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Ikeda: That's true, there's only that person (laughs)
Ikeda: That's true, there's only that person (laughs)
===Otona Fami Interview #2===
オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2010<br>
no script<br>
===Masters Of Manga Interview===
Masters of Manga, published July 6, 2010<br>
Page link is dead, no script <br>
===Otona Fami Interview #3===
オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2011 <br>
Translated by: justwananaccount
I'm guessing at the pronounciation of some names, so it might not be entirely accurate. ^^; Also, some characters were so fuzzy that I couldn't make it out – in that case I left a ? in the Japanese text and got the translation from the Chinese translation. As before, let me know if I've mistranslated or I've taken too much liberty in the English or something.
Aoyama Gosho Interview<br>
Aoyama Gosho has continued drawing shounen manga for a quarter of a century. Debuted as a manga artist in '86, he will discuss Magic Kaito, YAIBA, Detective Conan, and future plans.
Born in Tottori prefecture in 1963. Debuted in '86 with Wait a Minute. YAIBA and Detective Conan won Shougakukan Manga Award in Youth (I got this from the Chinese translation, I can't read the Japanese 'cause it's so fuzzy) and Shounen Divisions, respectively.<br>
What kind of boy was sensei like during childhood?<br>
Like the Detective Boys, I played detective with friends. I was more of a Mitsuhiko-type than a Conan-type. I was in a position to search provisions and places, with my family's car maintenance factory's scrap yard as the secret base.<br>
Did you like manga from that time?<br>
A:そうですね。ニャロメの絵ばかり描いてました。初めて買った漫画は、大好きなちばてつや先生の「おれは鉄平」(should be 鉄兵, seems that the magazine has a misprint)。鉄平が好きで剣道部に入りましたね。でも、親が「漫画なんて読んでも、ロクな人間にならない」という考えの厳しい人で、中学高校時代はこっそり隠れて読んでました。<br>
Yes. I kept drawing pictures of Nyarome. The first manga I bought was my favorite artist, Chiba Tetsuya sensei's I am Teppei. I entered the kendo club because I liked Teppei so much. But, my parents held harsh beliefs like “Those who read manga don't become a worthy human being,” so I read secretly during my middle and high school years.<br>
When did you start walking down the path of a manga artist?<br>
I was opposed by my parents, so I almost gave up my dream of becoming a manga artist during high school. Instead, I entered Nihon University College of Art to become an art teacher. There, manga research (?) existed, which didn't exist in my countryside high school (laughs). An alumni manga artist, Abu Yukata-san (Bear-chan's Christmas, Detective Conan Special Edition, etc.) was there. I went to be an assistant at Abu-san's work place, and he said, “Do you want to draw manga for real”? That's where it started.<br>
Just wondering, what was your major at your university?<br>
The Fine Arts Department's artist course. The touch in Conan's end-of-the-volume Illustrated Guide to Famous Detective is different, isn't it? I can still draw. I also used to draw for part time jobs. I drew the background for Fuji TV's Ponkikki, and for Tokyo Disneyland's Pirates of the Carribean*. I drew on the brick wall behind the town that the pirates are vandalizing (I think . . . I'm not completely sure). I was put on a life line, and they gave me a picture and told me to draw just like it. The pay was good, so I did my best (laughs). That picture doesn't exist anymore, though. I also took up a teaching job. At my hometown's high school, I even went to art education training. My parents thought I was going to become a teacher, so when I suddenly said I was going to be a manga artist, they stubbornly opposed me like I expected. My old man said, “I had a friend who can draw a crab that looks like it's about to start moving. But that person can't eat, at all. Do you still want to be a manga artist?” (laughs) Still, [he? I?] declared “[I'm? You're?] an adult already, do whatever [I? you?] like,” and I brought in a work to a publisher.<br>
*I know the timeline doesn't make sense, but I typed in カリブの海賊 into Google and that's what I got. :\<br>
You first submitted to Weekly Shonen Magazine, right?<br>
Yes, I performed well with Nonchalantly Lupin (Magic Kaito's prototype) at Magazine. However, Nouchi-san, who later became Magazine's head editor, told me, “Your art doesn't suit Magazine,” so I headed for Weekly Shonen Sunday next. There, I won Shougakukan Newcomer Comic Award with my third contributed work Wait a Minute (SF love comedy) in '86. I finally managed to debut.<br>
Magic Kaito, your first serial work, started the following year. Things are going favorably.<br>
Though my university classmates and lowerclassmen were assisting me, when contribution fees were paid for the first time, we all went to a sushi restaurant to celebrate. I felt like a pro when the first volume came out. I was so happy, I added extra manga. That first serial work still continues, even now (laughs). It's a life work now. I'm going to put out a new work in the summer. It'll be about Kaito's mother, Phantom Lady . . . or it's planned to be. Although, editor[s] really complained to me at first. The parts about tricks and love comedy is popular with adults and girls, but not with boys, [they/he/she] said. With Yaiba, I thought “you” while drawing it. But this time, only boys liked it (laughs).<br>
Please, tell us memories of YAIBA.<br>
At the time, it was the first weekly series so I did stuff without care. I was completely absorbed in it. The idea of putting in jewels into the sword Raijinken (Sword of Thunder God) to make it stronger came from RPG, with the image of collecting items to become stronger – I'm glad that part was received well. Although, I think I failed because the work became too childish, in contrast [to Magic Kaito]. I like the final stage, the Yamatanoorochi (a Japanese mythical monster with eight heads and eight tails) arc. I thought I drew well, but the arc hasn't been animated (laughs). I wish that it will be animated, with current quality.<br>
After YAIBA is finally Detective Conan, what atmosphere did you imagine to make it?<br>
Calico Cat Holmes. Though a cat shouldn't understand, it touches around evidence and such and the case gets solved. Same thing with Conan. Though a child shouldn't understand, he says things like “arere~?” I imagine Conan to be Calico Cat Holmes talking.<br>
How long did you plan on continuing it at first?<br>
I never thought the serialization would be so long. I thought it would end with the first volume. The head editor said that since there is the anime, Future Boy Conan (directed by Miyazaki Hayao), I should change the title to “Detective Doyle,” but I persuaded him/her by saying, “I'll surpass Future Boy Conan!” But the new serialization notification article listed the title as “Detective Boy Conan”, and I thought, that's not good (laughs). However, about ten years ago, a person from Studio Ghibli told me, “Conan means the detective now, doesn't it?” and I thought, “Yes!”<br>
Tell me your Top 5 episodes.<br>
#1 would be “Shaken Police Headquarters: 12 Million Hostages” (FILE 369-373). What else? I guess “Head to Head with the Black Organization: Full Moon Night's Dual Mystery” (FILE 429-434), which ran as a two-and-a-half-hour special in the anime. Ïn “The Case of the Murdered Diplomat” (FILE 92-96), where Heiji first makes an appearance, I liked Shinichi's eye-opening scene, where he said, “That's not right . . .” - I thought it went well, performance-wise. I also like the line, “There is . . . only one truth . . . don't you see?” In the anime, they say, “One truth remains!”, right? The anime's writer came up with this line, but I also came up with this line at the same time. I was surprised by the coincidence. “The Mysterious Passenger” (FILE 287-289) is a favorite, too. Conan's “Don't run away, Haibara . . . Don't run away . . . from your own destiny . . .” remains impressed in my memory. Shinichi picks his lines carefully, doesn't he? I'd also like to add “Following Holmes” (FILE 743-752). Since it was Conan's admired place, I put in some effort. I did some site research for it, too.<br>
You said that the next arc would be the London arc in the '03 interview, didn't you?<br>
Wow, some time has passed since then, hasn't it? I tried drawing it, and I definitely struggled with the English. I decided from the beginning to feature Wimbledon, and I modeled Minerva Glass with the tennis player, Steffi Graf. The scene where conan says “I'll help you out!!” to Glass from the audience is based on an episode in Wimbledon in '96. During the semifinal between Graf and Date Kimiko, a fan said “Steffi, will you marry me?”, maybe to change the flow [of the game]. Then, Graf replied jokingly, “How much money do you have?” (laughs)<br>
How was the research in London?<br>
The places that show up in the manga mostly consist of places I took pictures of during the research. The telephone box where Conan turned back to Shinichi really was at the end of crossing the Big Ben bridge. The gutter with “Valley of Fear” written across the top in the manga exists, too. I drew the hotel I stayed at as it was. For places I couldn't go, I investigated with Google Map. Maybe I could have drawn without the site research? (laughs)<br>
The end of that arc (Volume 72 planned to be sold in June) contained the much-awaited-for scene between Shinichi and Ran, didn't it?<br>
The reaction was huge for that scene. I thought about tying in the fact that Holmes is weak in romance, and the “A bothersome, difficult case” line was decided before. Things went as planned.<br>
Is there a rule or a cycle behind deciding the timing for love-comedy and Black Organization episodes?<br>
I decide when I feel it's time (laughs). Maybe fan letters have a pretty significant influence. I get stuff like “I want to read about Shinichi and Ran's childhood!” or “Please draw the BO arc soon!” The readers expectations for the BO arc is high. It's just, unlike normal fields, I have to draw hard core so it's quite a lot of work. But I like hard core things.<br>
Which character is fun to draw?<br>
Haibara, perhaps. She's popular since her appearance, isn't she? She does exactly what I want her to do, and I can say what I want to say though her. This is pretty much the reason why I have Haibara say my comments at the official homepage, Conan News Agency.<br>
Which character is popular among the readers?<br>
Sera Masumi, the new character. It seems that she's winning by an landslide. The name seems to be understood by people who understands. Is it good to have so much Gundam? (laughs) Maybe she's the sister of a major character . . . (laughs). I'm excited to see who the voice actor will be.<br>
I also wonder about the direction of Detective Takagi and Detective Satou's romance.<br>
I plan on drawing Takagi and Satou's marriage ceremony. The thing is, during last year's movie, I thought about getting them married with a Kid plot involved, but if it's done in a movie, then I can't do it in the manga, so I decided against the idea.<br>
Conan has expanded broadly into student-read manga, anime, movies, live action drama, and media franchise. How do you produce them?<br>
I'm mainly involved in the movie script and the original pictures. I entrust the other media in others.<br>
How were you involved in the newest movie, Detective Conan: Quarter of Silence?<br>
About making the number '15' the theme, this was a consensus among the staff and myself to celebrate the 15th year of films. Having the stage be set on a snowy mountain was my idea. I thought that getting buried in an avalanche with a rescue time limit of 15 minutes would be just right.<br>
What are the scenes to watch for in this film?<br>
The skateboard in a tunnel scene at the beginning. Wasn't it cool? Also, the scene where Conan says, “Words are knives. When used wrong, they become weapons.” (I drew the original picture for this). I also used this line in the manga once, I like it. I also was in charge of the original picture of the scene where Shinichi's prayer(?) appears when Conan and Ran miss each other in the avalanche <br>
What is your recommended film so far?<br>
The fifth film, Countdown to Heaven. Many things fit just right in that work, I'm proud of it. My little brother says he also likes this film the best. My little brother is a medical doctor who's also an anime otaku (laughs). I often consults with him. About the estimated time of death, the cause of death and such. A living medical book, super convenient! He's also knows about voice actors very well, so he calls and says things like, “Hayashibara-san would be great as Haibara's voice actor!” He also points out my faults, like “You're getting conceited with popularity” (laughs).<br>
Conan has become a long series that has continued for 17 years since the beginning of serialization, with 71 volumes published – any tips on continuing a long serialization?<br>
No tips. On the contrary, when I draw a new case, I always draw with the feeling that this will be the last. Though when advancing forward the next story begins.<br>
What felt tough from the long serialization?<br>
When I forget about the foreshadows I wrote a long time ago (laughs). It was a lot of work when I clarified Vermouth's foreshadows. I felt like I needed to include everything. I noted down all the foreshadows on a paper before and I handed it to the anime staff – I wish they'd return it (laughs). Maybe anokata's identity will be understood if the paper is seen?<br>
In the '08 interview with this magazine, you said that the next arc will be about Bourbon.<br>
The Bourbon arc is still continuing. Aside from that arc, I've thought about a confrontation between Sera and Haibara. This will be spectacular. Both of them are “wolves,” after all (laughs).<br>
I'm excited to see it! When do you think you can write the last episode that you said you decided the contents of?<br>
I don't know. But I don't think I'll exceed KochiKame in volume number (laughs). I've already decided the lines. The ending will be a happy one. This is my work, after all.<br>
You've done weekly serializations for 20 years, what does the one week cycle look like?<br>
Two and a half to three days on the pre-manuscript, four to four and a half days on the drawing. The week is used up (laughs). I don't have the time to think of tricks. That's why things keep getting off. They let me take a break from time to time, but I don't rest at all. Because, on top of the manga, I have to make arrangements with the movie staff to draw the original pictures (laughs). That's why, when I turn in things at the last minute, no one complains. I've never failed to turn in my work, not once. I feel like I'll stop turning in work if I fail once.<br>
What do you want to do if you managed to take a break?<br>
Sleep. Do nothing but sleep. Wake up a little, watch a movie, sleep again ( laughs). That would be my ideal life. Hotel living sounds nice, too . . .<br>
Do you return home?<br>
Just on New Years every year. Since there are fans who bring shikishi's (in Japan, fans get signatures on papers called shikishi) and ask for signatures. On top of that, my parents save up one year's worth of shikishi's (laughs). Two hundred of them are copies, about twenty are the normal shikishi's. Still, when I return to the country nothing happens, so I start wanting to draw pictures.<br>
As I thought, you like to work, don't you?<br>
You think? Now that I think about it, the dramas that I watch are all about police detectives. These days, all the new shows are recorded, and shows that aren't mysteries or about police detectives are eliminated. I play them when drafting. With dramas, you can understand the contents even while working. Recently, I've watched SPEC. Even though ESP people appear, the mystery is set up properly. In the last episode, I thought that when Touma (Toda Erika) said “I won!” (when she won the intellect battle against Ninomae (Kamiki Ryuunosuke)), she was really cool. If Toda-san was in her teens, I would have liked her to play Ran in the live action Conan drama (laughs).<br>
You've played the role of a police crime lab staff in Thief during this year's New Years.<br>
I was also kindly allowed to consult with Mizutani Yutaka-san, my wish came true. He was a truly good person, he was just like Ukyou-san!<br>
Do you have an interest in scripts for dramas?<br>
After I retire, maybe. But I think I'll be told that I should draw instead (laughs).<br>
When sensei draws manga, what do you value?<br>
To draw cool boys and cute girls. Though Ran and Sera and such girls are becoming cooler these days (laughs).<br>
This year marks the 25th anniversary of your job; how would you describe this past quarter century?<br>
Half of it was Conan. I feel like I want to demand my life back (laughs). I was 29 when I started. Time passed by, really fast. I feel like it's only been four years.<br>
Until what age do you want to stay active?<br>
As long as I can. I want to retire when I reach Agasa's age (53), I think, but once I retire I think I'll start wanting to draw manga again. The assistants who've been with me since the beginning are aging, too – there's a lot of trouble. But, just like Chaplin, I'll keep saying “My best work is my next work”!<br>
Speaking of your next work, what about the Journey to the West that you mentioned in your interview with this mazagine in '08?<br>
I want to draw Journey to the West! I've finished the character design for Goku, and there was a plan to publish a one-shot on Sunday, but drawing ancient Chinese backgrounds is quite troublesome so maybe not. I'll say this since I don't think I'll keep drawing, but it's quite interesting (laughs).<br>
Please do draw! Finally, please leave a message for the readers.<br>
Thank you kindly for putting up with Aoyama Gosho's world for a long time. And I hope we'll get along in the future. “Let's get to the next case!” (laughs)<br>
EDIT: Fixed 'Three-Haired cat' to 'Calico cat' - my bad, ha ha.

Revision as of 15:33, 13 October 2015

Interviews list

Untranslated Interviews

Conan Vs Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition RAW

Detective Conan vs. Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition pg 169
Posted by: skyechan

Asahi Newspaper Interview "the boss's name has already appeared" RAW

朝日新聞夕刊 (Asahi Evening Newspaper), published January 13, 2006
Posted by: Cindy Xin
Comment from Chekov: "The last file before this boss's name has appeared interview was 551 (Nail and Snake)
and was in Shounen Sunday issue #5-6 2006 (a double issue with a week break afterwards) which was published January 4, 2006."


Conan Drill Official Book

コナンドリル オフィシャルブック (Conan Drill Official Book), published May 1 2003
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Erlangen, Germany Interview

Press conference in Erlangen, Germany on June 17, 2006
Translated by: Aki-kun

Anime 10th Anniversary Interview

Aoyama Anime 10th anniversary interview on 2005-2006
Posted at : https://reiarashi.wordpress.com/2006/09/10/aoyama-10th-anniversary-interview/

Conan and Kindaichi Files Interview #1

名探偵コナン&金田一少年の事件簿01 (Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case files #1), published April 10, 2008
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Otona Fami Interview #1

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 21, 2008
no script

Shonen Sunday Interview #1

週刊少年サンデー17号 (Weekly Shonen Sunday #17), published March 27, 2009
no script

Conan and Lupin Interview #1

Aoyama & Monkey Punch interview from 2009
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Shonen Sunday 50th Anniversary Interview

少年サンデー1983 (Shonen Sunday 1983, a special issue commemorating Sunday's 50 years of publishing), published July 15, 2009
no script

Gundam Ace Interview

ガンダムエース3月号 (Gundam Ace March issue) between Ikeda Shuuichi and Aoyama Gosho, published January 26, 2010
Partially Translated by: justwantanaccount

Otona Fami Interview #2

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2010
no script

Masters Of Manga Interview

Masters of Manga, published July 6, 2010
Page link is dead, no script

Otona Fami Interview #3

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2011
Translated by: justwananaccount

Lets Talk with Gosho Day

2014 DCW Thread version

2014 Red Thread Page version

2015 DCTP thread version

Post Cards


Animal Crossings



Super Digest Books









Sherry's Soliloquies
