Shinichi Kudo and Ran Mouri

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Relationship analysis

Shinichi and Ran

Ran Mouri is Shinichi's childhood friend and canonical love interest. They have known each other since kindergarten [1] and have been playmates since, which caused some censure from Ran’s mother, Eri Kisaki.They are very close to each other; as they have always been together since their childhood years all the way to their second year of high school. Both Ran and Shinichi have somewhat of a love-hate relationship before Shinichi 'disappeared'. However when Ran meets Conan (who is Shinichi, although she's unaware of this fact), she tells him that she has been in love with Shinichi for a long time- probably since they first met, which of course causes Shinichi/Conan to blush.

Conan (Shinichi) is currently living with Ran and her father, Kogoro Mouri in his detective agency. Since living with them, 'Conan' has solved many cases in Kogoro’s place without him noticing, making ‘Sleeping Kogoro’ a household name. Shinichi has been able to have a great deal of affectionate moments with Ran since becoming Conan. This includes hugging, holding hands, sitting in her lap (etc.), even sleeping in the same bed and having a bath together once which causes Shinichi/Conan to have a nose bleed. While still as Conan, Shinichi is able to keep other guys away from Ran, as seen in episode 6 when he tells a guy to never go near her and at the end discovered the chocolate that Ran had made for the guy was only a chocolate for celebrating Friendship.

Shinichi has confessed to Ran (although non-canonical) in the 4th movie 'Captured In Her Eyes' which she mistook as his attempt to get her memory back. He has also, during a brief return to his true form, canonically planned to propose to her but was interrupted by a case and turned back into Conan before he could. When Shinichi went missing Ran was worried sick (so much that she couldn't even sleep) and was on the verge of going to the police. After many events in the manga, Shinichi decides to give Ran his cell phone number for her to call when she wants to speak to him, and, as Conan, uses his bow tie to mimic his real voice and reassure her he's fine, despite the fact that she may be endangered due to having contact with him.

Shinichi doesn't dare tell Ran he's Conan as, until the Black Organisation is stopped, she could be in danger if she knew the truth (though Ran has almost caught on several times in the show)- also although Shinichi does love Ran, he has stopped himself from (canonically) telling her about his feelings, as then she will miss him even more and he doesn't want to see her cry anymore, even if he is no longer in her heart (it is possible, however, that Shinichi hasn't really thought this last statement through, as even after this he's seen getting jealous and fending off any men who get close to her, proving he clearly does care if someone else is in her heart instead of him).

Despite their obstacles, it is quite obvious that throughout the series Ran and Shinichi (Conan) have a relationship that started as childhood friends but developed into love- however, how long it will take until it is safe for this love to prosper and be openly shown depends on the impending defeat of the Black Organisation.[2]

Shinichi/Conan and Ran moments

Episode 1

When Ran asks Shinichi "But wouldn't you just want one girlfriend" he looks at her with a sort of a romantic look in his Eyes but then he gets caught by her asking "Why are you looking at me like that". Then at tropical land when they are at the mystery coaster Ran asks Shinichi why did he come with her but Shinichi never really gets the chance to tell Ran an answer because she then holds his hand and they fall down into the steep hill where a murder was about to be discovered. After Shinichi solved the case, he leaves ran to find out what those men dressed in black were up to and leaves her in the middle of tropical land.[3]

Movie 1 : The Time-Bombed Skyscraper

Considering May 4th is Shinichi's birthday, Ran went out with Sonoko to buy him a gift. On the phone, she asked Shinichi(Conan) what color he prefer most: red or blue, and Shinichi answered red which excites Ran. She planned on inviting Shinichi for a movie the night before his birthday, and with Moriya Teiji knowing about this, he decided to bomb the whole place aiming for Shinichi. Inside the movie hall, Ran was trapped inside the collapsing building due to the numerous bombs placed, which alerted Conan and hurriedly went inside to try to save her. He called to the telephone inside the main lobby where Ran is, using Shinichi's voice and asked Ran if there's anything suspicious inside. She found a bomb and Conan instructed her to disconnect the wires, which left them with the red and blue wire. Seeing they weren't in the manual, Conan came into conclusion that she should cut the red one, which is Ran's favorite color. Ran hesitates of cutting the wire, but Conan responds by saying "Don't worry, I'll stay here until you cut it. If we die, we die together." Very few seconds were remaining until midnight and a rescuer dragged Conan away, only the time when he realized he instructed Ran to cut the wire that will detonate the bomb. What's strange is the bomb didn't go off even when time's up, and Conan discovered Ran has cut the blue wire. At the end when Conan asked why, Ran told him that color red is her and Shinichi's lucky color and cutting the red wire means cutting off their relationship.

Movie 2 : The Fourteenth Target

Inside the Aquarium-like building, a bomb goes off which blows the whole aquarium up. Considering it's in the middle of the sea, water enters the building which leads to drown some of the people targeted. On the surface, Conan noticed Ran was nowhere in sight, so he suspected Ran was in the bottom of the water. He grabbed an empty bottle for air and dived in, and discovers Ran was indeed in the bottom, her foot stuck in a car model which was drowning her. Conan quickly placed the mouth of the bottle into hers to allow her to breathe, and Ran thought it was Shinichi who saved her. When she came to her senses, she realized it was Conan. Conan's foot gets stuck in the car too, and thus he was unable to hold on much longer and fainted. Ran then 'kissed' Conan, resulting to a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. When Conan wakes, Ran then fainted, so he makes use of Ran's sacrifice that very moment and he managed to remove the car using his belt suspenders. When finally in the surface, Ran thanks Conan, into which Conan blushes.

When the culprit was finally figured out, he grabbed into the weak Ran as hostage and dragged her up in the heliport of the sinking building. The culprit called unto Conan to bring him Shiratori's gun, and even he hesitated, Conan deliberately obeyed. But seeing the scene was exactly when Eri's been held hostage and Kogoro was in decision, Conan understood why he shot Eri's leg. He did the same then, in which he slightly shot Ran's leg in order for the culprit to let go. In the end, Ran also realizes why Kogoro shot Eri's leg is because to save her, not to threaten her. She thought that if Shinichi was in the case, he'll do the same as Conan did. Meanwhile, Conan understood the meaning of the video game he played earlier that he will get to kiss someone, and that was Ran during the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Movie 3 : The Last Wizard of the Century

When Conan, Heiji and the others went to see their fortunes while on Osaka, Ran's fortune says "Your true love will come to you.", which obviously means Shinichi. Conan's fortune then says "A secret will be revealed", thinking Ran would discover his secret. Throughout the movie, Ran was suspecting the Conan is Shinichi. Conan has given out hints unintentionally, like saying his birthday was May 4th(Shinichi's birthday). When inside the cave of the Russian Mansion, the culprit then aimed on Ran's right eye and Conan came into rescue. Due to this, Ran saw Shinichi's image on Conan and there she confirmed Conan really is Shinichi. At the end, when Ran is tending to Kaito Kid's dove, she gets teary-eyed and begged for Conan to tell her the truth. When Conan was now inclined to reveal the truth, there stood Shinichi in the doorway, saying he took a break on his case to visit Ran. Seeing Shinichi was all wet due to the rain, Ran went upstairs to get him clothes. Shinichi then went outside to leave, and there Conan suspects he was actually Kaito Kid who stopped Conan from telling the truth to Ran, saying he saved him just like how he saved his dove. When Kid finally disappeared, Ran gets angry because Shinichi never says goodbyes to her. But due to Kid's appearance as Shinichi, she was finally convinced that Shinichi and Conan were two different people.

Movie 4 : Captured in Her Eyes

The first part of the movie shows the day when Shinichi gets shrunk, in Tropical Land. Before the roller coaster case, Shinichi brought Ran into a plain court in the middle of the park, which was actually a fountain and sprouts after 2 hours. He insisted this is his gift for Ran winning the karate championship, and they had a toast.

During a wedding reception, Ran witnessed Sato got shot multiple times and happen to see the culprit's face. Due to shock and belief she's the one who did it, she fainted. When she woke up, everyone discovered she has an amnesia, which worried Conan the most. Suspecting that the culprit was coming after her because of the fact she saw his face, Conan gets over-protective of Ran. There are times that the culprit tried to kill Ran by pushing her in the railway with a train fast approaching, but Conan always comes into rescue.

When Ran and family decided to go to Tropical Land in order to gain memories, they refused to tell Conan(who was busy solving the case). Shinichi's image keep appearing in Ran's mind, but still doesn't remember who he is. When they thought they have captured the culprit, Kogoro and Takagi(who was protecting Ran) left, leaving the real culprit still targeting her. When Conan discovers about it, the culprit was in the threshold of killing even those innocent people, so he tried his best to save her and bring her to a deserted place inside the park to avoid these killings. When Ran asks why did Conan keeps protecting her, Conan didn't hesitate to reply "Because I love you. I love you more than anyone else in this world.", which confuses Ran. In the end, when Ran's memories have returned, she told Conan that she weren't suited for him because she's older. As Conan tried to counter, Ran thought he must've said such things to help her return her memories back, because of the time Eri told them how Kogoro proposed to her, saying the same things Conan said.

Movie 5 : Countdown to Heaven

When the Twin Towers' Tower A was on fire, Conan, Ran and company were left in the 60th floor and wait for their turn for the elevator. When it's their turn already, Conan noticed Gin was aiming for Sonoko(who he mistook for Shiho) in a building apart from them. Gin misses, but he hits the controls that manipulates the elevator, which made it stop. They managed to get out, but they were stuck in the floor where the fire's coming. Sonoko and the others managed to get to Tower B, leaving Ran and Conan in Tower A because the bridges were bombed (by the Black Organization). Seeing there's no way to get out, and Conan's suffocating in the smoke, Ran decides to go 'bungee jumping' to the lower floors to escape. But Ran was shivering--this will be the first time she'll do it. But she says this isn't the right time for her to die yet, because she promised she'll wait for Shinichi until he comes back. Conan agrees, convincing her she could do it. They jumped and managed to escape the raging fire, and this amazes Conan.

When Conan discovered the Detective Boys were still stuck and the culprit was still in the 6oth floor, he returned there to save them. He then discovers there were numerous bombs planted on the said floor and risked to use a car model to escape from it. He called unto Inspector Megure and Ran took the phone, worried about him, but Conan responds by "Don't worry, I'll come back to you.", saying he'll fulfill his promise that he will not die and he will return to Ran.

Movie 6 : Phantom of the Baker Street

Throughout the whole game, Ran keeps thinking about Shinichi, knowing they were inside Shinichi's dreamland: Old-Century London. Mixed characters were also in the game, including Shinichi's famous idol Sherlock Holmes and London's serial killer Jack the Ripper. Ran recalls something that Shinichi said to her while in Tropical Land, something that will play a big role in solving the case. When only Conan and Ran were left to save the other children trapped in the game, Ran sacrificed herself by jumping in a cliff from the train which kills Jack the Ripper as well, remembering the thing Shinichi told her. Conan was very affected by what Ran did, but thinking giving up will not be the solution, he and the remaining character(who is actually the Noah's Ark) managed to stop the running train and therefore saving everyone who were 'Game Over'. At the end, Conan asked why Ran did such reckless thing, and Ran replied by saying Shinichi's words to her.

Movie 7 : Crossroad of the Ancient Capital

This movie is all about Heiji's first love but there's also a little moment of Shinichi and Ran. ran's running toward the temple. Then some somewhat of guards came walking in her direction. Then someone grabbed Ran's mouth and said," Don't move!" Ran did so and after a few minutes the cloud that covers the moon move and revealed who it is that grabbed Ran. "Shinichi!" Ran said. " You have the same expression...Like last time." shinichi said. But at that time Shinichi's body's burning. You know, when he'll turn to Conan. Of course, Ran shouldn't see it so Shinichi uses his wristwatch and Ran fall in his. Then while His body's turning to Conan, he's hugging Ran tightly.

Movie 8 : The Magician of the Silver Sky

Conan talking to Ran as Shinichi to assist her

While trying to land a pilot-less plane, Ran, at the steering controls, feels the burden of being responsible for the lives of the many passengers aboard. Conan, noticing her fragile state of emotions, asks Sonoko to take his place as the co-pilot saying he has to go to the washroom. After leaving the cockpit, Conan uses the communication system to speak to her (through her headphones) as Shinichi claiming he'll protect her and guide her into performing a safe landing. And quite unexpectedly, Ran instead gets mad at him for being like an eclipse: one minute he's there, the next he's gone. She goes on to say that there are moments she wished he was there and not always pretending to go away for a while but never come back. After bursting into tears, she eventually lets out a: "I love you Shinichi".[4]

But after the landing, when Conan once again calls her as Shinichi, she tells him how she was misled by Kaitou Kid pretending to be him and that "her secret wasn't out" after all. Shinichi, feigning ignorance, asks for more information. But she replies that this is a secret between the Kid and her and that he should use his detective skills to pierce the mystery all by himself.[4]

Movie 9 : Strategy Above the Depths

Conan, Ran, Sonoko and the Detective Boys decided to play hide-and-seek in the midst of the voyage of the ship Aphrodite. Ran, considering very good in this game, was very difficult to be found. Conan compliments her by saying "Since we were kids, Ran has an unusual amount of stamina." After the case of the missing Sonoko, Ran tells her a story of her and Shinichi's childhood regarding the Hide-and-Seek game. When they were in first grade, Ran was always been very difficult to find during the game, and states that only Shinichi can find her. Like the time she was stuck in a storage in their school's gym and everyone gives up to find her, only Shinichi was the one who knows where she is. Ran states that Shinichi was always looking after her, and Shinichi blushed, opposing he was blushing only because of the sunset.

When the ship was in the threshold of sinking, Ran returns to her hiding place to find the 'medal' the Detective Boys made for her, but suddenly gets stuck. Conan however returned to the sinking ship too, saying he had this uneasy feeling that if he doesn't come back, he will lose something(someone) very important to him. Mistaking it for the unsolved case, Haibara thought it was something related to Ran. After the case was solved, Conan's uneasy feeling still hasn't left him, and he suddenly thought of Ran. There he discovered Ran was still left behind the ship, and he and Kogoro tried to find her. Knowing information of Ran's hiding place, he suspected she was hidden in one of the floors of the ship. He managed to save her, but when the rescue helicopter off-balanced, Conan was kicked back to the ship. Ran then saved him, by the 'medal' the Detective Boys made. In the end, Sonoko never thought Conan can also find Ran, knowing only Shinichi can do so.

Episode 101

On the final scene after the ending song, the senpai confessed to Ran and sonoko that she was the one who confessed to Shinichi but rejected. She even spread lies about him so that Shinichi would notice her but it seems he doesn't care at all. Sonoko asked what charasteristic of Shinichi appealed her, She replied," let's see... I didn't really notice it at first. I just thought he was an extraordinary rookie, making the team and becoming mid-fielder in his first year. Then one day, I shared a lemon pie I had made with the soccer club. Everyone said it was really good, But only he said..."Huh? This tastes like crap" Ran apologize," He just had a weird sense of taste." The senpai demand," No. It actually tasted bad back then. When I asked the others later, They told me they were just being polite. So, I was mad and I baked a lemon pie everyday...for three months, until he told me it's good. And before I knew it, I was the manager of the soccer club and madly in love with him. Although a certain person here succeeded on her first try." She looked at Ran and Ran asked," huh?" She answered," Did you know? I was being mean and gave you the wrong baking instructions." Ran got surprised and said," What? Why?" She said," Jeez. do you want me to spill it out for you? Do you want to know what he said after I confessed?" Conan's blushing and said," um, hey! " Sonoko covered his mouth and demand him to shut up. The senpai continued," He said shyly," Ah, sorry, senpai. I already hae someone I've liked since I was little. She's strong-willed and stubborn but cries a lot. She's weird like that." What do you think?" Sonoko asked," H-Hey, Ran Isn't that..." ran said," I don't remember anyone like that." Sonoko and Conan sighed. This episode means that Shinichi's first love is Ran. Geez, Ran's so clueless.

Episode 139

Conan and Kogoro leave Ran and Sonoko together with the the Magic lovers club members. While they're heading back home they listen to the radio and heard the news that related to the club. They fastly goes back but they saw the bridge's burning. Conan thought that even the mansion was burning so even though he has a flu he fastly ran to the bridge and shouting," Ran!" Ran heard it and when she goes outside the house, Conan was there on the floor lying down. She thought Conan died luckily, he wasn't. Then Conan said before he losse consciousness," Hurry! Ran! run" After many minutes later Ran didn't leave the room where Conan reast.

Episodes 188-193: The Desperate Revival Series

These episodes are really sad.The part when Ran said that she will donate her blood for Conan, and when Ran was crying when Conan told her that Shinichi left again (the background really did something to it). Anyways, aside from sad parts, there are also some scenes that had me laughing and laughing: Shinichi greets the Detective Boys, but they ignored him since they don’t know Shinichi; Shinichi calling Ran, “Ran-neechan”; Shinichi and Ran’s classmates eavesdropping to their conversation ; Heiji pretending to be Shinichi but was caught easily by Kazuha; Haibara disguising as Conan ignored Heiji; Kogoro cheering for Ran in the play; Kazuha yelling at Ran that she can take care of those guys in the play by using karate; Kogoro trying to stop the play because of the romantic scene; Ran telling Shinichi that what he wants to say is if he can borrow school notes and; Shinichi trying to stop himself into checking out the murder case while trying to tell Ran his true feelings. These parts are really funny! Aside from the said scenes, there are also these really sweet scenes: Shinichi and Ran’s almost kiss in the play that was interrupted because of some murder and their date at Beika observatory Building restaurant.♥

Episode 162: The sealed chamber in the sky

This is also a funny episode – especially on the part when Shinichi asked Ran if her bra has a wire! Although Ran was only dreaming about this case on the airplane, Kogoro was really mad when he heard Ran sleep talking! ♥ This episode also explains some things on episodes 286-288. There's also a part a ShinRan fan would really love Shinichi was concentrating on the seats near the victim but couldn't. You know why? Because Ran accidentally sleep in his shoulder. One More,Shinichi's blushing.

Episode 286-288: Kudo Shinichi's New York Case

Shnichi and Ran in New York, Yukiko is there, and a case that has a connection with Greek Mythology..what else can you ask? This is one of my favorite cases, and Shinichi & Ran episodes. That “kizu or kisu” part is both funny and sweet! Ran really thought that Shinichi is going to kiss her! ♥ Also, that car part is so sweet! But I think Yukiko is the real culprit, why they have to do that ♥. They've got so many moments in these episodes. Like on the latter part that Ran's handkerchief flew away and Shinichi get it from her. Ran waited outside for Shinichi. Many minutes later, Ran can't wait anymore and goes up the stairs whereon her handkerchief must flew. Then she met a guy with a silver hair which was a serial murderer. Luckily, shinichi was there. And many more moments.

Episode 376

In this episode Conan tries his best to save Ran.

There are also many more moments of Ran and Shinichi/Conan. Just wait

See also
