Difference between revisions of "User:Jimmy-kud0-tv2/Untranslated Interviews"

From Detective Conan Wiki
(Untranslated Interviews sub page)
(Mid 90s Interview Unknown)
(12 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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The remaining interviews come from this page : http://conan-4869.net/post-5361
The remaining interviews come from this page : http://conan-4869.net/post-5361
===Mid 90s Interview Unknown===
===Newtype Interview 1994===
[[File: interview with image of gosho and kaito.jpg|300px]]
[[File: interview with image of gosho and kaito.jpg|300px]]
[[File: interview with image of gosho and kaito2.jpg|300px]]
[[File: interview with image of gosho and kaito2.jpg|300px]]
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===AnimeAnime Interview RAW===
劇場版「名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手」公開直前 原作・青山剛昌先生インタビュー <br>
(before) April 18, 2014 <br>
http://animeanime.jp/article/2014/04/18/18340.html <br>
―青山 <br>
―AA <br>
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
そうですね、バイオリズムみたいなものです! オリンピック選手がオリンピックに向けて技術や体調を整えるように、僕もそこに向かって盛り上げる。今回のように原作と同じネタで盛り上がるのは初めてです。
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
映画やドラマを見て研究しています。最近のお気に入りはドラマ『福家警部補の挨拶』で音楽がかっこよくて好きです。最近見た映画では『ローン・レンジャー』『96時間 リベンジ』。
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
―AA <br>
―青山 <br>
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[[File:20 Year Cinema Guide Inerview32.jpg|300px]]
[[File:20 Year Cinema Guide Inerview32.jpg|300px]]
[[File:20 Year Cinema Guide Inerview33.jpg|300px]]<br>
[[File:20 Year Cinema Guide Inerview33.jpg|300px]]<br>
=== Asahi Newspaper Interview 2016 ===
「名探偵コナン」青山剛昌さんがエール July 16, 2016 <br>
Source: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-296434-1-1.html <br>
Raw text<br>
鳥取の球児 ガンバレ
 あおやま・ごうしょう  1963年、北栄町(旧大栄町)出身。日本大学芸術学部卒。86年、「ちょっとまってて」で小学館新人コミック大賞少年部門に入選、94年から「週刊少年サンデー」(小学館)で「名探偵コナン」の連載を開始。単行本は89巻まで刊行され、世界21の国と地域で翻訳、出版されている。テレビアニメなどにもなり、映画は今年公開の「名探偵コナン 純黒の悪夢」で20作目。ほかに「まじっく快斗」「YAIBA」などの作品がある。
Raw image
[[File:Asahi newspaper interview 2016.jpg|300px]][[File:Asahi newspaper interview 2016 2.jpg|300px]]
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=== Heiji and Kazuha Secret Archives Interviews ===
=== Gosho Aoyama 30th Ann Book ===
Heiji and Kazuha Secret Archives interviews<br>
May 9, 2017<br>
Book Cover and inside cover : https://imgur.com/a/P3KPt <br>
Color pages at beginning of book : https://imgur.com/a/Lhicp <br>
Gosho's Seven tools and statistics : https://imgur.com/a/4P4up <br>
Interview 1 : https://imgur.com/a/rlinI <br>
Interview 2 : https://imgur.com/a/F37Q1 (40 pages)<br>
Interview 3, more statistics, Gosho's studio layout, rough draft page : https://imgur.com/a/6NKK9 <br>
Secret talk pages : https://imgur.com/a/GbNAv <br>
Everything else p1 : https://imgur.com/a/ChZe1 <br>
Everything else p2 : https://imgur.com/a/ZunGf
Some Translations from Red Thread
info by 頭脳明晰天真爛漫; English translation by Jiamin
Hi there! This is Aoyama, it’s a little sudden, but I am going to announce my “favorite chapter in my 30-year career”
Since my debut in 1986, I cannot possibly remember the numbers of chapters I’ve drawn, however, when it was asked “the number one chapter,” I can answer it without any hesitation. There’s no other option, the one and only great chapter that need to exist in this world! That is!!!.... the hint is “hospital.”
[the next page reveals: Shinichi Boy(part one, 923), and the book shows rough draft of the chapter and Aoyama sensei’s page by page notes/comments]
(TN: Shinichi boy was drawn while Aoyama was hospitalized in 2015, in SDB 90+ he also mentioned he created the chapter with the feeling that “this great chapter needs to exist in the world”)
Additional info from @oooHYYo (no scan provided), translation by Jiamin:
1. Aoyama sensei’s favorite movie: last year’s was good, so does movie 1 & movie 4
2. The Higo charm case, when Conan received Ran’s text, he’s probably thinking “I wanna reply ASAP! But I can’t” or something like that
3. Favorite chapter “Shinichi Boy” when Ran said “don’t call me crybaby” Shinichi’s thinking”why is she mad, she seems so cute/sweet”
Additional info about the Panel of Shinichi and Ran's first meeting:
Aoyama: this is the panel I worked really hard on! The moment they met, which is a significant moment, but I just couldn’t get it right, I altered so many drafts for this scene
Aoyama: Ran was pleased to hear Shinichi’s “Thank you”, so she responded with a huge smile “There you go!” But we couldn’t see the smile, it didn’t show in “Ran Girl” either. The smile was revealed at the end of “Shinichi Boy(part 2)”, the kind of smile which moved Shinichi, and fell in love with Ran.
info provided by 米花快报; English translation by Jiamin
Q: Congratulations on the 30th anniversary for your career, is there a year that was most memorable to you?
A: it was the year that the production of first Conan movie was decided. Before that, I feel troubled on writing Conan, and thought it was probably time to end it. I had to come out of new ways to kill people every week, it was extremely difficult for me. And the editorial department went out of their ways to meddle in my creation, I hated that. So I decided to go to Las Vegas with my assistants, splurged all the moneys that I have earned at that time, and decided to end Conan when I come back home. But then I received a phone call in my hotel in Vegas, “The making of Conan movie was confirmed!” I changed my mind after that, maybe I shouldn’t give up, I need to work harder when I come beck.
Q: Conan was really popular since the beginning, and the editors still wanted to intervene?
A: Yes, for example, they wanted Heiji’s personality to be more vile, I thought “to hell with them” and ignored their suggestion.
(TN: that was Chinese translation, didn’t see that part in the original text, it’s either covered or they might’ve added it to sound more dramatic)
info provided by 米花快报; English translation by Jiamin
Death count: 247
Different causes of death:
1. Striked: 40
2. Strangled: 34
3. Stabbed: 25
4. Poisoned: 24
5. Shot: 22
6. Burned:21
7. Beheaded:19
8. Fallen:13
9. Suicide:13
10. Drown:9
(Yes, these are manga counts only; up to Volume 93.)
=== Truth in Zero booklet ===
http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13478 <br>
Link to Truth in ... Black, Crimson, EP One, and Zero<br>
Gosho Aoyama <br>
=== Special Conan Movie Staff interview ===
Harikawa Ryou (Heiij)<br>
5/23/2018 <br>
Miyamura Yuuko (Kazuya)<br>
from Shonen Sunday Super<br>
Takayama Minami (Conan)<br>
two pages out of more <br>
Yukino Satsuki (Momiji)<br>
it says "continued on next page"<br>
Ono Daisuke (Iori)<br>
Miyagawa Daisuke (Sekine Kouji)<br>
Yoshioka Riho (Hiramoto Mikiko)<br>
Shizuno Koubun<br>
Ookura Takahiro

Latest revision as of 02:27, 17 March 2023

List of Interviews found on Japanese site

Untranslated Interviews

The interviews listed here are ones that I found listed on the DCW Translating interview thread. These did not have translations provided or had broken links which made it impossible to see either the Raw or the translation. It would be preferable if we could get the remaining interviews found and translated. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/

The remaining interviews come from this page : http://conan-4869.net/post-5361

Newtype Interview 1994

Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama x Takayama RAW

May 1, 2003
first few sentences typed

Raw Images

Mini Documentary: Secret of Creation

青山剛昌ふるさと館(青山剛昌の仕事部屋 創作の秘密)
Video shows Gosho drawing File 593, which was released Dec 2006

10 Year Cinema Guide interview

Aoyama Long Interview, 10 Year Cinema Talk 2006

Magic Kaito Volume 4 Interview RAW (images)

The volume was released sometime between Feb and Mar 2007
There are 4 pages, the first 2 seem to be an interview and special message
and the next 2 are a recap of all of the Kaito heists up to that point.

Otona Fami Interview #1 (no raw)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 21, 2008
Partial information below recovered from 2008

Shonen Sunday Interview #1 (no raw)

週刊少年サンデー17号 (Weekly Shonen Sunday #17), published March 27, 2009
no script

Shonen Sunday 50th Anniversary Interview RAW

少年サンデー1983 (Shonen Sunday 1983, a special issue commemorating Sunday's 50 years of publishing), published July 15, 2009

Otona Fami Interview #2 (no raw)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2010
no script

Mystery Magazine Interview RAW

ミステリマガジン6月号 (Mystery Magazine June issue), published April 25, 2011

Raw Images

Club Sunday Interview RAW

October 28th, 2011

Monthly BLT Interview RAW

月刊BLT 6月号 2012
June 2012

Sankei News Interview RAW

『産経ニュース』のインタビュー 「転機 話しましょう」
June 23rd, 2012

distant photograph of newspaper Raw

Gosho's True Intentions Interview RAW

剛昌先生の本音 ─ ホントの声
November 2012

Otona Fami Interview #5 RAW

June 2013

Shonen Sunday Lupin Vs Conan Secret Report RAW

少年サンデー51号|ルパン3世 VS コナン SECRET REPORT
November 20th, 2013

Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan: Money Punch and Aoyama Gosho interivew

ルパン三世 VS 名探偵コナン『モンキー・パンチ&青山剛昌☆作品がひとり歩きしていくのもいい』
December 04, 2013
Source: link
Link includes video interview with Monkey Punch and Aoyama Gosho
as well written interview with soccer player Kazuyoshi Miura, a guest star in the movie

Monkey Punch and Gosho Aoyama Special Talk RAW

Unknown 2013

partial Raw

New Years Postcard list RAW

Collected postcard list from 2014 and 2015

Da Vinci Interviews (WITH RAWS)

Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the Japanese actor Takeru Satoh, leaked April 13, 2014
Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the fans/reporters/whatever, leaked April 15, 2014
Translated by ALAKTORN

So apparently a large chunk of this interview was never typed up AND this is only the cross talk with Takeru Satoh,
not the "LONG INTERVIEW" from this issue of the magazine.

Takeru Satoh x Gosho Aoyama Cross Talk translated (partial interview)


Chunk translations by Anime_Lover4869
Link Red Thread



Detective Conan Character Visual Book Voice Actor interviews

Voice Actor interviews September 2014

20th Anniversary DVD collection guidebook interviews RAW

Pictures from: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295749-1-1.html
Aoyama Interview

Aoyama Video Interview
Spanish post: http://tanteikid.blogspot.it/2016/08/detective-conan-20th-anniversary.html
Red Thread English post with video: https://www.facebook.com/DCTheRedThread/videos/1199107286807889/

Voice Actors


Song Artist

"Truth in Black" Booklet

Pictures from : http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4508220071

Animedia Gosho Interview

June issue of 2016
released May 10th, 2016
Issue has the phrase "Next Conan's Dream" across the bottom in pink cursive letters
Also has interviews with a few of the voice cast like Takayama Minami

Sources of the images http://imgur.com/a/3g1cj

Gosho Interview

Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama 2016

Interview with Gosho from 2016 inserted into book after a reproduction of 2003 interview
images from : https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295984-1-1.html

20 Year Cinema Guide interviews

Interviews with the cast and crew of the movies as well as Gosho 2016.

Akai and Amuro Secret Files Voice Actors Interview 2016


Movie 21 Guidebook Interviews

"A few info from Aoyama's interview, translation by Spimer:"
Red Thread Link Link2

Interviews : http://imgur.com/a/6UmqA
-Aoyama Gosho - 3 pages
-Shizuno Koubun - 2 pages
-Takayama Minami (Conan) - 2 pages
-Horikawa Ryou (Heiji) - 2 pages
-Miyamura Yuuko (Kazuha) - 2 pages
-Yukino Sakki (Momiji) - 1 and 1/2 pages
-Yoshioka Riho (Hiramoto Mikiko) - 1/4 page
-Miyagawa Daisuke (Sekine Koji) - 1/4 page
Additional Momiji and Iori stuff : http://imgur.com/a/0yuP0

"Truth in Episode ONE" Booklet

Bundled with Detective Conan Vol 92 Special Edition with Episode One DVD

"Truth in Crimson" Booklet

Bundled with Shonen Sunday 22-23 Double issue
Red Thread Link

Gosho Aoyama 30th Ann Book

Book Cover and inside cover : https://imgur.com/a/P3KPt
Color pages at beginning of book : https://imgur.com/a/Lhicp
Gosho's Seven tools and statistics : https://imgur.com/a/4P4up
Interview 1 : https://imgur.com/a/rlinI
Interview 2 : https://imgur.com/a/F37Q1 (40 pages)
Interview 3, more statistics, Gosho's studio layout, rough draft page : https://imgur.com/a/6NKK9
Secret talk pages : https://imgur.com/a/GbNAv
Everything else p1 : https://imgur.com/a/ChZe1
Everything else p2 : https://imgur.com/a/ZunGf

Some Translations from Red Thread

Truth in Zero booklet

Link to Truth in ... Black, Crimson, EP One, and Zero

Special Conan Movie Staff interview

from Shonen Sunday Super
two pages out of more
it says "continued on next page"