
From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 02:18, 10 May 2011 by ForeverLost (talk | contribs) (Relations)

Forever Lost is a completely random and unimportant member of Detective Conan World. She joined on April 18th, 2011.


Forever Lost's personality often irks many people. She has a tendency to be obnoxious, and also can be considered 'pessimistic' and 'emo'. She talks about her problems almost all the time on the forums, and one can't help but wonder if she joined and uses DCW as her personal therapy group.

Lonely Hearts Club (LHC)

Forever Lost made a joke to the popular IdentityUnknown that they should make a club in their love despair. This actually became a club when IdentityUnknown (AKA Kaichou, Jean, Pyre, IU, and Fusae Ui) actually started the club through a thread and whatnot. Thus, Forever Lost is LHC's second member and won the signature contest, so the signature she created is currently the official LHC member signature.

Forever Lost is known to constantly rant about love and other depressing things on the LHC thread.


Forever Lost's relations to the DCW family aren't very clear. She has been called "Je-chan" because she shares a name with IdentityUnknown. Also, she started calling IdentityUnknown 'kaichou' and a few others have picked it up. However, apparently she caused the famous Mohorovicic to leave, which caused IdentityUnknown to leave which caused Forever Lost to leave. They're all currently back though. She is still lost as to how she caused this, and would like to know.


Forever Lost is starring in Hano's story as a very lost inspector. She has also written a story or two of her own, however they are fanfictions.