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=== (OVA 12) [[The Miracle of Excalibur]] ===
=== (OVA 12) [[The Miracle of Excalibur]] ===
While noting that people in love often disguise it by being mean to the object of their affections she then proceeds to emotionally torture Conan throughout the episode, she is also quick to notice a love triangle of which Conan is oblivious. Conan saved Haibara from a baseball that was going to hit her, Haibara was silent after Conan said "Why are you daydreaming? Jeez, its because you're acting differently..."
While noting that people in love often disguise it by being mean to the object of their affections she then proceeds to emotionally torture Conan throughout the episode, she is also quick to notice a love triangle of which Conan is oblivious. Conan saved Haibara from a baseball that was going to hit her, Haibara was silent after Conan said "Why are you daydreaming? Jeez, its because you're acting differently..."[[:File:HaibarateasesConan.png|thumb|right|240|Haibara teases Conan]]
== See also ==
== See also ==

Revision as of 15:47, 2 July 2014

Conan and Haibara have an interesting relationship. Initially, Conan scorned Haibara for being part of the Black Organization and the inventor of murderous APTX 4869, but he has since warmed up to her as a valuable teammate and someone to confide his true thoughts with when they conflict with his child cover. On her part, Haibara expresses a lot of interest in Conan's personality, intelligence, and sense of justice. This has led to the theory that Haibara is in love with Conan.

In Episode 223, it is revealed that Conan knows Haibara's true name, Shiho Miyano, but he never calls her that despite her calling him "Kudo-kun".


Relationship analysis

Conan rescues Haibara from the explosion.

It is shown in various manga chapters and anime episodes that Haibara hints at liking Conan. Whenever being asked about it however, she claims to be joking. Fans think that she is trying to hide her pain on the fact that Conan loves Ran. Conan always watches out for Haibara's safety and tries to protect and save Haibara on multiple occasions. He also worries about her mental condition whenever the Black Organization is involved. Both Yukiko Kudo and Jodie Starling have sensed that Haibara might have romantic feelings towards Conan, but whenever brought up are dismissed by Conan. When Haibara is around she is usually the first to notice Conan's actions and knows what he is up to.


(Episode 129) The Girl from the Black Organization and the University Professor Murder Case - Volume 18 File 6 ~ Volume 19 File 1

  • Upon Haibara's arrival at Teitan Elementary School, Genta eagerly offers the seat next to him for her to sit in. But as Haibara walks towards the desks, she brushes right past Genta and takes the empty seat next to Conan, and in a monotone voice says to him, "Nice to meet you." Surprised, Conan responds with, "Yeah..."
  • After class is over, the Detective Boys try to catch up with Haibara in the hallway, wanting to ask her to walk home with them. Haibara ignores all of Ayumi's attempts to talk to her until she inquires about her address, to which she replies, "22 Beika Block, Second Street." Conan regards the address as familiar and remarks to himself that her house can't be too far away from where his is. Haibara then looks over her shoulder and smirks at him, surprising Conan and causing a small blush to appear right above his nose. Genta notices and asks him if he "likes that stuck-up woman", which Conan quickly denies.
  • When Ayumi and Mitsuhiko are telling Haibara about the Detective Boys, she asks, "Edogawa-kun is in it too?". Shortly after, the Detective Boys come across a case, where a fellow classmate's older brother has been missing and wants to find him.
  • After solving said case, and Ai fires a gun through a window, causing her to get a scolding from Inspector Megure, and starts fake-crying (impressively well) to get out of it. Conan walks Haibara back home to her house, while she is still crying. When Conan drops her off nearby her home, Haibara immediately stops crying and then starts talking about a drug called "APTX 4869". Conan is confused, as Haibara continues to ramble about the drug, how he took it, and how she did too. It is apparent that Haibara isn't just your average little girl. It is not until Haibara tells Conan that she's occupied Professor Agasa's house and that he's "not in this world anymore", that Conan begins to freak out. He tries to call Professor Agasa but does not get an answer, while Haibara smirks evilly in the background (she's got the upper hand, at the moment). Conan then leaves Haibara behind and sprints to Professor Agasa's house, hoping to find him safe.
  • Later on, Conan, Haibara, and Agasa come across another case. One involving the locked-room-murder of a university professor. After Conan solves the case, Agasa and Conan decide to head back home. When Conan gestures for Haibara to come along, we see a tear roll down her face as she asks why he didn't help her sister. To answer a confused Conan's face, Haibara explains (still in tears) that Hirota Misami was a fake name her sister took from the now-deceased university professor, and Conan realizes that the same girl (from the previous episode) who died during the one-billion-yen robbery case. Haibara continues to shout at a stunned Conan, with all his deducing skills, he should have been able to see right through her sister's case. Haibara breaks down and falls on her knees in front of Conan and clutches his shirt and continues to cry into it. But Conan silently thinks to himself: "This is probably the first true face she's ever showed me."

(Episode 130-131) The Stadium Indiscriminate Threatening Case - Volume 19 File 9 ~ Volume 20 File 1

I'm actually only 18 years old, just perfect for you.

Near the end of the second part of this case, Haibara stares off into the distance after Conan made a joke about her being 84 years old. She tells him "Ara, I'm actually only 18 years old, just perfect for you. Just kidding." before she stares off into the distance again.

(Episode 136-137) The Old Blue Castle Investigation Case - Volume 20 File 10 ~ Volume 21 File 3

While trying to figure out a chess code at a castle where the Detective Boys are staying, Haibara walks up to Conan, bends down, looks down at his paper, and asks if he is happy because that is his favorite thing. Conan blushes slightly when she looks up at his face and answers "I guess so..." Immediately after, they were interrupted by Ayumi yelling, "Hey! What are you two doing!?" which was really directed at Genta and Mitsuhiko.

Conan Edogawa later gets lost, and when every one tries to look for him it starts raining. Haibara tells Ayumi to stop crying and that "Edogawa-kun isn't the type to make you worry. He'll come back himself." She then comments on Ayumi's bag and about not letting her tears enter it. Ayumi replies, "Hey how do you know Conan-kun so well..." Haibara replies, "Come on. Why do you ask?" "Is it because you like him, right?" Haibara, surprised, recovers by asking, "What if I do?" Ayumi replies, "Then...I'm in trouble..." implying that there will be a love triangle if she does. Haibara sees Ayumi is worried and does not want to trouble her anymore, so Haibara plainly states she does not have those kinds of feelings for Conan

(Episode 138-139) The Final Screening Murder Case - Volume 23 File 1 ~ File 3

At the start of the second Gomera movie, Ayumi falls asleep and puts her head on Conan's shoulder. When Conan turns to Haibara saying he needs to use the restroom and asks her if she would switch seats, she puts her head on Conan's shoulder too, having fallen asleep as well.

(Episode 156) Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 2 - Volume 23 File 10 ~ Volume 24 File 2

  • The episodes opens with Haibara and Conan in what looks to be an abandonned and empty room. Haibara tells him that she (possibly referring to Ran) has found out about his identity. When he asks her why she's telling him all this, she tells him that he can see into the hearts of the wicked, but he couldn't understand a woman's heart, then tells him she's been in love with him since she met him. We see Conan's face, but it doesn't appear to be at all surprised, and Haibara continues with: "I guess you didn't even notice... Kamen Yaiba-san." After Mitsuhiko yells out "CUT!", it is revealed that both Conan and Haibara were merely acting, and practicing lines for Teitan Elementary School's play, with Mitsuhiko as the director.

(Episode 176-178) Reunion with the Black Organization - Volume 24 File 7 ~ File 11

Conan puts his glasses on Haibara.
  • Conan and Haibara went to the Haido City Hotel to catch Pisco, a Black Organization member, before he kills someone using the drug that shrunk them, as ordered by Gin. During the entire episode, Haibara is seriously frightened of Gin because the night before she dreamed that he discovered her true identity and killed everyone she had contact with. She made a point to also confide to Conan that she dreamed that he was shot first, which symbolizes a great fear over any harm done to him.
  • Also, while they are in Professor Agasa's car following Gin and Vodka to the Haido City Hotel. She seems to be pleased by Conan's decision to stop Pisco from murdering someone (rather than just concentrating on Gin, Vodka, and the drug) and says, "Oh, what a strong sense of justice you have" with a proud smile. Because of his decision to do the right thing, she follows him into harms way knowing that she could be murdered immediately (because Gin can recognize her using only a strand of her hair) and enters Haido City Hotel against her premonitions.
  • After Haibara says, "Maybe if I had been killed by the organization back then, there would be less hassle for everyone," Conan cuts her off by giving up his glasses (the only thing preventing people from recognizing him) and putting them on her to make her feel safer. After they have an encouraging conversation about his action's similarity to Superman/Clark Kent's disguise, Haibara turns away bashfully and thanks him. He looks at her and says somewhat sarcastically "You really aren't too adorable."[1]
  • After Haibara shrinks back to child size, Conan puts his jacket on her naked body and carries her from the fire before Pisco and Gin can discover them.
Haibara fires a gun of roses at Conan to encourage him to avoid telling Ran his secret identity.

(Episode 190) The Desperate Revival ~The Third Choice~ - Volume 26 File 2

While Conan was lying in a hospital bed after a blood transfusion, Haibara snuck into his room and held a gun at him. She told him that the Black Organization would accept her back if she killed him and everyone else related to him. She then pulled the trigger, but it turned out that it was a fake gun that shot red roses from the barrel. Symbolically, red roses represent love or passion, suggesting that Haibara might have romantic feelings towards Conan.

(Episode 192) The Desperate Revival ~Shinichi's Return and the Promised Place~ - Volume 26 File 7

When asked by Conan (who has reverted back to Shinichi thanks to a prototype antidote) why she would go so far to help him, Haibara suddenly shows a surprised expression, as if some secret has been revealed.

(Episode 230-231) The Mysterious Passenger - Volume 29 File 3 ~ File 5

Haibara was petrified because she felt a familiar and scary presence from the Black Organization around. (She was right because Vermouth was disguised as Dr. Araide at that time) When Jodie asked Conan for her name, she grabbed onto his hand desperately and he understood her fear, simply saying she was a random girl he happened to sit next to.

At the end of the second episode of The Mysterious Passenger, Haibara chose to stay on the bus (which contained a bomb) in an attempt to commit suicide so that she wouldn't have to worry about her future or the Black Organization anymore. Conan rushed back into the bus, risking his life to save her. They jumped out of the bus, but Conan was injured in the process. He rubbed some of his blood on Haibara to give the police a reason to send her to the hospital, possibly as a way to keep an eye on her. It is also noted that Conan suspected that a Black Organization member was onboard the bus, so he tried to send her away. As Haibara got in the police car, Conan told her not to run away from her destiny.

(Episode 233-234) The Evidence That Didn't Disappear - Volume 29 File 6 ~ File 8

Haibara was in a miserable mood throughout the two episodes. However, Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko cheered her up and Haibara was happy again. As she was smiling, Conan makes a comment saying that she should continue to smile like that because that makes her look like a child. She blushes from the comment until Conan says the wrong joke that she was 90 years old (she corrected him that she is 84 years old with scorn).

(Episode 246-247) The Mystery in the Net - Volume 31 File 5 ~ File 7

The detective boys are playing a game at the beach when Genta asks Conan if he was admiring the women who bumped into them in the water. Conan blushing denied the assertion and tried to defuse the situation by claiming he liked the girl in the blue stripped swimsuit behind them who turned out to be Ran. Haibara staring at Conan’s surprised reaction looks down at the water depressed and glares back at Ran. Later Haibara suffering from sun stroke was asked by Conan why she would stay out in the sun if she was feeling unwell. Haibara explained if she did that it would be running away from her opponent, a dolphin, the ocean’s favorite. She continues to explain how a malicious shark that’s fled from the cold, dark ocean bottom of the sea just can’t compete. Her metaphor went over Conan’s head and she asked to be left alone for a while.

(Episode 269-270) The Forgotten Memento from the Crime - Volume 33 File 7 ~ File 9

Haibara seemed to pity herself for not being able to confess her love to Conan.

(Episode 279-280) Hooligan's Labyrinth - Volume 34 File 5 ~ File 7

File:Screenshot (182).png
You're going to protect me, right?"

At the end of the episode, Conan mistakenly thinks that Haibara boarded a train to leave town. He screams her name in shock, but she is actually behind him and asks why he's screaming. She says "You told me not to run away from fate. You're going to protect me, right?"

(Episode 294-295) The Smash of Determination and Love

File:Screenshot (181).png
"Besides, you can't protect me if I'm not with you, right?"

At the beginning of the episode, Conan notices that Haibara, who usually does not participate in their trips, is acting a bit odd by deciding to come along. Conan comments, "I wonder what could have provoked you to come this time". Haibara says that she's not really interested in the trip itself, but just wants a place to focus on her reading, adding, "Besides, you can't protect me if I'm not with you, right?". After the case, Conan and Haibara has to run laps for missing the semi-finals. When Conan has three laps to go, Haibara catches up to him and says, "I'll run with you." However, right after that, Ayumi and the rest comes up to them and runs the laps with them

(Episodes 335-336) Secret of the Tohto Film Development Studio - Volume 41 File 4 ~ File 6

  • Conan and Haibara are sleeping side-by-side.
    In Episode 335, Conan's mother, Yukiko, tells him that he seems to be popular with girls.[2] Conan automatically assumes his mother is implying Ayumi likes him, and he was already aware of such, but Yukiko replies saying that not only Ayumi but Haibara too, saying: "She's looked your way about 10 times already," and continues: "There's only two reasons for a girl to look at a boy like that: he has something on his face or she likes him." Conan is shocked and insists she'd probably only been looking at him to see how the "test subject" for APTX 4869 was doing. Despite this, Conan later tests Haibara, otherwise.
  • Before Yukiko left the Detective Boys, Conan and Haibara she's quick to remind Conan to: "never leave her side," before she drives off. To which Conan irritably replies: "I know, I know."
  • Later that night, the Detective Boys, Conan and Haibara share a bed for sleeping. Conan and Haibara are sleeping side-by-side. When he is unable to go to sleep because of Genta and Mitsuhiko's loud, audible questions, Haibara calmly reminds him: "it can't be helped; they're just kids, not like us." Conan then takes this opportunity to ask her a question, as the scene grows quiet. Conan solemnly closes his eyes as the fringe on his hair shifts downward his forehead he asks if he can ask her something. She does not reply verbally but turns her head around, as she had her back to him before, to listen. Conan then asks: "Is there something on my face?" with something of a confused face. Haibara responds with a similar look, but appears to be dumbfounded instead.

(Episodes 346-347) Find the Buttock's Mark File 435 ~ File 437

Jodie asks Haibara to join the Witness Protection Program for her own safety. Haibara turns down the offer because she wants to continue to stay with Conan, Agasa, and the detective boys rather than run from the threat of the Black Organization.

(Episode 414) The Detective Boys' Bluebird Chase - Volume 49 TV Original

After visiting a schoolmates house, Conan tells the rest of the Detective Boys to head straight home. Genta replies, "It's you two (Conan and Haibara) we're worried about staying out late". Haibara smiles and says," Well, that's a good idea" causing Conan to blush.

(Episode 425) Black Impact! The Moment the Black Organization Reaches Out - Volume 49 File 1 ~ File 4

Haibara showed concern over the possibility that Conan's transmitter (accidentally stuck on Black Organization member Rena Mizunashi's shoes) might be discovered by the Organization. She supported Conan during the chase and Jodie senses that Haibara might be in love with Conan.

(Episode 427) Super Secret of the Road to School - Volume 49 File 5 ~ File 7

Conan lends his cap to Haibara

After another Black Organization incident, Conan notices that Haibara is still on edge. He offers her his cap to ease her mind during a case.

(Episode 435-436) Information Gathered About the Detective Boys - Volume 50 File 515 ~ File 517

During a case, Haibara tells Conan to act childishly, playfully imitating his trademark "ah-le-le" and "okashi zo" phrases.

(Episode 507) The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box - Volume 59 File 11 ~ Volume 60 File 2

  • Haibara cupped his cheek.
    Conan and the rest of Detective Boys are shopping for books in a bookstore. Conan walking while turning around and then suddenly Haibara finger-cupped his cheek and turned him. "They're on those shelves. You're looking for mysteries, right?" Haibara said. "Thanks," Conan replied.

(Episode 509) Red, White, Yellow, and the Detective Boys - Volume 60 File 3 ~ File 5

In a scene, Haibara wants to know who Conan was talking to on his phone (she thinks it was the FBI). Conan says back, "It's not like a case (jiken) happened or something..." Just then, Mitsuhiko notices that behind them, a case is about to come up, prompting Ayumi to cry out, "An affair (jiken) between Conan-kun and Ai-chan!?" upon seeing the two together. As a common reaction, Conan and Ai stare at Ayumi with bewildered and surprised faces. Later in the episode, when Ai senses the presence of a Black Organization member, she hides behind Conan, tightly holding onto his shoulder.

(Episode 568) Inspector Shiratori, Memories of the Cherry Blossom - Volume 66 File 2 ~ File 4

Haibara holds onto Conan's arm during a Gomera movie.

(Episode 585-587) The Kirin's Horn That Vanished into the Dark - Volume 68 File 5 ~ File 8

Haibara crouches in front of a seemingly unconscious Conan, only to be surprised to hear him say, "shiro (white)." After explaining why he feigned being knocked out, Conan complains, "This posture is really starting to hurt," to which Haibara replies, "That's right... and you can see things you shouldn't." "Ah, no...that was an accident," Conan tries to reason but Haibara wouldn't accept it, calling him a pervert instead. Conan says that he would have kept quiet if he were truly a pervert.

(Episode 597-598) The Scenario of the Steaming Locked Room - Volume 69 File 4 ~ File 6

Haibara and Ayumi blushing and angry that Conan might have peeked at them.

Having burst into the women's onsen after hearing Ayumi and Haibara's screams, Conan discovers a dead body. Genta and Mitsuhiko proceed to interrogate Conan, resulting in the following comical misunderstanding: Mitsuhiko (apprehensive): "By the way Conan-kun... how was it?" Genta (apprehensive): "You saw that, right?" Conan: "Saw what?" Mitsuhiko: "You know, "that"." Genta: "Ayumi screamed really loud, right?" Conan: "Yeah, I saw..." Mitsuhiko (surprised): "So you really..." (at this point, both Ayumi and Haibara are red with embarrassment) Genta (surprised): "did see that?!" Conan: "Yeah, sure did. it's quite natural when going to the bath to be totally naked and exposed." Haibara (angry and embarassed): "You little - !" Conan (clueless): "But you saw that too... the old man's corpse."

At a later scene, when Conan uses his voice-changing bowtie to imitate Professor Agasa's voice, Haibara saves Conan from having to explain his actions to the rest of the Detective Boys. Haibara (still irritated) says, "Don't sweat it. I won't let them peek at things they shouldn't, unlike you". Conan assures her, "If it's about that, don't worry. I didn't see anything besides your butt", causing Haibara to blush. Conan's later comments prove to be the last straw for Haibara and she gets her revenge at the end of the episode

(Movie 4) Captured in Her Eyes

Haibara admitted that she wanted to forget about everything and always be with Conan "forever, just like this," which shocked him. However, she immediately said she was joking to make Conan feel better.

(Movie 5) Countdown to Heaven

When Sonoko shows up with her hair done to look like Haibara's, Conan fantasizes about Haibara in her adult form. In the climax of the movie, when the Detective Boys fly through the air to the next building in the car and Haibara is holding on to Mitsuhiko's hand to avoid falling to her death, Conan realizes she will get killed by the glass formation so he kicks a biker helmet to break the formation to save her.

(Movie 6) The Phantom of Baker Street

Haibara saved Conan by pushing him away from a falling statue, sacrificing herself so he can defeat the virtual reality game. Before she "dies," she praises him, "Don't give up. Even without the helping characters, you are Holmes to us. There is that much ability within you. You're going to have to be our Holmes. There are no cases that Holmes can't solve, right?"

(Movie 11) Jolly Roger in the Deep Azure

During the case Haibara found a footprint around the back of the shop. Conan then asks her to take a picture of it for him. She replies "Since when did I become your assistant?" he then said "Not assistant, partner." Haibara then comments about Conan being a smooth talker.

(Movie 12) Full Score of Fear

After Haibara explains to Professor Agasa on how Conan deduces the message that Haibara was relaying, she quietly thinks to herself, "Moreover, I also believe in him as my partner," referencing the previous movie.

(Movie 15) Quarter of Silence

As Conan holds Haibara tightly while riding his Turbo Engine Snowboard to rescue the Detective Boys, Haibara tells him, "Aren't you being a little too forward for a kid?" To which Conan hastily replies, "Yeah, yeah."

(OVA 12) The Miracle of Excalibur

While noting that people in love often disguise it by being mean to the object of their affections she then proceeds to emotionally torture Conan throughout the episode, she is also quick to notice a love triangle of which Conan is oblivious. Conan saved Haibara from a baseball that was going to hit her, Haibara was silent after Conan said "Why are you daydreaming? Jeez, its because you're acting differently..."thumb|right|240|Haibara teases Conan

See also


  • Conan is always there to support Haibara when she mentions about her sister and how Haibara misses her. He always tells her that she is never alone because she has friends who surround her all the time.
  • Ai Haibara always have to remind Conan that he can't act like Shinichi in front of others or it would raise suspicion (usually during a murder case).
  • Though Haibara makes occasional remarks that she likes Conan, it is uncertain if she does truly like Conan. Some fans say she does, but doesn't want to reveal her feelings since Conan (Shinichi) likes Ran.
  • If Haibara truly likes Conan, she is the only girl that has not openly confessed/expressed her feelings. Both Ran and Ayumi have stated or shown that they like Conan/Shinichi.
  • Ai likes sometimes teasing and mocking Conan.
