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Officer Kaoko

What's on Your Mind?

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Je-chan! If you fail, I care! If you get hurt, I care! If you're gone, I WILL FREAKIN' CARE!!! I will always be here for you, and don't you forget it! After all, we're friends! I may not be able to help your situation in your actual life, but here, I'll always listen. I promise! Now cheer up, ok? *hugs*

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SAERFVXCLKJ! I can't handle this. I can't do this. I can't. My gosh I can't.

SO I'M THE SELFISH BRAT AM I? OH? I HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE ANGRY? Ha. My freaking sister was JUST talking about how she said those words to someone else to get her out of doing something. In reality she could. In reality it wasn't a problem. I know she's freaking lying to me. I just need this one time. This one time. And who gives a dang. You know that? No one does. No. One. Does. No one cares that I'm struggling with my last days of school. No one cares that my freaking 'friend' is going to ditch the one thing of importance to me. In fact, now it's another way I've caused this effing world a problem. So I can't be sincere. I have to go be a problem by existing and talking to them. I can't be taken seriously! Heck no, that'd be freaking impossible! Who the heck would take me seriously? HMM? No one. Now I've got to protect someone and I have no effing idea how to. I'm living my nightmares. Suddenly, someone important to me also doesn't hardly acknowledge my existence. That person seems so distant again. I've been messing everything up. My mother believes that all her freaking cleaning that she'd like me to do is more important than school, that right now I can't concentrate on worth my life. I can't handle this. She's mad now, you know, 'cause I'm upset that my sister won't pull through this time. 'Cause she has her own life. Who gives a crap if I have a life too. Heck, I don't obviously. So screw it all. Screw. It. All. If I fail, who cares. If I'm hurt, who cares. If I'm gone, who cares.

"If I go away tomorrow, what will you do?"

"It won't matter."

Some friend >:B if you go away tomorrow, all of us here would miss you :3 And you're not a selfish brat, you're a really nice and supercool person who needs to be heard. We lahb you <3

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@Misaki-chan Arigatou na.. *hugs back* I'm just really stressed out la..

@Sayomi Thank you.. The last quoted words were from one of my nightmares :) odd, right? Hahaha.. I'm not super cool..

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@Misaki-chan Arigatou na.. *hugs back* I'm just really stressed out la..

@Sayomi Thank you.. The last quoted words were from one of my nightmares :) odd, right? Hahaha.. I'm not super cool..

I get nightmares too. Gin doesn't shoot ME anymore... he shoots Meitantei Holmes xP

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Neither. I'm using it for DCW. Why? So Mark won't find my location that easily.

I still need to ask which vpn r u using..and I think China is big enough for u to hide.

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I still need to ask which vpn r u using..and I think China is big enough for u to hide.

1. You don't need to know.

2. Who said I'm in China? The only reason I'm using this is because of a certain person *cough* Mark *cough*. I wouldn't bother otherwise.

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@Forever: O.O I'll stuff wasabi ice cream in your mouth if you go!


violin lessons T.T

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I'm too tired to not go to sleep tonight...

Damn stress...

You won't play Pokemon? O___o

I'm too scared to go to sleep xD If I get REALLY bored I might decide to play Emerald again :3

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You won't play Pokemon? O___o

I'm too scared to go to sleep xD If I get REALLY bored I might decide to play Emerald again :3

You have no idea what I went through mentally today...

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