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Officer Kaoko

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I bought a really cool jacket today. It's got like diagonal zipper and it looks sleek. The fabric's breathable too. It doesn't have a hood and it's like form fitting which kinda sucks but I'm gonna look so cool come spring. i'm so hype

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That jacket sounds like a real babe magnet. What color is it


ah yes I am going to get all the chicks. all of them. every... single.. one.

It's black with the zipper and lining of the pockets being that annoying shade of yellow used in athletic clothes. (in case you aren't familiar with it, the color I'm talking about looks like this) The shoes I wear most of the time have laces that same shade of yellow so it'll look color coordinated and everything

It's also got those like elbow patches and man I'm gonna look so fancy 

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I sneezed and scared my cat away tumblr_m42quycKpl1r58lid.gif

I don't know why this made me laugh as much as it did, but these little cat icons of yours are too good.


I should watch that movie but I wanna stay on my laptop and iPad

Ah yes, 10-year-old-born-in-the-21st-century problems.  It is a weekday, you know...




1. My Shulk is slated to arrive on Thursday.  Thank God, because everything in my life is due Thursday and I seriously need a pick-me-upper.

2. The Eon Ticket will be available for only one week?!  Hm, guess I'll ask my parents to let me use my 3DS briefly over the weekend.


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I don't know why this made me laugh as much as it did, but these little cat icons of yours are too good.


Ah yes, 10-year-old-born-in-the-21st-century problems.  It is a weekday, you know...




1. My Shulk is slated to arrive on Thursday.  Thank God, because everything in my life is due Thursday and I seriously need a pick-me-upper.

2. The Eon Ticket will be available for only one week?!  Hm, guess I'll ask my parents to let me use my 3DS briefly over the weekend.

Yes, I know, and I also know how to solve the problem. Well, I already did. I'm watching the movie while using my laptop and iPad

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I found pictures of the kind of haircut I want and I like the way this one person has it specifically done but I can't find any good reference pictures of them with it tumblr_m42qzrJMNM1r58lid.jpg

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I want to use his stupidity as an argument for my third warrant (the ability grouping scheme choosing process is flawed and discriminatory, as it ignores the fact of multiple intelligence) in my argumentative essay. See, he's good at school. But he knows absolutely NOTHING about a topic if it wasn't taught in school.

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I want to use his stupidity as an argument for my third warrant (the ability grouping scheme choosing process is flawed and discriminatory, as it ignores the fact of multiple intelligence) in my argumentative essay. See, he's good at school. But he knows absolutely NOTHING about a topic if it wasn't taught in school.

Hi Nara !!! And ... Eto ... I don't know what to say >_<

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... In all seriousness though, why is a high school senior like me staying up so late?  Really, why am I still trying and working so hard?  I think I need to take a step back, breathe deeply, and get my priorities straight.  Thursday is going to be hell and I know it.  If I stay up late tonight, I'm going to be a mess later today and that won't bode well for tomorrow.  A lot of things need to get done by then, but they won't get done if my mind isn't focused.  I guess I should sleep now, before I ruin my health any further.  Yes, that would be a good idea.  I don't even know why I was compelled to write this.  It isn't very well-written or well-organized because my brain is a mashed potato right now, and I should be using this time to sleep.  

Alright, carry on, nothing to see here.  Just me rambling on about nothing, haha......................................

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I'm exhausted. Weekends and holidays don't exist anymore.

Well, I got some 'holidays' and only went to college in four days.

I hate someone who is a firearm ignorance.

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