Head-to-Head Match with the Black Organization: A Dual Mystery on a Full Moon Night

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The Convenience Store Trap List of Episodes Find the Buttock's Mark
Episode 345
(Int. Episode 371-375)

TV Episode 345.jpg

Title: Head-to-Head Match with the Black Organization: A Dual Mystery on a Full Moon Night
Japanese title: 黒の組織と真っ向勝負満月の夜の二元ミステリー
(Kuro no Soshiki to Makkou Shoubu Mangetsu no Yoru no Nigen Misuterii)
Original airdate: January 5, 2004 *
Broadcast rating: 16.7%
Manga case: #125
Season: 9
Manga source: Volume 42: Files 5-10 (429-434)
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Shinichi Kudo
Kogoro Mouri
Heiji Hattori
Ai Haibara
Jodie Starling
Shuichi Akai
Tomoaki Araide
Ran Mouri
Sonoko Suzuki
Yukiko Kudo
Hiroshi Agasa
Hikaru Yasumoto
Mitsu Araide
Yoko Araide
Yoshiteru Araide
Juzo Megure
Ninzaburo Shiratori
Wataru Takagi
Miwako Sato
Kazunobu Chiba
Kazuha Toyama
Akemi Miyano
Case solved by: Heiji Hattori
Next Conan's Hint: Tarot card
Director: Masato Sato
Storyboard: Yasuichiro Yamamoto
Chika Ichimaru
Episode director: Minoru Tozawa
Masato Sato
Animation director: Keiko Sasaki (Chief)
Rei Masunaga
Atsushi Aono
Akiko Kawashima
Katsunori Enomoto
Character design: Masatomo Sudo
Kumiko Shishido (design works)
Opening song: Kimi to Yakusoku Shita Yasashii Ano Basho Made
Closing song: Kimi to Iu Hikari
* 2.5 Hour Special

Head-to-Head Match with the Black Organization: A Dual Mystery on a Full Moon Night (黒の組織と真っ向勝負満月の夜の二元ミステリー Kuro no Soshiki to Makkou Shoubu Mangetsu no Yoru no Nigen Misuterii?) is the 345th episode of Detective Conan anime.

Characters introduced





Kogoro receives an invitation to a Halloween cruise; the Halloween cruise is famous for hiring guests to star in a horror film. Conan receives the same invitation from Vermouth; the invitation however is addressed to Conan Edogawa and Shinichi Kudo, meaning Vermouth knows his true identity. During the cruise, the party members are divided into groups with team devil consisting of Kogoro, Sonoko, and people disguised as a werewolf, a mummy, a medusa and an invisible man. During the party, the host is shot by a crossbow, attached to the arrow is a card from team devil.


EP345 Case.jpg

Location: A cruise ship, where the "Off-Season Halloween Party" takes place
Victim: Haunted Ghost Captain (Senzo Fukura)
Cause of death: Arrow shot wound
Suspects: Party participants with the Devil's card including Medusa, Mummy, Werewolf, Invisible Man, and Frankenstein
The Haunted Ghost Captain was shot with a crossbow pierced by the devil's card while in the crow's nest of the ship.

The Mummy is the prime suspect since he lacks an alibi and his card is missing.


  • Resolution

    Manga to anime changes


    • This case is the first two and a half hour special.
    • Jodie's car is a white Peugeot 607 with the license plate of .823.
    • Araide's car is a Toyota Prius with the license plate of .323.
    • Calvados had a rifle, a shotgun, and three handguns, although Akai missed his pocket pistol, which was used to commit suicide.
    • In the post-credit scene, Gin is now driving a Porsche with the license plate of 43-68, in stead of the 48-69, which it was in Reunion with the Black Organization.


    BGM listing

    The Invitation from Hades

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    1 挫折 Zasetsu Frustration Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    2 (Unreleased BGM 1)
    3 (Unreleased BGM 11)
    4 モリアーティの広告 Moriāti no Kōkoku Moriarty's Announcement Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    5 君と約束した優しいあの場所まで Kimi to Yakusoku Shita Yasashii Ano Basho Made Until I Get You Gently to That Promised Place Kimi to Yakusoku Shita Yasashii Ano Basho Made
    6 犯人はお前だ! Hannin wa Omae da! The Culprit is You! Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack

    In Order to Advance

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    7 哀のサスペンス~ジンのテーマB Ai no Sasupensu ~ Jin no Tēma B Ai's Suspense ~ Gin's Theme B Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    8 ダイイング・メッセージ Daiingu・Messēji Dying Message Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    9 ノアズ・アーク悪のテーマ Noazu・Āku Aku no Tēma Noah's Ark Evil Theme Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    10 シンドラーのサスペンス Shindorā no Sasupensu Schindler's Suspense Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack

    The Spooks' Feast

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    11 小五郎の推理~シマリス (音響調整バージョン) Kogorō no Suiri ~ Shimarisu (Onkyō Chōsei Vājon) Kogoro's Deduction ~ Chipmunk (Acoustic Tuning Version)
    12 (Unreleased BGM 2)

    Departure for Darkness

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    13 コクーン (音響調整バージョン) Kokūn (Onkyō Chōsei Vājon) Cocoon (Acoustic Tuning Version)
    14 ジャック・ザ・リッパーの考察 Jakku・Za・Rippā no Kōsatsu Jack the Ripper's Consideration Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    15 ヒロキの決断~出航 Hiroki no Ketsudan ~ Shukkō Hiroki's Decision ~ Departure Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    16 モリアーティの広告 Moriāti no Kōkoku Moriarty's Announcement Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack

    The Phantom Ship

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    17 西の名探偵 (摩天楼ヴァージョン) Nishi no Meitantei (Mantenrō Vājon) The Great Detective of the West (Skyscraper Version) Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    18 (Unreleased BGM 1)

    Signature of Devil

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    19 ジンのテーマC Jin no Tēma C Gin's Theme C Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    20 (Unreleased BGM 3)
    21 捜査会議 Sōsa Kaigi Investigation Meeting Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    22 いよいよゲームステージへ Iyoiyo Gēmu Sutēji e To the Game Stage At Last Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack

    The Great Detective Appears

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    23 真相究明 Shinsō Kyūmei Investigating the Truth Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    24 アクアクリスタル Akua Kurisutaru Aqua Crystal Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    25 アクアクリスタル Akua Kurisutaru Aqua Crystal Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    26 古城の探索 Kojō no Tansaku Exploration of the Old Castle Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    27 一触即発 Isshokusokuhatsu Critical Situation Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    28 (Unreleased BGM 12)
    29 犯人(スナイパー)の正体 Hannin (Sunaipā) no Shōtai The Culprit's (Sniper's) Identity Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack

    The Great Detective Guesses

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    30 事件現場~コナンの推理 Jiken Genba ~ Konan no Suiri Crime Scene ~ Conan's Deduction Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    31 陰謀 (摩天楼ヴァージョン) Inbō (Mantenrō Vājon) Conspiracy (Skyscraper Version) Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    32 いよいよゲームステージへ Iyoiyo Gēmu Sutēji e To the Game Stage At Last Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    33 小五郎の推理 Kogorō no Suiri Kogoro's Deduction Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    34 対決のテーマ (摩天楼ヴァージョン) Taiketsu no Tēma (Mantenrō Vājon) Showdown Theme (Skyscraper Version) Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    35 怪盗キッドの予告状1 Kaitō Kiddo no Yokokujō 1 Kaitou Kid's Manifesto 1 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack

    Rotten Apple

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    36 優作の推理 Yūsaku no Suiri Yusaku's Deduction Detective Conan "The Phantom of Baker Street" Original Soundtrack
    37 映画BGM Eiga BGM Movie BGM Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    38 名探偵コナン・メインテーマ Meitantei Konan・Mein Tēma Detective Conan Main Theme Detective Conan Original Soundtrack 1
    39 ジンのテーマF Jin no Tēma F Gin's Theme F Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    40 尋問 Jinmon Interrogation Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    41 赤い光のスナイパー1 Akai Hikari no Sunaipā 1 The Sniper's Red Light 1 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack

    Truth Under the Mask

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    42 トリック Torikku Trick Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    43 暗殺者のテーマ─忍び寄る魔手 Ansatsusha no Tēma - Shinobiyoru Mashu Assassin's Theme - The Devil's Hand Approaches Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    44 怒りのメッセージ Ikari no Messēji Message of Anger Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack
    45 赤い光のスナイパー2 Akai Hikari no Sunaipā 2 The Sniper's Red Light 2 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    46 トリック Torikku Trick Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    47 黒い影─挑戦 Kuroi Kage - Chōsen Black Shadow - Challenge Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    48 怪盗キッドの予告状1 Kaitō Kiddo no Yokokujō 1 Kaitou Kid's Manifesto 1 Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack


    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    49 5・4・3・2・1! 5・4・3・2・1! 5・4・3・2・1! Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    50 顛末(TENMATSU) Tenmatsu (TENMATSU) The Facts (TENMATSU) Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    51 Need not to know. Need not to know. Need not to know. Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    52 テーブルの下に爆弾~急げ (音響調整バージョン) Tēburu no Shita ni Bakudan ~ Isoge (Onkyō Chōsei Vājon) Bomb Under the Table ~ Hurry (Acoustic Tuning Version)
    53 (Unreleased BGM 1)
    54 危機迫る~コナン出動 Kiki Semaru ~ Konan Shutsudō Approaching Crisis ~ Conan's Move Detective Conan "Countdown to Heaven" Original Soundtrack

    Silver Bullet

    # Song Title Romaji Translation OST
    55 時計じかけの摩天楼 Tokei Jikake no Mantenrō The Time-Bombed Skyscraper Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    56 運命の瞬間 Unmei no Shunkan Destined Moment Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    57 愛はいつも (歌:伊織) Ai wa Itsumo (Uta: Iori) Love is Always (Sung By: Iori) Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack
    58 漆黒の殺意 Shikkoku no Satsui Jet Black Murderous Intent Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    59 洞窟内の逃走 Dōkutsunai no Tōsō Escaping From the Cave Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    60 驚愕の真実 Kyōgaku no Shinjitsu Surprising Truth Detective Conan "Captured in Her Eyes" Original Soundtrack
    61 次のターゲット! Tsugi no Tāgetto! The Next Target! Detective Conan "The Fourteenth Target" Original Soundtrack
    62 忍び寄る危機 Shinobiyoru Kiki Incoming Crisis Detective Conan "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" Original Soundtrack
    63 君という光 Kimi to Iu Hikari The Light Called "You" Kimi to Iu Hikari
    64 愛はいつも (歌:伊織) Ai wa Itsumo (Uta: Iori) Love is Always (Sung By: Iori) Detective Conan "The Last Wizard of the Century" Original Soundtrack

    In other languages

    Language Title Translation
    Flag of Arabic Arabic دعوة من مجهول An invitation from an anonymous
    Flag of Catalonia Catalan (Catalan dub) Confrontació amb l'Organització negra. El misteri dual de la nit de lluna plena Confrontation with the Black Organization: The dual mystery of a full moon night
    Flag of Valencia Catalan (Valencian dub) Confrontació amb l'Organització dels Homes de Negre. Misteri doble en una nit de lluna plena Confrontation with the Man in Black Organization: Double mystery on a full moon night
    Flag of Republic of China Chinese (traditional) 滿月之夜的雙重謎題 Double Mystery on a Full Moon Night
    Flag of France French Confrontation avec l'organisation des hommes en noir – Deux mystères sous une nuit de pleine lune Confrontation with the organization of the men in black – Two mysteries under a full moon night
    Flag of Germany German Direkte Konfrontation: Zwei Mysterien in einer Vollmondnacht Direct confrontation: Two mysteries in a full moon night
    Flag of Italy Italian Misteri in una notte di luna piena Mysteries on a full moon night
    Flag of South Korea Korean 만월의 밤의 이원 미스터리 Dual Mystery on a Full Moon Night
    Flag of Spain Spanish (Castilian dub) Confrontación con la Organización: el doble reto de Vermouth Confrontation with the Organization: Vermouth double challange
    Flag of Thailand Thai ปะทะองค์กรชุดดำ ปริศนาคูณสองในคืนเดือนเพ็ญ Clash with the Black Organization; Double mysteries on a full moon night
    Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Chạm trán với băng Áo đen: Hai bí mật trong đêm trăng tròn Head-to-Head with the Black Organization: A Dual Mystery on a Full Moon Night

    See also

    Collapse Episodes of Season 9
    Episode 345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383
    Collapse Black Organization
    High ranking The BossRumGinVermouth
    Other agents VodkaKir (undercover) • ChiantiKornBourbon (undercover)
    Deceased agents Akemi MiyanoTequilaKenzo Masuyama/PiscoCalvadosRikumichi KusudaEthan Hondou (undercover) • Hiromitsu Morofushi/Scotch (undercover)
    Former agents Shiho Miyano/Sherry (Ai Haibara) • Shuichi Akai/Dai Moroboshi/Rye (undercover) • Ki'ichiro Numabuchi
    Extended canon Yoshiaki Hara (movie only) • Irish (movie only) • Masaaki Okakura (movie only) • Arrack (special manga only) • Generic (special manga only) • Blackbeard (special manga only) • Kate Lauren (playstation only) • Curaçao (movie only) • Stout (movie only) • Aquavit (movie only) • Leona Bucholz/Riesling (movie only) • Man in bar (tv special only) • Pinga (movie only)
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