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=== Resolution ===
Conan and Kogoro search for clues as to the murderer and discover a bloody shirt and knife sheath in Tanaka's room.  The entire group meets downstairs to discuss what to do, but it seems impossible to chase after Tanaka since there's a blizzard outside.  Conan, looking at the serious face of Endou, one of the group members, notices an odd marking.  Realizing the trick of how Tanaka disappeared, Conan comments on the marking of where a beard was glued on and points out the odd fork-like markings on the man's wrist.
Conan and Kogoro search for clues as to the murderer and discover a bloody shirt and knife sheath in Tanaka's room.  The entire group meets downstairs to discuss what to do, but it seems impossible to chase after Tanaka since there's a blizzard outside.  Conan, looking at the serious face of Endou, one of the group members, notices an odd marking.  Realizing the trick of how Tanaka disappeared, Conan comments on the marking of where a beard was glued on and points out the odd fork-like markings on the man's wrist.

Revision as of 16:16, 7 October 2015

Volume 1


Release date: January 28, 1997
Original Work: Gosho Aoyama
Manga: Eiichi Yamagishi
ISBN: ISBN 4-09-142531-3
Publisher: Shogakukan
Back Cover Image

Special 1Back.jpg

Conan Side Image

Specialside 1.jpg

Next volume: Special Volume 2 »
List of chapters

Special Volume 1 was released on January 28, 1997 in Japan.[1][2]



The Missing Man

File 1

Conan, Ran, and Kogoro ride a bus to a pension for some rest and relaxation. On the journey, Ran, trying to feed Conan apple slices, accidentally stabs a bearded man in a parka with a fork after the bus goes on to some bumpy road. Ran apologizes and notices the man is bleeding, but he shouts at her that he's okay. Kogoro bickers with Ran regarding Conan constantly staying with them without paying any money. Ran argues back that Conan has brought him good luck in receiving and solving cases. Upon arriving at the pension, a man named Yamashita introduces himself to Kogoro. The man Ran stabbed earlier, Tanaka, leaves the main group carrying skis with him.

Later that night at dinner, the group notices Yamashita and Tanaka haven't come down yet. Ran and Conan go to get Yamashita from his room but find him dead on the floor with a knife in his back.


SV1 Case.jpg

Location: Yamashita's room
Victim: Yamashita
Cause of death: Stabbed in the back
Suspects: Tanaka



  • Kidnapping

    Gadgets introduced

    File 2

    Mitsuhiko shows off his wideband receiver to the other Detective Boys and explains how it is able to overhear phonecalls. When the group overhears a man receiving demands from his daughter's kidnapper, Conan and the Detective Boys set to work to stop him. The group listens carefully to the call for clues as the kidnapper threatens to kill the kidnapped Junko if his demands aren't met. Using the Electronic Notebook Map, Conan manages to narrow the search area to the distance the wideband receiver gets signals. Having overheard a train during the phone call, the group heads for the one spot in range where there are railroad tracks.


  • Murderous Intent

    File 3

    Lead actress of the play "The Tail of a Comet" Michiru Ushio and her co-star Saeko Kusunoki are preparing in the dressing room for their next performance. Michiru comments to Saeko she's sorry that Saeko didn't get the lead part. Saeko claims to be okay but as Michiru leaves she comments to herself that Michiru is a thief for taking the role from her and that Michiru's performance will be her last. Meanwhile, the play begins as Ran, Conan, and Kogoro watch in the audience. As Michiru's scene ends, Saeko playing the role of a shining ghost takes her place as Ran comments that even though the lights are all off they can see Saeko's body is shining. As Saeko leaves the stage, Michiru goes back on with a wire harness to perform a flying scene. Saeko anxiously awaits for something to happen to Michiru during the flying scene, but much to her dismay, Michiru gets through the scene safely.

    As Saeko's first plan to get rid of Michiru fails, she thinks to herself about her motive for doing so in the first place. Michiru managed to get the lead role because her father is the sponsor of the theater group. Saeko leaves the stage after her scene as Michiru goes back on for a solo scene. Saeko watches the scene from a screen backstage as Michiru performs until suddenly at the end of her scene, a massive light fixture falls on top of her.


    SV1C3 Case.jpg

    Location: Stage
    Victim: Michiru Ushio
    Cause of death: Blunt force trauma by falling light
    Suspects: Saeko Kusunoki

    Conan and Kogoro immediately leap into action, leaving Ran behind. Conan and Kogoro begin investigating backstage, discovering a crew member talking about the "stopper" used on the lights to keep them from moving. As the member explains, Conan discovers that the harness Michiru was flying in earlier was tampered with. As Conan points this out to Kogoro it becomes apparent that the light incident must not have been an accident, but rather a murder. The rest of the stage crew are puzzled as to how this could be since everyone was watching Michiru's scene on the video monitor backstage. As Kogoro tries to work it out, Conan discovers water on the ground by the pulley that holds the lights. The leader in charge of the stage production is about to shut down the production for good when Saeko steps forward claiming she can bravely do Michiru's role.


  • Resolution

    Sudden Death

    File 4

    Conan, Ran, and Kogoro are in attendance at movie director Nagira Oosawa's party for his latest hit movie. Oosawa gives a speech to the crowd with his wife Asako standing next to him as Conan overhears a few ladies in the crowd gossiping about Oosawa and Asako's relationship. Kogoro offers his thanks to Oosawa as Conan notices a man standing next to him wearing shoes with shiny rubber soles like rainboots. Conan, puzzled, asks the man if it's raining outside. The man gives Conan an excuse when all of a sudden Oosawa is seen loudly shouting at Asako for forgetting to bring his medicine to the party. Conan feels sorry for Asako until he realizes she oddly has a strange smile on her face as she look across the room at the man with the shoes Conan talked to earlier.

    Later that night, Conan runs off for the bathroom only to discover water is covering the entire floor. While in the bathroom Conan discovers a cockroach scuttling across the floor behind him when Oosawa comes in to the bathroom as well. Conan washes his hands when all of a sudden Oosawa clutches his chest and falls to the ground dead.


    SV1C4 Case.jpg

    Location: Restroom
    Victim: Nagira Oosawa
    Cause of death: Electrocuted and heart attack
    Suspects: Asako Oosawa

    Conan gets help and as Kogoro and the crowd try to calm Asako down, Conan discovers the cockroach from earlier on the bathroom floor dead as well. Over by the drain on the floor, Conan notices odd specks and, thanks to Kogoro's unwilling help, discovers the specks to be salt. Continuing to investigate the bathroom, Conan spots a toilet with electronic settings plugged in to a wall and that at the bottom of Oosawa's outfit there are odd strands of gold thread near his feet.

    Putting the clues together, Conan uses the Stun-Gun Wristwatch on Kogoro and the Voice-Changing Bowtie to reveal that the man with the rubber soles and Asako are responsible for Oosawa's death. The man with the rubber soles electrified the floor of the bathroom using the super conductive salty water while Asako, who had been having an affair with the man, had attached the gold thread to Oosawa's clothing to ensure he would be electrocuted.


  • Haunted Building

    File 5

    Genta tells Conan, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi a story about a abandoned skyscraper in Beika 4-chōme where the ghost of the building's owner who committed suicide is said to be seen in one of the building's windows. Mitsuhiko dismisses the story as nonsense, irritating Genta. Ayumi suggests that the group should go check out to see if the story is for real or not. The following day, the Detective Boys manage to sneak in to the building carrying flashlights. Conan asks the group how on Earth they plan on proving if they see a real ghost or not and the other members reveal they have brought hand mirror omamoris. The Detective Boys explore the building and find no ghosts, but get spooked by strange sounds and lights until Conan points out the sounds are simply wind blowing through the air duct system and neon signs glowing through the open windows.

    As Conan peers out one of the windows, he discovers that the building still has more floors to explore above even though the group hadn't come across a staircase leading to the next level. The group manages to discover a ladder in the elevator shaft leading to the next floor and they follow it up. While exploring the new floor the group is startled by the sound of a phone echoing throughout the area. As Conan tracks down the source of the sound, they discover the ringing came from a cell phone lying next to a bloodied corpse.


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    Location: Underground
    Victim: Unnamed man
    Cause of death: Stab wound

    As Ayumi clutches her mirror in front of her using it as a protective amulet she is shocked to discover someone else's reflection above her own. The group turns around to discover the ragged looking man responsible for killing the person on the floor. The man then chases the group with a long pipe in an attempt to kill them, leaving Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko to become separated from Conan. Conan manages to hold the man's attention away from the other kids and attempts to use the Power-Enhancing Kick Shoes only for them to fail. Without any protection, Conan dodges the man's attacks and cuts off his flashlight. The man in an attempt to see where Conan is manages to create a torch. The man spots Conan and charges only to fall into the elevator shaft and falls unconscious. Conan tricked the man using the mirror in his pocket he had picked up from Ayumi earlier and had attached it to the wire of the elevator's pulley system. The murderer is revealed to be none other than the building owner that had been rumored to have hanged himself. The owner had been hiding from debt collectors which eventually led to the owner getting neurosis. The murder victim was somebody who was also curious about the rumors and went to see the ghost for himself only to be mistaken for being a debt collector so the owner killed him. The police bring the owner to justice and as the group is scolded by their mothers and Ran for going out to a dangerous place without permission, Conan jokingly remarks how the omamori won't be able to protect him from Ran.


  • Trump Card

    File 6

    Ran and Conan go snorkeling while Kogoro relaxes on a beach only to find a corpse with a heavy weight attached to her feet floating in the shallow water.



    Location: Underwater
    Victim: Mitsuko Sekine
    Age: 24 years old
    Cause of death: Drowning
    Suspects: Dr. Tanaka

    The corpse is revealed to be Mitsuko Sekine after being identified by one of her friends. The local doctor, Tanaka, is surprised to find out Kogoro is a detective and claims that Mitsuko committed suicide. Tanaka gives a valid reason for how she did but Conan seems uneasy about the doctor's reasoning.

    Mitsuko's friend calls Tanaka a murderer as he leaves the scene and she reveals that Mitsuko and Tanaka had been seeing eachother until Tanaka broke up with her after becoming engaged to the daughter of a major hospital. Kogoro tries to confront Tanaka and pin the murder of Mitsuko on him but Tanaka reveals he has a solid alibi. Conan then rushes to the beach in order to look for clues when he discovers an old man who explains that trash from the ocean tends to end up in front of his shack because of the currents. In the pile of trash, Conan discovers an intertube with a small hole punctured in the side and then sets to work figuring out where the murderer originally dropped the body in the water. By conducting an experiment in which he throws a bunch of water bottles into the ocean at random places, Conan is able to figure out how Tanaka set up his alibi and commit the murder.

    Conan uses the Stun-Gun Wristwatch and Voice-Changing Bowtie on Kogoro to reveal his deduction. Conan explains that Tanaka drugged Mitsuko, placed her in the ring of the intertube, made a small hole, and then set her adrift in the ocean. The air escaped from the intertube slowly and the currents carried Mitsuko far away so that Tanaka was able to create his alibi. To further prove Tanaka's guilt, Conan points out that the knot of rope that was around Mitsuko's ankles is facing the wrong direction of what it should be if Mitsuko had tied the rope herself to commit suicide. Tanaka is then caught as Kogoro, Conan, and Ran wrap up their vacation by eating kakigōri.


  • Bank Robbery

    File 7

    Conan is waiting for his turn to speak to a teller at Beika Bank when he spots a male worker looking for the branch manager of the bank. The manager seems distracted however and glances at his watch. A black car pulls up outside the bank and a man comes out just as Conan's turn is up. The man waves a gun around, demanding the bank fill his money bag. Spotting the manager, the man tosses him the bag to fill it up. While the robber's back is turned a security officer attempts to sneak up behind the robber only for the manager to speak up, causing the sneak attack to fail.

    Determined to stop the robber from getting away, Conan manages to put a tracking sticker on the robber's money bag but is caught in the process. The robber holds a gun at Conan's face only to suddenly remark "Time is up" and runs away. A teller shouts that they need to get the robber's license plate number when the manager suddenly volunteers to do the job himself. The manager fails to get out of the building in time and get the number as Conan quickly gets on his Turbo Engine Skateboard to track the car down. The robber, realizing he's being followed brakes suddenly sending Conan skidding under a moving truck. Luckily Conan only receives a number of scratches and bruises on his body, but the skateboard loses a wheel in the incident, forcing Conan to continue his search on foot.

    He picks up the signal again only to be surprised to find it leads him back to Beika Bank. Conan spots the robber and follows him across the street from the bank to a high-rise building. The robber meets with a man, later revealed to be the bank manager, only for both of them to be knocked out by Conan using the Power-Enhancing Kick Shoes and a metal bucket. It is revealed that the robber stole under the bank manager's orders and they were going to split the money.

    A TV broadcast later that night reports on the capture of the culprits and how they claim to have heard a voice before being knocked out. Ran comments that whoever captured the men is like a hero in a TV drama and wonders what they look like. Kogoro then makes a weird face and says "Like this!". Conan, overhearing and becoming irritated, puts a very spicy wasabi sauce on Kogoro's tuna when he isn't looking.


  • Masterpiece Thief

    File 8

    Conan is reading a newspaper article about how a thief known as Kaitou Nero has struck again, stealing a masterpiece painting and continuing to elude police. Kogoro makes a comment that given the chance he would catch the thief after just one try. A female client then arrives at the agency with a manifesto from Kaitou Nero saying that they will steal the "Angel's Bath" (天使の沐浴 Tenshi no mokuyoku?) tonight. The client mentions that she and her husband are unable to involve the police in this matter so Kogoro accepts the case. As Conan pulls a slingshot out of his pocket he remembers that he promised to hang out with the Detective Boys that day. He decides to follow Kogoro to the client's house instead.

    At the house, Kogoro and Conan meet the painting's current owner, the Ootsuki Trade President Fumitaka Ootsuki, and discover he has quite an extensive collection of fine art throughout the building. The "Angel's Bath" is stored in a loft type room of the house that is only accessible via the press of a button on a remote control carried by Ootsuki. Conan poses a question to Kogoro, wondering why the client couldn't call the police to help.

    Later, while walking around, Conan overhears Ootsuki having an interesting conversation on the phone regarding the painting to somebody. It seems that Ootsuki's collection isn't entirely collected through legitimate means, which prevents Ootsuki from involving the police. Conan then discovers a listening device under the couch Kogoro is napping on, causing him to ask Ootsuki's wife if any unexpected people dropped by in the past few days. The wife explains that a person from the gas company dropped by. After realizing the listening device was installed because Nero wasn't able to figure out where the "Angel's Bath" is hidden Conan uses the Voice-Changing Bowtie to tell Nero the location and lure them out.

    Later that night the lights cut off and Conan rushes towards the loft only to twist his ankle when Ootsuki steps on his foot and pushes him out of the way. Discovering Kogoro asleep at the foot of the ladder leading to the loft, Conan and Ootsuki go to a nearby room and discover an empty picture frame on the floor and a rope tied from the window to a tree. Ootsuki rushes back downstairs but Conan heads back towards the loft and finds himself face-to-face with Nero who had just retrieved the real painting. Although Nero's face is completely covered, the tight-fitting body suit reveals Nero to be a woman. Conan, unable to use the Power-Enhancing Kick Shoes because of his ankle suddenly remembers the slingshot in his pocket, but before he uses it, Nero runs past him knocking Conan to the floor. Conan takes aim at the painting instead of Nero. Unable to allow the painting to be destroyed, Nero gives it up and escapes after asking Conan his name. Ootsuki is relieved to still have the painting until Conan as "Sleeping Kogoro" reveals the police have been informed of his wrongdoings.


  • Poisoning

    File 9

    Conan and Ran are attending a fancy dinner party at Sonoko's house when Sonoko walks over to talk to Ran about forgetting about waiting for Shinichi and to come with her to pick up cute guys at the party. As Sonoko says her plan aloud she is greeted by Nanbara: the "idiot son" of the head of XX Shuppan and a horrible person, according to Sonoko. Nanbara while carrying a wine glass forcibly leads Sonoko and Ran walking around with him so he can go make coffee when he comes across his friend Takechi who is carrying a case around with him and wearing gloves on his hands. Nanbara gloats about being surrounded by ladies when he trips and knocks the contents of his wine glass on Takechi.

    Sonoko offers Takechi the use of the shower which he accepts. While Takechi cleans himself up Conan asks Nanbara why Takechi is wearing gloves and carrying the case. Nanbara explains Takechi's germophobic tendencies before excusing himself to retrieve coffee cups. Nanbara later makes coffee for Conan, Ran, Sonoko, himself, and Takechi. After Takechi adds sugar and cream to his coffee and takes a sip he collapses to the floor, dead. Once Megure arrives and reveals Takechi died from poison, Nanbara recalls that Takechi had been acting strange recently. The police then find a suicide note on Takechi's jacket, but Conan isn't convinced.


    SV1C9 Case.jpg

    Location: Suzuki Zaibatsu Home Party
    Victim: Takechi
    Cause of death: Poison
    Suspects: Nanbara

    After discovering oddities about the note and Takechi's stirring spoon Conan uses the Stun-Gun Wristwatch on Sonoko and reveals Nanbara is responsible for the poisoning. Because Takechi prefers using his own items he was carrying a set of silverware in the case he was taking around with him. While Takechi was in the shower Nanbara spread poison on the spoon he knew Takechi would use for the coffee. Nanbara tricked Takechi into writing the suicide note by asking Takechi to write some notes down for him on a notepad while pretending to be on a phone call. As proof, Conan as Sonoko points out that Nanbara's handkerchief has ink imprints from the supposed suicide note on it. Nanbara's motive was that he was in debt to Takechi and was unable to pay. Ran compliments Sonoko on her deductive reasoning and Sonoko claims she'll try even harder next time to snag a cute guy.


  • Cover in other countries


    See also

    Volumes of the Special Manga
    Volume 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849
