Approximate Date |
File |
Picture |
Japanese |
2015-01-02 |
915 |
あけまして おめでと~♪(^o^)/
(Spade) - Happy new year~♪(^o^)/
2015-01-02 |
915 |
(Heart) - I’ll bring my DS to Shaberō Day, so… (Let’s Talk Day)
2015-01-02 |
915 |
(Diamond) - Let’s pass by each other if you have a DS
2015-01-04 |
915 |
(Spade) - Happy New Year~♪(^∀^)
2015-01-04 |
915 |
しゃべろうデイ たのしかった~♪
(Heart) - Shaberō Day was fun~♪
2015-01-04 |
915 |
サインできなかったひと ゴメンね;
(Diamond) - I’m sorry to the people that I couldn’t give a autograph
2015-01-04 |
915 |
(Clover) - Its Jii-chan's movie debut!
2015-01-20 |
916 |
ネンガシジョウ きょねんの サンバイ
(Spade) - This year I’ve received 3 times as many postcards as last year.
2015-01-20 |
916 |
(Heart) - I’ll be slow in replying but please wait (^^
2015-01-20 |
916 |
(Diamond) - The talk with Tsurube-san was fun.
2015-01-20 |
916 |
ブルーパロット オープン♪(^∀^)
(Clover) - Blue Parrot has opened ♪(^∀^)
2015-02-16 |
918 |
(Spade) - Only a few more postcards to reply to!
2015-02-23 |
919 |
(Spade) - I’ve finished replying to all postcards!
2015-02-23 |
919 |
いっぱい やすんじゃってゴメンね
(Heart) - I’m sorry I’ve been taking so many breaks.
2015-02-23 |
919 |
つぎはシンイチとランの であいv
(Diamond) - Next time will be Shinichi and Ran's encounter v (Files921-924)
2015-02-23 |
919 |
(Clover) - Finally Corbeau will appear in the anime, I'm looking forward to it
2015-02-28 |
919 |
とっとりコナンくうこう OPEN♪
(Spade) - Tottori's Conan Airport has opened
2015-02-28 |
919 |
Attention Please~~♪(^∀^)/
(Heart) - Attention Please~~♪(^∀^)/
2015-03-23 |
920 |
まぁゲンキなので ごしんぱいなく
(Spade) - I'm already getting better, don't worry about me
2015-03-23 |
920 |
アニメのスイゾクカン きれいだねv
(Heart) - The anime's aquarium is pretty, isn't it? v
2015-03-23 |
920 |
(Diamond) - It seems the title will be [Ran GIRL]
2015-03-23 |
920 |
コルボーって まんまルパンだね~v
(Clover) - Corbeau reminds me of [[Lupin III|Lupin], y'know~ v
2015-03-30 |
920 |
だっしゅつゲーム たのしかった~v
(Spade) - The escape game was really fun~ v (Real-D escape game)
2015-03-30 |
920 |
[ランGIRL]は せんこうヘンだよv
(Heart) - [Ran GIRL] is a two parter v
2015-03-30 |
920 |
ランGIRLの つぎは シンイチBOY
(Diamond) - After [Ran GIRL] is [Shinichi BOY]
2015-03-30 |
920 |
つぎは エイガで あおうぜ!(^_^)/
(Clover) - I'll see you in the cinema! (^_^)/
2015-04-09 |
RF01 |
コナンカフェ たのしそうだね~♪
(Spade) - The Conan Cafe is fun~♪
2015-04-09 |
RF01 |
[ランGIRL]さくが かんりょう(^^
(Heart) - [Ran GIRL] is finished (^^
2015-04-09 |
RF01 |
[シンイチBOY] ネーム かんせいv
(Diamond) - [Shinichi BOY] draft is finished v
2015-04-09 |
RF01 |
(Clover) - The re-serialization has old art, so it's embarrassing.
2015-05-08 |
RF04 |
つぎのエイガは アムロvsアカイ!
(Clover) - The next movie is Amuro vs. Akai!
2015-05-08 |
RF04 |
[シンイチBOY]サクガ かんりょう
(Spade) - [Shinichi BOY] is finished.
2015-05-08 |
RF04 |
(Diamond) - [[Shinichi Kudo|Kudo-kun] hasn't changed much.
2015-05-08 |
RF04 |
そのこ おっとこまえ~v (,,^_^,,)
(Heart) - Sonoko is manly ~v (,,^_^,,)
2015-05-18 |
921 |
カンこれ タカナミでなかった(T~T
(Spade) - I didn't get Takanami in Kancolle(T~T (Kantai Collection reference)
2015-05-18 |
921 |
つぎのエイガは アムロvsアカイ!
(Clover) - The next movie is Amuro vs. Akai! (repeat)
2015-05-18 |
921 |
GirlとBoyは れんそくケイサイ♪
(Heart) - Girl and Boy will be published one after the other ♪
2015-05-18 |
921 |
オーバーラップって むずかしいね;
(Diamond) - The overlap's quite difficult, isn't it?
2015-05-24 |
922 |
(Spade) - The inspiration for Girl and Boy came from Himuro...(cont.)
2015-05-24 |
922 |
⇒サエコの なぎさBoy たえこGirl
(Heart) - (cont.)...Himuro's Nagisa Boy and Taeko Girl
2015-05-24 |
922 |
(Diamond) - Kudo-kun sure was excited/nervous, huh? (lol)
2015-06-02 |
923 |
ひいろシリーズ たのしみだね~♪
(Clover) - Looking forward to the Scarlet Series♪ (in the anime)
2015-06-02 |
923 |
ユウサクさん ヒマそうねぇ...(^_^;
(Diamond) - Yusaku-san has a lot of free, time doesn't he (ch923-924)
2015-06-02 |
923 |
(Heart) - I'm glad you said "thank you" to me. v
2015-06-02 |
923 |
(Spade) - The Emperor's Cook is interesting (a real TBS show)
2015-06-11 |
RF05 |
(Spade) - When Furuya-san, on the After Record of the Scarlet series (cont.)
2015-06-11 |
RF05 |
"あかい...シュウイチ"ってセリフを (⇒)
(Heart) - Was supposed to say this line of "Akai... Shuichi" (cont.)
2015-06-11 |
RF05 |
"あかい...スイセイ"といってしまい (⇒)
(Diamond) - Accidentally said "Akai... Suisei" (cont.) (Red commet, Gundum reference to Char Aznable)
2015-06-11 |
RF05 |
スタジオ だいばくしょう だったw
(Clover) - The studio exploded into laugther. w
2015-06-24 |
RF07 |
ヒイロのアニメ いいかんじだね♪
(Spade) - The Scarlet series anime episode look nice.
2015-06-24 |
RF07 |
(Heart) - But I'd preferred that they...(cont.)
2015-06-24 |
RF07 |
⇒ クロに してほしかったわね…w
(Diamond) - (cont.) used black for Yuusaku-san's choker... w
2015-06-24 |
RF07 |
(Clover) - Looks like they'll fix it to black in the DVD (^_^)v
2015-07-04 |
RF08 |
いよいよ カンゼンふっき!(^_^)v
(Clover) - At last a definitive return! (^_^)v
2015-07-04 |
RF08 |
(Spade) - The next case will be an ardent love revelation
2015-07-04 |
RF08 |
おおものカップル たんじょう!?
(Heart) - A big couple will be born!? (File 925-927)
2015-07-04 |
RF08 |
(Diamond) - *Shock* (ToT)
2015-07-24 |
925 |
(Spade) - I decided to begin with a light-hearted case... w
2015-07-24 |
925 |
おにあいだと おもうけどなぁ(^_^
(Heart) - I tend to wonder if it's fitting but... (^_^
2015-07-24 |
925 |
ないわ! (`^´)
(Diamond) - It isn't! (`^´)
2015-07-24 |
925 |
ナマエは、 イタリアンワインだよw
(Clover) - The names are Italian Wines w
2015-08-08 |
927 |
ただいま ダイットちゅう~~w
(Spade) - I'm on a diet right now.
2015-08-08 |
927 |
これで おとうさんも おちつくわね
(Heart) - That should make dad calm down
2015-08-08 |
927 |
わるいわね サナダくん (*^~^*)
(Diamond) - Sorry, Sanada-kun (*^~^*)
2015-08-08 |
927 |
ヤマダさんも イタリアンワインw
(Clover) - Yamada-san's an Italian Wine as well!
2015-08-16 |
928 |
さいきんウエスト ヤバぎみなのに;
(Heart) - Even though my waistline has recently become problematic.
2015-08-16 |
928 |
(Spade) - The next case is about Ramen
2015-08-16 |
928 |
(Diamond) - Chukichi seems to like ramen w
2015-08-16 |
928 |
(Clover) - Sera seems to like ramen too, does that mean...?
2015-08-28 |
929 |
(Spade) - I’m on a diet, but I still want to eat ramen~
2015-08-28 |
929 |
(Heart) - Detective Takagi… you’re being way too obvious w(^_^;)
2015-08-28 |
929 |
エロいわね さとうケイジv (—,—)
(Diamond) - How risqué, Detective Sato v(—,—)
2015-08-28 |
929 |
(Clover) - This time's names are the flavors of ramen
2015-09-05 |
930 |
(Spade) - The next case is "Zombie" w
2015-09-05 |
930 |
(Heart) - Coming from Osaka with two people riding on the same bike?
2015-09-05 |
930 |
(Diamond) - Isn't this the demon king sword?! (Maōken from Yaiba)
2015-09-05 |
930 |
(Clover)1 - Amuro and Akai as color pencil drawings w (For Movie 20)
2015-09-06 |
930 |
(Clover)2 - Drew a poster with Amuro and Akai! (For Movie 20)
2015-09-14 |
931 |
(Spade) - My cholesterol has gone down thanks to the diet.
2015-09-14 |
931 |
このジケン はやくおわって~(T~T)
(Heart) - I want this case to end soon~(T~T).
2015-09-14 |
931 |
(Diamond) - Heiji, Onimaru-kun, Demon King's Blade! (from Yaiba)
2015-09-14 |
931 |
(Clover) - Thanks for everything Sky ⋆ Blue-san!
2015-09-21 |
932 |
(Spade) - Looking forward to Okitegami Kyōko~♪ (An upcoming JDrama)
2015-09-21 |
932 |
(Diamond) - Goー! Heiji (Onimaru}(▽Д▽)/
2015-09-21 |
932 |
(Heart) - Kyaaaaaa!!(◎Д◎;)
2015-09-21 |
932 |
(Clover) - It's Boxing vs. Jeet Kune Do v
2015-10-02 |
934 |
(Spade) - I went and bought a treadmill w
2015-10-02 |
934 |
もう イヤ~~~~~っ!!(x~x;
(Heart) - Enough already!!! (x~x;
2015-10-02 |
934 |
また でたわね ようかいハンター!
(Diamond) - The yōkai hunter has appeared again!
2015-10-02 |
934 |
つぎの えいが ラムでるっちゃw
(Clover) - Rum will also be in the next movie~
2015-10-12 |
935 |
(Spade) - The next case is "K-ON"♪ (series K-ON)
2015-10-12 |
935 |
え?わたし ミオちゃん?(*^~^*)
(Heart) - Huh? I'm Mio-chan?(*^~^*) (character from K-ON)
2015-10-12 |
935 |
(Diamond) - Oh my. Amuro-san's cool, isn't he?
2015-10-12 |
935 |
さんまのTVに わかいオレでたよw
(Clover) - Sanma’s TV showed a clip of me from when I was young (lol)
2015-10-24 |
936 |
チュウボウのセラちゃん かわいいv
(Heart) - Middle school Sera-chan is cute v (File 937)
2015-10-24 |
936 |
ガッキって カクの めんどくせぇw
(Spade) - Drawing instruments is annoying w
2015-10-24 |
936 |
(Diamond) - Can Akai-san also play the guitar?
2015-10-24 |
936 |
(Clover) - Akai's car in the movie is a Mustang! (Movie 20)
2015-11-11 |
938 |
(Spade) - The next case is the "Department Store" (lol)
2015-11-11 |
938 |
アイちゃんとアユミちゃん やるぅv
(Heart) - You did it, Ai-chan and Ayumi-chan v
2015-11-11 |
938 |
どう?みちがえたかしら (*v _ v*)
(Diamond) - How do I look? I bet you didn't recognize me. (*v _ v*)
2015-11-11 |
938 |
(Clover) - FD vs.Mustang! Can't wait to see it~ (Movie 20)
2015-11-19 |
939 |
タイジュウ ろくじゅっキロだいにv
(Spade) - My body weight has gone down by 60 kilos
2015-11-19 |
939 |
(Heart) - "Somehow" says Ayumi-chan;
2015-11-19 |
939 |
まだポーチ あきらめてないから…v
(Diamond) - I still haven't given up on getting that pouch... (A Fusae brand pouch, see File 939)
2015-11-19 |
939 |
(Clover) - The title (of the movie) is ◯○◯コクの◯◯◯◯◯ (revealed to be Junkoku no Nightmare for Movie 20)
2015-11-29 |
940 |
(Spade) - I got Shepperin & Arashi in KanColle!
2015-11-29 |
940 |
(Heart) - Detective Chiba must diet, too
2015-11-29 |
940 |
トイレで キレイに おとしたのに…
(Diamond) - Even though I cleaned (the make up) off in the bathroom... (see File 941)
2015-11-29 |
940 |
(Clover) - I'm happy that my old pants fit
2015-12-05 |
941 |
(Spade) - The next case is UFO w
2015-12-05 |
941 |
ナエコさん ガンバです!(`^´)/
(Heart) - Go for it, Naeko-san!(`^´)/
2015-12-05 |
941 |
(Diamond) - Diamond: Isn't Detective Chiba being unreasonable?
2015-12-05 |
941 |
(Clover) - There won't be horse-riding in the movie w (Movie 20)
2015-12-11 |
942 |
(Spade) - It's nearly Christmas~
2015-12-11 |
942 |
(Heart) - It's been a while since (we've seen) a Teitan jersey~
2015-12-11 |
942 |
(Diamond) - Has Detective Chiba lost a bit of weight?
2015-12-11 |
942 |
(Clover) - For now, I've drawn Akai's key frame (Movie 20)
2015-12-17 |
943 |
(Spade) - This time the names are 'sun' =>
2015-12-17 |
943 |
(Clover) - 'moon' and 'earth' ♪(6_6
2015-12-17 |
943 |
(Heart) - Detective Chiba is so cool~v (*^▽^*)
2015-12-17 |
943 |
(Diamond) - He clearly didn't give it his all until now
2015-12-23 |
944 |
(Spade) - Merry Christma~~s(^~^)/
2015-12-23 |
944 |
(Heart) - I wish for everyone to enjoy XMas
2015-12-23 |
944 |
(Diamond) - I want you to see a grey Santa (@_<,,)
2015-12-23 |
944 |
(Clover) - There'll be an illustration compilation next year (Art Book)
2015-12-25 |
944 |
(Spade) - Well then, I wish you a happy new year~!(^v^)/
2015-12-25 |
944 |
(Heart) - Housecleaning & cleaning! (^o^!
2015-12-25 |
944 |
(Diamond) - Amuro-san's also somewhere out there.
2015-12-25 |
944 |
(Clover) - I wanna visit the Conan Airport soon!