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Officer Kaoko

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I'm feeling de ja vu again. Weight loss and gain are turning me crazy this few years. *shake head* Advertisement? I hardly watch much of them, I have sore muscle and been started to get my body back to shape.

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why must this be so complicated? .. actually everything is clear - what holds him back?! .__.

Guy troubles? Join the club. There really is a club. But you're part of it already, ne?

I feel like I'm going to puke. I lost my appetite completely. I never want to see that again. Ever. The blood...*shudders* Never again. Never.

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AAAAhhhhh study Hall! I rememeber when I had Study Hall, oh god it was SSOOO much fun escpcially since it was held in a Japanese classroom... Good times-good times XP

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In France, April 1st is Poison d'Avril. You get to stick paper fishes onto people backs. I bet Kaito would hate this holiday.... *snickers*

OMG, seriously?!?!?!

Great. You just gave me a plot bunny. It won't go away. I must write!!!

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FML. First, my brother defrosted the pizza and it was so saggy that it took me 10 minutes to get it into the oven. Now, 25 minutes later, it's burned. NOOOOOOO XP And to top it off, I tried looking for Pusheen plushies... and THEY'RE OUT OF STOCK DDDDD: The only good part of my day was spent at school....

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