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Detective Conan World
Officer Kaoko

What's on Your Mind?

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Shots... they don't feel like anything.

I donated blood few times. Doesn't hurt. Nothing bad happens.

But these might occur to some people:

-Hunger (This is what I experienced first time. Since you lose blood, you need to eat to make more blood.)

-Sleepiness (My friend had this. He was dozing off.)

-Feeling Weak (Only on the arm that you donated your blood.)

This is only if you lose too much... You won't get these from donating:

-Feeling like a liquid


-Blurry vision

-Everything sounds like underwater (Like, you can't hear things clearly.)

There's more but I can't think of it right now.... *Spacing out*....

crap I forgot to click [Post!]

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Where can I get the lines? It'd be great if I had lines for Conan. and Sure I might be able to do Shinichi...

Do you watch the subbed version? I think you can try using those first... i downloaded the video and copied the subs from there... >_< although i think it might not be the actual translation.

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Oh... I watched Korean subs...

uhh.. I'll try to look for English subs and type out Conan parts....

any other characters I should try in your opinion?

Ive never heard your voice before, so Im not sure. Im just guessing how you will sound if your voice just broke halfway :P

and maybe Genta and the younger guy who walked in the wrong room :P

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