User:Chekhov MacGuffin/Latest case

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Episode 491-504
(Int. Episode {{{int-episode}}})

TV Episode 491-504.jpg

Title: Clash of Red and Black!
Original airdate: January 14, 2008 (The Beginning)
January 21, 2008 (Blood Relative)
January 28, 2008 (Exclamation)
February 4, 2008 (Hades)
February 11, 2008 (Coma)
February 18, 2008 (Invasion)
February 25, 2008 (Awakening)
March 3, 2008 (Disturbance)
March 10, 2008 (Disguise)
March 17, 2008 (Testament)
April 14, 2008 (Suspicion)
April 28, 2008 (Innocence)
May 12, 2008 (Ready to Die)
May 19, 2008 (Killed in the Line of Duty)
Season: 17
Cast: Conan Edogawa
Shuichi Akai
Jodie Starling
Case solved by: Conan Edogawa (4x)
Kogoro Mouri (via Conan)
Jodie Starling
Andre Camel
Prev episode: « Heiji Hattori vs. Shinichi Kudo: Deduction Battle on the Ski Slope
Next episode: Lawyer Eri Kisaki's Testimony »
List of episodes

Clash of Red and Black is the longest arc in the anime series as well as the manga, taking place for episodes 491-504. In the arc, we are introduced to two new characters, Andre Camel and Rikumichi Kusuda, and witness the death of F.B.I. agent, Shuichi Akai. We also learn the truth about Eisuke Hondou and his sister, Hidemi.

Characters introduced



The Beginning (Manga: 585-586, Anime: 491)

Conan, Ran, and Sonoko are visiting a sick friend in the hospital. There they meet Eisuke who tells them he is searching for his long lost sister who looks identical to Rena Mizunashi. Eisuke explains that his sister intended to become a nurse so he is searching the local hospitals for her. Conan, however, suspects Eisuke knows Rena has been hospitalized due to her accident. The three decide to visit Kōshi Anno, a big fan of Rena, to confirm whether Rena is actually Eisuke's sister. Unable to contact Kōshi, they visit his mother and learn Kōshi recently called asking for money in order to pay off a rival company in a business meeting later that day.

Possible scam

EP491 Case.jpg

Location: Koshi Anno's house, Tokyo
Victim: Koshi Anno's mother
Someone claiming to be Koshi Anno using Koshi Anno's home phone number has called his mother asking for a large money deposit



Deceased Mother's Memento (Manga: 586, 587-590, Anime: 492-494)

Blood Relative (Manga: 586, 587-590, Anime: 492)

Kōshi confirms that the picture is indeed Rena and shows them a news recording depicting Rena with the same hairstyle as Eisuke's sister's in the photograph. In the video, they learn that Rena's blood type is AB. Eisuke denies that Rena is his sister since his sister's blood was once used for his blood transfusion; Eisuke has blood type O, meaning he can only receive Type O blood. Conan suspects there is a hidden component to Eisuke's story and believes Eisuke is searching for Rena with an ulterior motive. The next day, Eisuke invites Ran and Sonoko to accompany him to the mansion he used to live in to collect his mother's belongings which were recently found. Kogoro, coincidentally, was also hired to investigate a murder at the mansion that occurred a year ago. Once there, Eisuke finds his birth certificate, confirming that he has blood type O. Meanwhile, Kogoro is with the owner of the mansion, Kakuzō Okudaira, discussing the murder of his son, Tango Okudaira. Kakuzō tells Kogoro he suspects the murderer is one of three people in the mansion.



Location: Kakuzō Okudaira mansion, Tokyo
Victim: Koshi Anno's mother
Someone claiming to be Koshi Anno using Koshi Anno's home phone number has called his mother asking for a large money deposit

Exclamation (Manga: 587-590, Anime: 493)

Kakuzō shows Kogoro a photograph of Tango's body in a pool and points to a white glove Tango is wearing. He reveals that the glove was the same glove their previous butler wore before a car accident killed him, and that Tango's murder occurred on the anniversary of the butler's death. Kakuzō tells Kogoro that, three days after Tango's death, he received a white glove and now presumes the murderer plans to kill him next. After the discussion, Kogoro and Conan investigate the house searching for clues. When a blackout occurs and the sound of a vase is heard from Kakuzō's room, they arrive to find him hanged. Conan investigates and realizes three suspicious points: glue was used to keep the knot of the rope together, the broken vase with sweat near the top, and a book titled "Killer of Hades" (in kanji) with blood on it. The police declare that if the book is a dying message, the murderer must be one of the three suspects.

Hades (Manga: 587-590, Anime: 494)

Conan's investigation leads him to realize how Kakuzō and Tango's murder was accomplished. Conan tranquilizes Kogoro and impersonates him with the voice changing bow tie to reveal that Kikuyo Tabata, the maid, is the murderer. He reveals Kikuyo served Kakuzō coffee laced with sleeping pills, thus causing Kakuzō to fall asleep. She then set up the scene by placing Kakuzō on top of a trolley and placing a glued noose around his neck. After setting up a line of books leading from the door to the trolley Kikuyo placed a vase in Kakuzō's hand, warning him that if the vase dropped and broke, it would cause people to investigate the noise. When that happened, they would open the door to Kakuzō's room and subsequently move the line of books which would cause the trolley to roll out from beneath him and result in his death. Conan explains that Tango was murdered in a similar fashion: he was tied up and thrown in a pool and was forced to stand on the tip of his toes to breath. Eventually Tango's fatigue caused him to drown. By delaying the time of death in both cases, Kikuyo was able to establish an alibi. As for the dying message, Conan reveals that blood covered the kanji for the English word "Hades" which means "Meido" in Japanese and is a reference to the English word maid. As evidence, Conan tells the police Kikuyo should have a handkerchief with coffee stains tainted with sleeping pills. Kikuyo confesses to the murder revealing that Tango, with the help of his father, murdered her husband, the previous butler.

Coma (Manga: 595-598, Anime: 495)

Conan learns from Ran that she had been unable to contact Eisuke since the winter break. She tells him Eisuke last told her that he had found someone from his father's company at Haido Central Hospital, the same hospital in which Rena is currently hospitalized. Conan contacts Jodie Starling to inform her Eisuke may be searching for Rena and learns from her that Eisuke's father, Ethan Hondō, was a spy for the CIA who were investigating the Black Organization. She reveals that Rena and the Black Organization murdered him four years ago. Conan phones Ran asking her how Eisuke recognized the colleague. She replies that Eisuke recognized the person through the phones keypad tone which played the song "Nanatsu no Ko", the phone number of the Black Organization's leader. Conan realizes that a Black Organization member is in Haido Central Hospital. Fearing that the criminal syndicate may be close to finding Rena, Conan and the FBI investigate the hospital. After asking a nurse about a suspicious person, the FBI narrows the suspects list to hospitalized patients between December 18 and December 21 and begin their search for the Black Organization member.

Invasion (Manga: 595-598, Anime: 496)

The nurse tells Conan that she just remembered Eisuke had surgery for leukemia when he was young, raising the possibility Rena may in fact be his sister. Meanwhile, the FBI manages to narrow the list of suspects down to three patients: An old man with a broken leg, a man with a neck sprain, and a man with dorsalgia. Conan volunteers to secretly investigate them. After recording the three patients on a secret camera, Conan reports back to the FBI. In his meeting with the man with dorsalgia, Conan proved the man was not faking his symptom as he had difficulty bending down to pick up an object and was frantically fighting against a sneeze to prevent sending a shock wave to his back. The other two patients are revealed to be faking their symptoms. Conan reveals that he noticed the old man had a scar and swelling near his heart suggesting he has an artificial pacemaker. Since the pacemaker's function would be interrupted by cell phone waves, it rules the old man out leaving Rikumichi Kusuda, the man faking the neck sprain, as their culprit.

Awakening (Manga: 598-599, Anime: 497)

That night Kusuda is caught sneaking into the nurse's lounge photographing the patient list and the FBI proceed to apprehend him. Kusuda reveals that under his cervical collar are explosives which he will detonate if they attempt to arrest him. He flees from the hospital in a car but is pursued by Conan and Akai. Kusudu kills himself with his own gun before being caught. While the FBI attempt to figure out how to keep the Black Organization away from Rena, Akai decides they must keep the hospital employees uninvolved and that he shall think of plan to ambush them. Later that night, Eisuke sneaks into Rena's room and attempts to question her about his sister. Frustrated with her comatose state, he attempts to stab her with scissors but she grabs his hand and stops him.

Disturbance (Manga: 600-604, Anime: 498)

The FBI plan on transporting Rena to another location in one of three identical vans, making the other two decoys. Later that day, James Black receives a flower from the deceased Kusada. Elsewhere, the Black Organization cause food poisoning throughout restaurants in the city, release poisonous gas in public areas, and start a fire in a local theatre. These incidents cause a large amount of people needing medical attention to flow into the hospital. While Conan and Akai attempt to deduce the Black Organization plans, they notice a ticking sound from Jame's flower pot and realize there is a bomb in it. Agent Andre Camel and Jodie are given the task to detonate the bomb in an isolated location. After doing so, Akai notices there is a rush of deliveries to patients and realize they also contain explosives sent by the Black Organization.

Disguise (Manga: 600-604, Anime: 499)

Rena appears on television while the FBI agents are gathering the small explosives which causes them to gather to Rena's room to investigate. They realize it was part of the Black Organization's plan as the explosives the agents were collecting contained transmitters; Gin, who watches the transmitters gather in a single location, tells his colleagues of Rena's location in the hospital. The FBI initiate their plan to transport Rena to another location. Camel is given the task of transporting Rena while the other FBI agents become decoys in the other two vans. Jodie suspects Camel is part of the organization and attempts to pursue Camel to give her the task of driving the van with Rena. Camel incapacitates her and hides her body. The three vans drive off with Chianti, Korn, and Vodka stalking them. Using thermal vision devices, they are able to see through the vans and upload the images to Gin who attempts to deduce which truck contains Rena. Vermouth follows Akai who is secretly tailing the second van, causing them to believe the truck Korn is stalking contains Rena. However, Gin stops them and reveals that Rena is in the van Camel is driving.

Testament (Manga: 600-604, Anime: 500)

Rena wakes up and knocks Camel unconscious, causing the car to crash. Once freed, she reunites with the other members of the Black Organization. Chianti prepares to kill Camel, but the vehicle explodes, attracting the attention of the public and forcing the Black Organization members to flee. Camel, having survived the blast, reports to Akai and tells him the mission was a success. Akai reveals to the FBI he purposely let the Black Organization capture Rena again so they may use her to gain information from the inside. He then explains the conversation he and Conan had with Rena the night before. After Eisuke is stopped by Rena, Conan, who was hiding behind the curtains, reveals that Rena is indeed Eisuke's sister. He explains that due to Eisuke's leukemia and radiation treatment, they transferred Rena's bone marrow to Eisuke and essentially making his blood type AB. Conan reveals that he knows Rena is part of the CIA and was given the task of investigating the Black Organization from the inside. She reveals that on the day she and her father were supposed to reveal the Black Organization's identity to the public, she had a transmitter planted on her which resulted in them being caught. To protect his daughter, Ethan created a scenario in which Rena killed him after realizing his identity as a CIA agent. After having Rena shoot him, the Black Organization was fooled and Rena continued her duty to spy on the Organization. After the conversation, Akai tells Rena he plans to return her to the Black Organization.

Suspicion (Manga: 605-609, Anime: 501)

Back in the present time, Rena asks Gin to spare the hospital and its employees, causing Gin to suspect her of being disloyal to the organization. Elsewhere, Professor Agasa takes the Detective Boys to a hotel restaurant. They run into Officer Takagi who tells them the president of a foreign talent agency was murdered only a few minutes ago. Takagi tells them that the suspect is an unknown foreigner who had an appointment with the president. Conan tells him that the suspect must be in the hotel still since the president's office is on the top floor and—with so little time—the suspect would not have had enough time to rid himself of the smell of gunpowder and escape the building. The police gather up three foreign suspects, one of which includes FBI Agent Camel. Camel is the prime suspect because of his physical features and refusal to answer the questions relating to his profession since the FBI's investigation in Japan must remain a secret. Conan calls Jodie to come and help prove Camel's innocence.

Innocence (Manga: 605-609, Anime: 502)

Jodie arrives and tells the police that Camel is an FBI agent and that they are a couple vacationing in Japan. The police continue the investigation and notice that a memo with the words "Bring my Tux" was ripped out by an unknown culprit. Jodie asks Camel why he was in Japan two years ago. He replies that he was on a mission with Akai to investigate the Black Organization. He tells her that in the past, he made a mistake and exposed Akai's identity as an FBI agent to the syndicate and impeded Akai's mission as a spy. This indirectly resulted in the Organization murdering Akai's love, Akemi Miyano. Elsewhere, Gin orders Rena to set up a meeting with Akai or be branded as a traitor and subsequently killed. He tells her that he will plant a bug on her during the meeting and that it is her duty to kill Akai. Akai receives a call from Rena and agrees to meet with her, knowing that it is an ambush set up to take his life.

Ready to Die (Manga: 605-609, Anime: 503)

Conan realizes why the culprit took the memo and tells Inspector Megure his plan to reveal the culprit. Megure gathers the four suspects and places chairs behind the each of them. He then tells them to Shiran Puri (知らん振り?, lit. Feign Ignorance) and all but Tobey Keynes sit down in their chairs. Jodie reveals that foreigners would recognize "Shiran Puri" as "Sit Down Please" and since Keynes did not sit down, reveals he is actually Japanese. Jodie then explains that after Keynes murdered the president, he noticed the memo and took it believing it was the President's dying message indicating Keynes to be the murderer. As evidence, they find the missing memo inside Keynes' pocket. Keynes confesses to the murder and explains that his American girlfriend was tricked into signing a contract by the president. His girlfriend did not understand the contract since she was not fluent in Japanese; the contract forced his girlfriend to work long hours which in the end resulted in her death. As part of the contract, his girlfriend's younger brother would be held responsible if she is unable to continue working. Keynes wanted to save his girlfriend's brother and thus murdered the president of the company.

Killed in the Line of Duty (Manga: 605-609, Anime: 504)

Akai meets with Rena who shoots him in the chest. He notices Gin's car in the distance and accepts his death so Rena may continue to spy from within the Black Organization. Rena shoots Akai in the head and places his body in his car with an timed explosive and leaves the scene. Once the bomb detonates, it catches the attention of the authorities and later the media who reports that a body burned beyond recognition was found. The FBI realize that the unidentified body belongs to Akai. Jodie heads to the police station to confirm Akai's death. She gives them Conan's cellphone which contains Akai's fingerprint so they could compare it to the body. The police confirm that a fingerprint found on the phone matched the body and Conan's cellphone is confiscated as evidence. Jodie gives Conan a phone of the same model as a replacement without informing him. Conan, having realized the change in the serial number, realizes Akai had died.



See also