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'''Other''' <br>
'''Other''' <br>
The Ai and Fujiko bath scene in the Lupin vs Conan crossover movie left an impression on Gosho (Source 1,6, not answered in source 1)
The Ai and Fujiko bath scene in the ''Lupin vs Conan'' [[crossover]] movie left an impression on Gosho (Source 1,6, not answered in source 1)
Gosho's sleep schedule: "When I was young I used to sleep for about 3 hours, but now I sleep 3 hours at night and then take an afternoon nap of about 30–60 minutes." (Source 6,7)
Gosho's sleep schedule: "When I was young I used to sleep for about 3 hours, but now I sleep 3 hours at night and then take an afternoon nap of about 30–60 minutes." (Source 6,7)
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If you could request cooperation from the various international organisations that have appeared in the series and have been listed in "Detective Conan 60+" to take down the  
If you could request cooperation from the various international organizations that have appeared in the series and have been listed in "Detective Conan 60+" to take down the  
Black Organisation, which organisation would you want to lend a hand?
Black Organization, which organization would you want to lend a hand?
Red: FBI
Red: FBI
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Blue: crash course scene of “something I was taught by my father in Hawaii”
Blue: crash course scene of “something I was taught by my father in Hawaii”
Green: Black Organisation’s wonderful (?) holiday
Green: Black Organization’s wonderful (?) holiday
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A: "There might be, I don't know. There might be."
A: "There might be, I don't know. There might be."
'''Source:''' https://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?t=13536#top<br>
'''Translated by:''' Fujiwara, Spimer and Gin
Q1: Tell me what are the favorite foods of the other Police Academy group, apart from Amuro-san!<br>
A: Apart from Amuro? Apart from him? I dunno! (laughs)<br>
Q: And what if you're told to draw such a situation?<br>
A: I'll consider it.<br>
Q2: "What does Gin do on New Year's Eve?" <br>
A: "Hmmm... Well... Maybe he watches the Red and White singing contest (on NHK TV). Vodka asking "which do you think will win, boss?" and Gin replying: "Black will win, black will" (laughs). Yes, I'm sorry."<br>
Q3: What is your favorite thing in Animal Crossing?<br>
A: Ah, Animal Crossing? I guess that it's remaking and making rooms. I even made a new room called "Prussian blue fist", so come and see it (laughs)<br>
Q4: Can you imitate the Conan characters?<br>
A: I can't<br>
Q5: When you draw DC, where do you start?<br>
A: The eyes! I start with the eyes!<br>
Q6: "What's your favorite color?" <br>
A: "I'm Aoyama so it's ao (blue)"<br>
Q7: Last year, in the anime... Onimaru and Okita-kun appeared. Onimaru-kun's voice wasn't Horikawa-san, but... Does that mean that it'll be done in YAIBA?<br>
A: Oh dear. I'm not sure if I should say this, but... I was very disappointed. Horikawa-san is around, so why is it not his voice? Afterwards I complained to the anime staff and the producer. But, oh well, the replacement VA did it pretty well, too.<br>
Q8: What are the chances of Amuro's family appearing? Since he's a half-blood...<br>
A: Ah, Amuro's family? Ah, his father and mother? Hmmm.. .Well, I can't say, but please look forward to it (laughs)<br>
Q9: I think there has been no case that takes place in Tottori, but...<br>
A: No, there was<br>
Q: Huh? There was?<br>
A: The one in Doll Ridge. That's in Tottori.<br>
Q: Ah! Can I ask 1 more thing? If you opened a curry shop, what would the name be?<br>
A: Huh!? The question (topic) changed completely! Curry!? Huh!? I made curry for one of my assistants back when I debuted, and it was named "Yocchan Curry". Because my real name is written as "Goushou" but read as "Yoshimasa". (So) I guess that it'd be "Yocchan Curry". <br>
Chairperson: You can't drink water with this curry, can you?<br>
A: Indeed<br>
Q: I hope it's soft curry<br>
A: Oh yes<br>
Chairperson: True. There are passionate Conan fans but recent fans too, so maybe this (fact) was unknown to some of them<br>
A: (laughs)<br>
Chairperson: There are products of Tottori, too. All buildings are real. I was surprised. I did think it was amazing.<br>
A: I wrote too much in Tottori dialect (in the case) and other regions' persons didn't understand it so they complained to me (laughs)<br>
Q10: Tell me about surprising, odd or the motivation about tricks or ideas you've thought of<br>
Q (Aoyama): Hm? That's hard<br>
Q (person): At the start... How you think of them...<br>
A: Hmm, well let's see... The cypher of the school trip, or ones made by shifting names. I like coming up with those. It was very fun to gather the hard-to-read names of Kyoto locations and thinking with them along with the editor.<br>
Chairperson: You might've been asked before, but... Is there a "how about you make it like this"? Some level of... I mean, of requests?<br>
A: Yes, there are.<br>
Q11: I thought that Conan's clothing is very fashionable. Are there ages or brands that you like?<br>
A: I have a lady friend choose them for me so in most cases, her tastes get reflected (in the manga). I'm not too sure about that. In the past I saw (outfits) in An-An, Non-No, OLive. Thought up clothes for Ran-chan and so. But nowadays, I'm sorry to say that I don't know (the origin of the clothes ideas).<br>
Q12: I like the Furuya Rei that you draw. Please tell me if Furuya-san with a suit will appear in the magazine<br>
A: Ah. I guess that... he will? I don't know. Well, the next... When this case with Kyougoku is over, Amuro-san will appear in the next (case). But he doesn't wear a suit, though. It's a snow mountain. And a mountain villa so it's a long (case).<br>
Q13: I like Kaito Kid, but will Amuro-san make him go through a sour experience?<br>
A: Oh, true. It'd be fun if he did. I haven't thought of it yet but I will think about it.<br>
Q14:I like Kaito Kid. What's your favorite Kid story (in both Conan and Magic Kaito)?<br>
A: I like Sun Halo, which I recently drew. I like his convos with Aoko-chan.<br>
Q15: There are several characters who swallowed APTX4869 and shrunk. But is their physique when they become shrunk different from their actual physique when they had that age?<br>
T/N: for example, if Conan's current physique is the same he had when he was actually 6/7 years old<br>
A: It's very different. Depending on the effects of the drug.<br>
Q: Will that be clarified in the manga?<br>
A: Well... It might. It's a difficult point. Yes.<br>
Q16: I wondered why the RX-7 is Amuro-san's car? Is there a model?<br>
A: It's RX78 that Amuro from Gundam had. And, well... Why an RX, you wonder? Because the Gundam producer back then rode in one. So I thought "let's make it a white one for Amuro" and had him ride it.<br>
Q17: I think that you get fan letters, but do you acknowledge the names of people who've sent fan letters for many years in a row?<br>
A: Ah, yes. I do remember people who send me things each week. I did think it was amazing. They include illustrations. I remember (the name). Will that do?<br>
Chairperson: Each week?<br>
A: There's someone who sends them along with "my episode".<br>
Chairperson: That's rejoicing.<br>
A: Rejoicing, yes.<br>
Q18: I like Amuro-san. What's your favorite scene or words of Amuro?<br>
A: "Ah... That one, I guess. Sure. "It's just because the man I hate so much I'd like to kill him is a leftie...", that one was good, yes?<br>
Chairperson: They're all amazed by your words<br>
A: Really?<br>
Q19: You wrote in the SDB that Amuro-san was going to be a bad guy, but... What kind of character was he originally going to be?<br>
A: He was Akai's rival within the org, that was it. He still looks like it, but he was a bad guy at the start. He was a mere bad guy but since he was cool I turned him into a good guy.<br>
Q: Thank you very much.<br>
A: Hm. Is that it? That'll do?<br>
Q20: I like Scotch. Are there plans to feature Scotch's real name or an episode (about him) in the magazine?<br>
A: It will come out. And, say, I already drew it. Look forward to it. He'll be together with Amuro. Shouldn't have said that? Is it OK? Is it OK?<br>
Q21: When Conan and Kid talked in the toilet, I think that he said "there's a jewel you're searching for", but when did Conan get to know that?<br>
A: Huh? Can you ask again?<br>
Q: (Repeats question) I was wondering when he got to know that<br>
A: Well, when, indeed? I see. That? When did he know, indeed? Sorry... It's just that... It's amazing. Wow.<br>
T/N probably meant that it's amazing someone had spotted that<br>
Q22: Make Conan do something in Hokuei (Tottori Prefecture)!<br>
A: Ah, yes, yes. Hokuei, yes? I guess the city will become the scene of a murder, yes?<br>
Q: Maybe a treasure hunt or so?<br>
A: Treasure hunt? How peaceful!<br>
Q: I'd be glad if it was an episode where nobody dies...<br>
A: Ah. Well, let's see... I'll consider it. But I don't know yet. I'll place it on a corner of my head.<br>
Q: I hope you do<br>
Chairperson: Are you from that city?<br>
Q: No, I am not<br>
A: Huh? Is that so? Why (Houkei), then?<br>
Q: Ah, no. It's simply because I've been visiting there for over 10 years so...<br>
A: Oh, is that so? Thank you very much. (For coming) to such a cold place.<br>
Q23: I think that Ran-chan has the spare key of Shinichi's house but I thought that she borrowed it from Agasa up until now?<br>
A: Huh? Was that the case? Ah, is that so?<br>
Q: Yes. She borrowed it back when the Lemon Pie story and other stories.<br>
A: Ah. It's probably because she's now his girlfriend and so she was given it. I don't know, though.<br>
Q: I'd like to know.<br>
A: Yes, yes<br>
Mutter: Really?<br>
Q24: I like Kaito Kid. (Touchi's disciple) Yukiko-san and Kaito have met before, when he was a kid, but... Has Kaito met the other apprentice, Vermouth (Sharon Vineyard)?<br>
A: Ah. I haven't thought of it yet. Maybe he hasn't? He hasn't, has he?<br>
Q25: There's a lot of people who get killed or hated people who get killed in Conan, but do you have people you hate or so?<br>
A: Hate? Someone? I don't really...<br>
Chairperson: And someone you dislike? For example, I talk too much.<br>
A: No, I don't mind that. Hmm... I don't really have any. I never thought of killing someone I dislike. Sorry.<br>
Q26: I think that you are obsessive about numbers, such as "7 children" or Conan being "7" years old.<br>
A: Is that so? Yes, yes<br>
Q: I thought that the volumes' numbers have some rule to them...
Vol. 24: Araide appears. Vol 42: identity revealed. Vol 58: Raiha Pass incident. Vol. 85: verifying the answers.
Going by that rule, will the identity of Haneda Kouji, who appears in Vol. 89, be revealed in Vol. 98? Or so I think.<br>
A: Wow! Amazing! But it's a coincidence. But maybe I will go on combining those.<br>
Chairperson: Is that like a hint?<br>
A: Maybe I'll do it like I'd planned it out from the start (laughs)<br>
Chairperson: You do have it.<br>
A: It's a coincidence.<br>
Q27: You look like a calm person, but is there something that irked you as of late?<br>
A: Irked me? Let's see... The (Hiroshima Toyo) Carp (Pro baseball team) is strong. It's not that it really irked me. See. Yes.<br>
Chairperson: I guess you're the type who never gets too angry?<br>
A: True.<br>
Q28: What's the manga you liked the most out of all those you've read? Is there any that hooked you or...?<br>
A: Hooked me? Chihayafuru. It's still interesting. Have it a read if you may.<br>
Chairperson: Both the visuals and the contents (the story)?<br>
A: It's interesting.<br>
Q29: Will there be a movie where Akai-san and Amuro-san appear together?<br>
A: I wonder about that<br>
(After this there was a venue-only off the record segment!)<br>
Q30: Between the characters' cooking, whom do you want to try?<br>
A: Ah. Whose? Ran-chan's! Hers!<br>
Chairperson: There was a (similar) question before. Was it "which of Ran-chan's (dishes) do you want to eat?"<br>
A: Anything will do. They must be delicious.<br>
Q31: The names (of the characters) in the English version of Detective Conan have been changed. With Ran being Rachel and so on.
There are unique Japanese wordplay or cyphers, some get literally translated to English, but others are translated while respecting the (original) meaning.
I wondered if you did have a look at them.<br>
A: I haven't, no. It's not only English nowadays, there's tons of them such as Indonesian or French... So it feels like "do as you like".<br>
Q: (I asked) because you did write "how will the cyphers be translated like" in the comments at the end of the volumes.<br>
A: Ah! I see, I see! I did say that in the past.<br>
Q32: I'm an actor so I'd like an artistic name. Please tell me your favorite surname.<br>
A: Matsuda, yes. I like Matsuda Yuusaku.<br>
Q33: Do you have plans to draw episodes about the police academy group?<br>
A: I'm thinking of possibly drawing them in Zero's Tea Time this year.<br>
Q: Will Matsuda-san appear?<br>
A: He'll pop up, yes! I will draw most of the storyboard, too. I think it will be an story by me. I want Arai-kun (ZTT artist) to do his best.<br>
Q34: Amuro-san is capable of doing anything, but... Are there things that he can't do no matter what or that he detests?<br>
A: Ah, yes... A: He can't defeat Akai.<br>
Q: Can you be more concrete?<br>
A: What could it be? He can't come a step closer to him. He can actually win through his force but he gets nervous and can't win.<br>
Something like that. He only dislikes Akai. Most of other things are OK.<br>
Q35: I like both Amuro-san and Ai-chan. Will Amuro-san and Ai-chan get along?<br>
A: Yes! Ah. But they haven't properly met yet, right? Oh, well... That's a bit of a secret.<br>
Q: You know... In terms of age, it's a bit... Amuro-san would be like a lolicon...<br>
A: Yes. Hey, they're bit too apart in age terms.<br>
Q: But I also would like for them to get along.<br>
A: I see. Hey, I don't know however. Well, they're years apart, I can't tell."<br>
Chairperson: You can get the gist looking at his expression<br>
Q36: It looks like everyone else is having fun, so... Do you have plans to hold a dinner show or so in a hotel or so?<br>
A: I don't! I don't.<br>
Q: With 50,000 or 80,000 (attendees)<br>
A: I don't. I don't. There.<br>
Chairperson: Would you sing in a dinner show?<br>
A: Amuro-kun's doing that in USJ.<br>
T/N: Universal Studios Japan<br>
Q37: Thank you for your beautiful teaser with Hagiwara-kun and Matsuda-kun. The setting is that both of them are close friends, but Matsuda-kun spent the 4 years after Hagiwara-kun's death with a black necktie and suit. He looked like he was mourning, and kept on sending Hagiwara-kun mails he wouldn't receive. It looked like it'd overcome the domain of "close friends" but...<br>
A: (laughs)<br>
Q: Is there some episode in which both of them were bonded with strong ties or so?<br>
A: Was... there? I can't say it. I can't really say it yet. I don't know if there was or not. Because I think that a lot will be delved into in the ZTT police academy (chapters). So look forward to it.<br>
Q38: How did the romance between Mary and Tsutomu begin?<br>
A: It might not come out<br>
(There was venue only-info afterwards, it's off the record)<br>
Q39: I think that, in the MK Vol. 5 special edition, there was a comment by you in which you confirmed Touichi's survival. But I think Kaito deciding on inheriting the "Kaito Kid" (title) was due to his death. How will this affect the meaning of him being Kaito Kid? Since Touichi's alive...<br>
A: He hasn't found out yet!<br>
Q: And if he did?<br>
A: He hasn't found out so it's OK. He won't find out yet. I don't know.<br>
Q: Do you plan for him to find out?<br>
A: Well. Not yet. When he finds out, it'll all end so. Right?<br>
Q40: There's a lot of names (in Conan) but... I like Kazuha. Is there an origin to her name?<br>
A: Ah, yes. The wife of one of my assistants was named "Kazuha". So I thought of using it. Because it was cute.<br>
Q: The kanji is the same?<br>
A: It is.<br>
Q41: In an interview a long time ago, you said that Sera-chan and Ai-chan would have a confrontation... A confrontation of wolves...<br>
A: Ah. How nostalgic.<br>
Q: When do you intend to draw that?<br>
A: I hinted at it a while ago so it might happen soon... Or it might not be... Sorry. That's how I feel.<br>
Q42: What things are you on the lookout when it comes to health managing?<br>
A: Ah, yes. I drink green tea. And sleep a lot. I stopped sleeping 3 hours only.<br>
Q: But you don't drink curry and green tea together, right?<br>
A: Ah, yes. Of course not.<br>
Q43: It's about the 2 "triple faces", Mizunashi Rena and Amuro Tooru. When seeing both the main story and ZTT; I did think that Amuro-san's time management ability is incredible, but do the 2 "triple faces" properly sleep?<br>
A: I think that, when it comes to Amuro-kun. he doesn't sleep much. Hmmm... I'd like of him to sleep.<br>
Q44: A lot of love comedies (of many couples) are progressing in Conan. But will there be new, other couples that'll progress into love? Those who don't have a love comedy right now?<br>
A: Hmmm... I don't know. There might be.<br>
Q: What about Sera-chan or others?<br>
A: Ah, yes. Interested, no? I'll keep it a secret. Sorry. I won't offer excuses.<br>
Q45: Haro-kun appeared in ZTT. Do you have plans to make him appear in Conan?<br>
A: Let's see. There aren't as of now. Ah. You want him to appear?<br>
Q: Yes!<br>
A: Well, let's see. I'll think about it. By the way, when ZTT was planned, I was firstly asked: "Is it good for Amuro to have a dog"? I replied: "Well, yes, it is". And then "what if I name it Haro?" - I was like "That's OK". It wasn't me. It's a setting that Arai-kun thought of. It's cute, no? Yes, yes.<br>
Q46: Have you thought, as you worked on the stories, "Ah, I failed" or "I should've done that back then"?<br>
A: There's tons of them. Almost all of them. There's nothing perfect. I do sometimes think, when watching the anime "I should've done it a bit differently". Most of the times. I'm not perfect. Sorry.<br>
Q47: I like Shinichi. I think that he said "I wanna be the Heisei (current era) Sherlock Holmes", but...<br>
A: Ah... The era name will change, yes.<br>
Q: Will he become that in another 4 months or will be (the Holmes) of the new era name...?<br>
A: Well. When the era name changes, I'll nonchalantly update it. I think that Ran will surely tell him "ah, is that so?". Sorry!<br>
Q48: It's about Amuro and Akai. Amuro having a feud with Akai is not only due to Scotch, but also because Elena-sensei was his first love and Akai is related by blood (to her) and so he feels like (Akai) looks like Elena-sensei? And that's why he has a feud with him?<br>
A: No, that's not it. I think that's probably not the case. Also, Akemi is unrelated too. Unrelated.<br>
Q49:The Zero and Black name cards fairs. We got a lot of info then. How much of that do you supervise?<br>
A: Most of it.<br>
Q: So most of what Amuro said then is (supervised), too? Him saying that Hagiwara was the most popular (with girls) of the police academy group...<br>
A: Ah. I did tell them to add that. Was that good?<br>
Q: Yes!<br>
A: (chuckles)<br>
Q50: Will there be episodes in which Shinichi will be active?<br>
A: Well! I guess there will be. See. Since he's now in a relationship. Well, look forward to it.<br>
Q51: The Poirot master only appeared once in the anime, but... Will he appear again?<br>
A: That's right. He hasn't appeared. It's a mysterious character who never appears.<br>
Q52: Kazami, an anime original character, has appeared on the manga. I think that he has some involvement with Scotch since they're both PSP. Have both of them met before? Are they boss and subordinate or so? Since Kazami is older than (Scotch). How's it like?<br>
A: I wonder about that. I don't know. Well. Look forward to it.<br>
'''Source:''' https://www.gamf.jp/2868.html<br>
'''Translated by:''' [https://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13662 Spimer]
'''Questions by youth (below middle school age):'''
Q: I want to be your assistant when I grow up. Is there something I should already do, or something I have to get?<br>
Aoyama: Hah, hah? Assistant? Well, you have to draw the best you can. Assistants need to draw backgrounds, too.<br>
I think that it's faster if you become RXa mangaka instead (laughs)<br>
Please do your best.
Q: How do you come up with character name?<br>
Aoyama: Well, I have them match the cases. Hum... I simply come up with them.
Q: What do you to improve drawing, such as in the Conan drawings?<br>
Aoyama: Draw the best you can, of course (laughs)<br>
If you want to be good at it, become good at it.<br>
Presenter: You can begin by imitating others.<br>
Aoyama: Good point. If you draw copying skilled people, I'm pretty sure you'll become good at it. It's alright to do so.<br>
Presenter: Tracing is a good point to start from.<br>
Aoyama: Good point. That's also OK.<br>
Presenter: Please give it a try.
Q: Between Ran and Sera-chan, which do you think is stronger?<br>
Aoyama: Ran and Sera-chan? Huh... They're equal (laughs). They're probably the same.
'''Questions by citizens of Hokuei:'''
Q: If you had a 10-day break, is there somewhere you'd like to go to?<br>
Aoyama: Huh!? A 10-day break? I'd like to sleep instead. (Laughs) I've already gone to most places I ever wanted to see. So it's OK.<br>
Presenter: I see. Are you sleeping more lately?<br>
Aoyama: A lot more, of course.<br>
Presenter: But even so you'd like to sleep for 10 days...<br>
Aoyama: Well, you see, one's not that young anymore...<br>
Presenter: Oh no, that means that you're really busy.
'''Question by person chosen by lottery:'''
Q: Which one is the best trick you've ever shown in Conan?<br>
Aoyama: Ah, the trick? There's a lot that I end up "should've done something else", but...<br>
Hmmm... The Kiyomizu temple cipher was pretty good in my opinion.<br>
Questioner: I also like it.<br>
Aoyama: Hah, hah, hah (laughs). Thanks a lot.
Q: Teru-nee, of the Earth Ladies, liked Shinichi (Volume 32). Did she see the news of Shinichi, who was believed to be dead, being actually alive? (School trip chapters).<br>
Aoyama: Ah... She might've. Talk about a nostalgic name (laughs)<br>
Questioner: I'd be happy if she appeared again.<br>
Aoyama: You like her character?<br>
Questioner: As a fellow Shinichi fan...<br>
Aoyama: Oh. So you have empathy for her? Ooh (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Yes. I'd be happy if she appeared again.<br>
Aoyama: I was actually using the name of a net friend (as her nickname). Her real name is Ms. Hoshino Terumi-san.
Q: There's no plans for a Lupin Vs Kid movie?<br>
Aoyama: Not at the moment. Sorry (laughs). You'd like to see it?
Q: I like the scenes where Conan-kun rescues Ran-chan. Do you plan to draw similar scenes in the future?<br>
Aoyama: But of course. Tons of them. (laughs)
Q: Who's planned to be the main characters of the 2021 movie?<br>
Aoyama: Huh? The next year movie? Not this one but the one afterwards? Ah! The one after the Akai one.<br>
This is a secret between us, but...<br>
(Answer at the venue only)<br>
(TL: An audio recording of the scene reveals that he answered: "Sato, Takagi, and another 5 characters")<br>
You'll be able to know when the next movie's trailer is shown so keep it a secret until then.
Q: Which was your favorite food made by your mother? Is there something you eat often nowadays?<br>
Aoyama: I loved the gyoza (Japanese dumplings) she made. They were so good.<br>
What I like nowadays... You all know that. Curry rice (laughs)
Q: What group did Akai-san specialize in college?<br>
Aoyama: Group!? (laughs)<br>
Questioner: I meant branch... Culture, science, etc...<br>
Aoyama: I think it was science. It probably was science, yes.<br>
Questioner: Science? Which...?<br>
Aoyama: More!? (laughs) Hmmm... I don't know (laughs)<br>
Well. I'll leave it up to your imagination.<br>
I think he studied while playing an accordion. Yes.
Q: Will a lady like "Koegetsuei" appear to Morofushi Taka'aki-san of the Nagano police?<br>
Aoyama: Ah. You mean the wife of the historical Koumei? Hmm... Let's see... You'd like for that to happen?<br>
Questioner: I'd like to, yes.<br>
Aoyama: You want to! (laughs) Aah... Well... Guess I'll give it a thought someday.<br>
I wonder if he'd like to, though (laughs) Well, I think of it. I'll handle it.
Q: In the director's interview of the 2019 movie (Fist of Blue Sapphire), he talked about how you said, after the movie was finished "It was the blue sapphire so maybe I should've put hints of Aoko there"; if you had done that, how would've it been like?<br>
Aoyama: Ah... See, in the end he'd return the blue sapphire to him.<br>
And when he did he did so, saying he didn't need it, he'd said "I've got a better sapphire"...<br>
(Applause from the audience)<br>
Aoyama: Huh? You wanted me to actually do that? (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Yes!<br>
Aoyama: Really!? (laughs) That for real?<br>
Well, I thought you wouldn't catch (the reference) so that's why I didn't (laughs)<br>
What. So you'd actually welcomed it? Well, imagine it within your minds (laughs)
Q: Do you have any plans to draw an spin-off of Akai-san or Okiya-san?<br>
Aoyama: Huh? A spin-off!? Ah... "Akai's Everyday" or so? (laughs)<br>
Well... Guess there won't. I can't say for sure, though. Huh? You want me to?<br>
Questioner: Yes!<br>
Aoyama: I'm very busy, you know. "Wild Police Story (Original Work: Aoyama Gosho / Drawings: Arai Takahiro)" is already a hassle (laughs)
Q: (A person from Fukuoka prefecture) Not many cases happen in Hakata, but do you dislike the city?<br>
Aoyama: O-o-of course not, I don't dislike it or anything (laughs)<br>
Thought it'd be hard to. But there was a detective from there.<br>
The tomboy (Koshimizu Natsuki). (Volumes 54-55).<br>
I had Yamaguchi Kappei-san fix (her speech) and it was a hassle. Yes.<br>
Well, if I get Yamaguchi-san's consent, then... (laughs)
Q: I like how Amuro-kun is helping Heiji-kun who likes Kazuha-chan (Volume 92). Will we see Amuro-kun giving advice to people in a relationship?<br>
Aoyama: It's not his style (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Thought that it'd be fun to see if he was encouraging high school students...<br>
Aoyama: Ah, is that so? I'll tell Arai-kun (Zero Tea Time author) about it (laughs)<br>
Questioner: If possible, I'd like for it to happen in the main manga...<br>
Aoyama: Aah... I see. Understood. Yes. I will handle it (laughs)
Q: Will some case in Hokuei?<br>
Aoyama: You want a murder to happen there...? (laughs) A murder, you know...? (laughs)<br>
Questioner: I thought that (any kind of case) would do...<br>
Aoyama: Oh well, I'll place it in a corner of my head. I'll handle it positively (laughs).
Q: There's a lot of childhood episodes which are important; there was an episode of Akai-san when he was 15 years old, but... Did he come to Japan often? Has he ever been to the Miyano Clinic?<br>
Aoyama: Oh no, I guess he never went. Guess so.<br>
Questioner: Is there a possibility that similar episodes for other characters will happen?<br>
Aoyama: There might be. Well, I don't actually know. No, I don't know (for sure) (laughs)<br>
Wow. I can't properly answer (laughs) Sorry for that (laughs)
Q: Which is Akai-san's most disliked food?<br>
Aoyama: Akai's most disliked food? Huh? HUUUHHH!? (laughs)<br>
Did he have something he disliked? Looks like he'd eat anything.<br>
Guess he doesn't have likes or dislikes.
Q: Do you know when did Heiji and Kazuha firstly meet?<br>
Aoyama: Well, guess it was either the nursery school or the kindergarten...<br>
Questioner: Will it be drawn?<br>
Aoyama: Would you like to see it?<br>
Questioner: I'd like to.<br>
Aoyama: Really? (laughs) I'll handle it properly (laughs). You guys like stories with children, huh? I see~
Q: When Akai faced Amuro in the Kudo's house, he called Amuro "omae (you)" in the magazine, but in the volume it was redone. Do you know the why? (Volume 95)<br>
Aoyama: Hah, hah (laughs) Was redone into "kimi (you)" (laughs). I'd actually originally written "kimi" but...<br>
Due to a typo it ended up being "omae (you)" instead, and so I fixed ASAP<br>
Questioner: He often uses "omae" with others like his colleagues or his friends so... Thought it was different, and so...<br>
Aoyama: Oh well, oh well. Thought that he'd use "kimi" instead so... Hmmm...<br>
There's not really any deep meaning to it, see (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Thank you very much<br>
Aoyama: Sorry for the confusion (laughs)
Q: Akai-san stopped drinking the "Scotch" whisky, but is it due to the suicide of Hiromitsu (Morofushi Hiromitsu)?<br>
Aoyama: It might be. He might've thought it'd been insulting. So that's probably why he stopped drinking it.<br>
He still drinks Bourbon nevertheless, though (laughs)
Q: (Participant from China) Tapioca has become a fashion in Japan recently. Do you like Tapioca?<br>
(Participants laugh)<br>
Aoyama: Tapioca? (laughs) Not really... (laughs)... They say it actually makes you put on weight so...<br>
Before it was fashionable it used to be found in a curry house named "Thally".<br>
I drank it before it was fashionable. Afterwards, I haven't tried it again.<br>
Questioner: Could there be a "Tapioca Murder Case" in the future?<br>
Aoyama: Hah, hah, hah! (laugh) Someone mixes in poison in a Tapioca!? (laughs)<br>
I'll handle it properly (laughs)
Q: When are the stories for the movies decided?<br>
Aoyama: The director, the scriptwriter and other staff come to my home.<br>
And then we decide "let's go with this".
Well, generally, we decide on them pretty early.<br>
It's decided upon about a couple years before (release) (laughs)
Q: The next movie title is normally read in English (write as "kobushi" and read as "fist"); but this time it's read normally (written as "dangan" and read as it is).
Is there some reason?<br>
Aoyama: Sakurai-san, the scriptwriter, asked "How about "The Scarlet Bullet (dangan)"?<br>
And we said "well, let's go with it" and decided on it at once (laughs)<br>
Nobody objected (laughs)<br>
And now that it's been decided nobody will suddenly say "let's use "bullet" instead".
Q: Among the dishes that Yukiko-san taught Akai-san (Okiya-san), are there others that he's mastered apart from the curry, stew and the meat and potatoes that have been shown in the manga?<br>
Aoyama: There might be (laughs) He's pretty good at stews, after all (laughs)<br>
His usual trick is "I made too much food so I brought it (to the Agasa home)"<br>
so he knows a lot of dishes like that<br>
He might also make cream stews. I don't know for sure, though.<br>
Beef stroganoff, pot-au-feu or the likes are things I think he makes, too (laughs)
Q: When Sera-chan was younger, she met Akai and Scotch at a station's platform; did the trio of Rye, Bourbon and Scotch often go on missions together?<br>
Aoyama: Oh, no! (Back then) it was a coincidence.<br>
Questioner: I hope you can tell us more about Rye when he was in the organization; in an spin-off or so...<br>
Aoyama: Aahh... Yes, yes. I'll consider it (laughs)
Q: What are the best 3 types of curry that you recently had?<br>
Aoyama: Bondy Curry restaurant is the best (laughs)<br>
It'd seem that Bondy is rendezvous spot for Conan fans so lately it's hard to go there (laughs)<br>
As for the 2nd and 3rd, I go to similar places...<br>
Questioner: I thought you also liked the Matsuya curry, too...<br>
Aoyama: Oh, you know a lot. I like it, yes. If I had to compare before and after the renewal, I guess I liked it before?
Q: Is there something that Akai-san often wears as a good luck amulet?<br>
Aoyama: A-Akai!? Akai (being superstitious)!? (laughs)<br>
The knit cap (laughs) Sorry (laughs)
Q: Do you plan to draw an episode about what led to Amuro buying the Mazda RX-7?<br>
Aoyama: Oh yes, there will be (laughs) In the Hagiwara Arc. (WPS)<br>
(Applause from the audience)<br>
Huh?? (laughs) Hagiwara is actually very good at driving, better than Amuro even (laughs)<br>
Look forward to it. I guess the Hagiwara Arc will come after the Date Arc.
Q: (The ages of Hagiwara and the others have been established in WPS, but since Amuro-san is 29 right now, and seeing how Hagiwara-kun died on the line of duty 7 years ago, this is contradictory). I'd like to know how did Hagiwara get assigned to the riot police after graduating the Police Academy.<br>
Aoyama: I guess he was very adaptable. And so got there at once.<br>
He died running fast (laughs)<br>
Aaah, well. Pretend that contradiction doesn't exist (laughs)<br>
Think of a way to solve that by yourselves.
Q: When did you think of the Yumi and Shuukichi couple?<br>
Aoyama: What was it? See... There was an episode in which Yumi talked about her ex, np?<br>
Something about cats. (Volume 49)<br>
I decided it by then.<br>
Questioner: You already decided it'd be the 2nd son of the Akai family?<br>
Aoyama: Oh yes, yes. Chuukichi will appear a lot in the movie so look forward to it (laughs)
Q: We'll soon reach Volume 100, but are there plans for some event?<br>
Aoyama: (looks at the editor) Is there? There's not, right? (laughs)<br>
Well, the (Shonen) Sunday will do their best so... Heh, heh, heh (laughs)
Q: I'd like to know who was Akai-san's first love and how old he was back then.<br>
Aoyama: How old he was when he met his first love? I can't say that (laughs)<br>
Hah, hah, hah. I'll leave it up to your imagination. Yes, yes.<br>
First love... Her? I see... Yes (laughs) Sorry? (laughs)
Q: I like Kazuha, but what part of her does Heiji really like?<br>
Aoyama: I wonder which. You like Kazuha, yes?<br>
Questioner: Oh yes, I do!<br>
Aoyama: That's it (laughs) That's what he likes.<br>
Questioner: I understand.<br>
Aoyama: You do!? (laughs) Thanks a lot.
Q: Is there some emotion or something between Ran and Shinichi has changed now that they're in a relationship?<br>
Aoyama: Good point. I already depicted how it was hard for them to directly talk to each other. That was one thing.<br>
Guess that's not a precise answer. I do plan on depicting more of it, so look forward to it.
Q: I think there was an episode in WPS in which the parents of the Morofushi brothers were murdered? Will it have some relevance in the main manga?<br>
Aoyama: Ah, no. That was an episode we made for WPS so I think it won't appear in the main manga.
Q: Have ever though of "what if Prof. Agasa was the culprit"?<br>
Aoyama: Never. Hah, hah, hah... (laughs)
Q: (Episode not yet compiled in a volume) Chuukichi said that he'd wish for Mary to meet Yumi-tan but did he introduce her to the relatives of the Haneda family?<br>
Aoyama: Guess he hasn't yet. Or he might have. I'm not sure yet.
Q: Art books mostly focusing on Conan have been released, but are there plans to release a book having Yaiba, the short stories, Magic Kaito and all of you color drawings?<br>
Aoyama: (looks at the editor) There aren't. For now. But, oh well. I'll consider it.
Q: In the episode of the "Mermaid Island", there was "Shiho Miyano" written in the guestbook of visitors of the island. Please tell me about it. (Volume 28)<br>
Aoyama: Ah, yes. Well, she came once to investigate that long-living person. She came once as a scientist; that's a trace of her visit.
Q: What is KID good at apart from magic, and what does he dislike? Is he good at singing?<br>
Aoyama: Guess he's not that good at singing. As for dislikes, he hates fishes.<br>
Questioner: And apart from food?<br>
Aoyama: Hmmm? Guess he dislikes Hakuba (laughs)<br>
Questioner: And what is he good at?<br>
Aoyama: Apart from magic? What could it be? Stealing? (laughs) Also, he can actually drive cars
Q: I think there were depictions that showed Gin and Vermouth being something like lovers, but... Will similar depictions appear in the future?<br>
Aoyama: Oh, well, let's see... I don't know (laughs)
Q: When will Furuya-san be active again?<br>
Aoyama: Oh yes, it'll come. When, I wonder.<br>
Well, eventually... (laughs)
Q: I think that Shinichi is following the precedent of Yuusaku-san, but will he grow a mustache like his fathers does once he becomes older?<br>
Aoyama: There might be (laughs)
Q: Is Furuya-san graduated from Touto University (a college within Detective Conan)?<br>
Aoyama: I wonder about that. I haven't really decided. Would it be good if he was?<br>
Questioner: Thought that it'd be "cool" if he was.<br>
Aoyama: Ah, I see. Koumei was also graduated from that college...<br>
Questioner: I see...<br>
Aoyama: Oh well, I'll think of it
Q: Is Akai-san good at any other sports apart from Jeet Kuu Duno?<br>
Aoyama: I think he's also good at cricket. Since he's a Brit (laughs)
Q: What is your ideal type of lady?<br>
Aoyama: I used to like Kikuchi Momoko (laughs)<br>
But I don't have one now. I like Gacky (actress Yui Aragaki) or so. In a normal way.
Q: Who thought of using Kusuda Rikumichi's body to make it look like Akai-san had died? He himself? Or Conan-kun? (Volumes 58-59)<br>
Aoyama: Conan-kun was the one.<br>
Questioner: Ah, is that so?<br>
Aoyama: Why? (Do you sound surprised?)<br>
Questioner: I thought that even if it'd been a bad guy, Conan-kun wouldn't think of using someone's body...<br>
Aoyama: There was. There indeed was (laughs)<br>
Conan-kun said "Do you intend to go with my plan?".<br>
Questioner: I was a bit surprised.<br>
Aoyama: I thought about (that plot) from quite a while before (it happened).
Q: Do you hold meetings with Arai, the author of ZTT? How often?<br>
Aoyama: We meet and hold a meeting. How often? Guess at first there was a lot.<br>
But we don't meet often for ZTT.<br>
Since I simply fix the storyboards he brings.<br>
Questioner: Are all those done digitally or so?<br>
Aoyama: No, it's on paper. I fixed the printed out frames.<br>
But for WPS instead he comes over and we do a proper meeting.<br>
By the way, I drew all pages of the Matsuda arc storyboards (laughs)<br>
I orally tell the editor things, such as "Kazami's incident, I think this would do "<br>
And then Arai-kun draws it.
Q: Will there be progress between Kaito and Aoko-chan?<br>
Aoyama: Guess they will. Look forward to it.
(Since the answer has a hearing disability, they ask through a sign language interpreter)<br>
Q: Conan-kun realized that the tennis queen wanted help to save her mother and I thought it was amazing that he could understand Braille (volumes 71-72). Can he understand sign language, too?<br>
Aoyama: He more or less does. He knows all Braille signs too.<br>
Since he's very smart. Smarter than me (laughs)<br>
Questioner: I'd like for you to draw someone who can't properly hear or uses sign language.<br>
Aoyama: Ah, is that so? I'll consider it. Thank you very much.<br>
Presenter: That was a strong consideration, yes. Alright. The questions corner is now over.
The event was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.<ref>https://www.gamf.jp/2961.html</ref>
The event was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.<ref>https://www.gamf.jp/3105.html</ref>
The event was held on January 3rd.<ref>[https://conannews.org/gosho-aoyama-fantreffen-findet-2023-wieder-statt/48390/ ''Gosho Aoyama Fantreffen findet 2023 wieder statt.''] ''ConanNews.org'' (in German). 22 October 2022. Retrieved 16 February 2023.</ref> The official @gamf_staff Twitter account posted six tweets with a selection of questions and answers. Those were fully translated to german on behalf of ''ConanNews.org'' by Josef Shanel, the translator of the [[German Manga]].<ref>[https://conannews.org/fragerunde-mit-gosho-aoyama-day2023/49323/ ''Fragerunde mit Gosho Aoyama: DAY2023.''] ''ConanNews.org'' (in German). 16 February 2023. Retrieved 16 February 2023.</ref>
'''Source:''' https://www.gamf.jp/3251.html<br>
'''Q&A translations compilation:''' https://pastebin.com/et04AFup<br>
'''Edited by:''' [[User:Jefflie|Jefflie]]
'''Questions by youth (below middle school age):'''<br>
Q: Please tell us your favorite character and favorite line. (1st grade elementary school student)<br>
Aoyama: I love all the characters (laughs)! Favorite line? (laughs) I wonder what it is. Well, I like that line, "The word 'courage' is a word of justice that encourages your strength..." (Note: Ran Mouri in Volume 31 File 7 (File 313)). Sorry it's a little difficult (laughs).
Q: Are there any plans to make the four “Earth Ladies” members appear again? (middle school student)<br>
Aoyama: Oh (laughs)! Now that i remember (laughs) do you want them to appear? I can think about it (laughs). Do you like the group?
'''Questions by citizens of Hokuei:'''<br>
Q: Are there any plans to make a movie with Wakasa as the main character in the future?<br>
A: She will be more important in the next Sunday (Referring to the Magazine, File 1106-1109),  but I really can't say at the moment whether there will be a whole film with her at the center (laughs).
Q: There is a scene where Ran-chan explains the Records of the Three Kingdoms, so I think I like it. Please tell me how you came to like Records of the Three Kingdoms.<br>
Aoyama: Me? or Ran-chan?<br>
Questioner: Ran-chan<br>
Aoyama: Ah, Ran-chan (laughs) Ahahaha. I wonder what. Yeah. Maybe she saw a puppet show on TV... There was a puppet show on TV a long time ago, hmm, but not now. Or maybe she read about it in a manga or something. Sorry for the lame answer (laughs).
Q: The other day, you commented via Animal Crossing that you want to try out the curry at Conan's Kitchen, is there anything you would like to see on the menu when you return to Hokuei Town in the future, or would you like to see local ingredients used?<br>
Aoyama: Is there? watermelon…? (laughs) I love watermelon, so I thought of watermelon as something like a dessert... I only eat it in the summer. Even if I come back in winter, I won't eat it (laughs), right? Well, it's like that. (laughs)
Q: Is there any story between Morofushi brothers that is not yet revealed?<br>
Aoyama: I wonder what it is. I've made most of it public. There's not much sibling fighting...I guess so. Well, let's keep it a secret for the future. (laughs)
Q: What club activities will Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko of the Detective Boys be involved in when they become high school students in the future?<br>
Aoyama: Eh? (laughs) I don't know. (laughs)<br>
(audience laughs)<br>
Aoyama: I think Genta is probably more of a sports person, but I don't really understand the other two (laughs) Well... Mitsuhiko will probably be popular (laughs) Genta will be extremely strong. Ayumi-chan will look as cute as ever.<br>
Host: What about club activities? (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: I haven't thought about it yet. (laughs) Sorry. (laughs)
Q.Will there be any future storylines in which the characters are deduced from three candidates like in the case of Bourbon and Rum?<br>
Aoyama: Ah (laughs) I'm trying to bring out a strange old man now. I'm thinking of going with a strange old man series (laughs) (audience laughs) I'll be doing things like, "Who is this guy?", so please look forward to it. (laughs)
'''General questions:'''<br>
Q: I think you said in an interview that you already have a clear idea of ​​how "Detective Conan" will end at some point, but I'm curious about how "Magic Kaito" will end. Aoyama-sensei, to what extent are the chapters organized?<br>
Aoyama: Well, it's pretty much decided (laughs) And I also plan to finally have Aoko's mother appear before the series ends.
Q: It was really cute to see Sonoko not wearing a headband in the movie “Detective Conan: Fist of Blue Sapphire,” but is there any hope that she will take it off in the manga?<br>
Aoyama: Oh, then let's try it at least once (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Thank you!<br>
(Big applause from the venue)<br>
Aoyama: Huh? Really? Is that so? so much? (laughs)
Q: I don't think Shinichi-kun has appeared for a while, but if there are any plans for him to appear next, please let me know.<br>
Aoyama: That's right, it's about time again (laughs), and now I'm really thinking about it (laughs)<br>
(audience laughs)<br>
Aoyama: So everyone, look forward to it! (laughs) Where there is a will, there is a way! (laughs)
Q: I think Conan speaks many languages, including English and Russian, but how did he learn to speak them? How many languages can he speak?<br>
Aoyama: I think he can speak quite well (laughs) but I think his father taught him when he was in Hawaii. (laughs)<br>
(audience laughs)
Q: Please tell us about Genta-kun, Ayumi-chan, and Mitsuhiko-kun's future dreams.<br>
Aoyama: Is it a dream for the future? (laughs) It's difficult again~ (laughs) I haven't thought about it (laughs) Hmm... Mitsuhiko-kun still likes Haibara-san and Ayumi-chan, and I think he's thinking about how to date them (laughs) I think he's doing his best. I wonder what Genta-kun is like... Ayumi-chan too... Hmm, that's difficult (laughs) I'm sorry. (laughs)
Q: (Kenji) Hagiwara appeared in the movie and the manga once, and his older sister Chihaya also appeared in the manga, so can we look forward to more appearances from the Hagiwara siblings in the future?<br>
Aoyama: Why not! (laughs) I'll do my best. (laughs)
Q: Is there any small graphic difference when Kaito Kid dresses up as Shinichi?<br>
Aoyama: Kid and Shinichi? Kid is an ordinary pervert, and Shinichi is a pervert with a serious face (laughs) I guess that's about it~ (laughs)<br>
Questioner: I think only Ran-chan can tell the difference, but how do you tell them apart?<br>
Aoyama: Well, Kaito is the more naughty one (laughs) I did it in the movie too.
Moderator: Are you serious?<br>
Aoyama: That's right (laughs)<br>
(audience laughs)
Q: I would really like Aoyama-sensei to make a movie. Do you have any plans to make one?<br>
Aoyama: Huh? Huh? Huh? (laughs) Me? (laughs) Hmm, but I guess it's impossible. (laughs) It's almost like I'm still making it even now.<br>
Questioner: If you were the director, what kind of story would you create?<br>
Aoyama: I'd say it's an original, or something I've written before...I guess.<br>
Questioner: Are you talking about Conan?<br>
Aoyama: No, I think it's probably a collection of short stories (laughs) I'd like to film it as a live-action film.
Q: Will Conan-kun use the APTX4869 in his pill case? Or will Mary use it...Will there be any development?<br>
Aoyama: Ah, for now, what's in the pill case isn't APTX4869, but an antidote, but whether he'll take it himself or use it on someone else is a secret (laughs) Look forward to it.
Q: Regarding the AR secret story project for Volume 100 of Detective Conan, during the conversation between Akai and Bourbon, Akai said to Bourbon, "Looks like you are not wearing your Poirot's apron today." Has Akai ever been to Poirot?<br>
Aoyama: Well? (laughs) That's a gag (laughs) I don't know, he might have heard it from Camel. I don't know (laughs) Sorry (laughs)
Q: Who has the best driving skills in “Detective Conan”?<br>
Aoyama: Probably Camel. He's really got something behind the wheel.<br>
Questioner: I'm a big fan of Akai...<br>
Aoyama: Akai is also good though. Both are pretty cool. Well, I think (Kenji) Hagiwara is the best. Unfortunately he's already dead, you see. Sorry (laughs)
Q: I draw illustrations. Aoyama-sensei, what do you keep in mind  when you draw illustrations that capture people's hearts?<br>
Aoyama: Well, I'm drawing the characters to be cool and cute (laughs), but not much else...hmm. Other than that, I sometimes also look at illustrations by people who are good at it. It's good to see that these kinds of illustration are popular these days. It's difficult (laughs)
Q: Regarding the opening theme song and video, Maki Ohguro said at a concert, "When it's Mai Kuraki's, it is cute, and when it;s me, it is cool." Is the atmosphere of the opening video decided according to the song?<br>
Aoyama: You'll have to ask the people at TMS about that... (laughs) I'm not telling you to do this here (laughs) Sorry (laughs) I don't know (laughs)
Q: How does Heiji-kun think about Momiji-chan?<br>
Aoyama: Her boobs are big... (laughs)<br>
(audience laughs)<br>
Questioner: Is he not aware that Momiji is crazy about him?<br>
Aoyama: He has no idea. He's always just wondering why she's acting so strange!
Q: Will there be a fight scene in the future where Gin fights an opponent without using a gun?<br>
Aoyama: Gin? Ah, but when he fought the FBI, he used his feet to kick them. (Detective Conan Volume 100) That's about it (laughs) I don't really understand (laughs) Um, well, he mostly used handgun.
Q: Will there be any future developments regarding Rum's driver?<br>
Aoyama: Rum's driver? Well, not that much… I have my assistants draw that one...(laughs)<br>
Questioner: Are they member of the organization? Do they have code name?<br>
Aoyama: They're member. There're no code name.<br>
Questioner: No, right? Got it. Thank you very much.<br>
Aoyama: But they will appear one after another starting with the next Sunday (Note: referring to the magazine). Please look forward to it.<br>
Moderator: Will the people who are not the person the questioner is talking about come up?<br>
Aoyama: Yes, look forward to it.
Q:If you were to draw another case set overseas, where would it be?<br>
Aoyama: The setting for the next Sunday issue will be in New York. That's right. Please look forward to it.
Q: There was a story that Shuichi Akai played the accordion in the past, for some time we only see him as Subaru Okiya... Is there any hope that we'll see him play the accordion one day?<br>
Aoyama: (looking eargerly) Do you want to see it? (laughs)<br>
Questioner: I want to see it (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: Yes, me too (laughs) Well, I'll think about it (laughs)
Moderator: I've already said it (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: I need to make a note of what happened to Sonoko's headband... Well, maybe later..
Q: How do you decide on the composition and colors for movie teaser posters?<br>
Aoyama: Ah~ This time it is Black Iron (Movie 26), so it is a bit black. It's blackish with a touch of blue. Well, it pretty much goes along with the title. Blue Sapphire (Movie 23) is also blue. Crimson (Movie 21) is red. It's like that. There are only 4 patterns. Red, green, blue, and a slightly sepia-ish yellow. It's one of these.
Q: Is there any story of Rei Furuya that you absolutely want to draw?<br>
Aoyama: Huh? A story you want to draw? Rei Furuya...not Amuro?<br>
Questioner: Ah, well, either is fine (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: Either is fine (laughs) Ahahaha. Uh, let me think about it (laughs) Well, I'd like to draw something with Kazami again. Wait a minute, that's normal (laughs) I'd like to draw something related to public safety.
Q: Shuichi Akai is left-handed, but it used to be common practice in Japan to re-educate left-handed children, so is it possible to be right-handed only when using something like scissors or a spoon? If so, did Mary make him do it or did he relearn on his own?<br>
Aoyama: Akai grew up in England, so I don't think he retrained as a child.<br>
Questioner: Oh, so it's all on the left?<br>
Aoyama: Probably, I don't know (laughs) I think it's all on the left (laughs)
Q: Will Tsutomu Akai ever appear in the Detective Conan manga or movie?<br>
Aoyama: Hmmm.. he will? Even sooner than you think (laughs)!<br>
Questioner: Is he alive?<br>
Aoyama: He's still alive (laughs) in flashback. Look forward to it (laughs)
Q: How old is Gin and Vodka?<br>
Aoyama: Hey (laughs) I would like to know that too (laughs) Well, I'm fine with the age you all imagine (laughs) If I were to decide on an official age, I would limit my narrative freedom (laughs)
Q: There was an episode where Matsuda-kun liked Chihaya-san, but are there any episodes where Hagiwara-kun liked someone in particular?<br>
Aoyama: Not really (laughs) Ahahaha. Would you like to see it? (laughs)<br>
Questioner: I'd like to take a look.<br>
Aoyama: Ah, you want to see it? (laughs) Hmmm (laughs) I think there was no one there (laughs) It's strange, because he was quite the heartthrob of girls. I guess he hasn't decided on a specific person. Hard to say<br>
Questioner: Did he have any unrequited love or anything like that?<br>
Aoyama: I guess he didn't have any. Her sister is too beautiful (laughs)
Q: Do you have a specific birthday for Matsuda?<br>
Aoyama: Well, it hasn't been decided (laughs) Is there any particular constellation you prefer?<br>
Questioner: Pisces<br>
Aoyama: Pisces? (laughs) What month are Pisces born?<br>
Questioner: February.<br>
Aoyama: Ah, heh. I'll think about it (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Are there any other characters with a specific birthday?<br>
Aoyama: Ah? Not really. Sorry (laughs)
Q. Does Subaru Okiya's look actually reflect Yukiko's taste in men?<br>
Aoyama: That's right (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Did she consult with Conan to make Subaru's appearance different enough from Akai's?<br>
Aoyama: Well, about 80% is Yukiko's personal preference (laughs)
Q: Regarding the teaser poster for "Black Iron Submarine", in the rough drawing stage, Kuroda and Rum are depicted in the current position of Akai and Amuro, and there were some faces that looked like Inspector Shiratori and Detective Sato, but are they really important enough to be depicted in the original teaser? Also, why do the members of the organization have one eye closed or hidden in the final version of the poster?<br>
Aoyama: That's right. When I first drew it, I thought there were too many characters (laughs), and I thought it would be too much of a hassle (laughs), so I narrowed it down. At first I drew Kuroda and Rum, but I thought that Akai and Amuro should take those prominent positions. Also, the inclusion of Professor (Agasa) was at the director's request. When I added Professor in as a request, Director Tachikawa replied, "Thank you very much for including him." Well, the thing about keeping one eye closed is that back then, keeping one eye closed was pretty popular (laughs), but it doesn't mean that much (laughs).
Q: Back when Yukiko disguised Conan as Ai, Conan thought to Yukiko's disguise, "Come to think of it, the Haibara disguise was good, too!" (Detective Conan Volume 85), is there any reason for that?<br>
Aoyama: No, not really (laughs) He was just thinking about how much they looked alike (laughs) I just wrote this line as a little excuse (laughs)<br>
Questioner: I see, it's not because they're relatives, is it?<br>
Aoyama: Definitely not (laughs)
Q: What was it like when Furuya and Kazami first met?<br>
Aoyama: Well, I haven't thought about it (laughs) I have to think about it (laughs)
Q: I love Ai-chan, so please tell us about the highlights of this year's theater version regarding Ai from your point of view as far as you can say.<br>
Aoyama: Highlights? The scene that I storyboarded. That's the highlight. Look forward to the amazing scene at the end (laughs). Isn't it too much? Is it alright? (laughs)
Q: Conan movies often have explosion scenes, but is there anything you would like it exploded in future movies?<br>
Aoyama: Ahahaha (laughs) Well, I think it's good to think that various things that come out will probably explode (laughs)
Q: Please tell us the story (behind the scenes) of the movie “The Bride of Halloween".<br>
Aoyama: That? Well, I wonder what happened this year. You suddenly ask me (laughs) I wonder what it is (laughs) "The Bride of Halloween", right? Hmm? I wonder. Even if you suddenly ask, I wouldn't be able to think of it... I wonder what it is. Hmm. There's definitely something...<br>
(Aoyama goes to the edge of stage for consultation)<br>
(audience laughs)<br>
Aoyama: Ah, there was a scene where Kazami tries to defuse the bomb on Amuro's neck, but it was cut because the movie duration was too long (laughs) That's about it?
(last question finished)<br>
Aoyama: Well, I might forget that I said I'd think about it (laughs), so please don't get your hopes up too high (laughs)
'''Source:''' https://www.gamf.jp/3375.html<br>
'''Translation edited by:''' [[User:Jefflie|Jefflie]]
'''Question by junior high school students and under:'''<br>
Q. Please tell us your favorite anime other than Conan and your favorite voice actor.<br>
Aoyama: I wonder now, I like “SPY x FAMILY”. I like Anya (laughs)<br>
MC: You like cute girls, don't you (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: Her voice actress was in "Black Iron Submarine", right? (Atsumi Tanezaki, who played Naomi Argento) It was a completely different role though.<br>
MC: Voice actors can do a variety of voices
Q. How can I draw well?<br>
Aoyama: Imitate your favorite manga and illustrations over and over again, and just keep imitating and drawing. At first. I think if you draw over and over again, you'll probably get good at it.
Q. Which case in Conan has left the biggest impression on you?<br>
Aoyama: Case? Well, the one that comes to mind is definitely the one at Kiyomizu-dera... where Ran kisses on the cheek...<br>
MC: Big case? (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: It's a big case (laughs)
Q. Has Ai Haibara's birthday been decided?<br>
Aoyama: No, it's still undecided (laughs). Well, I think it'll be decided when the birthday episode comes... but it's not decided yet (laughs). Sorry (laughs).
'''General questions:'''<br>
Q. Do you have any plans to draw a specific story about the tea party at the Kudo residence in the future?<br>
Aoyama: It's still a long way to go (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Wow, there is one!<br>
Aoyama: Of course there is (laughs)
Q. Did Jinpei Matsuda own a car? If so, what model?<br>
Aoyama: Eh? (laughs) I wonder if he drives one? (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Or what car would you like him to drive?<br>
Aoyama: I think Hagiwara drives one (laughs) but it's Matsuda, so isn't it a Mazda? (laughs)<br>
Questioner: Mazda? (laughs)<br>
MC: Please take responsibility (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: Oh, that's bad (laughs) Sorry for talking nonsense (laughs) I'm sorry if I come out and say, "Oh, no, it's a Toyota" (laughs) For now, it's a Mazda (laughs)
Q. I think you said in a previous interview that the climax of "The Time-Bombed Skyscraper" was originally an episode made for Magic Kaito, but what kind of episode was it, and who would cut what color, if it was Magic Kaito? I've been wondering about that for a long time, so please let me know.<br>
Aoyama: Oh, I forgot about that (laughs) I think it was a choice between Aoko or Akako, and I had to choose between them (laughs). It was a red thread, so Akako was like... "Hey, it's me, isn't it?" (laughs)... I think it was something like that (laughs). I mean, really... (laughs)<br>
Questioner: About 20 years ago... (laughs)<br>
Aoyama: Right (laughs), right (laughs) Sorry (laughs)<br>
Q. What do you do to relax?<br>
Aoyama: Relax? (laughs) KanColle (laughs) I also play Animal Crossing New Horizons and New Leaf (laughs)<br>
MC: Do you actually have that much time?<br>
Aoyama: No, I have quite a bit (laughs)
Q. A variety of cars appear in the series, please tell me why you chose a car you've driven or one you want to drive.<br>
Aoyama: It's my favorite car, actually. Detective Sato's car is the same as mine.<br>
Questioner: Oh, you drive one?<br>
Aoyama: Yes, I drove one on my way here today (laughs) RX-7 (laughs)<br>
MC: That's amazing. You like cars, don't you?<br>
Aoyama: I do. Like Porsches. I'd like to drive one (laughs)
{{Under Construction}}
= Posters =
= References =

Latest revision as of 08:32, 8 September 2024

Each year in January Gosho has a grand return home to Tottori Prefecture, which is celebrated with an event where fans gather and get to ask Gosho questions directly. There are also games and other events held during this celebration.

Lets Talk with Gosho Day

Gosho at the podium during Let's Talk Day 2016

2012 DCW Thread version

2013 DCW Thread version

2014 DCW Thread version

2014 Red Thread Page version

2015 DCTP thread version

2016 DCTP thread version

2017 DCTP thread version

2017 Yunnie Tumblr version

2018 DCTP Thread version




The event was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.[1]


The event was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic.[2]


The event was held on January 3rd.[3] The official @gamf_staff Twitter account posted six tweets with a selection of questions and answers. Those were fully translated to german on behalf of ConanNews.org by Josef Shanel, the translator of the German Manga.[4]



Lets-talk-day-2012poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2013poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2014poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2015poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2016poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2017poster.png Lets-talk-day-2018poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2019poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2020poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2023poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2024poster.jpg Lets-talk-day-2025poster.jpg


  1. ^ https://www.gamf.jp/2961.html
  2. ^ https://www.gamf.jp/3105.html
  3. ^ Gosho Aoyama Fantreffen findet 2023 wieder statt. ConanNews.org (in German). 22 October 2022. Retrieved 16 February 2023.
  4. ^ Fragerunde mit Gosho Aoyama: DAY2023. ConanNews.org (in German). 16 February 2023. Retrieved 16 February 2023.