User:Jimmy-kud0-tv2/Interview Cheat Sheet

From Detective Conan Wiki

left off at : Super Digest Book 50+

Manga Content

Creation Process

"(Q80: How did you meet your assistants?) A: We were friends or kohai during college." (SDB30+)

"(So, you originally wanted to be an animator, and in college you were part of a manga study group. Why did you change to wanting to become a manga artist?) A: That's because I like making stories. And, I also like manga. And, I couldn't just suddenly go from wanting to be an animator, to wanting to be a director. But, as a manga artist, I'm really effectively always working as a director. So, really, it's just because I wanted to write stories." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Q: By the advice of your upperclassman in college, you decided to aim for your manga debut, but originally you took your manuscript to a different company? Is that right?) A: It was Kodansha's weekly published Shonen Magazine. When I drew the prototype for Magic Kaito, I got an honorable mention or something, and just when I was thinking I was gonna draw for that magazine, the editor changed and the new guy didn't seem to like my style. He said "If you want to continue, you'll need to change your drawing and writing style." I didn't really like the sound of that, and and editor at the time, who would later become editor-in-chief, told me that if I didn't think changing my style sounded good, then I should probably just go to a different magazine. So I went right on to Shonen Sunday and made my debut drawing non-serialized stories." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Q65: When did you come up with Detective Conan’s concept?) A: One week after I drew the last chapter for Yaiba. (SDB10+)

"Conan was decided when I met up with the editor to discuss what to do next after YAIBA ended. At the time, Kindaichi (from Kindaichi Case Files) started at Shonen Magazine, and since I like mysteries and it seemed interesting, I wanted to have a go at it. At first, I/we thought about a hardboiled-esque comedy with a title like "Tale of a Detective" or something similar. But Conan is the royal road to shonen manga, isn't it? Becoming small, and then getting threatened by bad guys. The plot was finished in about two weeks, but it's not something I/we thought neurotically about. Conan turned back to a first grader, since Shinichi is 17 (note: Shinichi is listed as 16 in the manga), so I thought that turning back exactly ten years would be easy to understand. I get asked if why I chose first grade, but that's pretty much all the reason (laughs). Although, there also was a bit of an aspect that, since first graders are completely children, someone that age will be laughed at and then forgiven for doing anything." (Conan Drill)

"(Why did you decide to make Conan a child? Do you think that the series would have been equally successful had the main character been a teenager detective, as it was in the very beginning?) I think that precisely because I made him become a child again, I could gain the attention and faithful readership of a broader range of readers, from children to adults." (Masters of Manga Interview)

"(After YAIBA is finally Detective Conan, what atmosphere did you imagine to make it?) Calico Cat Holmes. Though a cat shouldn't understand, it touches around evidence and such and the case gets solved. Same thing with Conan. Though a child shouldn't understand, he says things like “arere~?” I imagine Conan to be Calico Cat Holmes talking." (Otona Fami Interview 3)

"At the beginning, I thought I wouldn't draw the manga for a long time. I thought it would last three months, give or take. A few years ago, a fan told me in a fan-letter that he had thought Conan would become Shinichi before the end of the year. But I told myself that the story wouldn't have any meaning if I did something that quick. The idea of a little hero comes from Mikeneko Holmes no Suiri, created by Jiro Akagawa. He lives in a big lie, he must understand murder tricks, and he in a quest for the truth, he told us. I don't draw for kids. There are scenes where people strangle other people with cold blood. That's why older people like the series." (Anime 10 year Anniversary Interview 1)

"(Q: When Gosho Aoyama started Detective Conan, did he expect his series to get so successful?) A: No, he didn't expect it to get so successful. He estimated that it would be only published for three months in a Japanese magazine." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(What was the driving force behind your decision to draw Detective Conan?) I wanted to write/draw a romantic comedy whose main character was a detective that has been made small again." (Masters of Manga Interview)

"(Q: Why are there so many pairings in Detective Conan between old childhood friends?) A: Childhood friends becoming lovers is an easy concept to comprehend for everybody. That's why it's used so often." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"You could say that it's my preference to use childhood friends, though (laughs). The setup becomes really easy. It's easy to develop the story when the characters are childhood friends who have known each other for a long time. I liked Mitsuru Adachi-san's Touch, after all. As for dramas, I like The Tale of Seven Men and Women. Though most young readers now probably don't know about this drama, I think that this is the masterpiece of love comedy. I wanted to bring out such an atmosphere in my work. Although, despite the presence of love, neither Shinichi nor Hattori chases after women, do they? They're a little different from a normal high school boy. In the end, detectives are fairly different, whether you're talking about Holmes or Seishi Yokomizo's Kindaichi. That's the appeal of detective-type people, though." (Conan Drill)

Data Collection

"The editor has friends who does CSI or are working at a bank, and the assistants' relatives turn out to be former police detectives, so I ask them. For example, what do you need if you want to open a safe at night? I get to use some police terminology, too, though of course there are secret ones that I can't use. On car-related subjects, I ask my brother, who is one year younger than me. He's an engineer. I ask him things like, if you insert ice between the front wheels and the ice melts, what will happen? The radiator's water will probably drip if the cooler was kept open – then, where would the water drip from? Things like that. (File 221) On medicine-related subjects, I have another younger brother, who is a doctor. He and I came up with the APTX. To be rejuvenated . . . you can't get your bones back to the way it was, so that aspect is fictional, but maybe it's possible to rejuvenate cells, and such. This younger brother is also knowlegeable about anime, so he advised me on who to pick for voice actors. On site research, I've rode the sleeping car train Hokutosei with the editor before. We had a meeting around dusk once, and suddenly decided to make this case center on Hokutosei. By chance, I/we managed to obtain the ticket(s) for next morning. Unfortunately, we didn't go up to Hokkaido and got off at Utsunomiya, so it was a bit of a waste. The train conductor surprised me. I said, "I have to get off in the middle?"" (Conan Drill)

"(Both Conan and Kindaichi take place at various locations. Do you go to places for reference?) Aoyama: When I drew the story about the sleeping car train Hokutosei, I actually rode it. When I took pictures, I had to get off in the middle, though." (Conan and Kindaichi Interview 1)

"My little brother is a medical doctor who's also an anime otaku (laughs). I often consults with him. About the estimated time of death, the cause of death and such. A living medical book, super convenient! He's also knows about voice actors very well, so he calls and says things like, “Hayashibara-san would be great as Haibara's voice actor!” He also points out my faults, like “You're getting conceited with popularity” (laughs)." (Otona Fami Interview 3)

Story Process

"(Do you think all the cases of Detective Conan by yourself? Or does somebody help you with that?) I painfully think them all with my very limited brain with the help of my editor in charge (laughs)." (Masters of Manga Interview)

"(Do you decide the story with the editor?) Yes, I first discuss with the editor and decide. When the previous case ends, I take a nap, then I discuss within that day. With a free-talk-like style, we discuss from the trick, the flow of the story, to the conclusion, and we decide one case at once – in another words, we decide what will happen for the next 3~4 weeks. So the overall schedule goes like this: one case ends, I take a nap, I meet with the editor within that day, then I finish the name (pre-manuscript) in three days, then I meet up with the editor again, and then I ink it, then I add the finishing touches in the next four days. This is my week." (Conan Drill)

"(What do you struggle with the most in Conan's story?) The culprit's motives. People often think that coming up with tricks is troublesome, but for me, I always struggle with the motives. Grudges pop up a lot, but if it happens too often, then it's not interesting anymore. But then, I don't like indiscriminate murder, either. For example, someone kills people because it was hot outside – that leaves a bad taste, doesn't it? I don't want to do things like that. I also don't let the culprit die. The culprit commits suicide in the end only in the Tsukikage (Moon Shadow) Island story, right?" (Conan Drill)

"(Then, do you prohibit yourselves from doing anything in the manga?) Aoyama: That would be indiscriminate killings. I take care to include a motive, even if it looks indiscriminate. Sato (Kindaichi artist): It'll be a different manga if we do a psycho killer. Amagi (Kindaichi writer): Indiscriminate killings and the like feel like you've run out of ideas, and there's the fear that they might interest those with cruel tendencies. Aoyama: That's true. It would be problematic if people sympathized with the culprit and attempted murder." (Conan and Kindaichi Interview 1)

"(Is there a rule or a cycle behind deciding the timing for love-comedy and Black Organization episodes?) I decide when I feel it's time (laughs). Maybe fan letters have a pretty significant influence. I get stuff like “I want to read about Shinichi and Ran's childhood!” or “Please draw the BO arc soon!” The readers expectations for the BO arc is high. It's just, unlike normal fields, I have to draw hard core so it's quite a lot of work. But I like hard core things. (Otona Fami Interview 3)

Tricks Process

"(Q50: How do you come up with a case’s trick?) A: Difficult question… in some way. From things that happen in my daily life. (SDB10+)

"(Q51: For the trick, do you use anything as reference?) A: Sometimes movies. (SDB10+)

"(Q53: Sensei, do you think of the tricks all on your own?) A: Mostly by myself. At times the editorial department helps out, but I still work on the minute details myself. (SDB10+)

"(Going on for 20 years is exceptional, isn’t it? Is thinking of the trick the hardest part?) A: I think of the trick together with the chief editor during meetings. So, every time the editor changes, it’s a bother. I have to explain to him things all over again, like who the boss of the organization is, etc." (Da Vinci 2014)

"(How do you think up the tricks?) A: It's painful. Every time it's very difficult. But, there are times when my editor will also come to me with an idea. When we go into a meeting I'll ask "have you seen anything interesting recently? Have you read any novels? Is there anything we could use?" and if there's anything interesting, we'll use it. Of course, we'll end up changing everything about it though. And then we'll start asking various people things. My younger brother is a doctor so, I'll ask him about the time of death, rigor mortis, how much postmortem lividity appears etc. It's important to wring out the foundation." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Do you verify your tricks?) Aoyama: For the trick that locks the door from the outside with tape, I got the editor to go outside and test it. But for tricks involving sealed rooms, I must show all the room beforehand for the trick. That is quite difficult." (Conan and Kindaichi Interview 1)

"(Do you ever try out the tricks in real life?) A: For ones we can test, we test mostly all of them. A long time ago there was one where an answering machine was used as a tape recorder and then the tape was recovered. We had to actually test that. And just recently we tested if you could float a tomato on water using salt. We wanted to know how much salt would it take. And in order to get it to float, you have to put a ton of salt in the water. So, we didn't know what to do with that. But, at first, if you put just enough salt in there so that it's not quite floating, but it hasn't quite sunken either, and then you just barely sprinkle a tiny bit more in, it floats right to the top. And I thought that was really cool. (If you test things too much you'd probably get hurt wouldn't you.)" (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Of the tricks and the story, which do you think of first?) A: Without a doubt, the tricks. And then I write a story for the tricks. Because I start with the most difficult thing and go from there. The trick will take about a half a day, or about 6 hours. If it goes quickly, maybe 3 hours. But even in 1 day, there's stuff I can't get done. There are times when I'll only get to sleep about an hour and a half. So, I'll be like "I'm gonna sleep, so hang on a little while." " (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Of these past 20 years, what trick are you most satisfied with?) A: Hmm...What would that be? Maybe I should ask you that. But, the code with the sun and the moon (vol 12), the secret to that was originally from Sherlock Holmes in "The Adventure of the Dancing Men". That's one that you can figure out on your own. That's also the first Holmes story I read. I was really excited and very moved. I was a kid, so I couldn't read English, but I still thought it was really cool. Even if it said, this person is an "L", as a kid it still didn't click immediately and I would read it while referencing the dictionary.I was in about 2nd or 3rd grade. I thought "wow, Holmes is cool. I want to do that someday." " (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

Drawing Process

"Except for background and unimportant characters, I draw everything. Meaning, I leave things like backgrounds with cars, CSI's and police people without names to assistants, then draw the characters who have names myself." (Conan Drill)

"(Q: Which part of Detective Conan is done by Gosho Aoyama himself and which part by his assistants?) A: Gosho Aoyama himself draws the characters, his assistants draw the backgrounds and painting big areas." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"When asked about tricks he uses when designing characters, he answered "I usually always draw the culprit first. If, say, the culprit has drooping eyes, then the supporting characters will have slanted eyes, or be looking aside. Drawing culprits that don't look like culprits is the trick." " (Asahi Newspaper 2014)

"(Q72: What was the biggest difficulty when you started drawing Conan?) A: I often forgot to draw the glasses. The first time, I had entirely forgotten about them. Sometimes, I drew them on Ayumi-chan. (laugh)" (SDB30+)

"(Q52: How do you think up characters’ names?) A: Think of a theme and go with that. If it’s a bird, a bird’s name, if it’s alcohol then alcohol… Gin, Vodka, Sherry etc. are like that. (SDB10+)

"(What about the characters' names?) Aoyama: For me, I match with the theme of the work – for example, if the story was about the sky, I would give bird-related names. I get letters like “this time, [the names are based on birds], right?” This is for self-satisfaction, though." (Conan and Kindaichi Interview 1)

"(Q: What’s hardest to draw in Conan?) Gosho: The corpse, if you draw it too scary, too ugly, or too rough… people won’t find it interesting. It’s very hard to find the balance in this area… but still fit for kids to watch because kids are really smart these days. In truth, I’ve drawn a lot of content that’s just more fitting for adults." (Anime 10 year Anniversary Interview 2)

"Aoyama: But Kindaichi served as quite a reference. I practically copied the part where the culprit is completely black. Amagi (Kindaichi writer): That's Sato-sensei's invention. In the original work, I only wrote, “make sure you cannot identify the person.” Sato (Kindaichi artist): They're merely black, that's all. Aoyama: But you can't tell who it is, and it feels eerie. Amagi: There's a rule to it, isn't there? You draw the same body type for both men and women. Then, when the culprit is revealed, even if the body type changes no one makes a joke about it. Aoyama: In novels, you explain the evidence, culprit, etc. in the text, but in manga, you can deftly draw them somewhere in the panel to build your trick." (Conan and Kindaichi Interview 1)

Future Arcs

"(What felt tough from the long serialization?) When I forget about the foreshadows I wrote a long time ago (laughs). It was a lot of work when I clarified Vermouth's foreshadows. I felt like I needed to include everything. I noted down all the foreshadows on a paper before and I handed it to the anime staff – I wish they'd return it (laughs). Maybe anokata's identity will be understood if the paper is seen?" (Otona Fami Interview 3)

"(Q57: You still haven't drawn a childhood story with Shinichi and Ran?) A: It has already been done in the movies... but I would like to do it." (SDB40+)

"(Q64: When will you draw the London Arc?) A: [heart thump] (laugh)" (SDB40+)

"(You said that the next arc would be the London arc in the '03 interview, didn't you?) Wow, some time has passed since then, hasn't it? I tried drawing it, and I definitely struggled with the English. I decided from the beginning to feature Wimbledon, and I modeled Minerva Glass with the tennis player, Steffi Graf. The scene where conan says “I'll help you out!!” to Glass from the audience is based on an episode in Wimbledon in '96. During the semifinal between Graf and Date Kimiko, a fan said “Steffi, will you marry me?”, maybe to change the flow [of the game]. Then, Graf replied jokingly, “How much money do you have?” (laughs)" (Otona Fami Interview 3)

"(In the '08 interview with this magazine, you said that the next arc will be about Bourbon.) The Bourbon arc is still continuing. Aside from that arc, I've thought about a confrontation between Sera and Haibara. This will be spectacular. Both of them are “wolves,” after all (laughs)." (Otona Fami Interview 3)

"(She’s suspected of being Akai’s sister, and it seems like she’s related with Conan from the past, a mysterious person. She’ll probably influence future developments in a big way. The fans also think that Haneda Shūkichi is a key person.) A: Well, he is… quite complex. He’ll appear from now on too. Soon, I’ll go collect data at the professional shogi players' championship series. Haneda’s “Hane” comes from Yoshiharu Habu. In the manga, things like “that person’s” (middle brother's) real identity and even more will be revealed one after the other. First, Amuro Tōru’s real name will be revealed. Then, why did he think of Haibara’s mother, Elena, will also be explained. Two mothers will also be revealed as being sisters, etc.…… A lot of things are connected together. This is bad, I’m talking too much. Well, please look forward to the manga." (Da Vinci 2014)

"(Q104: I want you to draw a story about Shinichi's birthday, and on Ran and Heiji's birthday too!) A: Fufufu, stay tuned." (SDB30+)

Thoughts on Ending

"(Have you already decided the end of Detective Conan?) Yes, I have. However, I don’t know when I’ll be able to draw it (laughs)." (Masters of Manga Interview)

"(Q: Does Gosho Aoyama already know, how the series is going to end?) A: He does already know what the last scene is going to be, but of course he won't reveal it yet." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(Q: How many more years do you set as your goal?) Gosho: Because I’ve been drawing it for 10 years, I haven’t thought of the future. Although I have already thought of the ending, because I can’t lay the clues if I don’t have the ending." (Anime 10 year Anniversary Interview 2)

"(Q: Does Gosho Aoyama plan to write the last volume already and to keep it in a safe for now?) A: No, he does not plan to." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(I'm excited to see it! When do you think you can write the last episode that you said you decided the contents of?) I don't know. But I don't think I'll exceed KochiKame in volume number (laughs). I've already decided the lines. The ending will be a happy one. This is my work, after all." (Otona Fami Interview 3)

"(Q55: When will the final confrontation against the Organization take place? Conan will win, right!?) A: Keep reading the manga!" (SDB40+)

Special Manga Content

"(How many assistants do you have? Some of them went on to create new stories based on your characters and situations with the title of Detective Conan Special. What do you think about this? How do you feel having your characters and plots in others’ hands?) I have five assistants. About how I feel letting others take control of my plot and characters, I felt anxious at first, but later on I’ve discovered they really make me think: “Wow, this situation is not bad at all, why didn’t I come up with it before?” (laughs)." (Masters of Manga Interview)

Anime Content

"I thought an anime wouldn't go well with a deduction-themed manga. But the anime is still being made thanks to the team's hard work.The murders are drawn, and people die frequently. So I first thought "It's impossible, are they really going to do an anime?" I was already drawing the manga, so when the anime team began the creation process of the anime, I told them "I'll also do my best". It became one of my main motivations. Even better, I found ideas for the manga while talking to the anime production team." (Asahi Newspaper 2006)

"(Q: How’d you feel when they decided to make an anime?) Gosho: Conan is based on logical deduction, so I thought it was better to make it into a play. As an anime, if there’s no action, if it can’t make people happy, it wouldn’t be accepted. At the time I felt even if Conan was made into an anime, it won’t be accepted so… I thought it would be over very soon *laugh*" (Anime 10 year Anniversary Interview 2)

"(The Conan anime is faithful to the original.) A: Yeah, that's because it's a very long story. If it wasn't faithful to it, it would become inconsistent. And at the beginning I asked them to please do just as the original does. (I guess there aren't too many differences between making it a movie, or for TV, but the TV series is steadily becoming larger scale.) A: Just as long as they don't interfere with the original." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Q: What’s your favorite moment in the anime?) Gosho: “The moonlight sonata case”. In the manga, there was no sound so it felt better with music in the anime. Other ones, are like the bomb case of Sato-san." (Anime 10 year Anniversary Interview 2)

"(Q: Were you ever worried about the possibility that the anime might be more popular then the original work?) Gosho: I never worried about that before, I don’t mind the anime originals that the anime staff came up with. (Q: What do you think of the anime original?) Gosho: Conan in the Manga says only stuff that I know, stuff that I researched, and stuff that I heard and sources like that. Anime Original is different, I’ve got no idea of the plotline. Sometimes I’ll let out a “Ho~o, you’re so smart!” or “Wow, you even know things like that” remarks." (Anime 10 year Anniversary Interview 2)

"My little brother is a medical doctor who's also an anime otaku (laughs). I often consults with him. About the estimated time of death, the cause of death and such. A living medical book, super convenient! He's also knows about voice actors very well, so he calls and says things like, “Hayashibara-san would be great as Haibara's voice actor!” He also points out my faults, like “You're getting conceited with popularity” (laughs)." (Otona Fami Interview 3)

"(Do you ever take inspiration from other manga artists who have had long running series or manga that have been made into successful anime, or from voice actors?) A: Of course. I'm influenced strongly by the voice of the actors, definitely. I'll have an idea for the voice of a character in my head. Conan is voiced by Takayama Minami, and Mitsuhiko, at first I sort of was drawing him with more of a mischievous face, sort of like Suneo (a character from Doraemon), but Otani Ikue has a cute voice, so I started drawing him with a cuter face. And Conan always says "あれれ?(roughly, a cutesy kid way of saying "Oh? What's this?")". Originally he said that in the first volume but didn't really say it after that, but when Takayama said it in the anime, it was cute, and I started having him say it more. In the beginning, it was only my influence on the drawings, but the influence of others is good. I'm very glad, and I'd like to say thank you very much." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

Movie Content

"While he is not involved in drawing the anime, he has written and drawn some scenes of the annual movies. Actually, I've always enjoyed animes, so I wanted to become an anime artist., he told us, even though he already draws the manga. I've written and drawn one scene of the movie, because I wanted to do it." (Anime 10 year Anniversary Interview 1)

"(When a movie comes out, I heard you are very involved.) A: I am. There's the feeling with a movie that you can do larger scale things that you couldn't do in a manga." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Q: During one of the movies Sonoko got a different hairstyle (see movie 5). Is she also going to get this hairstyle in the manga version?) A: The movies and the manga version are completely separated from each other. So Sonoko will keep her old hairstyle in the manga version." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(Conan has expanded broadly into student-read manga, anime, movies, live action drama, and media franchise. How do you produce them?) I'm mainly involved in the movie script and the original pictures. I entrust the other media in others. (Otona Fami Interview 3)

Individual Characters

Main Cast


"(Q20: Where does the name 'Shinichi' come from?) A: I’ve heard that fans say that it comes from Edgar Allan Poe– the “Alla” is “Shin” (新, can be read as “ala”), while the “e” in “Poe” (ー) is “ichi” (一)" (SDB40+)

"(Q6: What is Conan's height? And Shinichi's?) A: Conan's height has changed [over the course of the series]. Shinichi is 174 cm tall (the same as me)." (SDB30+)

"(Q14: Shinichi and Ran's grandparents have never appeared?) A: I don't want to think about it..." (SDB30+)

"(Q21: Does Shinichi have a good childhood friend, since Ran has Sonoko?) A: Yes, but since Shinichi doesn't show up very often, his friends can't appear either." (SDB40+)


"I like Superman, you see. Superman wore glasses as Clark Kent, right? That was what was in my head at the time. No glasses when he's Shinichi, but glasses once he turns into Conan. I just remembered, I wanted to make a rule-breaking manga. In shonen, Arare-chan is about the only one who is a protagonist and who also has glasses. Strictly speaking, Nobita-kun isn't a protagonist. Also, names (characters/letters). In shonen, there was a rule that manga with a lot of names in it don't become popular. There was another rule I tried to break – hmm, what was it? Was it about the name, Conan? Since it was the same as Future Boy Conan, the editor-in-chief didn't make a very good face. I think I was told to change the name to Doyle-kun (laughs). My editor was excited about breaking the rules, though." (Conan Drill)

"(Q: Why did Gosho Aoyama put a detective in the body of an elementary school pupil?) A: Since the series primary audience are children, the protagonist should also be a child." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(Q94: Is there a rule you decided in Conan?) A: Conan will never cry." (SDB30+)

"Conan doesn't cry, but that's about it. He might have tears in his eyes from yawning, but he won't wail, he won't cry from empathy. I decided this at the beginning. There are other things I decided, but it's better not to say them, isn't it? It'll be more fun for the readers to search for themselves." (Conan Drill)

"(Q: How tall is Conan?) A: Gosho shows with his hand that it's at about 1,30 meter." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(Q6: What is Conan's height? And Shinichi's?) A: Conan's height has changed [over the course of the series]. Shinichi is 174 cm tall (the same as me)." (SDB30+)

"(Q. About Conan's (soccer ball) juggling . . .)A. This appeared only around the first volume . . . I thought that it would be interesting if Conan was juggling (a soccer ball) while deducing, but the juggling scenes, when drawn, eat up the panel, contrary to expectations (laughs). That's why I only did it once. That's why I had Conan juggle to his heart's content, given the opportunity (laughs)." (Otona Fami Interview 4)

"(Q: Is Conan going to grow older over the course of the series, e.g. becoming a second grader?) A: No, Conan is not going to grow older. He may be at the end of the series, but that's still a secret." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

Yusaku and Yukiko

"(Q33: How did Conan’s parents meet?) A: Yūsaku’s novel was made into a drama, and the heroine was Yukiko." (SDB10+)

"(Q24: The young novelist who misread 1412 as Kid... could it be Yusaku-san?) A: What? How do you know that? (laugh)" (SDB30+)

"(Q49: Is Yusaku-san tone deaf?) A: It looks like it!" (SDB30+)

Kogoro and Eri

"(Q47: How old is Kogoro Mouri?) A: 38 years old." (SDB30+)

"(Even if Kogoro is an idiot who's always joking around, he does have some cool moments doesn't he.) A: I created him with the image of just a generally bad detective. He has a habit of misreading things, but he's actually very important. When he should be cool, he isn't. He's very easy to write. I can easily write some perverted thing I'm thinking. I'm probably most like Kogoro." (Monthly Conan Newspaper)

"(Q48: Are Kogoro-occhan and Eri going to be in conflict again?) A: Se~cret! Do you want them to?" (SDB30+)


"(Q19: Why do Ran's head spike look like a horn?) A: Who knows? That way, you can easily spot her from afar." (SDB30+)

"(Q44: Why did Ran start doing karate?) A: Because she admired Maeda Satoru." (SDB10+)

"(Q16: At what age did Ran began studying karate?) A : I don't know. (when she was in primary school, I think)" (SDB30+)

"(Q18: Since when are Ran and Sonoko best friends?) A: Since Primary School, I think." (SDB30+)

"(Q14: Shinichi and Ran's grandparents have never appeared?) A: I don't want to think about it..." (SDB30+)


"(Q18: Since when are Ran and Sonoko best friends?) A: Since Primary School, I think." (SDB30+)

"(Q46: Is Sonoko in any club?) A: Actually she’s in the tennis club. (SDB10+)

"(Q: Is Sonoko going to have a boyfriend?) A: She already has a boyfriend and they are going to stay together." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

Agasa and Fusae

"(Q4: When will Fusae-san and Dr. Agasa get married?) A: I see, you want them to get married !!" (SDB40+)

"(Q3: Fusae Campbell Kinoshita will she re-appear! ?) A: I want to, she has Fujiko-chan voice (laughs)." (SDB40+)

Detective Boys

"(Q: Are there going to be new members of the Detective Boys in the future?) A: For now, no new members are planned." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)


"(Q45: Where does the name 'Shiho Miyano' come from?) A: It's the name of a friend I speak with on the Internet. (laugh)" (SDB30+)

"(Q42: What was Ai-chan’s age when she was an adult?) A: She’s 18 years old, but it’s a secret. (SDB10+)

"(And as for Haibara Ai, did you intend from the start to have her on the side of the black orginization, or did you always plan to have her develop in the way she has?) A: Yeah, even in volume 2 she had already made an appearance, though it was just a silhouette. And, because she's was a character sort of in between Conan and the orginization, her name Haibara (灰原) came from Haiiro (灰色) meaning grey." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Which character is fun to draw?) Haibara, perhaps. She's popular since her appearance, isn't she? She does exactly what I want her to do, and I can say what I want to say though her. This is pretty much the reason why I have Haibara say my comments at the official homepage, Conan News Agency." (Otona Fami Interview 3)

"(At the beginning, we didn’t know if Haibara was a friend or an enemy. But in the end, there is the moment where she opens her heart. She caught my heart when she ate Ran’s rice porridge and cutely said “hot…!” (volume 41). I’m certain that Haibara likes Conan. But, understanding their complicated situation, she doesn’t take action. That’s on my mind. I also like Hayashibara Megumi-san. She has a beautiful voice.) A: When making a character, I think “if I draw/write her like this, she’ll be popular”, I can more or less anticipate it. But, just for Haibara, her popularity highly exceeded my expectations. I think Hayashibara-san’s voice is loud. Haibara Ai’s Ai comes from Irene Adler. The only one to have defeated Sherlock Holmes, “that woman”. (Huh? Isn’t that important information!?) A: Yes, it’s the first time I’ve revealed it. In the manga, it’s said that “Ai” comes from the “I” in “V.I. Warshawsky”, but the truth is that it comes from Irene. It’s my special present to you." (Da Vinci 2014)

"(Q17: Q17: Will Haibara-san find happiness?) A: Well, her name is “哀” (Ai, meaning sorrow) so… (laugh)" (SDB10+)

"(The lines that Haibara says when she's merely muttering to herself are impressive and actually very poetic.) A: The only person thinking them up is me, so I struggle with it. She herself is an easy character to write, because the things she says, I could say in real life. The things I couldn't have Conan say inspire what Haibara says. And you could say that those things are my true intentions. If there were someone that killed a person to protect a bear, Haibara would look at them with an angry face and say "You can't take animal rights that far", but if it were Conan he would say some harsh words. Because they'll say some indiscreet line with a stern face, Haibara and Kogoro are valuable." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Q: Are there going to be big surprises for Japanese fans in the near future?) A: Yes, there are going to be some big surprises. Haibara is going to be a big part of it." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(In order to complete the silver bullet, why did Haibara have to separate from her parents?) A: I'm afraid I can't answer that either...But that will be answered eventually! So bear that in mind..." (File 865 Special Booklet)

Heiji and Kazuha

"Also, on Hattori and Kazuha's Kansai dialect, the editor, who is from Kansai, looks over them carefully for me." (Conan Drill)

"(Q44: How comes Heiji speaks English?) A: He studied it!" (SDB30+)

"(Q37: In which school club is Kazuha-san?) A: The aikido club." (SDB30+)

"(Q29: Could Heiji's rival in his kendo fight be Soshi Okita from 'Yaiba'?) A: Yes, he is. I wanted to make him appear more, but since his haircut is the same as Heiji's, it's hard to distinguish them." (SDB40+)

"(Q: On which day is Heiji's birthday?) A: It's not certain yet, but it should be July or August" (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(Did Heiji make Conan drink Paikaru knowing what it would do to him!?) A: It was all a happy coincidence and the rest is internet conspiracy theory..." (File 865 Special Booklet)

Takagi and Sato

"(Q13: Btween Shiratori and Sato who is older?) A: They are at the same age maybe ?" (SDB40+)

"(Q35: When will Takagi and Sato going to get married?) A: Stay tuned!" (SDB30+)

"(Q22: You are married, but when will Takagi and Sato get married?) A: Wait a little!" (SDB40+)

"(Q23: When Sato will be married, will she retire from the police force? Or will she get transferred to another police division?) A: But she likes to be a policewoman..." (SDB40+)

"(Q26: Please let Takagi's role-model appear!) A: I told you 'maybe'!" (SDB40+)

Shiratori and Kobayashi

"(Q14: Since Shiratori is the son of a wealthy family, does he not have a fiancee?) A: Would it make you laugh if he did?" (SDB40+)

"(Q13: Btween Shiratori and Sato who is older?) A: They are at the same age maybe ?" (SDB40+)

Chiba and Naeko

"(Q27: Please tell me Chiba's given name!) A: His voice actor is named Isshin, so maybe..." (SDB40+)

Akai Family


"(Q50: Is there a female detective?) A: No female detective has appeared yet, but..." (SDB40+)

"(Which character is popular among the readers?) Sera Masumi, the new character. It seems that she's winning by an landslide. The name seems to be understood by people who understands. Is it good to have so much Gundam? (laughs) Maybe she's the sister of a major character . . . (laughs). I'm excited to see who the voice actor will be. (Otona Fami Interview 3)

"(Sera seems to have met Conan before, but was that when Conan was Conan or Conan was Shinichi?) A: I can't give too many details, but Ran has met her too..." (File 865 Special Booklet)

"(A message came to Sera from her brother about whether she had met the wizard yet...was that from 'Shuu-nii'?) A: But Sera-chan said that 'Shuu-nii was dead' didn't she? In which case (smile)..." (File 865 Special Booklet)



"(Ikeda (voice actor for Char Aznabl eand Akai Shuuichi): By the way, under what circumstance did a character named "Akai Shuuichi" emerge? In Conan, the characters are always named after famous detectives. It's curious that Gundam is the basis of this name?) Aoyama: There's also the possibility that (I) ran out of detective-based names (laughs) When it was decided that (we) would introduce an FBI agent who would side with the protagonist, Conan, I wanted to base the image of that astute investigator on Char. That's why (I) decided on just the last name to be "Akai (red)" at first. After that, when (I) pondered on what the first name should be, (I) decided it to be "Shuuichi" after you, Ikeda-san (laughs) Since Conan's real name is "Shinichi," and "Shinichi" and "Shuuichi" sound similar, (I) wouldn't normally pick (this name), but I thought that it would be okay, just this once." (Gundam Ace Interview)

"(In Akemi's mail to Akai Shuuichi that went 'If we could both get out of the Organisation...' what was in the PS?) A: That's an important point! I'll be bringing that up in the story later!" (File 865 Special Booklet)

"(In the manga, Akai presence has been gradually becoming felt.) A: It's a very scary and cool image. In the manga, various mysteries are going to be cleared up. Of course that is to be expected from a mystery series. (laughs) Like the waterfall that Holmes fell over with Professor Moriarty (Reichenbach), the place where Akai was shot was called Raiha Ridge. (Reichenbach in Japanese is ライヘンバッハ or Raihenbahha which if you take out the middle becomes "Raiha") And after Holmes fell into the falls, he was still alive right?" (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

Black Organization

"(Q50: Is the Black Organization everywhere on the planet?) A: It is." (SDB30+)

"(Q55: How many members does the Black Organization count?) A: Ask Gin. (Q56: Who is the boss of the Black Organization?) A: Ask Gin! (Q57: What is the Black Organization's goal?) A: Ask Gin, I said!" (SDB30+)

"(So then, the black orginization is full of mysteries. But, what sort of orginization are they, and what is their goal? World Conquest?) A: Well, the world....or rather, they want control of lot's of money. They're moving stealthily in the shadows...sort of like (Al) Capone did right? Or, sort of like the image of the bad guys in 007 or something...sitting there stroking a cat. It's probably best not to say too much." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Q49: How do you choose the alcohol-related codenames?) A: I have a book which contains a list of alcohols... But there aren't many names left." (SDB40+)

"(Q: Why are all members of the BO named after alcoholic beverages?) A: Because it's cool." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(Is there any standard procedure when you're drawing the black orginization?) A: As for the members, like Gin or Vodka, their names must be some type of alcohol. But, I'm running low on different types. They're all distilled alcohols. And the girls, like Sherry and Vermouth, are named after sweet alcohols. (As for why) I just think it sounds cool." (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"(Please! Please, let me ask 2 more questions! What is the BO’s goal? Going by the APTX4869, I would think immortality…) A: That’s wrong. It’s true that you’d think that, isn’t it? You see, right now, something really big is happening within the organization." (Da Vinci 2014)

"(Apart from Conan and Haibara, are there any others who took the poison and ended up shrinking?) A: Who knows...maybe another one will turn up some time... (laughter)" (File 865 Special Booklet)

"(Will Itakura's software become important at some point in the future?) A: Well, I took the trouble of introducing it to the plot, so it must become important at some point..." (File 865 Special Booklet)

BO Boss

"(Q53: Could Ano Kata from the Men in Black be 阿〇 〇士 (most likely Hiroshi Agasa (阿笠 博士 Agasa Hiroshi?))?) A: Huh? Why? (laugh)" (SDB30+)

"Professor Agasa isn't the BO boss" (Nihon Uiversity College of Art Lecture Interview 2011)

"When asked "What gender is the boss of the Black Organisation", Aoyama-san wryly grinned and said "I can't say". "[The boss] has already appeared. And it's not Prof. Agasa." he followed up by saying, and the audience was filled with laughter. Another fan also followed up by asking "By saying 'the boss has already appeared', does that mean his face has appeared too?", but he laughed and said "You never know. That's a bit of a secret. Wait and find out. I can't say." " (Asahi Newspaper 2014)

"(Eeeh, I’m super curious! Then, the question everyone wants answered. Who is Anokata? Agasa Hakase was being rumored for a long time, but you have officially denied it. Conan’s father, Kudō Yūsaku is also a very big contender…) A: Yūsaku is also wrong. Now I’ve decided. From now on, I will never accept questions about “Anokata”! I mean, it would be no fun if it was figured out. Readers, let’s continue our deduction battle!" (Da Vinci 2014)

"(Going on for 20 years is exceptional, isn’t it? Is thinking of the trick the hardest part?) A: I think of the trick together with the chief editor during meetings. So, every time the editor changes, it’s a bother. I have to explain to him things all over again, like who the boss of the organization is, etc." (Da Vinci 2014)

"(Q: Who is the boss of the BO?) A: It's already decided and it is going to be revealed sometime." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"Everything we talk about during our meetings is kept secret. Actually, the boss's name has already appeared in the manga. Try and find it." (Asahi Newspaper 2006)

"A formal name exists. If mentioned, the boss' name will be exposed so I can't say." (Unknown Fan Gathering 2005)

"(What felt tough from the long serialization?) When I forget about the foreshadows I wrote a long time ago (laughs). It was a lot of work when I clarified Vermouth's foreshadows. I felt like I needed to include everything. I noted down all the foreshadows on a paper before and I handed it to the anime staff – I wish they'd return it (laughs). Maybe anokata's identity will be understood if the paper is seen?" (Otona Fami Interview 3)

Gin and Vodka

"(Q15: Why do Gin and Vodka only appear during winter?) A: Because they would look ridiculous in shorts during summer (laugh)" (SDB40+)


"(Ikeda: Will there be more Gundam-based characters in Conan?) Aoyama: If Conan's ally's highest ranking member is Akai, then it would be interesting if there were characters with Gundam-based names in the Black Organization as well. Like "Amuro Tooru" (laughs) For Gundam, the good guys and bad guys should be reversed. In this case, the voice actor is more or less decided (laughs)." (Gundam Ace Interview)(Interview takes place 1 year prior to Amuro's introduction)

Kaitou Kid

Magic Kaito

"By the way, Kid is so bad at ice skating because I'm so lousy in it myself." (Magic Kaito Treasured Edition Playback Episode Volume 3)

"Kaitou Kids measurements, 1.74 m (~ 5'9") and 58 kg (~ 128 lbs), naturally are my measurements from back then! The same goes for his blood type! (grin) Back then I thought it's really cool that it's possible to figure out skin colour and age of a person just by a single hair, but today, with DNA analysis you can figure out the whole identity of the person the hair belongs to. The progress of science is frightening... (Haha!)" (Magic Kaito Treasured Edition Playback Episode Volume 3)

"I was told to draw a short, self-contained story and this dream sequence is the result. Back when I was a kid I already loved collaborations like „Mazinger Z vs. Devilman“, so I wanted to draw something like this. This is also the reason Kaitou Kid appears in Conan... (grin)" (Magic Kaito Treasured Edition Playback Episode Volume 3)

Magic Kaito in Detective Conan

"(Kid is also a very popular character. Could you tell us the details of his creation, and your future plans for him? Is he going to be involved with Conan and the black orginization?) A: Well, he's originally from my previous work called "Magic Kaito". I created that because I really liked Arsene Lupin and Lupin the 3rd. And recently he got involved a little with the black orginization during the Bell Tree Express case (the mystery train case from vol 78) but from here on out I don't think he will very much. Kaito Kid is a very sneaky character. He can disguise himself, and he can change his voice and stuff. It's better if he's an enemy. He's too sneaky to be an ally. There are a lot of female fans of his, but I don't plan on bringing him out too much.(wry smile)" (Monthly Conan Newspaper 2014)

"There she is! Mistress Akako! To be honest, she, as practitioner of black magic, is the reason who drove me into the corner the most during Kaitos appearances in Conan. Well, you just have to accept these works as parallel universes. (grin)" (Magic Kaito Treasured Edition Playback Episode Volume 1)

"Well, the scene in which Akako uses her magic powers (to get rid of Shinichi) was cut from TV syndication (of DC episode 219), but it was restored for the DVD, so everyone who wants to watch it, can do so now" (Magic Kaito Treasured Edition Playback Episode Volume 4)

"(Q: Is Conan going to find out who's Kid? Is Kid going to be captured, by Conan or police?) A: It's not certain for now." (Erlangen, Germany Interview 2006)

"(Q10: Will Kaito & Co. appear in the final showdown?) A: That might not be." (SDB10+)