Detective Conan Wiki:Manual of Style

From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 11:39, 30 July 2011 by Conanshinichi (talk | contribs) (Characters: Please re-phrase)


Articles in general

Some important rules:

  • Try to include categories (i.e. using [[Category:Name of category]]) when creating a new article (use other similar articles as example to know which categories to put). If, when previewing, the category name appears in red or if you're unsure, please do not try creating new categories unless you know what you're doing. A moderator or experienced contributor will take care of them.
  • Try to always include a See also section if possible (and/or applicable). It's good practice for user-friendliness purposes (as it provides a useful and extra mean of navigation).
  • The References section should always be placed after the See also section but before the External links section.
  • If there's an External links section, it should always be placed at the end completely (i.e. last section on the page).


For section headers:

  • Only the first letter as well as people names should be capitalized.
  • Though quite rare, in some context, some common words may be capitalized (possibly following a discussion/talk about it).

In category names:

  • The first letter of the first word should be capitalized.
  • Common words should not be capitalized. Examples: "Kudo family", "List of something", etc...
  • Some words that refer to people should be capitalized such as "Voice Actors", "Executive Producers", etc...

Naming convention

Even though Japanese names are usually given with the last name placed first, people's names in this wiki should follow the format:

  • Given_name Last_name

The rationale can be read here.


If citing manga chapters or anime episodes (or movie, OVA, etc...), please point to the corresponding wiki page of that chapter or episode. The format is as follows:

  • For manga chapters:
  • For manga chapters not yet in a Volume, there must not be links to the chapters (this will ensure we easily catch this citation later on when they become part of a Volume):
    • File X: Title
    • Example: File 763: The Ghost of Time
  • For episodes:

If using a "name" variable for the references, please use the following:

  • For manga files:
    • <ref name="fXpY"> (the pY is optional). "f" and "p" stand for "File" and "page" respectively. Example: <ref name="f433">, <ref name="f100p8">.
  • For anime episodes:
    • <ref name="eX">. "e" stands for "Episode". Example: <ref name="e501">.


The following is a global overview of the generic article structure when creating character pages. Blue statements emphasize important points.

Order Section Optional? Description Notes
1 Background The background section should contain a concise and precise overview of:
  • The character's past and younger days.
  • How the character was introduced in the series (more details can be given later in the Plot overview section).
  • The role of the character and how important he/she is in the series, his/her ties to his/her family/close friends, his/her impact on the storyline and more.
  • Events or incidents that changed the character in a substantial, major or radical way (more details can be given later in the Plot overview section).
  • Personal history, activities, achievements and the like, known or associated to the character.
  • The goal of this section is to present the character to a "supposed first-time reader" so that he/she can easily place the character into the context and storyline of the series and understand his/her role and importance.
  • Subsections of substantial importance may be created.
2 Personality For canon and/or main characters:
  • Description of the general "feeling" emanated by the character from our point of view as well as the other characters'.
  • Qualities and flaws of the characters may be presented in details.
  • Any relevant information that pertains to the character's personality (or the influence it's had on others or the environment).

For non-canon and/or minor (recurring or important enough to mention) characters:

  • This section should describe at the very least the impression the character made from the viewer's point of view while or after being introduced.
  • Any other relevant detail is welcome.
3 ... Other character specific sections ... Yes Any other section(s) that pertain(s) directly to the character such as "Appellations", "Special abilities", "Skills", etc...
4 Plot overview Yes Present in a chronological order (broken down in subsections) the series of events in which the character was involved (directly or indirectly). Feel free to be as detailed as possible. If the plot overview is too big, you may fork it out to a new page and add a link to the new article.
5 Relationship analysis Yes List (using subheaders - avoid bullets unless necessary please) other characters with whom the given character (may) have or have had some direct or indirect (but worth mentioning) relationship.
  • Forking is also allowed if the subsection is too big.
  • Relationship analysis should always come after the Background, Personality, Plot overview or any other section that directly pertain to the character itself. It is essential to first present the character him/herself then his relationships with others (i.e. from specific to generic).
6 ... Other relevant but non-character-specific sections ... Yes Any other section(s) that pertain(s) indirectly to the character such as "People who know the character's real identity", etc...
7 Name origin Yes Describe in details the origin of the character's name.
8 Quotes Yes Provide a list of known, famous or important quotes from the character.
9 In other languages Yes Gives names of the character in other foreign languages.
10 Trivia Yes List of minor or trivial facts of interest.
11 See also Point to the Characters page and any other page that may be relevant to the article.
12 References Yes (if citations used throughout the article) References to cited sources. Please follow the format given in References.

Episodes, Movies, OVAs and TV Specials

The following is a global overview of the generic article structure when creating character pages. Blue statements emphasize important points.

Order Section Optional? Description Notes
1 Characters introduced, Gadgets introduced or Characters and gadgets introduced Yes List new characters and/or gadgets introduced by using the {{NewChar}} and {{NewGadget}} templates.

Describe the new character or gadget in a few words within the corresponding templates.

2 Cast List the characters that appear in the coresponding video by using the {{Char Appearances}} template. For very long arcs with multiple cases where the cast changes significantly like Clash of Red and Black or The Crisis Beckoned by the Red Omen, consider using multiple cast lists for each major part.
3 Case (or Case: Title) This section is broken down into several parts as shown below. It is possible to have more than one case in the same episode (or movie, etc...). If so, having many Case sections (enumerated like "Case 1" or "Case: Title of 1st case") is possible.
3.1 Situation Add one or many crime boxes pertaining to the current case by using the {{InfoBox Crime}} template. See below for the image guidelines. We want to be as clear as possible here. So it is important we dedicated one box per specific crime or crime attempt so that more precise details can be given and the reader doesn't get lost or confused.
3.2 People List people related to or involved in the case using the {{People}} and {{BeginBox}} (for wrapping all of the people's thumbnails together to avoid a broken layout structure) templates.

Describe in a few words each of the character when using the {{People}} template. Label the victim(s) as well.

3.3 Resolution Describe in details the resolution of the case by exposing in 3 points (or more) the:
  • Evidence
  • Conclusion
  • Motive
Use the <spoiler> tags to hide the whole resolution section to give the reader the option to dig in further or not.
3.4 ... Other relevant case-specific sections ... Yes Any other section(s) that pertain(s) to the case such as "Trivia", etc...
4 ... Other relevant sections ... Yes Any other section(s) that pertain(s) to the article such as "Differences from the manga", etc...
5 Trivia Yes List of minor or trivial facts of interest related to the whole article.
6 See also Point to the corresponding season page of the episode (e.g. Season 1) or full Movies, OVAs or TV Specials articles. Any other relevant page may be added as well.
7 References Yes (if citations used throughout the article) References to cited sources. Please follow the format given in References.

Manga volumes

Music pages

The following is a global overview of the generic article structure when creating music related pages.

Order Section Optional? Description Notes
1 Detective Conan opening (or ending) info The Detective Conan opening info section should contain the following sub headers and information:
  • Cast - List of characters that appear in the opening/ending and listed in the order in which they appear in the song.
  • Case references - If the opening/ending makes any references to stories found within the anime/manga, link to those specific stories (preferably anime episode) here.
  • Staff - List of the animation staff that worked on the animation for this particular opening/ending.
  • FUNimation version - If the opening/ending was changed somehow for the English release of the show, list that information here.
2 Song info The Song info section should contain the following sub headers and information:
  • Lyrics - All lyrics placed on the page should use the lyrics template (see Mune ga DOKIDOKI for example) and have the lyrics placed in this order: Romaji, English, Kanji, and English dub (if available).

Use the full version of each lyric set when possible. If you did not transcribe or translate the lyrics yourself please be sure to credit the appropriate people and provide references.

3 CD info The CD info section should contain the following sub headers and information if available:
  • CD track listing - List the tracks found on the CD. Create another sub header if a limited edition version is available (see Don't Wanna Lie for example).
  • Gallery - Scans/images of the front cover, back cover, and CD.
4 Chart info Yes List Oricon chart ranking.
5 Trivia Yes List of minor or trivial facts of interest.
6 See also Point to the Music page and any other page that may be relevant to the article.
7 References Yes (if citations used throughout the article) References to cited sources. Please follow the format given in References.


Naming and sizes conventions


Location Naming scheme Description Preferred format Preferred size Preferred shape Minimum size Maximum size Examples Notes
Character profile info box GivenName_FamilyName_Profile.jpg A reasonably nice picture of the character jpg Any over minimum Any 275 x 150 1024 x 768 (or rotated) File:Shinichi_Kudo_Profile.jpg
Character reference GivenName_FamilyName.jpg Smaller picture of the character used as a reference for other pages (such as for presenting character appearances in an episode, etc...) jpg 100 x 100 Square 100 x 100 100 x 100 File:Shinichi_Kudo.jpg
Character thumbnail GivenName_FamilyName_60px.png Even smaller picture of the character mainly used in tables for quick and easy visual referencing (i.e. as used on the Characters page) png (preferred) or jpg 60 x 60 Square 60 x 60 60 x 60 File:Shinichi_Kudo_60px.jpg It can be a resized version of the "Character reference" image above to 60px.

Anime, Movies, OVAs, TV Specials, Drama

Location Naming scheme Description Preferred format Preferred size Preferred shape Minimum size Maximum size Examples Notes
Episode profile info box Episode_X.jpg or Episode_X-Y.jpg (X and Y being episode numbers) A relevant and expressive picture of the given episode jpg Any over minimum Any 275 x 150 1024 x 768 (or rotated) None for now (new standard)
Movie profile info box Movie_X.jpg (X being a movie number) The official Japanese poster of the movie jpg Any over minimum Any 275 x 150 1024 x 768 (or rotated) File:Movie_1.jpg
OVA profile info box OVA_X.jpg (X being an OVA number) A relevant and expressive picture of the given OVA jpg Any over minimum Any 275 x 150 1024 x 768 (or rotated) None for now (new standard)
TV Special profile info box TV_Special_X.jpg (X being a TV Special number) A relevant and expressive picture of the given TV Special jpg Any over minimum Any 275 x 150 1024 x 768 (or rotated) None for now (new standard)


Location Naming scheme Description Preferred format Preferred size Preferred shape Minimum size Maximum size Examples Notes
Volume profile info box Volume_X.jpg (X being a volume number) The Japanese cover of the manga volume jpg 300 x 470 Any 275 x 150 1024 x 768 (or rotated) File:Volume_1.jpg


Location Naming scheme Description Preferred format Preferred size Preferred shape Minimum size Maximum size Examples Notes
Crime info box EPX_Case_Y.jpg or EPXa_Case_Y.jpg (where X is the episode number, Y the case number and a the beginning of an enumeration of images for the same case) An image of the crime scene or situation jpg 640 x 480 4:3 ratio (i.e. in proportion to 640x480) 290 x 218 1024 x 768 File:EP1_Case_1.jpg
People/Suspects Given name_Family name.jpg when the full name is known or EPX-Y_Name.jpg when only part of the name or no name is known (Where X is the first episode of a series and Y is the last episode of a series) A head shot of the suspect, preferably without obstructions like text or boxes jpg 225 x 225 square 100 x 100 not set File:Eiichi_Yamagishi.jpg File:EP33_Man1.jpg


For any other standard issues not mentioned here, please try and follow Wikipedia's Manual of Style when making Detective Conan Wiki pages. For more information, please visit: Wikipedia's Manual of Style