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(Love Conan (Rabu Conan) Interview RAW: now translated)
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===Love Conan (Rabu Conan) Interview RAW===
http://conan-4869.net/post-19909 <BR>
Raw Text
─ 女の子向けの本ということで、いきなりですが、先生の好みの夕イブからうかがってもよろしいですか?<br>
─ 登場人物でいうと、どのキャラクターが好みなんでしょうか?<br>
─ だからあんなに胸が大きいんですか。<br>
─ 先生の作品に出てくる女の子って、みんなスタイルいいですよね。<br>
─ ああ、色でちょうど桃子ちゃんのファンだったころに描かれた作品なんですね。<br>
─ 具体的に女優さんでは誰か、いらっしゃいますか?<br>
─ ちょっと癒し系っぽい優しい感じの人がお好きなんですね。<br>
─ 聖子ちゃん派、明菜ちゃん派ってありましたもんねえ。
─ 物語では幼なじみ同士の恋愛が同時進行していますが、先生は幼なじみの女の子を好きになったことはないですか?<br>
─ そうなんですか?子どものころよく探偵ごっこをされていたとうかがっています。その中に女の子がいたりしなかったんですか?<br>
─ なんだか楽しそうですね。おいくつぐらいのときですか?<br>
─ ずるい(笑)。そしたら怒られないですみました?<br>
─ 先生が応援したい作中のカップルは誰と誰ですか?<br>
─ 読者も新一だけじゃなく蘭のことも好きで、ふたりを応援したいという感じですよね。<br>
─ そこがまた切なくて、みんな応援したくなるのかもしれないですよね。登場人物はみんな、基本的ににぶいですよね。<br>
─ そのじれったい感がまた、読んででみんなおもしろいんでしょうね。<br>
– (笑)けっこう「哀ちゃんとコナン君をなんとかしてあげてほしい」っていう声もあるんですよ。<br>
– やっぱり無理なんですか?哀ちゃんは、工藤くんと江戸川くん、どっちのことが好きなんですか?<br>
─ 年齢的にいうとやっぱり佐藤刑事と高木刑事が先かな?っていう感じもして。そう思っているファンがたくさんいるんですよ。「頼むから結婚させて!」という。<br>
─ そのうちって感じですか?うけっこういいところまで進展してますね。<br>
─ 白鳥警部さえいなければ。<br>
─ もう、あのトロピカルマリンランドの尾行の話がもんのすごくおもしろかったです。あんな聞き間違いってあり?って。<br>
─ それにしても佐藤刑事のあのモテっぷりはなんなんでしょうかね?他の県警の人たちまで。目暮警部と干葉刑事以外のみんなが好き!っていう感じですよね。<br>
─ 捜査一課では、佐藤さんだけなんですか?<br>
─ 本当ですよ~。でもあのぐらいモテてると、読んでるほうも気持ちがいいですよ。
─ 以前、先生も「小五郎さんは陣内孝則さん」などいくつかお答えいただいていますが、現在でも実写にしたらどなたっでいうのはありますか?ファンからは「実写は反対」という意見が圧倒的に多いのですが。<br>
─ アンケートでは、平次役の候補ももっと出てくるかなと思ったんですけど、意外と出てこなくて。<br>
─ 先生がいちばん最初に「名探偵コナン」を描き始められたころ、女性の読者やファンっていうのは意識はされてましたか?<br>
─ 特にアニメは子どもといっしょに見ていたら、自分のほうがハマッちゃったっていうお母さんは、多いと思いますよ。映画館に行くともう、お母さん世代の人のほうが多いくらいですよ。子どもとお母さんの数が合っていないような。<br>
─ 先生が特に印象に残っている犯人はいますか?事件を起こさせちゃったけど、実は気に入っているとか。<br>
─ 最初からその話は、最後殺しちゃうって決めていたんですか?<br>
─ 「SHINE」と書いて「死ね」と読んでしまったという。<br>
─ アシスタントの方がそういうこと言ったりするんですか?<br>
─ 怪盗キッドなど、他の作品からのグストキャラも人気を集めていますが、先生としてはこの反響はどう思われますか?<br>
─ キザですよね。新一くんといい勝負くらいですよね。<br>
─ かっこいいセリフは、小説とか映画を参考にされてるんですか?<br>
─ 実は読者アンケートで一番多かったのが「登場人物の詳しいプロフィールが知りたい」という意見です。特に平次の誕生を知りたいという声が多いですね。<br>
─ 確かに、色黒のせいもありますけど、8月っぽいですよね。そのうち、明かされるようなお話があったりするんですか?<br>
─ みんなから「じいさん」とか言われたりするし、たしかに見た目おじいさんぽいですよね。<br>
─ お茶の水博士くらい。<br>
─ 誕生日や血液型に関して言えば、本当にみんな「好きな人のことが知りたい」っていうのと同じ感覚なんですよね。特に血液型なんかは、蘭が「わたしもこの子と同じ血液型ですから」というところまでわかってただけに、みんな気になっていると思うんですが。<br>
─ シャロン・ヴィンヤードの年齢は、何歳なんでしょうか?クリスは29歳だから、その親ぐらいだろうし・・・と、想像するのですが。<br>
─ ジンはその年齢を知ってるのかな?と心配になったりもします(笑)。そのへんはそのうち大々的にわかってくるんですかね?<br>
─ 結末を知りたいという声も多いのですが、それをおうかがいするわけにはいきませんので、あっさりした質問に。新一は、3年間ひとり暮らしをしているという設定ですが、その間の家事はどうしていたんでしょうか?<br>
─ 復活したときに、朝トーストだけしか食べてなかったから、こりゃ料理はしなかったんじゃないかな?と思ったんですよね。<br>
─ 蘭がフサエ・キャンベルの限定アイテムのため並んだことがありましたが、結局何を買ったんでしょうか?蘭ちゃんだし、お財布とかかな?と思うのですが。<br>
─ あんまり大きいバッグとか買ってなさそうですもんね。蘭はおこづかいもらってなさそうだし。<br>
─ 本当にいろんなこと調べで描いていかないといけないんですね。その分野の専門的なことがわかってないと描けないことが多いから、リサーチが大変ですよね?<br>
─ (笑)おもしろいですね。<br>
─ 動物もけっこう出できますよね。先生ご自身は動物お好きなんですか?<br>
─ すぐあきちゃいました?<br>
─ けっこういろんな場所が出てきますけど、実際に描かれるときは、やっぱり取材に行かれるんですか?<br>
─ そうなんですか。行けるわけではないんですね。お時間もないし。<br>
─ また新しい県警の人とか出てくるとうれしいのですが。<br>
─ 特に警察関係の方に叱られるってことはないんですよね。<br>
─ 黒の組織は全部で何人くらいなのでしよう?<br>
─ 考えてみたら、ジンとかも国籍は明確にされてないですよね?<br>
─ 見えなさすぎですよ(笑)まさかそんなダジャレでコードネームつはつけられていないはず!と思っていたのですが~(笑)。
─ 42巻まで、黒の組織やFBlは謎が多くて、赤井秀一はあやしいー!と思ってたんですよね。だから「ええ~つー!」って。<br>
─ あやしすぎー!でしたよね。目が冷たいし。<br>
─ 先生ご自身が声優さんをリクエストされたという話ですよね。<br>
─ 新出先生はアメリカで何をしていたんですか?<br>
─ もう二度と出てこないのかと思ったら、ちゃんと帰ってきてよかったです。<br>
─ 優しい人だっていうのが、みんなにもわかったし。<br>
─ ぐええっ!そうなんですかあ?聞いておいて聞きたくないような(笑)。<br>
─ 洋服や持ち物について…コナンくんは、新一くんの子どもの洋服を着ていますが、哀ちゃんは、一から買ってるんですかね?<br>
─ 本当におとながちっちゃくなったような、おねえさんぽいカッコしてますよね。<br>
─ そういう雑誌を見ながら、洋服とか描いてらっしゃるんですか?<br>
─ 時間差はちょっとファッション的にはつらいですね。<br>
─ (笑)そのへんご苦労がありますね。
─ 米花町や杯戸町、モデルにしてる街は、ありますか?<br>
─ PAPCOのあたりは、本当に渋谷公園通りのPARCOのところのように見えたので、渋谷に近い?と思ったりするのですが。<br>
─ でも、いろんなものありますよね。遊園地もあるし、映画館もショッピングセンターもみんなあるし。<br>
─ 街に入りきらなくなっでますよね(笑)。米花町は五丁目までなんでしょうか。<br>
─ 最初っからこういう街っていうのが、あるわけじゃなくて、ここを描き、ここを描き…で、ここはつながる?っていうような。<br>
─ 最後になりますが、今後事件を起こしたいというか、どこか先生が行きたい、という街はありますか?<br>
─ それはじっくり取材に行ってらしてください。でもロンドンといえばホームズの本拠地、もう「決戦の場」になりそうですね。<br>
─ ラブコメの決戦の場!どんなことになるんでしょう?ぜひぜひ読みたいです。これからも楽しみにしでいます。
─ 歩美ちゃんのおうちについてお聞きしました。<br>
Translation by Yunniechan : [http://yesyunniechan.tumblr.com/post/150147160606/love-conan-interview-2004-english link]<br>
Our magazine is for women, so forgive us for such a sudden question, but can we ask what is sensei’s favourite girl type?
What?! (laughs) Okay.
Judging from the characters that are appearing in your work, which one is your favourite?
If I have to chose from girls, it’s Ran. And Conan’s mother, Yukiko. Yukiko was modelled after Fujiko Mine, and, to be honest, I borrowed her hair style.
That’s why her chest is so big.
Hahaha. Her chest is big, yeah, and she also can disguise herself. She also rides Harley and wears leather jackets. The whole disguising technique came from Lupin the Third.
Do you have any favourite actresses?
Right… Some time ago it was Kikuchi Momoko. Now… Hirosue :) And Yūka, I guess.
Looks like you like women with sweet and comforting personality.
I like women most people like. 
All girls appearing in sensei’s works have a great sense of style.
Right. Nakamori Aoko, a character from the manga [Magic Kaito], where Kaito Kid first appeared, has a small chest, and she’s the only one. And she’s not [Momoko], but [Aoko].
I see. By color. You drew her when you were a fan of Momoko-chan?
Yes-yes. At that time. And she is Nakamori, because I liked Nakamori Akina. I liked her more than Matsuda Seiko.
There were Seiko-chan fraction and Akina-chan fraction, yeah…
You have a lot of childhood friends sweethearts in your works, is it because you had one?
Nope. I didn’t.
Really? You played detective a lot when you were a child, you didn’t have girls as friends?
Yeah. Nope. I didn’t have, but at the elementary school I was taken camping to the mountains, it was a lesson, so I had to, I was the last and I lost… And came to girls’ group. When we met, I left the cave with them.
There was a girl I liked in there :)
Sounds really funny! How old were you?
Elementary school student. So I were able to get the direction from tree stump… But still I really was lost, and girls started to cry. We kind of made a long way around, and returned. We thought everyone would be angry at us, so everyone started crying before we reached the meeting point. I called it fake tears :)
That’s cheating :) And? Everyone were angry?
They weren’t. We said [it was scary], but it wasn’t scary at all. It was really fun.
Which couple sensei wants to support?
Of course Shinichi and Ran. Shinichi became small, so it doesn’t go well for him.
Readers should also love not just Shinichi, but also Ran, and I want them to support them both! Right?
Yeah. It was like that at the beginning, see? It’s because you understand it’s mutual feeling, right? It’s not like when characters pretend to hate each other and then, at vol. 8 or something you just [oh, so they loved each other?]. You know it from the very beginning. But since he turned small, it’s a bit hard for them.
It’s even sadder because of that, I think everyone will support them. Every character is, so to speak, slow.
Ah, yeah-yeah. Seiyuu Hayashibara Megumi-san said that too! [Kind of too slow] :) I believe she thought [It’s because they think about themself].
That’s a really irritating feeling, but I bet readers find it amazing.
Yes-yes. So I’ll probably make them more irritated :)
A lot of people say [We want Conan-kun and Ai-chan to have something]
Yes-yes. A-a… Impossible, just impossible :)
Impossible after all? Which one Ai-chan prefer - Kudo-kun or Edogawa-kun?
Smaller one, I think? Conan. Hayashibara-san also said that [big one is nice, but give me a smaller one] :)
Speaking about adults, Satou-keiji and Takagi-keiji are also leading? They have a lot of fans. Saying things like [Please let them marry!]
Hahaha. So they want them to marry… Wonder what should I do…
Don’t you think it’s time? Their relationships developed a lot… (TN: COUGH 2004 year COUGH)
Right-right (big laughter) I look forward to drawing it. Comparing to Shinichi and the others, Satou and Takagi didn’t have much obstacles.
If only there wasn’t Shiratori-keibu.
Aa. Shiratori :) Right-right.
Ah, that tailing at Tropical Marine Land was so funny. All their hearing errors…
[Heroin]’s became [hirouen (reception)] and blood’s [kekkon (stain)] - [kekkon (marriage)], that? To be honest, I really liked drawing it.
And Satou-keiji is really popular, right? Everyone but Megure-keibu and Chiba-keibu love her!
Right. She’s great :) When a woman takes a job full of male workers, of course she’ll be popular.
Is Satou-san the only one woman in the first division of Criminal Investigation Bureau?
Right… I never drew it, but I guess there are others? If they are there, I bet they are quite pitiable. Hahaha.
Sensei, you said earlier [I see Kogoro-san as Jinnai Takanori], if you were to make a live action, what would you do? There are a lot of fans who are against life action, you see…
I would like to see Matuda Yuusaku as Shinichi’s dad. I really like him. I would’ve wrote Takizawa-kun as Kudo Shinichi, but even if I’ll say saw, fangirls will go like [no waay~ not Takki!], you see :)
In the survey, we thought there would be more Heiji-playing candidates, but, surprisingly, there weren’t.
Weren’t? Not much dark-skinned, you see.
When sensei just started to draw the very first chapter of [Meitantei Conan], did he expected a lot of fangirls?
Yeah… But I didn’t expect that many. The love comedy aspect wasn’t really strong. When I look through fan letters, all male fans are around middle school, and everyone older are all female fans. Looks like I’m popular among housewives :)
Especially a lot of cases where a mother watches it with her child and becomes interested herself. When I go to cinemas, there a lot of women of mother-like age. I don’t think children and mothers number is equal.
:) [When I started reading it, I was a high school student, but now I am a mother] - fan letters like this came to me. That’s going pretty wild.
What criminal left the most big impression on you, sensei? Like, even if they committed a crime, you really liked them.
Of course Tsukishima Island’s Asou Seiji. But he died. A criminal who can’t kill people easily. That’s the impression left of him.
Did you decide to kill him in the end of the story right from the beginning?
Yes. That has been decided. And there was a foreigner… what’s his name, Harold. At the Karakuri Spider Mansion. I pitied him too…
[SHINE] that was read as [die]?
Yes, that was pitiful too. After I drew that, I thought that he really is pitiful… :) If it wasn’t for that, I would’ve probably made him commit suicide, murdering someone just for that… Assistant also asked me [why? why did you drew that?]
Your assistants can say such things?
They can. If something’s boring, they’ll say it’s boring. And they can say something like [That was kind of great that time].
Kaito Kid is a guest from another manga, but he’s becoming famous. Sensei, what do you think about it?
When I was about to enter Kaito Kid, I thought [Should I make that egoistic thing?] :) Matsumoto Reiji-sensei makes that a lot, don’t you think? In 999, Harlock and Queen Emeralds appear, for example. I liked that feeling. I always wait eagerly for the pain plot, but when a guest appears, I think it’s nice.
Recently, when Kaito Kid appeared, when I read internet, Magic Kaito fans went nuts. [He won’t lose to Conan!], a lot of comments like that :) That became kind of fuss. But, different from [Magic Kaito], I drew only Kaito Kid himself. Not Kuroba Kaito. And I don’t show what Kid thinks, only Conan’s POV. And Kid uses really pompous phrases….
Really pompous. He’s a good rival to Shinichi-kun.
Yeah… He really became kind of pretentious. :) My main character. It’s hard to think of his lines.
Have you taken some cool lines from books or films?
No… They just come to me, while I’m relaxing.
To be honest, in readers survey the most popular opinion is [we want complete profiles for characters]. Like, a lot want to know Heiji’s birthdate.
Heeh. When Heiji born, huh… I want to know it myself, but he acts like a Leo.
Yes, and him being dark-skinned… That’s an August kind of thing. You’re planning to reveal it eventually?
Hm. I really want to think of birthdays. I did Agasa-hakase’s birthday. That took me 10 years :) 53 years… When I started drawing it, I thought [That’s quite a grandpa], but when I think about it right now, he’s not that old. Maybe I should’ve made him 63? Fail~
Everyone call him [jii-san], and he looks like a ojiisan.
Yep. I failed :)
He looks like a professor from Ocha no Mizu.
Right. It even looks like I’ve stolen Ocha no Mizu’s professor :)
Speaking of birthdays and blood types, people really [want to know about their loved one]. Especially blood types, Ran said [My blood type is the same as this child’s], and everyone got curious.
If I’ll say it, I think girls with other blood type would be sad. Just think of it as anyone you like. That’s why I probably won’t reveal it.
What is Sharon Vineyard’s age? Chris is 29, so being her mother… Have you thought about it?
Hee. Hehehe.
Gin knows her age? We’re worried :) At least relatively?
Hehehe. Right. That’s pretty much a core question.
A lot of people want to know how it’ll end. I won’t ask about that, so I’ll make another question. Shinichi lived alone 3 years, right? How did he managed his housework?
He made his meals my himself, sometimes Ran made it for him, professor too. I don’t think he’s skilled at cooking.
When he was back, he had only a toast for breakfast, so I guess he didn’t cook anything?
Hahaha. Yeah, that’s true.
Ran standed in line for Fusae Campbell’s branded goods, so what did she buy in the end? Because it is Ran-chan, maybe it was a purse?
What did she buy hmm… Well, let’s think she did buy a purse. When I’ll draw her purse next time, I’ll tell assistant [here, ass some leaf pattern]. And readers would be like [a-a, so that is what she bought]. Hahaha.
It doesn’t look like she bought a big bag. Ran doesn’t have that much of allowance.
Aa, right. Right. That was not expensive. Nice good with reasonable price.
You really need to draw after making a big research. At that sphere there are a lot of things you can’t draw without understanding technical details, I guess it’s hard to research?
That’s more of [please ask about…] and searching in internet kind of thing. When I drew a story about fishing, I became really knowledgeable in fishing sphere. And when I drew the story about bears, I learned a lot of details of bear behaviour.
I also know a lot about dogs.
That’s interesting :)
Like, about dog breeds. But I’m starting to forget by now.
You have a lot of animals appearing. Sensei, do you like animals?
Hmm… I guess? Haibara loves animals. I had a dog when I was a child, and was really sad when it died…
I can’t get another one because I think it’ll die someday too. I bought a robot dog once…
But you lost interest in it?
Yep. I gave it to a friend :) Robot dogs really grow. By stages. At first it starts walking around the house slowly… So when I thought [it’ll start to walk soon], it tried to stand but couldn’t. That was a bit revolting. It was too much ‘real’. I was scared.
A lot of places appear in series. When you want to draw it, do you go there to gather material?
The story that’s going on right now is in Okinawa, but I never been there. Camera people made photos of Naha airport for me.
I see. You can’t go, right? Having no time…
I went to NY. There’s [author takes a break in order to gather materials] message a lot, but that time it was not a non appearance because I missed deadline, I actually went to gather material :) Other than NY, just being in Tokyo is boring, so Conan and others travel a lot.
Would you be happy if another prefectural police officer appears?
?! Yes. Totally. I thought about it a lot. Gunma, Shizuoka, Kanagawa… And Saitama’s Yokomizo-keiji stopped appearing. To be honest, police officers don’t actually transfer. At the beginning, I made him being transferred a lot to whole of different places, and had him said [you too have come here!], but then I was told that [there’s no thing as job transfer in police]
You were scolded by a police-related person?
Not exactly, I have a fan who’s really fluent in police relations. [In WEB Sunday’s next preview there was [Takagi-keiji is going to transfer to Tottori?] written, so I thought [there’s no transferring!], went to inquire about to Joint Security Investigation Center, and there is actually, so good job, Aoyama-sensei!]
That was close~ :)
How much people are inside the BO?
Aa… I guess a lot.
A lot of people want to know who is [Anokata]. They wrote an e-mail/text message in Japanese, is they Japanese?
Well… I wonder. Everyone see even smallest details, huh.
If you’ll come up with it, will Gin’s or someone else’s nationality be shown?
Heh, Gin’s concept name was [Kurosawa Jin] :) Hahaha
Ehhhhh! Gin has a name?! Then Vodka’s is [Uoka Saburou]? That name was in registry book!
Aa~ I drew a registry book! You can’t see it, but there’s [Kurosawa Jin] written next to Uoka Saburou. Really! Hahaha. :)
It can’t be that they came up with their code names because of that puns! I think :)
Before vol. 42 people thought that Akai Shuichi is suspicious. And because of that everyone went [eeeeh?!]
He’s a good man. Hahaha :) He is a little gloomy. But this has a reason. Hehehe. :)
We was like [He’s too suspicious!] Because of his cold eyes.
He was the only one character of mine whom I added a slant line to the eyes :) I usually do that only to dead people. I really like this character. His voice is Ikeda Shuichi-san after all.
There is a rumour that sensei requested this seiyuu-san by himself.
Right-right. When NY special was out, I said [he’s cool. too cool]. That was great.
What was Araide-sensei doing in America?
Hm. He was a doctor, right? I don’t know. Maybe something different? You see, when everyone saw that Araide-sensei was Vermouth, Araide-sensei’s fans became really sad about it.
I thought he won’t appear again, I’m really happy he returned.
He’s back~! I think he is pretty interesting character.
He’s a tender person and everyone understand it.
Araide-sensei is going to have a bad time after all of that… kind of.
Eehhh?! Why? I don’t want to hear it, to be honest :)
Because of the place Vermouth lived in. Maybe she left a lot of stuff, don’t you think? It would be bad if he’ll find some.
Conan-kun wears Shinichi’s old clothes, and Ai-chan buys her by herself?
Ha~ Yes. Hakase can’t buy it after all.
She is really like a small adult. Her clothes feels like one onee-san would wear.
Right-right. Haibara reads magazines like CanCam. Such magazines are brought to me too. Sometime ago I went to buy by myself, but people in store made strange faced. Because I was buying a lot of women magazines. Thus I stopped buying it by myself.
You draw their clothes by looking at such magazines?
I took one I like and that look easy to draw. If there’re swimsuits, I look through fashionable swimsuits. Usually when it becomes an anime episode, a year passed and by the time it comes on screens, that clothes are not fashionable. I managed to catch a moment when  ganguros were trending. Hahaha :)
At the time anime episode was out they nearly stopped trending at all. When I drew the case, they were really popular and by the anime episode time only village girls were doing that.
Time difference is harsh for fashion.
It is. That’s why I didn’t draw things like loose socks. I didn’t draw it because I thought they’ll go out of fashion, but. Until this very day (2004) they are remaining. [What. I should’ve drawn them].
Are there towns that became models for Beika and Haido?
Names come out from Baker street and Hyde park but I wonder where town structure came~
PAPCO surroundings really look like Shibuya Park’s PARCO, is it somewhere in Shibuya?
Hmm… I never thought of it :) That’s random. I drew the atmosphere of the place I live in. Like, when I lived at Kita Senju, I drew surroundings having it in mind. A place that’s just of some distance from the city centre.
But it has a lot of stuff. An amusement park, a cinema, a shopping centre…
It grew bigger, huh.
You had to have that in town :) Beika-city has only 5 town blocks?
Maybe? You ask even about this… :) You see, at the case with a series of arson I had to say which town block had it. I was asked [How about making it in 5 block?] So I did. 
In a previous book I was asked to draw a map, but I can’t. It doesn’t come together.
Like… You draw that street, you draw another street… And those two are connected?-feeling?
They don’t. Tohto tower is Tokyo tower. It’s like a mix of fiction and reality.
That would be the least question. What is the future place you want to make a case in? Is there a place you want to go to?
That’s of course London. Although I heard the food there is really bad. I need to make cool incident in London.
Then please go there to gather material. But speaking of London, that’s a place where Holmes lived, maybe that’ll become a place for [final battle]?
Hahaha :) Noo. London would be served for love comedy. Ran and Shinichi’s. Love comedy’s final battle.
Love comedy’s final battle! What will be there? I really want to read it! I’ll be waiting!
Raw Images
[[File:Love Conan Interview 2.jpg|400px|top]]
[[File:Love Conan Interview 1.jpg|400px|top]]<br>
[[File:Love Conan Interview 3.jpg|400px|top]]
[[File:Love Conan Interview 4.jpg|410px|top]] <!-- again leave at 410 so it lines up -->
Partial Translation<br>
Source from yangti1674 ( [http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2169&start=15#p797472 link] )<br>
text copied from Chekov's post ( [http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/?p=314648 link] )
Interview with Gosho concerning the names in the mermaid guestbook, including Gin's. Love Conan
Fujiwara: Just real quick then: Gosho says that the name Gin comes from Kurosawa Jin and that that name is actually written next to the one that sounds like Vodka. He's asked how many people are in the org -- many. Is the boss Japanese since the text messages are in Japanese? Vague answer about people being very attentive. The Gin/guest book thing then follows from a remark (by the interviewer) that Gins mother tongue is also unclear.
===Unknown Fan Gathering 2005 (partial text) (no raw)===
===Unknown Fan Gathering 2005 (partial text) (no raw)===

Revision as of 03:28, 11 September 2016


Gosho's Official Commentary and Interview list

List of Interviews found on Japanese site

Untranslated Interviews

The interviews listed here are ones that I found listed on the DCW Translating interview thread. These did not have translations provided or had broken links which made it impossible to see either the Raw or the translation. It would be preferable if we could get the remaining interviews found and translated. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/

The remaining interviews come from this page : http://conan-4869.net/post-5361

Mid 90s Interview Unknown

Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama x Takayama RAW

May 1, 2003
first few sentences typed

Raw Images

Conan Vs Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition RAW

Detective Conan vs. Kaitou Kid Perfect Edition pg 169
Posted by: skyechan


Mini Documentary: Secret of Creation

青山剛昌ふるさと館(青山剛昌の仕事部屋 創作の秘密)
Video shows Gosho drawing File 593, which was released Dec 2006

10 Year Cinema Guide interview

Aoyama Long Interview, 10 Year Cinema Talk 2006

Magic Kaito Volume 4 Interview RAW (images)

The volume was released sometime between Feb and Mar 2007
There are 4 pages, the first 2 seem to be an interview and special message
and the next 2 are a recap of all of the Kaito heists up to that point.

Urusei Yatsura Volume 21 Interview RAW

うる星やつら(新装版)21巻のインタビュー September 18th, 2007
A Detective Conan website had this listed as an interview
so it must have some relevance

The poster also had this to say about things from much later
in the Conan series like Rum and volume 85 (Scarlet Series)

Akigoro Interview RAW

2007年秋ごろのインタビュー 「最終回の構想できている」
Unknown interview

Otona Fami Interview #1 (no raw)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 21, 2008
Partial information below recovered from 2008

Shonen Sunday Interview #1 (no raw)

週刊少年サンデー17号 (Weekly Shonen Sunday #17), published March 27, 2009
no script

Shonen Sunday 50th Anniversary Interview RAW

少年サンデー1983 (Shonen Sunday 1983, a special issue commemorating Sunday's 50 years of publishing), published July 15, 2009

Otona Fami Interview #2 (no raw)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2010
no script

Mystery Magazine Interview RAW

ミステリマガジン6月号 (Mystery Magazine June issue), published April 25, 2011

Club Sunday Interview RAW

October 28th, 2011

Monthly BLT Interview RAW

月刊BLT 6月号 2012
June 2012

Sankei News Interview RAW

『産経ニュース』のインタビュー 「転機 話しましょう」
June 23rd, 2012

distant photograph of newspaper Raw

Gosho's True Intentions Interview RAW

剛昌先生の本音 ─ ホントの声
November 2012

Otona Fami Interview #5 RAW

June 2013

Shonen Sunday Lupin Vs Conan Secret Report RAW

少年サンデー51号|ルパン3世 VS コナン SECRET REPORT
November 20th, 2013

Lupin the Third VS Detective Conan: Money Punch and Aoyama Gosho interivew

ルパン三世 VS 名探偵コナン『モンキー・パンチ&青山剛昌☆作品がひとり歩きしていくのもいい』
December 04, 2013
Source: link
Link includes video interview with Monkey Punch and Aoyama Gosho
as well written interview with soccer player Kazuyoshi Miura, a guest star in the movie

Monkey Punch and Gosho Aoyama Special Talk RAW

Unknown 2013

partial Raw

New Years Postcard list RAW

Collected postcard list from 2014 and 2015

AnimeAnime Interview RAW

劇場版「名探偵コナン 異次元の狙撃手」公開直前 原作・青山剛昌先生インタビュー
(before) April 18, 2014

Da Vinci Interviews (WITH RAWS)

Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the Japanese actor Takeru Satoh, leaked April 13, 2014
Leaked interview notes from the May issue of the magazine 「ダ・ヴィンチ」 (da Vinci) with the fans/reporters/whatever, leaked April 15, 2014
Translated by ALAKTORN

So apparently a large chunk of this interview was never typed up AND this is only the cross talk with Takeru Satoh,
not the "LONG INTERVIEW" from this issue of the magazine.

Takeru Satoh x Gosho Aoyama Cross Talk translated (partial interview)




Detective Conan Character Visual Book Voice Actor interviews

Voice Actor interviews September 2014

20th Anniversary DVD collection guidebook interviews RAW

Pictures from: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295749-1-1.html
Aoyama Interview

Aoyama Video Interview
Spanish post: http://tanteikid.blogspot.it/2016/08/detective-conan-20th-anniversary.html
Red Thread English post with video: https://www.facebook.com/DCTheRedThread/videos/1199107286807889/

Voice Actors


Movie 20 "Truth in Black" Booklet

Pictures from : http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4508220071

Animedia Gosho Interview

June issue of 2016
released May 10th, 2016
Issue has the phrase "Next Conan's Dream" across the bottom in pink cursive letters
Also has interviews with a few of the voice cast like Takayama Minami

Sources of the images http://imgur.com/a/3g1cj

Gosho Interview

Complete Color Works Interview Aoyama 2016

Interview with Gosho from 2016 inserted into book after a reproduction of 2003 interview
images from : https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-295984-1-1.html

20 Year Cinema Guide interviews

Interviews with the cast and crew of the movies as well as Gosho 2016.

Asahi Newspaper Interview 2016

「名探偵コナン」青山剛昌さんがエール July 16, 2016
Source: https://bbs.aptx.cn/thread-296434-1-1.html
Raw text

Raw image


The interviews listed here are ones that I found listed on the DCW Translating interview thread. It would be preferable if we could find more interviews and get them located here. http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/

Mystery Museum Interview

June 10th, 1997
Gosho profile, Gosho's 4 special secrets
Movie 1 producer and director interviews
Voice actors talk
Movie, and tv op / ed themes profiles
Translation by Yuniechan : part 1, part 2

Raw Images

Conan Drill Official Book (WITH RAW)

コナンドリル オフィシャルブック (Conan Drill Official Book), published May 1 2003
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Raw Images

Love Conan (Rabu Conan) Interview RAW

Raw Text

Translation by Yunniechan : link

Raw Images

Partial Translation
Source from yangti1674 ( link )
text copied from Chekov's post ( link )

Unknown Fan Gathering 2005 (partial text) (no raw)

Unknown interview 2005 Fan gathering
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 1 (WITH RAW)

読売新聞 「親子で夢中 コナン10年」
Translated by Startold
""It was published on NTV's website in 2006.""
January 6th 2006

Raw Text

Asahi Newspaper Interview "the boss's name has already appeared" (WITH RAW)

朝日新聞夕刊 (Asahi Evening Newspaper), published January 13, 2006
Posted by: Cindy Xin
Comment from Chekhov: "The last file before this boss's name has appeared interview was 551 (Nail and Snake)
and was in Shounen Sunday issue #5-6 2006 (a double issue with a week break afterwards) which was published January 4, 2006."
Fully Translated by Startold

Raw Image

Raw Text

Erlangen, Germany Interview (WITH GERMAN)

Press conference in Erlangen, Germany on June 17, 2006
Video: link (may cause you to wait 45 secs to view)
Translated by: Aki-kun

Original German Text

Anime 10 Year Anniversary Interview 2 (no raw)

Aoyama Anime 10th anniversary interview on 2006
Posted at : https://reiarashi.wordpress.com/2006/09/10/aoyama-10th-anniversary-interview/

Conan and Kindaichi Files Interview #1 (WITH RAW)

名探偵コナン&金田一少年の事件簿01 (Detective Conan & Kindaichi Case files #1), published April 10, 2008
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Raw interview images

Conan and Lupin Interview #1 (MIXED IN RAW)

Aoyama & Monkey Punch interview from 2009
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Gundam Ace Interview (MIXED IN RAW)

ガンダムエース3月号 (Gundam Ace March issue) between Ikeda Shuuichi and Aoyama Gosho, published January 26, 2010
Partially Translated by: justwantanaccount

Masters Of Manga Interview (no raw)

Masters of Manga, published July 6, 2010
Text submitted by: Chekhov

Magic Kaitou Treasured Editions: Playback Episode Interviews (no raw)

Released at the end of the Treasured Editions through out 2011
Translated from German to English by : Cocoa moth / Cocoa

Otona Fami Interview #3 (MIXED IN RAW)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 20, 2011
RAW IMAGES: http://imgur.com/a/m7Qen
Proof of Origin: http://www.famitsu.com/blog/otona/2011/04/post_687.html
Included with a section called "Detective Conan Best Episode File 50"
(Alternate translation found here)
Below Translated by: justwananaccount

Otona Fami Interview #4 (MIXED IN RAW)

オトナファミ6月号 (Otona Fami or Adult Family June issue), published April 2012
Translated by: justwantanaccount

Nihon Uiversity College of Art Lecture Interview (2ch RAW ONLY)

various collected posts by: justwantanaccount at the bottom of the
DCW interview list forum post : link (see bottom of first post)

Interview with Aoyama Gosho and Shibasaki Kou, Movie 17 (WITH RAW)

柴咲コウ&青山剛昌『名探偵コナン 絶海の探偵(プライベート・アイ)』
Original Japanese version: http://www.cinematoday.jp/page/A0003661
Interview occurred around April 2013
Translated by : http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.com/2013/04/special-post-interview-with-aoyama.html

RAW text

Shonen Sunday Special Booklet File865 (WITH RAW)

Shonen Sunday interview July 17th, 2013
File 865 Shounen Sunday Special Booklet
Post organized by : Chekhov
Partially translated, comment by Chekhov: """(DCTP translation page no longer exists). Since in its current form it is likely to be disarrayed,
I have organized the text here. Credit goes to the translators which include Fujiwara, Zenthisoror, and Wakarimashita."""
Heiji, Kaitou, Yaiba, and Drawing Conan sections translated by: Cocoa, from German

File 865 RAW text and images

Asahi Evening Newspaper Interview (no raw)

Asahi Evening Newspaper, published January 6, 2014
Translated by: bluesun
Originally sourced from : http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASG1534JCG15PUUB001.html (page dead)

Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014 (partial raw)

March (part 1) 2014 and April (part 2) 2014 edition of the Monthly Conan Newspaper
Translated by: meitanteikonan blogspot page
Part 1: http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/03/special-post-two-part-1-interview-with.html
Part 2: http://meitanteikonanplot.blogspot.in/2014/04/special-post-two-part-2-interview-with.html

Part 1 Raw

Gosho Aoyama X Yomuri Giants Hayato Sakamoto (WITH RAW)

Officially released in the March 16th, 2016 Shonen Sunday #16,
but happened the previous week

Raw Images

Movie 20 interview CimemaToday (WITH RAW)

April 14, 2016

Raw Text

Super Digest Books

These translations came from a variety of sources. I was trying to get them centrally located at the DCTP forums. Many of the questions remained untranslated at the time. I bought and scanned all of the Q&A sections ant uploaded them and then added the current translations here: http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12976 . Since then we have gotten nearly all of the questions translated.

These are the original sources
10+ and 30+ were translated, but the translations were lost.
50+ : http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12575&hilit=Super+Digest
60+ : http://www.detectiveconanworld.com/forum/topic/1555-translating-interviews/page-7#entry322612
70+ : http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12439&hilit=SDB
80+ : http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12748&hilit=SDB
Complete 10+ - 80+ : http://forums.dctp.ws/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=12976


Gosho Aoyama Chokugeki Interivew

Q&A Section
(112 questions 100% complete)(Translated from Japanese)(Translated by ALAKTORN, Startold)


Gosho Aoyama Chokugeki Interivew

Q&A Section


Gosho Aoyama Chokugeki Interivew

Minami Takayama Special Interview

Q&A Section
(118 questions 100% complete)(Translated from Japanese)(Translated by wrd, Startold, ALAKTORN)


Gosho Aoyama Chokugeki Interivew

Q&A Section
(88 questions 95% complete)(Translated from Japanese)(Translated wrd, Startold, ALAKTORN)


Gosho Aoyama Chokugeki Interivew

Q&A Section
(114 questions 100% complete)(Translated from Chinese)(Translations by Zenthisoror, c61515555, [red], and from Japanese by ALAKTORN)


Gosho Aoyama Chokugeki Interivew

Koubun Shizuno (movie 18 director) Interview

Q&A Section
(71 questions 100% complete)(Translated from Chinese)(Translated by The Black Demon)


Gosho Aoyama Chokugeki Interivew

Q&A Section
(150 questions 100% complete)(Translated from Japanese)(Translated by Startold, Norman4869, Chris, ALAKTORN, [red])


Nana Eikura Interivew (VA for Natsumi Miyadai in Movie 19)

Q&A Section
(138 questions 100% complete)(Translated from Japanese)(Translated by Startold, yangti1674, forcezer, ALAKTORN, bluesun)

Sherry's Soliloquies










Animal Crossings




Post Cards



Lets Talk with Gosho Day

2012 DCW Thread version

2013 DCW Thread version

2014 DCW Thread version

2014 Red Thread Page version

2015 DCTP thread version

2016 DCTP thread version