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=== File 330 - Sato's Feelings ===
=== File 330 - Sato's Feelings ===
Since it is almost the deadline for Takagi to come,Inspector Shiratori wanted to seal the engagement promise with a kiss. Meanwhile, Takagi have solved the case and it is time for him to confront the culprit. He went into the car saying that he do not need to panic as it is not yet even 3 p.m. The suspects all looked at their respective watches and told Takagi that the correct time is 4 30 p.m. As they were telling him, he grabbed the teacher's arm and accused him as the robber. He told him the two eliminated testimonies which means that the testimonies left are the testimony on the suspect being about 5'6 foot tall who is dressed in green- as the word old people use for green and blue is the same. The old man thought that the culprit is a lady because of the way he wore his watch, with its face inside his wrist. Takagi then called Sato telling her that he'd caugt the robber and can reach there in 5 minutes time as the deadline is still 10 minutes. As they were talking o the phone, the robber jumped out of the car and Ran. So Sato ordered Takagi to chase the culprit and don't bother her and so he followed her order. By the time he caught the robber, there's only 4 minutes left and he's way far from Minatoro, the place where Shiratori and Sato are at. But although it is almost impossible for him to reach there, Chiba supported him and the ran as fast as he could. Meanwhile, Sato and Shiratori are about to kiss. Conan played as the hero of the day by tricking the two. He grabbed the spectacles of DR. Araide and placed it on the door made of cloth.While Dr. Araide was using his spectacles, Conan used his [[Voice-Changing Bowtie|voice-changing bowtie]] to imitate the voice of Takagi and shouted for help from Sato which look like Takagi saluting from inside the room. So Sato rushed out and Dr Araide told her that Takagi went out. So the two met at the exit and they went to the police station happily in Sato's car.
Ran and co are shocked to hear about the kiss, and Sato says yes to it, since a promise is a promise. Though, she's secretly overanxious and wonders what the heck Takagi is doing, given night will fall very soon. The latter, after phoning Conan, and probably questioning the old man again, comes back to the police car in a state of deep dejection, saying he's still not solved the case. He says though they still have some time to think about it, since it's only 3:30 PM. The three suspects immediately cast a glance at their watches and tell Takagi he's utterly wrong, his watch is at least one hour slow : it's actually 4:30 PM.
Takagi suddenly grabs '''Yasuo Kamieda''''s arm, saying he's the robber. He perfectly fits the three descriptions actually : the bartender saw a 1.70 meters tall person, the high school student saw a man's body wearing a green sweater, and the old man actually mistook him for a woman with a blue sweater. Indeed, elderly people often confuse blue with green (especially if it's turquoise or so, just like Kamieda's sweater). Moreover, Kamieda is used to wearing and glancing at his watch like women do, with the dial under the wrist, and looking at it by turning his wrist upside down. He does this because, as a teacher, he needs to know what time it is during lessons without his students' notice, given there are no clocks neither watches during class at all, and he needs to wear it that way, in order to quickly glance at it while holding and reading a book. Takagi then explains the curb and dark glasses things, and declares Kamieda under arrest.
Shiratori notices Sato's tenseness, and he comforts her saying they actually won't tie the knot right now, rather, Shiratori is ready to wait for Miwako's feelings to get clearer as far as he or Takagi is concerned. He then says he'll always be on her side, and she starts to feel seduced by him. Right at that moment, Takagi calls, saying he's closed the case at last, and is coming as soon as possible. He asks Sato why she agreed to such a bet relying only on him, why he is so important to her. Sato replies she knew Takagi would be the only one to come, if it was to save her. Takagi tries to ask her if she loves him too, but is interrupted by Zama leaving the car, and Kamieda violently shoving Koshimizu out of it, and escaping once again. Chiba runs after him, and shouts at Takagi to stir himself and run too. Takagi is still phoning Miwako and thinks to hismelf it will be too late now if he starts chasing the robber. But Miwako asks him which one is the most important : she or the robber ?, and, saying so, she orders Takagi to go and catch him, which he does. She hangs up and Shiratori says now it's indeed too late if Takagi does it, but she answers it's her fate, her punishment for having involved Takagi in such a story. She says she'll hold to her oath and prepares for the kiss.
Takagi eventually catches Kamieda, and the latter starts weeping, saying he needed money for that girl he had been stalking in the street, a kind of compensation (it's unsure if it's a legal compensation or just a gift to her). Takagi comments on Kamieda having forced him to run too much and too far away now to hope for the best. Chiba turns up and congratulates Tkagi for getting him, and the latter says he didn't get her at all, the one who means a lot to him. As they are about to kiss, Shiratori secretly comments on Miwako's face showing tears and sadness, which actually means she's not ready at all... Yet, he embraces her, saying now he'll take care of her and nobody will ever part them. Sonoko can't wait for the kiss, and stops Ran from going there and stepping in. Conan thinks of something and asks Araide to come out of the room with him for a second. Chiba tells Takagi he is a man, and a policeman besides, and accordingly he must never give up, to the last second, and rush to rescue Miwako, while he'll deal with the rest of the case himself. After the embrace, Miwako feels better and agrees to kiss Shiratori, though she can't explain how and why Takagi took so much importance in her life and heart, and she thinks to herself she's a moron and it's really time she leaves police for good, and she wishes Takagi good bye.
Conan asks Araide to come closer, and suddenly he steals his glasses and messes his hair up to have him look like Takagi, and then hides the glasses up the door of Sato's and Shiratori's room. Araide goes and fetch them, and Conan uses his voice-changing bowtie to impersonate Takagi. Therefore, Miwako and Shiratori are about to kiss when they hear Takagi in front of the door, asking Inspector Sato to come as soon as possible since there's a urgent case to deal with, and they need her quickly. Sato and Shirtaori see "Takagi's" shadow behind the shogi, doing the military salute, and Miwako rushes out of the room, only to find Araide, recovering his glasses, and Conan. The latter is at a loss for words when questioned by Miwako, but Araide gives him a hand, telling Miwako Takagi has just left in a hurry and is probably in front of the restaurant by now. She runs there too, and Araide smiles and kindly winks at Conan. Ran is overjoyed, while Sonoko finds it too bad. Mrs. Sato and Kamoi meet Miwako in the corridor, and wonder what's going on.
Meanwhile, Takagi is out of breath, and notes with despair that it's too late now, it's full dark. However, Sato calls him from behind, and asks him to get into her car since they have a urgent case to go and deal with... Conan says to himself he really wanted to help those two shy and hesitant lovebirds, since they remind him exactly of he and Ran. He says he's sorry for Shiratori, and the latter is being solaced by Kamoi and Sonoko.
=== People ===
=== People ===

Revision as of 18:44, 17 March 2018

Volume 33

Volume 33.jpg

Release date: July 18, 2001
ISBN: ISBN 4-09-126163-9
Publisher: Shogakukan
English release date: January 9, 2010
English ISBN: ISBN 1-4215-2884-3
English Publisher: Viz Media
Featured Detective & Keyhole
Detective 33.jpg
Philo Vance
Keyhole 33.jpg
Kazunobu Chiba
Aoyama's death & Conan side images
Aoyama 33.jpg
ConanSide 33.jpg
Prev volume: « Volume 32
Next volume: Volume 34 »
List of chaptersList of cases

Volume 33 was released on July 18, 2001 in Japan.



Sato's Omiai Case

File 329 - Sato's Odds

Sato confirms her deal with Shiratori, and they agree to set down twilight as a deadline, since it may last a very long time. Next doors, Conan wonders if Sato's really serious, while Sonoko comments on things taking now a very exciting turn. Ran is worried by the possibility of Takagi's absence after all, and Sonoko suggests maybe Sato is interested in Shiratori's money, since he's very wealthy - he knows the Suzukis very well. Though, Ran is convinced Takagi and Sato make up the perfect pair. Araide comforts her saying if Sato chose to take up the challenge, that means she's very confident in her winning chances. Indeed, Sato knows Yumi has planned things from the very beginning, and someone, apparently Takagi, will come and rescue her in the end. Though, she can't explain why Takagi would care for her that much.

Meanwhile, Takagi tells Chiba none of the testimonies matches, unless one of the witnesses lied, or all of them. They decide instead to question the three suspects, in order to get a couple of clues from their declarations. Kamieda is a private school teacher, he had come to buy a book at the close-by bookstore, and he halted at the restroom for a moment. Zama is a freeter, he had come to rehearse with his band, and afterwards he went to that restroom. Koshimizu is an office lady, she was having a walk around when suddenly she got a stomach ache and rushed to the restroom. She tells Takagi now it's really time they leave since the police found nothing wrong with their statements and with the tesimonies, and it's very late now. Takagi remarks she has two watches, and she replies this has to do with her boyfriend being abroad, and she constantly needs to know what time it is there, so as not to disturb him when calling. Zama says he would also wear two watches when he was in secondary school, since he would always arrive late. He gets angry at Kamieda when seeing him laughing about it, but Kamieda says actually it's the opposite with his students : he always orders them to remove their watches during class in order to get more concentrated on the lesson. He even removed the class's clocks. Zama says his music band is visual kei - which means they disguise as women during concerts - and this goes like a dream, something everyone in the car can barely imagine. Chiba reminds Takagi to check his mails since Yumi sent him something earlier on, though Takagi believes it's still a karaoke invitation, and he rather tries to focus on the case.

Shiratori phones Megure to know where Takagi is, and he is told the latter is currently investigating an unexpected convenience store robbery. Shiratori tells Sato Takagi is having a hard time solving the case, since the testimonies don't match at all. Sato then tries to call him to get more information, but Shiratori stops her, saying this is violating their agreement : the only thing she can do is waiting and hoping he will be here on time. He then asks Sato if she really trusts Takagi, and she hardly says yes. He adds he would be really amazed if Takagi dared to leave an offence scene just to rescue Miwako, since he already got a reprimand and wages cut due to the Shinkansen Case (Vol. 30), therefore if he did it one more time, he could be fired this time, something Sato is quite afraid of. In the next room, Sonoko seems to be making fun of the situation, to Ran's great displeasure, and Conan says he'll go to the bathroom for a while. Once there, he uses his bowtie and impersonates Shinichi's voice to call Takagi, as the latter is up the creek without a paddle, and the suspects start losing their temper. Shinichi says Conan called him to explain what's happening, and Shinichi asks Takagi to check his mail. Takagi's face turns deadly and flabbergasted as he reads about Sato's Omiai. Conan tries to calm him down saying he's still got time, and Minatoro isn't very far away. Though, he tells him Sato will accept her suitor's marriage proposal if he's not here on time.

Conan asks Takagi to tell him about the events, and Conan finds the case very interesting. He tells Takagi to go to Mamehara's, the bartender he actually knows, and take him outside his bar. Doing so, Takagi notices Mamehara wears special glasses whose lenses get automatically tinted when he's outside, in order to protect his eyes from UV light. Since Mamehara was settling the menu in front of his bar when seeing the robber, he therefore saw everything darker, and believed the latter's jumper was black. Shinichi has known Mamehara for a long time now and he thinks he still wears the same special glasses. Mamehara confirms it and apologises for not remembering it, since he's used to wearing them. Though, Mamehara swears the robber was 1.70 meters tall. Takagi tells Shinichi it's in complete contradiction though with the girl's testimony. Then Conan asks him to go in front of the clothes' shop where she was when seeing the offender. The shop is close to a busy subway entrance, near a bus stop, and then it's perfectly normal the crowd will gather here at around noon, when the burglary took place. Conan says if this was the case, and given the culprit needed to run away without being hindered by the crowd, he would probably step on the curb's small low wall and run along it, which would give he impression he was taller than everyone else, while actually he's not. Conan explains this kind of situation works just like a puzzle : things are the right ones, but they need to be turned or understood in another way so as to fit in.

In the meantime, Dr Araide comments on Conan's long-lasting absence, and Ran goes to see what's going on, believing he might not have well digested his breakfast or lunch. In the corridor, she meets Shuichi Akai who has just emerged from the bathroom. The restaurant's waitress is sorry he didn't find the person he was looking for. Ran thinks to herself she's sure she's already met him somewhere. Back to the case, Conan says it's now time to explain the old man's testimony, and Takagi is amazed at Shinichi's brightness. But they are interrupted as Ran comes in the bathroom and asks if Conan's OK. The latter hangs up all of a sudden after telling Takagi to question the old man once again, and he'll find the solution to the case. Takagi thinks about the man's testimony, and realises Zama could be the robber since he wears a blue sweater and an earring, explaining why the old man saw a woman. But he quickly rules it out due to the robber wearing a helmet during his crime. As night is about to fall, Takagi still doesn't get it, and thinks to Miwako, but suddenly, when glancing at his watch, he understands something.

As the sun is about to set, Shiratori tells Miwako that, before the proposal, he'll also demand a token of her promise : a kiss.

File 330 - Sato's Feelings

Ran and co are shocked to hear about the kiss, and Sato says yes to it, since a promise is a promise. Though, she's secretly overanxious and wonders what the heck Takagi is doing, given night will fall very soon. The latter, after phoning Conan, and probably questioning the old man again, comes back to the police car in a state of deep dejection, saying he's still not solved the case. He says though they still have some time to think about it, since it's only 3:30 PM. The three suspects immediately cast a glance at their watches and tell Takagi he's utterly wrong, his watch is at least one hour slow : it's actually 4:30 PM.


  • Valentine Chocolate Case

    File 331 - Bloody Valentine 1

    Sonoko invites Ran to come to a house in the hills where their chocolates are blissed with good fortune for love. Conan and Kogoro attend too. Once there, they meet two men who are out hunting for a Japanese wolf, an old lady who owns the place her two female assistants and a male photographer. The females there start making chocolate as gifts for the one they love. Sonoko makes hers for Makoto and Ran leaves hers nameless. A snowstorm occurs and the photographer is found dead by Conan and the dog named Saburo.

    File 332 - Bloody Valentine 2

    The mystery continues and they develop the film on the camera to find droplets of blood on it. Apparently, the murder takes place before the snowstorm but Conan feels like there's a trick to it. The characters are given more back story.

    File 333 - Bloody Valentine 3

    While examining the chocolates, Conan figures out who the murder is. Kogoro pops in finding Conan snooping around and is put to sleep. Conan tells everyone in the house Kogoro is ready to place his deduction.

    File 334 - Bloody Valentine 4


  • Missing Watch Case

    File 335 - Memento of a Wife

    File 336 - Clean Scent

    File 337 - Life of a Flower...


  • Escalator Message Case

    File 338 - The Meaning of X

    File 339 - OX△□!?


  • Cover in other countries

    Hong Kong
    Malaysia (Chinese)
    Malaysia (Malay)
    Rep. of China (Taiwan)
    Singapore (English)
    United States

    See also

    Volumes of the Manga
    Volume 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106