The Crisis Beckoned by the Red Omen

From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 21:27, 16 May 2011 by S261157 (talk | contribs) (Replaced content with 'Ms. MacGuffin and Maurice-sama! please I beg you!! Please chage the way it was before. I so do not like this. On The Crisis Beckoned by the Red Omen. Thats's not how it s...')

Ms. MacGuffin and Maurice-sama! please I beg you!! Please chage the way it was before. I so do not like this. On The Crisis Beckoned by the Red Omen. Thats's not how it supposed to be!!! One episode has to be one episode! Yeah of course it's like 1/2 cases but still, please chage it back please I beg you! It's my turn to ask you and please can you do it? Differnt links into one link is not okay. Part 1 and Part 2 is okay. Please please please please please!