Approximate Date |
File |
Picture |
Japanese |
2014-01-28 |
885 |
300px |
いつまで たべてんのよ(`Д´)/
(Diamond) - When (will he) finish eating? (`Д´)/
2014-01-28 |
885 |
300px |
(Heart) - The sports bra was put on properly
2014-01-28 |
885 |
300px |
(Spade) - Next case will be a kite flying competition!
2014-02-11 |
886 |
300px |
ヒゴさんって なんさい なんだろう
(Heart) - Now that I think about it, I wonder how old Higo-san is..
2014-02-11 |
886 |
300px |
サナダ…ちとアホに かきすぎたw
(Spade) - Sanada was depicted to be a little too silly.
2014-02-11 |
886 |
300px |
ダンディ ラ~イ オ~~ン♪(^O^)
(Diamond) - Dandy la~io~~n (^O^)
2014-02-18 |
887 |
300px |
(Spade) - Next will be a tea poisoning case.
2014-02-24 |
888 |
300px |
ユズルくん きんメダルおめでとう
(Heart) - Congratulations to Yuzuru-kun for getting a gold medal!
2014-03-02 |
889 |
300px |
エレーナ ひさしぶりに かいたよ♪
(Spade) - I drew Elena for the first time in a while!♪
2014-03-02 |
889 |
300px |
まおちゃん がんばったね(T-T)
(Diamond) - Good luck, Mao-chan! (T-T)
2014-03-05 |
889 |
300px |
(Spade) - Why can't I ever grow any tasty fruits?
2014-03-05 |
889 |
300px |
レジェンドかさい かっこよかった
(Heart) - Noriaki Kasai was cool!
2014-03-05 |
889 |
300px |
つぎは アムロvsFBI らしいわよ…
(Diamond) - Amuro vs. the FBI appears to be next...
2014-03-21 |
890 |
300px |
ダビンチにシン・ラン かいたよ~
(Spade) - I drew ShinRan for da Vinci~ (Magazine)
2014-03-21 |
890 |
300px |
サンデー表紙 あかい&コナン
(Heart) - Sunday's cover this time will feature Akai and Conan
2014-03-21 |
890 |
300px |
(Clover) - Next volume's featured detective will be Oreki-kun.
2014-04-10 |
892 |
300px |
おいしいフルーツやっと できた♪
(Spade) - Finally, I grew some tasty fruits!♪
2014-04-10 |
892 |
300px |
シシャかい たのしかったよ~♪
(Spade) - The movie premiere was fun~♪
2014-04-10 |
892 |
300px |
(Spade) - The afternoon tea set is missing! (;A;
2014-04-10 |
892 |
300px |
(Heart) - Congratulations to Hayato-kun on his 100th match!
2014-04-10 |
892 |
300px |
いよいよ ワールド カップだね~♪
(Clover) - Finally, it's the World Cup!
2014-04-10 |
892 |
300px |
しぶやセンセイは アシの なまえw
(Diamond) - Shibuya-sensei is the assistant's name.
2014-04-18 |
893 |
300px |
サッカー スタジアム かんせ~い♪
(Clover) - The soccer stadium is complete!
2014-04-23 |
894 |
いよいよ アムロvsキャストバルね!
(Diamond) - At last, Amuro vs Casval!
2014-04-29 |
894 |
300px |
ぎんのオノ ゴジュウれんばい(T-T
(Spade) - The silver axe is on sale for half off.
2014-04-29 |
894 |
300px |
ちはやのスエツグせんせ びじん♪
(Heart) - Chihayafuru's manga-ka Suetsugu-sensei is beautiful!
2014-05-14 |
896 |
(Spade) - I made an illustration of Zettai Karen Children~~♪
2014-05-14 |
896 |
(Heart) - Scarlet series production is very difficult^^;
2014-05-14 |
896 |
(Clover) - This year we might have a new Kaito production
2014-05-14 |
896 |
アカイさん バズーカでも うつき?
(Diamond) - Does Akai intend to shoot a Bazooka or something?
2014-06-04 |
898 |
Sherlock IIIはじまったね~(^_^
(Spade) - Sherlock III has started~(^_^
2014-06-04 |
898 |
(Heart) - ???(a comment about Baseball)
2014-06-04 |
898 |
アキのSP!いまから たのしみ~♪
(Clover) - Fall Tv special, I'm looking forward to it~
2014-06-04 |
898 |
(Daimond) - The next case is Meijin Shogi player code/encryption case
2014-06-11 |
899 |
(Spade)1 - Akishima-san, please make me a Honda uniform
2014-06-11 |
899 |
ホンダのユニ ありがとォ~♪(^_^
(Spade)2 - Thanks for the Honda uniform~ ♪(^_^
2014-06-11 |
899 |
(Spade)3 - At last, the World Cup, I'm looking forward to it
2014-06-11 |
899 |
ランの みずぎイラスト かいたよ~
(Heart) - I drew an illustration of Ran in a swim suit
2014-06-11 |
899 |
アウエイ ユニも ありがとね~(^^
(Clover) - Thanks for the away uniform as well~(^^
2014-06-11 |
899 |
(Daimond) - The next keyhole character is Higo-san♪ (volume 84)
2014-06-25 |
900 |
んじゃ ブラジル いってきます~♪
(Spade)1 - I'm going to Brazil~
2014-06-25 |
900 |
ブラジル たのしかった~♪(^V^)
(Spade)2 - I enjoyed Brazil~(^V^)
2014-06-25 |
900 |
(Heart) - Congratulations on the 5th Giants Intercourse Battle.
2014-07-16 |
901 |
ワールドカップ おもろすぎ♪(^^)
(Spade)1 - The World Cup is greatly interesting ♪(^^)
2014-07-16 |
901 |
(Spade)2 - Good luck to Messi and Myuraa (^^)
2014-07-16 |
901 |
ドイツゆうしょう おめでとォ(^^)
(Spade)3 - Congratulations on Germany's victory (^^)
2014-07-16 |
901 |
メッシMVP よかったね~(^_^)
(Heart) - Its good that Messi is the MVP (^_^)
2014-07-16 |
901 |
(Clover) - The conclusion is Chuukichi's kiss (chu) ?
2014-07-16 |
901 |
(Daimond) - The next case will feature Sera in a swimsuit!
2014-08-06 |
904 |
そういえば ぎんのオノ ゲットした
(Spade) - Speaking of that, I got the silver axe/hatchet
2014-08-06 |
904 |
(Heart) - My swimsuit is like Shimakaze's? (Shimakaze is a character from Kantai Collection)
2014-08-06 |
904 |
アキからの オレアニメ たのしみ
(Clover) - I am really looking forward to my fall anime
2014-08-06 |
904 |
(Daimond) - Sera-chan calls Kichi-nii
2014-09-03 |
906 |
かんこれ E-シックス クレア~(^^
(Spade) - Kancolle E-six Clear~(^^ (another Kantai Collection reference)
2014-09-03 |
906 |
(Heart) - Mystery younger sister's name is ____rii (〇〇リー) (Ch930, Mary (メアリー) could be the answer)
2014-09-03 |
906 |
じつは もうラムは でてたりしてw
(Diamond) - The truth is, Rum has already appeared (laughs)
2014-09-10 |
907 |
カイトのゲンコウ ちょーたいへん;
(Spade) - Kaitou's manuscript is a lot of work
2014-09-10 |
907 |
かいとうコルボー ついにとうじょう
(Heart) - Finally Kaito Corbeau appears
2014-09-10 |
907 |
(Clover) - Aoko's voice actor was cute
2014-09-10 |
907 |
(Diamond) - Kan-chan has nothing to do with Rum
2014-09-17 |
908 |
(Diamond) - Kan-chan is not Rum(^^
2014-09-20 |
908 |
さかもとのユニも ほしいなぁ(^_^
(Heart) - I want Sakamoto's uniform too
2014-09-20 |
908 |
(Spade) - Its Snake again after 19 years!
2014-09-20 |
908 |
(Clover) - This new series will be animated too
2014-09-29 |
908 |
(Heart) - The Giants won! Hooray~
2014-09-29 |
908 |
(Spade) - The third file of Kaito is finally finished~
2014-09-29 |
908 |
チカゲさん ずいぶんかわったわね;
(Diamond) - Chikake-san changed surprisingly
2014-09-29 |
908 |
こよいは かいとうコルボーだぜ!
(Clover) - Its Kaitou Corbeau tonight!
2014-10-19 |
MK33 |
つぎのジケンは、 かまいたち!!
(Spade) - The next case is the Kamaitachi!!
2014-10-19 |
MK33 |
(Heart) - The recording of Heiji's voice will put him in a pinch
2014-10-19 |
MK33 |
(Clover) - I want to see Ikeda-san (voice) as Kaito Corbeau
2014-10-19 |
MK33 |
(Diamond) - The Mystery Sister's voice actor is Taisa (this is a mistake corrected later in the month)
2014-10-21 |
MK33 |
(Diamond) - ___rii's voice actor is Koukaku no Motoko (Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell)
2014-10-23 |
MK33 |
(Spade) - Correction; ___rii's voice actor is Koukaku ( Motoko, from Ghost in the Shell)
2014-10-23 |
MK33 |
(Diamond) - Mystery younger sister's voice actor is Shousa (the "Major" who is also Motoko from Ghost in the Shell)
2014-11-10 |
910 |
(Spade) - Next will be the Kawanakajima murder case.
2014-11-10 |
910 |
(Heart) - Police officers will be killed one after the other.
2014-11-10 |
910 |
カンちゃん しなないで~!(;_:)
(Diamond) - Don't die, Kan-chan~!(;_:)
2014-11-10 |
910 |
(Clover) - Harry the hedgehog's Harry is Houdini
2014-11-28 |
912 |
カワナカジマのシュザイ つかれた;
(Spade) - Collecting information for Kawanakajima wore me out
2014-11-28 |
912 |
(Heart) - Kuroda-keiji... is very scary(^_^;)
2014-11-28 |
912 |
(Daimond) - Kansuke, Koumei, Yui love triangle?
2014-11-28 |
912 |
(Clover) - I'm looking forward to Phantom Lady~♪
2014-12-25 |
915 |
(Spade) - Merry Christmas⋆\(^V^)/
2014-12-25 |
915 |
いろいろあって コウシンおくれた;
(Heart) - Due to a lot of things happening, the schedule has fallen behind
2014-12-25 |
915 |
はいいろのサンタかけなく てゴメン
(Diamond) - I'm sorry that I did not draw a new Grey Santa (for Sherry Soliloquies)
2014-12-25 |
915 |
(Clover) - Next year's movie will feature a bad Kid? (in Movie 19)