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{{BeginTable Manga Listing}}
{{MangaListItem|[[Volume 1|1]]|001 - The Heisei Holmes<br>002 - The Great Detective Turned Small<br>003 - The Unwelcome Great Detective<br>004 - The Sixth Smokestack<br>005 - The Other Perpetrator<br>006 - From Third-Rate
| title = [[Volume 1]]
| type = manga
| release-date = June 18, 1994
| original-cost = 398円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123371-6
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 1.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 9 Chapters - 182 pages
| box2-content =
* 001 - 平成のホームズ
* 002 - 小さくなった名探偵
* 003 - 仲間はずれの名探偵
* 004 - 6本目の煙突
* 005 - もう一人の犯人
* 006 - 迷探偵を名探偵に
* 007 - 血ぬられたアイドル
* 008 - あなたに似た人
* 009 - 不幸な誤解
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 2]]
| type = manga
| release-date = July 18, 1994
| original-cost = 398円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123372-4
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 2.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 175 pages
| box2-content =
* 010 - 割のいい尾行
* 011 - 完璧なアリバイ
* 012 - 写真は語る
* 013 - 行方不明の男
* 014 - かわいそうな少女
* 015 - 大男を追え!
* 016 - 悪魔のような女
* 017 - 恐怖の館
* 018 - 消える子供達
* 019 - 地下室の悪夢
* End of Volume Bonus Pages
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 3]]
| type = manga
| release-date = October 18, 1994
| original-cost = 398円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123373-2
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 3.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 174 pages
| box2-content =
* 020 - 籏本家の一族
* 021 - 密室の秘密
* 022 - 遺産の行方
* 023 - 一族抹殺
* 024 - 暗闇の仕掛人
* 025 - かなわぬ夢
* 026 - 奇妙な贈り物
* 027 - 同一人物
* 028 - 8月3日の謎
* 029 - 眼前セーフ
* End of Volume Bonus Pages
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 4]]
| type = manga
| release-date = February 18, 1995
| original-cost = 398円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123374-0
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 4.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 174 pages
| box2-content =
* 030 - 甲冑の騎士
* 031 - ダイイング·メッセージ
* 032 - 書けないペン
* 033 - はちあわせた二人組
* 034 - グリーン車の四人
* 035 - ラスト10秒の恐怖
* 036 - 暗号表入手!!
* 037 - 暗号解読のABC
* 038 - 答えもうひとつの答
* 039 - 光る魚の正体
* End of Volume Bonus Pages
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 5]]
| type = manga
| release-date = April 18, 1995
| original-cost = 398円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123375-9
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 5.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 11 Chapters - 190 pages
| box2-content =
* 040 - 怪人…包帯の男
* 041 - 第一の犠牲者!
* 042 - 蘭ピンチ!
* 043 - 暗闇の襲撃!
* 044 - 殺人鬼の正体!
* 045 - カラオケ殺人!
* 046 - 自殺か他殺か?
* 047 - 歌に秘められた謎
* 048 - すれちがい・・・
* 049 - 見知らぬ訪問者
* 050 - 脱出そして追跡
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 6]]
| type = manga
| release-date = July 18, 1995
| original-cost = 407円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123376-7
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 6.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 178 pages
| box2-content =
* 051 - 仮面の下の真実
* 052 - 三人の訪問客
* 053 - 三人のアリバイ
* 054 - 留守番電話の謎
* 055 - タンスの言葉
* 056 - 結成!少年探偵団
* 057 - ナゾの兄弟
* 058 - 動く死体の謎
* 059 - 祭りの夜
* 060 - アリバイは完璧!?
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 7]]
| type = manga
| release-date = November 18, 1995
| original-cost = 407円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123377-5
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 7.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 178 pages
| box2-content =
* 061 - 写真のワナ
* 062 - 月影島への招待状
* 063 - ピアノの呪い
* 064 - 残された楽譜
* 065 - 業火の秘密
* 066 - 血染めのボタン
* 067 - 名前の秘密!!
* 068 - 新一の恋人!!
* 069 - 名探偵蘭!?
* 070 - 命の時間切れ!?
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 8]]
| type = manga
| release-date = December 9, 1995
| original-cost = 407円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123378-3
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 8.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 186 pages
| box2-content =
* 071 - ついに見つけた!!
* 072 - 闇の男爵(ナイトバロン)
* 073 - 恐怖のウイルス
* 074 - 仮面の下
* 075 - 蘭の涙
* 076 - 風のいたずら!?
* 077 - 落下地点の秘密
* 078 - 花嫁の悲劇
* 079 - 禁断のレモンティー!?
* 080 - 殺しの理由
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 9]]
| type = manga
| release-date = January 18, 1996
| original-cost = 407円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123379-1
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 9.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 178 pages
| box2-content =
* 081 - 危ないかくれんぼ
* 082 - 声を追え!!
* 083 - えっ!本当!?
* 084 - 小五郎の同窓会
* 085 - 意外なヒント
* 086 - 弁慶の仁王立ち
* 087 - 花婿選び
* 088 - 忍び寄る影
* 089 - 死体がもうひとつ・・・
* 090 - 無差別殺人!?
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 10]]
| type = manga
| release-date = April 18, 1996
| original-cost = 407円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-123380-5
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 10.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 184 pages
| box2-content =
* 091 - 水の時間差トリック
* 092 - 西の名探偵
* 093 - 二人の推理
* 094 - 東の名探偵・・・!?
* 095 - 東の名探偵現る!?
* 096 - 熱いからだ
* 097 - 忍び寄る殺人鬼
* 098 - もう一人の乗客
* 099 - 吹雪が呼んだ惨劇
* 100 - 最後の言葉
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 11]]
| type = manga
| release-date = July 18, 1996
| original-cost = 407円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-125041-6
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 11.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 180 pages
| box2-content =
* 101 - 話すテーブルクロス
* 102 - 生放送中の死
* 103 - 幻の道
* 104 - 緊急推理ショー
* 105 - 大事な人!?
* 106 - 凶器のありか
* 107 - 二つの謎
* 108 - 修行の間
* 109 - 桜と壁の穴
* 110 - 宙に浮く力
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 12]]
| type = manga
| release-date = September 18, 1996
| original-cost = 407円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-125042-4
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 12.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 180 pages
| box2-content =
* 111 - 博士の宝箱
* 112 - 黒い太陽
* 113 - 宝の正体
* 114 - 突然の遭遇
* 115 - 爆弾の行方
* 116 - コナンの誤算
* 117 - マイクロフトでの集い
* 118 - 知りすぎていた女
* 119 - ナゾの爆発
* 120 - 見破られたウソ
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 13]]
| type = manga
| release-date = December 10, 1996
| original-cost = 407円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-125043-2
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 13.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 182 pages
| box2-content =
* 121 - 本当の姿
* 122 - 目撃者は・・・!?
* 123 - 三つ子の容疑者
* 124 - 哀しき兄弟の絆
* 125 - 落ちる死体
* 126 - 疑惑の自殺
* 127 - 花と蝶
* 128 - 逃亡者
* 129 - 怪獣ゴメラの悲劇
* 130 - 去りゆく後ろ姿
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 14]]
| type = manga
| release-date = March 18, 1997
| original-cost = 407円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-125044-0
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 14.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 182 pages
| box2-content =
* 131 - 写真があった!!
* 132 - 電話の数字
* 133 - 事件はこれから!?
* 134 - 落葉の中の尋問
* 135 - 母さんの胸の中!?
* 136 - コナンの笑み・・・
* 137 - 有希子の笑み・・・
* 138 - もう一人の・・・
* 139 - 奇妙な集まり
* 140 - 最後の客
| box2-fontsize = 0.95em
| width = 500px
| title = [[Volume 15]]
| type = manga
| release-date = June 18, 1997
| original-cost = 410円
| isbn = ISBN 4-09-125045-9
| box1-title = Cover
| box1-content = [[File:Volume 15.jpg|x210px|center]]
| box2-title = 10 Chapters - 180 pages
| box2-content =
* 141 - ない!?
* 142 - 消えた凶器
== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[Manga]]
* [[Manga]]
* [[Collectibles]]
* [[Collectibles]]
== References ==
== References ==
[[Category:Manga by country]]

Latest revision as of 16:44, 4 February 2024


See also


Detective Conan Manga in Other Countries
Asia Arab LeagueChinaIndonesiaHong KongJapanKoreaMalaysia (Simplified Chinese)Malaysia (Malay)PhilippinesSingapore (Simplified Chinese)Singapore (English)TaiwanThailandVietnam
North America USA & Canada
Europe DenmarkFinlandFranceGermanyItalyNetherlandsNorwaySpain (Spanish)Spain (Catalan)SwedenUnited Kingdom
Detective Conan Special Manga ChinaGermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaMalaysia (Simplified Chinese)Malaysia (Malay)Singapore (Simplified Chinese)SpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
3rd Base 4th Manga ChinaHong KongJapanSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Magic Kaito Manga China (Changchun) (Other Chinese publishers) • FinlandFranceGermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Yaiba Manga FranceGermanyHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (JD Comics)IndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaMalaysiaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Hanzawa the Criminal Manga ChinaFranceHong KongJapanKoreaTaiwanThailandVietnam
Zero's Tea Time Manga GermanyHong KongIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainSingapore (English)TaiwanThailandVietnam
Wild Police Story Manga ChinaFranceGermanyIndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Books and Specials ChinaGermanyHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (HK Chingwin)Hong Kong (JD Comics)IndonesiaItalyJapanKoreaSingapore (English)SpainTaiwan (Chingwin)Taiwan (Sancai)ThailandVietnam
Novels ChinaHong Kong (Edko)Hong Kong (Rightman)IndonesiaJapanKoreaSpainTaiwanThailandVietnam
Super Digest Book IndonesiaJapanKoreaTaiwanVietnam