User talk:Cortax

From Detective Conan Wiki
Revision as of 21:36, 14 January 2012 by S261157 (talk | contribs) (Case image)

Uploading people pictures

Hello Cortax, please leave the name as first name and last name jpg so please upload the square picture shape as in 225 × 225 pixels. Don't put name of jpg as in last name, first name, and age number. Not like that. Just first name last name jpg. --S261157 19:36, 4 January 2012 (UTC)

Point taken mate, don´t normally add images to all wiki´s around the net so nothing i´m used to. --Cortax 23:44, 4 January 2012 (UTC)

One more thing, you don't have to post on your own talk page. You can just click on my user name, click talk page, and post it what your going to say.

Well, was just about to post here anyway when your message popped up so ended making yet another mess since I didnt notice and added my signature after your comment *LOL*. But thanks for the tips :), just discovered and started going through the anime so figured I add my bit. --Cortax 00:03, 5 January 2012 (UTC)

Posting talk pages

Yeah no problem. This is an advice for you. When you're about to put messege, go to recent changes and click any user's talk page and post it what you're going to say. They will get your message. Again, you don't have to put something on your talk page. Your welcome anyway. Just want to help you. --S261157 00:13, 5 January 2012 (UTC)

Image mistakes

Oh yeah, and the image you upload by mistake, the DCW moderators will delete those images that you upload by mistake. So of course they are plenty of job to upload. You did good job uploading 225 x 225 pixels. Keep up the good work on your contributions! --S261157 00:33, 5 January 2012 (UTC)

Well if you go to Detective Conan Wiki:Manual of Style, you might understand. --S261157 01:01, 5 January 2012 (UTC)
No problem. --S261157 01:09, 5 January 2012 (UTC)
Another thing, you don't have to label "Murder" in crime box because when it's empty in the crime type, it automatically labels "Murder" by itself. And seriously, wow! You've been working so hard! I'm so proud of you! You should take a break for now! --S261157 02:13, 6 January 2012 (UTC)
Yeah good! Just take a break for now and don't watch so much episodes because your brain cells might decrease! LOL :) Just kidding! Keep up the good work! --S261157 02:36, 6 January 2012 (UTC)

Case image

Can you please upload case images without the subtitles? --S261157 19:26, 14 January 2012 (UTC)

Don't forget Conan: A Strange Child. Oh and when you see people pictures in rectangle, please fix them into square. Thank you.