :P


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(Campers... Aren't they usually sitting ducks and snipe unlucky people?)


*Use snipers to neutralize the camper*

*Impalers firing a hail of Katyusha to drain Eidolons' morale*

*Use propaganda to make Satyrs panic*

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Now before I go into rhyme mode and marvel at how boring this is, can I ask a question? Oh I just did. Carry on.


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(AL! I see you're here! Where's ya minion?)

*Cyclopes attack enemies with clubs*

*Hellhounds trample people not allied with us*

*Werewolves pounce and tear apart enemies*

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Now before I go into rhyme mode and marvel at how boring this is, can I ask a question? Oh I just did. Carry on.

   Care to join in my effort for peace? :D Princess Rukia and I are going to end the war in no time (as soon as she logs on)  :lol:

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(Reference to Call of Duty)


*Juggernauts firing their M240s to take out the cyclops*

*Sleeper-agent used Nova-6 nerve gas to kill Hellhounds and Werewolves*

*Spetsnaz are advancing with their brute force*

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*Party Ponies trample very enemy in search for root beer*

*Greek fire is launched and burns half of the remaining enemy forces*

*Campers make poisonous plants grow at the feet of enemy soldiers*

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MY princess, not yours. :P

Okay, Nara wake up. Astra shake her, she uncontrollable in her sleep. And Ari no weapons allowed on DCW. Have invisible guns instead.

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MY princess, not yours. :P

Okay, Nara wake up. Astra shake her, she uncontrollable in her sleep. And Ari no weapons allowed on DCW. Have invisible guns instead.

Woah woah woah woah. There's no way Ruki-chan would be YOUR Princess. I called dibs. Plus I kidnapped her as a prisoner of war, so Princess Ruki-chan is mine. 

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@AL- Tsk tsk. Of all people I thought you would be the one who is strict with grammar. Subject-verb agreement. 'Nara' is singular, therefore the verb must be wakes.

And why did ya tell Ari "No weapons allowed" if I was dreaming the whole thing?

And where's your minion?

And where's astra?,

@KK- It's Princess L

EDIT- @AL Spotted another mistake. It should be "She's uncontrollable in her sleep.

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Sodium: here!!!

Got Dionysus convince yo turn the enemies into dolphins.

Medusa is on our side. Turn them to hard hard rocks!!!

Mrs. O'Leary stomp Ari's minions!!!

Smelly Gabe...well, his smell cpuld literally kill...


ALien: We're dreaming the same dream then and funny you sound like a grandpa..:P

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