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It is unclear at this point if Scar Akai is the real Shuichi Akai or an imposter. So far, the commentary in the manga sidebars assumes Scar Akai is the real Shuichi Akai; however, the commentary has been purposefully misleading in past arcs. FBI agent Jodie Starling thinks he is the real Akai who managed to escape from death somehow, but has amnesia and cannot speak. Agent Camel is confused and wonders if Scar Akai is a trap from the Black Organization. Although Conan has yet to come into direct contact with Scar Akai, Conan seemed thunderstruck after hearing about his existence and worriedly chased after him.
It is unclear at this point if Scar Akai is the real Shuichi Akai or an imposter. So far, the commentary in the manga sidebars assumes Scar Akai is the real Shuichi Akai; however, the commentary has been purposefully misleading in past arcs. FBI agent Jodie Starling thinks he is the real Akai who managed to escape from death somehow, but has amnesia and cannot speak. Agent Camel is confused and wonders if Scar Akai is a trap from the Black Organization. Although Conan has yet to come into direct contact with Scar Akai, Conan seemed thunderstruck after hearing about his existence and worriedly chased after him. Although scar akai is revealed to be Vermouth in chapter 822, it is unclear whether or not she has been scar akai all the time.
===Known facts about Scar Akai===
===Known facts about Scar Akai===

Revision as of 02:07, 18 June 2012

Scar Akai

Scar Akai Profile.png

Age: ?
Gender: Male
Nicknames: Scar Akai (fan nickname)
First appearance: Manga: File 677
Anime: Episode 563
Appearances: Chapters: 19
Chapters: 1
Episodes: 12
Openings: 5

Scar Akai is a mysterious person of unknown allegiance who appeared some time after Kir apparently killed Shuichi Akai. It isn't clear if he is in fact the real Akai or someone else, possibly Bourbon, disguising as him. Scar Akai appears silently in front of the FBI and vanishes just as quickly.


Plot overview

Teito Bank Heist (Manga: 677-679, Anime: 563-564)

Jodie sees Scar Akai for the first time.

In his debut appearance, Jodie Starling encountered a man on the street in the Beika district who looks exactly like Shuichi Akai, but with a huge burn scar on the side of his face. She chased after him while calling out to him, but he turned down an alley without responding. James Black, not aware of the mysterious man's appearance, stopped Jodie from following after Scar Akai. Jodie assumes she saw a lookalike and, still upset, visits Teito bank. The bank is then hijacked by robbers who round up everyone. Jodie discovers that Scar Akai is sitting next to her. She tries to talk to him, saying his name, but he doesn't acknowledge that he even heard her. She assumes he has amnesia and cannot speak. The robbers then order everyone's eyes and hands to be taped up.

Scar Akai appears next to Jodie.

As the bank heist progresses, Jodie is knocked out and Conan and the Detective Boys design and execute a ploy to trick the bank robbers and rescue the hostages they plan on blowing up. In the confusion, Conan is grabbed and about to be killed by one of the vengeful robbers. Scar Akai rescues Conan by shooting the robber in the shoulder. Scar Akai vanishes after the case, Conan never being aware of his presence, although it is later discovered that Scar Akai caught on tape by reporters. Jodie, reluctant to believe that this man was Shuichi, doesn't tell James Black or Camel about the meeting.[1]

Beika Department Store bomb threat case (Manga: 700-704, Anime: 578-581)

Andre Camel sees Scar Akai in the reflection of the mirror.

Conan learns about the existence of Scar Akai from the Detective Boys who had recognized him from the Teito Bank heist. Conan is shocked by the news. In the meanwhile, Jodie has tracked down the maker of the hat Scar Akai has worn to the Beika Department Store and she questions the sales clerks if someone matching Scar Akai's description had bought a hat recently. While Andre Camel is in the bathroom, he sees Scar Akai pass behind him. Camel rushes from the bathroom, but Scar Akai is nowhere to be seen.

Scar Akai, along with Subaru Okiya and Conan, is then trapped on one of the department store floors by a bomber demanding to find the sender of thirteen red shirts. Meanwhile the Black Organization has heard that someone who looks like Akai appeared at the department store. Gin and Vodka park outside the department store with the snipers Chianti and Korn to wait for Scar Akai. Gin holds a gun to Kir's head explaining that if Akai is alive, he will kill her.

Scar Akai smiling after spotting Chianti.

Back on the bombed floor, Subaru Okiya sees Scar Akai in the crowd and ducks away before Scar Akai could spot him. Jodie finds out Scar Akai is trapped on the floor from someone's video phone. Conan tranquilizes Kogoro Mouri to begin his deduction show just as Kogoro receives a text message containing a mostly complete solution to the case. Wanting to know who else deduced the solution, Conan and Ran trace the text to a man who reveals Scar Akai had "found his phone" and must have sent it. Conan is astonished and anxiously attempts to catch up to Scar Akai, but Conan is stopped by Jodie and Camel who tell him they also saw Scar Akai. Andre reveals the Black Organization are waiting outside with a sniper. Jodie rushes after Scar Akai to stop him from being killed, but is prevented from reaching him by Okiya who knocks her over.

Scar Akai leaves the store and walks into Chianti's scope. She informs Gin who also sees Scar Akai. Before Gin can order Chianti to shoot, Vermouth appears and speaks with Gin about a plan that she received the boss's authorization for. Scar Akai spots Chianti and smirks at her. She loses her aim and Scar Akai disappears into the rushing crowd which Conan had stirred up. Gin lowers his gun from Kir's head and decides to drop the assassination, commenting how Bourbon always likes to do what he pleases.

Encounter at Mouri Detective Agency (Manga: 801)

While Masumi Sera is walking with Ran and Sonoko back to the Mouri Detective Agency, she spots Scar Akai in a crowd. She chases after him, but he slips out of sight. Ran asks Sera what happened, and Sera replies she thought she saw someone she knew, but then mentally adds there is no way that is possible. Hidden out of sight around a corner, Scar Akai watches Sera talk to Ran silently.

Bell Tree Express Arc

Scar Akai appears on the Bell Train that the Conan and his friends have boarded. When Haibara passes him by, she senses the Black Organization vibe from him.

Later, as Scar Akai walks in the hall, he passes by a mysterious woman who had been seen with Subaru Okiya earlier, and she says something to Scar Akai as he passes. Right after that, Masumi Sera finally comes face-to-face with Scar Akai. She demands to know who he is. Scar Akai says, "You haven't changed at all, Masumi," He lifts his face up so Sera gets a clear look. Startled, Sera utters, "Shuu-nii" (-nii is the honorific used to address older brothers). She then begins to ask Scar Akai the reason why he was there, since she heard that Shuichi Akai died. Before she can say anything else, Scar Akai knocks her out with a stun gun, commenting that Sera's response was the one he hoped for. Scar Akai then mails someone that he had "removed the obstacle, so the rest should go as planned" and grins. Scar Akai then goes to check the passenger list while the attendant was away, but he is spotted with the list when the attendent returns. Scar Akai gives the excuse that he thought he saw an old acquaintance on the train. He looks back at the attendant's chair, and a canister of some sort hidden in the shadows beneath it. Afterwards, Scar Akai goes to the mysterious woman's cabin and throws her suitcase out of the window. As it flew out, the woman enters the room and reveals herself to be Yukiko Kudo. Scar Akai then rips off his mask, revealing himself to be Vermouth.


It is unclear at this point if Scar Akai is the real Shuichi Akai or an imposter. So far, the commentary in the manga sidebars assumes Scar Akai is the real Shuichi Akai; however, the commentary has been purposefully misleading in past arcs. FBI agent Jodie Starling thinks he is the real Akai who managed to escape from death somehow, but has amnesia and cannot speak. Agent Camel is confused and wonders if Scar Akai is a trap from the Black Organization. Although Conan has yet to come into direct contact with Scar Akai, Conan seemed thunderstruck after hearing about his existence and worriedly chased after him. Although scar akai is revealed to be Vermouth in chapter 822, it is unclear whether or not she has been scar akai all the time.

Known facts about Scar Akai

Scar Akai after firing a gun at the bank robber holding Conan hostage. He uses his right hand.
  • Scar Akai seems to be right handed given how he shot the handgun. Shuichi Akai is known to be left-handed.
  • Scar Akai somehow knows Kogoro Mouri's cell phone number.
  • So far, all of Scar Akai's appearances have been in Beika city very close to one another. Teito Bank and the Beika department store are almost adjacent. Mouri Detective Agency is also in Beika City.
  • Scar Akai is good at deduction. His red shirts case solution wasn't as complete as Okiya's and Conan's deductions, but he may not have had access to the internet and therefore info on the snowy mountains case with his "borrowed" phone.
  • He is cautious enough to use a handkerchief to avoid leaving fingerprints while handing back the random man's cell phone which Scar Akai used to text Kogoro.
  • Scar Akai is most likely male.

When Scar Akai handed back a cell phone to its owner, he spoke to that man. If he can't imitate voice in the first place, he must use his real voice which would alert the owner if he has a woman voice but an appearance of man. However, this alone can't rule out the possibilities of him being female because there was a situation in which Ran and Sonoko mistook Sera's gender from her appearance, even though they spoke with her for several minutes. However theories about Scar Akai being Masumi Sera took a new turn when both of them were seen separately in chapter 802.

Shuichi Akai

Scar Akai looks like Shuichi Akai. He seems to recognize the FBI and the Black Organization agents. He also rescued Conan from the bank robber.


Scar Akai could be Bourbon who, with Vermouth's help, has disguised as Akai and is appearing before the FBI agents in order to gauge whether the real Akai is alive or not based on their reactions. Bourbon, who hates Akai and refuses to believe that anyone else could kill him, believes Akai's death was faked with help of Kir and the FBI.

Arguments for Scar Akai being Bourbon note his inconsistent behavior; so far, Scar Akai has only been appeared in front of FBI agents rather than around Tokyo generally. Scar Akai seems to recognize the FBI agents which suggests he doesn't have amnesia, but he puts Kir in danger by wandering around in the open. If he recognized the FBI enough to leave Jodie a message, it is strange that he would not speak to the FBI agents since Scar Akai is capable of speaking. Also, Scar Akai is right handed based on how he fired a handgun, not left handed like Akai.

The FBI agents Scar Akai has appeared in front of so far, Jodie and Camel, were known to be close to Akai and thus would be considered likely compatriots if Akai needed help faking his death. Given the circumstances of Akai's death, Bourbon must also suspect Kir is a spy and was in on the plan. In light of this, it makes sense that Scar Akai would know Kogoro's cellphone number; Kogoro texted Kir after the Ding Dong Dash case, and Bourbon got Kogoro's number from Kir's cellphone which was left in Gin's Porsche when the FBI mistakenly intercepted her.

Gin lowering his gun from Kir's head shows that he doesn't think Scar Akai is the real Akai. Since Gin called Kir in the "Thirteen Red Shirts" case, he has held a gun to her head the entire time. After Gin observes Scar Akai, he gives the order for Chianti to leave, and he removes the gun from Kir's head. He wouldn't have done so if he thought she was a traitor.

During the Bell Tree arc, when Scar Akai passes Haibara, she has a Black Organization vibe reaction to him.

While on the train, Scar Akai throws away a briefcase. Yukiko Kudo sees what he did, and told him he should stop doing this nonsense. Scar Akai finally revealed himself and his true identity was Vermouth.

Name origin

"Scar Akai" is a popular fan created nickname used to distinguish this character from Shuichi Akai in discussion.


Manga vs. Anime representation
  • In the the anime version of the Teito bank heist case[2] Scar Akai's scar and the skin where the duct tape which had covered his eyes are visible. In the manga, it is much more ambiguous; the gun and the shadow of the hat Scar Akai is wearing hide the scar and the part of his face where the tape had been removed from his eyes.

See also


  1. ^ Manga Chapter 677-679: Bank Heist Case
  2. ^ Manga Volume 65 File 5 Episode 564
Main Characters
Protagonists Shinichi KudoConan EdogawaRan MouriKogoro Mouri
Detective Boys Ai HaibaraAyumi YoshidaMitsuhiko TsuburayaGenta Kojima
Family & Friends Hiroshi AgasaSonoko SuzukiEri KisakiYusaku KudoYukiko KudoHeiji HattoriKazuha ToyamaYoko OkinoSumiko KobayashiTomoaki AraideMakoto KyogokuShizuka HattoriJirokichi SuzukiEisuke HondouAzusa EnomotoSubaru OkiyaMasumi SeraShukichi HanedaSakurako YoneharaRumi WakasaMomiji OokaMuga Iori
Tokyo Metropolitan Police District Juzo MegureWataru TakagiMiwako SatoNinzaburo ShiratoriYumi MiyamotoKazunobu ChibaNaeko MiikeKiyonaga MatsumotoInspector YuminagaShintaro ChakiHyoue KurodaKenji HagiwaraJinpei MatsudaWataru Date
Osaka Police District Heizo HattoriGinshiro ToyamaGoro Otaki
Nagano Police District Kansuke YamatoYui UeharaTaka'aki Morofushi
Other police districts Sango YokomizoMisao YamamuraJugo YokomizoChihaya HagiwaraFumimaro Ayanokoji
NPA and Public Security Bureau Rei Furuya (Bourbon)Hiromitsu MorofushiYuya Kazami
FBI Shuichi AkaiJodie StarlingJames BlackAndre Camel
CIA Hidemi Hondou (Kir)Ethan Hondou
MI6 Mary SeraTsutomu Akai
Black Organization The BossRumGinVodkaVermouthChiantiKornShiho MiyanoAkemi MiyanoElena MiyanoAtsushi MiyanoTequilaPiscoCalvadosRikumichi KusudaKi'ichiro Numabuchi
Magic Kaito Kaito KurobaKaitou KidAoko NakamoriGinzo NakamoriMidoriko NakamoriToichi KurobaChikage KurobaKonosuke JiiKeiko MomoiAkako KoizumiSaguru HakubaSnake
Others "The Criminal"Hideo AkagiRyusuke HigoTakahiro SanadaScar AkaiKohji HanedaKamen YaibaAmanda Hughes
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Active Agents Shuichi Akai (Subaru Okiya) • Jodie StarlingJames BlackAndre Camel
Minor Agents TimBillJeffMeyerHodgesIshida
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