Mysterious man with sunglasses

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Revision as of 16:39, 11 December 2023 by Tsutomu25 (talk | contribs)
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Mysterious man with sunglasses

Mysterious man with sunglasses.jpg

Age: > 60
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
First appearance: Manga: File 1090

He is a mysterious character shown as the driver of Mysterious Old Man driving a luxurious car in File 1090.

Plot overview

Detective Play Director Murder Case (Manga: 1090)

At the end of the file he passes by Conan, Hyoue Kuroda, Muga Iori and others in a luxurious car.

Serial Hotel Bombing Case (Manga: 1096)

At the end of file he starts the fire hydrant of the hotel to bring Mary Sera and Masumi Sera outside of the hotel.

Relationships analysis

Mysterious Old Man

He is the driver of Mysterious Old Man. At the end of File 1090 he drives the old man passing by Conan and others.

See also
