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== Background ==
== Background ==
Misaki-chan is known as "DCW's Biggest Hugger" on DCW. She is pretty well known to the regular members and is mentioned in the walls of text given to the newer members for background information. She tends to stay in the off topic area, mostly the Chatroom and Games, but has been seen in the General area, the Fan works in general and the Introduce Yourself area. Currently she is the third top poster. She is 13 years old and currently lives in Misakiland~!
Misaki-chan is known as "DCW's Biggest Hugger" on DCW. She is pretty well known to the regular members and is mentioned in the walls of text given to the newer members for background information. She tends to stay in the off topic area, mostly the Chatroom and Games, but has been seen in the General area, the Fan works in general and the Introduce Yourself area. Currently she is the third top poster. She is 14 years old and currently lives in Misakiland~!
== Personality ==
== Personality ==

Revision as of 04:48, 18 December 2011


Misaki-chan is known as "DCW's Biggest Hugger" on DCW. She is pretty well known to the regular members and is mentioned in the walls of text given to the newer members for background information. She tends to stay in the off topic area, mostly the Chatroom and Games, but has been seen in the General area, the Fan works in general and the Introduce Yourself area. Currently she is the third top poster. She is 14 years old and currently lives in Misakiland~!


Misaki-chan has a very friendly personality and is seen as an optimist, though in reality is a realist. She can be very mature at times, but is mostly immature. She is known to hug anyone she can, and anyone who doesn't want a hug a cyber treat. The most popular cyber treat handed out is the cookie. She can also be rather bipolar, slapping Forever Lost and crying/apologizing in the same post. Misaki-chan can be a bit ignorant and very blunt at times, but only when she feels the need to. She is constantly nice to everyone and always has a smile on her face. She rarely cares what others think of her and likes to be original. Her saying: "Why should I care what others think of me? They're only opinions." She likes to be dramatic and always does thing with a flair, whether it be with a little hand gesture or doing ordinary things with a interesting twist.

Relationship Analysis

Misaki-chan gets along with all the members she meet, but the members listed below are who she considers good/best friends.


As Co-leader and Leader, these two get along very well and chat frequently, whether on threads, comments, or PMs. Misaki-chan is known to call this member "kaichou" and give her cyber cookies, since IdentityUnknown prefers them to hugs.

Forever Lost

At first, the two members did not talk a lot until the creation of the Lonely Hearts Club (LHC). From there, the girls began to talk frequently on the thread and soon became good friends. They are very much alike, having similar thoughts and have act in a similar manner (though Forever Lost is not considered an 'optimistic' person). Misaki-chan began to call Forever Lost 'Je-chan' soon after her discovery that her and IdentityUnknown share the same name, only spelt differently.


Originally meeting through one of the threads in the Game area, the topic of LHC (which had just recently got started) came up and the two members began to talk about it. Soon after, ANTI-APTX4869 became the first male member. The two members get along very well, chatting often and hugging often due to both of their love for hugs. They act similar in mannerism and share common interests.

Misaki-chan was the member who came up with the nickname 'Cure-kun', to the relief of the members tired of writing 'ANTI-APTX'. Though originally the nickname was 'Cure-chan', due to confusion of gender, Misaki-chan soon fixed her mistake and changed the honorific to -kun. The idea from the nickname came from a post ANTI-APTX4869 had written, explaining the basis of his username.

Lady Irene Adler

These two first met on the thread created by Lady Irene Adler to introduce herself to DCW, though not much interaction occured. They began to talk in the Game area, which led to a bit more interaction. In the "Give The Person Above You A Nickname" forum game, Lady Irene Adler gave Misaki-chan the nickname "misaki nee chan" in which she responded "Irene-imouto!". Later, it was discovered that Lady Irene Adler was older than Misaki-chan, which she later apologized for. But liking the sister thing and not wanting to let it go, Misaki-chan gave her the new nickname "Neechan" which is still used today. They soon became better friends when Lady Irene Adler joined LHC. The two talk the most on the threads in the Game area.


The two members know each other in real life. This fact became clear with the several references to Misaki-chan in akane's introduction. The member is the only one so far to call akane "Sayuri" due to reasons no one but those two would understand. They are very close and get along very well. She is also the one who called Misaki-chan's hugs the "Hug of Death". Akane does not always enjoys the hug, especially when lifted off the ground and twirled. The two members are close in real life and act in similar mannerisms, though akane is the more sane one.


Though these two members do not talk often except occasionally in threads, they get along well. She has been given the nickname 'CJ-chan' though Misaki-chan tends to use 'Chelsea' as of late. Misaki-chan is a fan of her work, "Into The World Of Detective Conan".


At first, the two members did not have mush interaction, aside from the forum games they played. When Cammy3131 posted her life story at LHC, the two began to talk more and more. After a posting war the two had, they became good friends and Misaki-chan gave her the nickname 'Sato-san' while Cammy3131 was given the nickname 'Taru'.

Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief

How these two became friends is a slight mystery to Misaki-chan, but is glad nonetheless to know Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief. Both talk often in whatever thread they can and get along very well. Along with IdentityUnknown and Lady Irene Adler, they are in the band "Raifu" and talk in the thread for the band a lot. Misaki-chan calls her 'Kid-chan'.


These two members did not talk very often at first, only the occasional contact through threads. But after a PM, sent by Balthazar, the two began to talk more and more frequently and soon became friends. These two users contact each other daily through PMs and talk until one of them needs to leave.

Lonely Hearts Club

Misaki-chan was the third member to join LHC after reading Forever Lost's and IdentityUnknown's conversation about making the club. Later, she mentioned making a thread for it, which IdentityUnknown made for her and getting a sig that promoted LHC, which turned into a united sig for all LHC members. She is currently co-leader of the club after giving IdentityUnknown her spot as leader back. Her life story is up on the thread and is open for all to read. She posts there frequently.


The band was started in the thread made by Forever Lost regarding making a fandub, when Kaitou Kid Legendary Thief and IdentityUnkown began to talk about music writing. Misaki-chan, deciding to join in the conversation, said that "she was bad at writing music and lyrics, but if they ever needed a singer, to count her in." From there, they began to discuss the idea more and eventually decided to become a band. Misaki-chan was the one who thought up of the band name, the name originating from the Japanese word for "life", which the band was going to have the focus of their songs be on. After realizing that they were getting way off topic in someone else's thread, IdentityUnknown made the band it's own thread and discussion of the band has been held there since. Soon after the making of the thread, Lady Irene Adler joined the band. They currently have no songs out, but are working on it.

Extra Information

Misaki-chan has featured in ANTI-APTX4869's stories/plays as Detective Kudo's helper and in Hano's story as a character who's role is to comfort the victims' loved ones by offering cookies/hugs and being the storyteller when the author is not present during the scene. She has posted one story and plans on doing more. She has posted several drawings.