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What the- when did IU get on? I didn't notice... did I...? :huh: dunno she is still unknown... (lol if you get that joke....)

I'm back.


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You're tired? *is currently incapable of being tired due to energy drink* I wish I was tired...

CURE-KUN GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!! *dances around happily*

I'm drawing myself for fun. And snuck a few Butterfingers from the fridge. I'm also writing the *ashemd look* ShinShi fic.

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kekeke "global warming" not = "Climate change"

If you actually check the statistics, one of the volcanic eruptions released so much CO2 into the air that it wiped out all of the energy-saving stuff we've been doing for the past decade...

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If you actually check the statistics, one of the volcanic eruptions released so much CO2 into the air that it wiped out all of the energy-saving stuff we've been doing for the past decade...

That chart! I call it the Hockey Stick....

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Yepyep and climate change is a very general term which could refer to any kind of changes, be it global warming or global cooling, and it can refer to global changes or just specific areas. Global warming on the other hand is a specific occurence due to the greenhouse effect.

Global warming and global cooling are meant to exist together and they occur in a cycle. we have just passed the peak of global warming a few years ago, so we can hope to expect Global cooling for the next decade. :D

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5 more presentation/projects left for my science class!!! had like 20 last week =_=...

I might just do them now.






Meningitis is uh... you don't want to look at it if it is severe... really interesting though.

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Oh, I can see why it's like a hockey stick now.

How many projects do you guys have in Science? O.O

*hiccuping noise*

*peeks out door*

My dog is dreaming...

I. Can't. Sleep. My stupid energy drink is still keeping me awake. I feel like I have insomnia.

I'm gonna write my fic...

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welcome to my world.

Sometimes I can't sleep for 3 days straight. Even with out caffeine...

Then I start to see stuff(Hallucinating) and gets knocked out.

The ones I listed are the only ones left.

I had to do a research on 10 different diseases, and 10 other things that are related to Biology(Physio, Anatomy, Psycho, Histo, Micro/molecular bio, biochem, Neurology, environmental sci, Evolution, etc.... )

The presentation in the story I posted in LHC was one of them. And that took the most time : 2 days.

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Do you think my dad would hear me popping popcorn? I need something to do...I WANT TO FALL ASLEEP, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!?! <-- really shouldn't have had the energy drink

Are you thinking of one of those as your future career or something? Good luck with them!

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You shouldn't pop popcorns if someone is sleeping or if that person gets irritated easily.

It looks like you aren't resistant to caffeine yet. lol. Sodas barely have any caffeine.

5 hour energy does not work on me any more... =_=

uh.. maybe yea.... researcher.... but that's what scientists do, right?

If DC is real about APTX4869, I would make Anti-aging medicines with that. :P

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Lol. And I don't drink much caffeine. Nor do I drink much soda. The energy drink is...uh the type that my mom's employers handed out to them and basically said "We're gonna be working 24/7 if possible so drink up if you feel the slightest bit tired".

Anti-aging medicine would be quite popular. But it'd also end up causing quite a few problems with overpopulation, theft, kidnapping (of you or your future family), etc. etc. Consequences of being famous and all.

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Yea. Those 5hr energy(or whatever it's really called) is for people who needs to stay up.

I used it a lot of times whenever I had to take exams.

Yea,, Anti-aging will be popular.... mostly among women.

Well, Anti- aging doesn't necessarily mean you go back to your younger self. It's like "Keeping your young looks."

You will age, but just you will look young.

Apoptosis is programmed cell destruction, which is pretty much how the the cells get rid of the dead ones... (it looks like melting themselves... it really does.)

In DC, APTX4869 is destroying your cells so that you go back to your young age, or die.

In real life, it will definitely kill you 100%.

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I used my first one more wisely on a day when I barely got any sleep. This time...it was the cause for me having barely any sleep.


Yeah. It'd be really dangerous to try...apoptosis occurs naturally but if not stimulated properly...it wouldn't be pretty...

Your member title fits, Cure-kun. :)

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Yes it does! :D

If Apoptosis go wrong = High chance creating Cancerous Tumors.

Now that...would be bad. I suppose you'd need to be somewhat like Haibara and test it out on lab rats.

o.O *totally no clue* <--- has never taken Biology in her life and totally sucks at chemistry.

Well, I'm no expert, but I did go and search up apoptosis and stuff like that.

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Now that...would be bad. I suppose you'd need to be somewhat like Haibara and test it out on lab rats.

Did that explain why I would like a girl like Haibara?

Grace is perfect. She can speak the language of science!!!

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