User:Chekhov MacGuffin/Handedness

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Revision as of 00:14, 14 April 2012 by Chekhov MacGuffin (talk | contribs) (Miscellaneous: both hands)

This is a guide to various characters' handedness.

General assumptions

For opening doors, regardless of a character’s actual handedness, characters use the hand on same side as the hinges when opening or closing both push and pull type doors. This avoids having the arm cross awkwardly over the body while opening or shutting it.

When holding two things or doing things with two hands, the dominant hand will be holding or doing the thing that is most interesting, dangerous, or precision-requiring unless a door is involved or would require a dropping of the guard, i.e. switching gun hands while aiming at someone. Cell phones will tend to get held in a character’s dominant hand while driving for instance.

When handling guns, the dominant hand goes on trigger while the off hand stabilizes.

Also, I am assuming none of the characters have been hiding their true handedness in the long term.[1] There may be one-off situations where a switch in handedness may be deliberate, these I mark in green.


No character, even those with known handedness, uses their dominant hand 100% the time. Gun handling is the most consistently dominant handed activity. Phone, radio, and listening device handling seem to be the most prone to offhand use. When compared to known lefty Gin, Okiya and Akai are left handed and well within tolerable limits for occasional righthanded use. In contrast, Vodka is clearly righthanded.

Akai Shuuichi


  • 354 - handgun in left waist high pocket - it is set for left handed draw
  • 434 - Left hand on trigger, right on pump
  • 434 - puts gun over left shoulder while keeping left index finger on the trigger. (right hand in pocket)
  • 434 - pumps gun in flashy way using only left hand
  • 434 - holds gun in left and aims left handed only (right in pocket)
  • 504 - using left eye to look through scope and left handed style for rifle handling, (left finger on trigger while supporting with right). Note Akai's Accuracy International Arctic Warfare is a right handed model (the location of the bolt is right). This may be an art error by Gosho. (see note)[2]


  • 287 - coughs into left hand
  • 289 - about to take out bus jacker with left hand
  • 337 - lights cigarette with match with left hand and hold cigarette left handed
  • 599 - left to pull back curtain
  • 600 - left to pull out can of coffee and open it one handed
  • 600 - picks up coffee with left hand
  • 601 - left hand to pull out flowers and remove bomb, right to stabilize flower pot
  • 601 - left hand to hold bomb
  • 601 - right to remove apple from basket, left to pick up bomb[3]
  • 601 - left to pick up box
  • 602 - right hand to take phone from Conan **** may be intentional for fake death trick
  • 609 - left to grab shot location right hand in pocket **** may be intentional for fake death trick

Using phones, radios, listening devices

  • 289 - Uses radio with right hand (standing)
  • 383 - Earbud in left ear (walking)
  • 419 - Holding cellphone with left hand while steering with right.
  • 422 - holding bug tap radio to ear with left hand (sitting in parked car)
  • 422 - Earbud in left ear. (sitting in parked car)
  • 502 - holding phone to ear with left hand
  • 596 - left hand for phone, right for binoculars
  • 596 - hangs up phone with left hand
  • 598 - left for phone right on the handle
  • 599 - left hand to flip through text message and close phone
  • 603 - left to hold and hang up cellphone (could be driving or parked)
  • 607 - left to answer phone and hang up phone
  • 609 - right hand to hold cell phone and click buttons


  • 327 - uses car lighter with right hand - not unexpected since he is the driver and using the left would requiring crossing over his body
  • 354 - grabs Ran's elbow with right hand - although he is likely still holding the gun in his left meaning it is occupied
  • 379 - Opens telephone booth with right hand (right side hinge)
  • 420 - Fiddling with teli in car with right hand - not unexpected since he is the driver and using the left would require crossing over his body
  • 504 - Right hand to open door (right side hinge)
  • 596 - left for phone right to open door (right side hinge)
  • 596 - right to open door (right side hinge)
  • 599 - left to open door (left side hinge)
  • 599 - right to open door (right side hinge)
  • 599 - left to open door (left side hinge)
  • 608 - left hand to grab James' wrist (would have been awkward for right hand since he is in his car)

Okiya Subaru


  • 800 – Preparing to draw handgun and fire using left hand, doing so necessitates leaning all the way out of the car.


  • 623 - touches left hand to chin while thinking
  • 624 – takes Conan’s house keys with left hand
  • 638 – holding toothbrush with left hand x2
  • 638 – rubs face with right hand after Ran’s kick
  • 638 - Holds paper airplane preferentially with left hand (when not using two hands)
  • 639 – Spins airplane around in right hand
  • 639 – holds airplane in right while pointing with left
  • 639 - touches left hand to chin while thinking x3
  • 639 - rips page out using right to steady, left to tear
  • 639 – holding pen to draw and fill a circle with left hand
  • 640 – Holds paper airplane preferentially with left hand (when not using two hands)
  • 640 - touches left hand to chin while thinking
  • 640 – adjusts glasses with left hand
  • 640 – holds glass with left hand, right to prop chin
  • 665 – holds chin in left hand (opposite of Conan)
  • 666 – gestures to Conan with left hand
  • 666 – knocks away knife with left hand
  • 691 – stirring curry with left hand while holding pot with right
  • 700 – Adjusts glasses with right hand
  • 702 – right hand to touch glasses
  • 704 - blocked Jodie with right arm (He may not have a choice because of positioning but I'm going to call it right handed anyway)
  • 704 - helped Jodie up with left hand
  • 755 - places left hand on bad guy’s shoulder (unknown, setting up for attack?)
  • 755 – left hand to gesture
  • 755 – left hand to show off tracker glasses
  • 755 – right hand to turn key in lock while supporting with left
  • 811 – Grabs Haibara's wrist with left hand
  • 811 – Readjusts scarf with both hands

Using phones, radios, listening devices

  • 638 – fiddles with cellphone with left hand
  • 664 – holds cellphone with left hand, but suddenly switches to right in the next panel (art error?)
  • 702 – right hand to fiddle with cellphone
  • 776 – listening to earpiece in left ear
  • 800 – Places headset in right ear using right hand
  • 800 – Listens to headset using right ear (opposite Amuro and Sera)


  • 639 – right hand to take book from right hand pocket (would be awkward crossing body)
  • 704 – Shakes Mouri’s hand with right (unavoidable: etiquette)
  • 755 – left hand to open door (left side hinges)
  • 809 – Opens car door with left hand (door to Okiya's left)


Known left handed. Note that I think Gin’s handedness was incorrectly portrayed in the first chapter.


  • 16 – Left to hold and fire gun
  • 239 - (dream Gin) left to hold gun
  • 241 – left to shoot
  • 242 – left to aim gun, right to hold hair (note doing it the other way around would require him to switch gun hands)
  • 242– left to shoot
  • 383 - left hand to point gun
  • 383 – cocks pistol in a left handed fashion (left on grip, right to slide)
  • 383 – holds pistol in left hand
  • 500 – left to hold gun while sitting in car
  • 504 - pulls gun on Vermouth with left hand
  • 504 – grabs Korn’s rifle with right hand, but uses left hand style (left finger on trigger while supporting with right, using left eye
  • 606 – left to hold handgun
  • 607 – left to hold handgun
  • 607 – left to hold handgun
  • 702/703 – left to hold handgun (In this situation I believe Gin planned to be sitting on the left side of the car so he can use his dominant hand to aim at Kir)


  • 1 - right hand to adjust hat
  • 1 - not sure about which hand was forward on his grip on lead pipe, but held it in right had afterward
  • 1 – Opened APTX container with left hand, while pulling pill out with right
  • 1 - Propped Shinichi up with left, administered pill and water with right
  • 1 - right hand to adjust hat
  • 33 – Briefcase under left arm
  • 33 – Looks at watch on left wrist (note Vodka’s on right wrist in same chap. After this chapter watches seemed to switch to off side wrist instead of dominant side)
  • 33 – Briefcase under right arm
  • 33 - lights cigarette with left hand (note Gosho reverses picture later for some reason)
  • 238 - Left to light cigarette with match
  • 238 - left hand to pick up hair while driving, right on handle.
  • 238 - left hand to find bug under seat while driving, right on handle
  • 238 – left hand to examine then crush bug while driving, right on handle
  • 287 – left to stub cigarette in Vodka’s martini
  • 287 – right to grab Vermouth’s head and pin her, left to attack with the ice pick
  • 287 – left to dispense cigarette
  • 383 – takes CD case from Vodka with right hand
  • 383 - picks up Vodka’s cigarette with left while holding CD-case in right hand
  • 383 – removes CD- case backing and displays case with tracker to Vodka using left hand.
  • 383 – crushes bug with left while still holding the CD-case in his right hand
  • 383 - removes right hand glove and feels for radiant heat from case with right hand (may be significance to using off-hand here)
  • 383 – holds CD case in left hand
  • 503 – left to point at map
  • 503 - grabs shoe with left hand
  • 504 – shushes Vodka with right hand index finger
  • 504 – fishes Conan’s bug out of left breast pocket with right hand and holds it in right hand to speak into it

Using phones, radios, listening devices

  • 177 – left shoulder then left hand on cell-phone while driving, right on handle
  • 238 - left hand on cell-phone while driving, right on handle, left to hang up
  • 239 – left to use cellphone (not driving)
  • 434 – cell propped on left shoulder while using left to drive and right to fiddle to light cigarette
  • 434 – left to hold cell, right to drive.
  • 501 – left to hold cell while in passenger seat
  • 502 – left to hold radio in one panel, then switched to right hand in next panel appearance, then back to left again for 2 panels, then back to right for two panels
  • 503 – dialing cell with left hand in passenger seat
  • 503 - holds radio with left hand
  • 503 – holds radio with left hand
  • 553 – left to use cell while in passenger seat.
  • 603 – right hand to hold first radio (This may be unavoidable if the radio has a cord and is attached to the dash on Gin's right.[4])
  • 603 – talks in second radio with right hand. (was sitting in passenger seat so crossover would be awkward would be awkward to grab it.)
  • 603 – Switched first radio to left hand to speak into it.
  • 609 - left to hold radio
  • 704 - left hand to dial phone


  • 1 - right hand to cover face (no choice because of side police are on)
  • 16 - Left to block Vodka (no choice Gin was slightly to Vodka’s right)
  • 177 - uses car lighter with right hand - not unexpected since he is the driver and using the left would requiring crossing over his body
  • 238 – (dream Gin) right to adjust review mirror (Note it would be awkward to adjust it with his left as that would require crossing over his body and blocking his view in the mirror)
  • 238 - Left to ward off car while crossing road (unavoidable because that is direction car is coming. Crossing over the body would be awkward)
  • 238 – left to shut car door while getting in driver’s side (using other hand be awkward )
  • 241 – left to open car door to exit (using other hand be awkward)
  • 242– left to shoot own right arm
  • 242– left to shoot (right arm had been shot)
  • 383 – transfers pistol to right hand to open lockers (left side hinges)
  • 383 – left to close lockers (left side hinges)
  • 504 – Right hand to dispense cigarettes, left to grab car lighter (crossover would be awkward)
  • 553 – flicks cigarette out window with right hand (crossover would be awkward)


Known right handed (wore and looked at watch on opposite wrist as Gin's in one case)


  • 1- right hand to draw gun, briefcase stowed under left arm
  • 241 – right to fire gun
  • 242 – right to shoot
  • 383- takes flashlight in left hand, gun in right for search


  • 1 – right hand to return film
  • 1 – briefcase under right arm
  • 33 –Waved Conan off with right
  • 33 – Looks at watch on right wrist (Note Gin’s is on left wrist. After this chapter watches seemed to switch to off side wrist instead of dominant side)
  • 33 - lights cigarette with right hand
  • 239 – Right to raise hood/bonnet of Porsche
  • 239 – right to use bug-scanner/radio/whatever that object is
  • 241 – left to hold computer, right to type
  • 287 – right to hold martini
  • 383 – Vodka’s watch on left wrist now, likely continuity error
  • 383 – hold flashlight with right hand
  • 383 – put flashlight under right arm to free right hand to pick up a check with the right, while opening the locker with the left (left hinged locker door)
  • 383 – right hand to grab taped down CD-case and hand it to Gin
  • 502 – right to turn off monitor

Using phones, radios, listening devices

  • 381 – left to talk on cellphone for a single panel, then right to talk on the cellphone for the rest of the panels (note the hand used switched in the middle of the same scene) minor art continuity error?
  • 382 – left to talk on cellphone, right to drive (left side drive)
  • 383 – remove right hand glove to pick at tape sticking down CD-case, while holding cellphone with left hand
  • 434 – right hand to hold cell (standing)
  • 503 – talking on radio with right while driving with left hand.
  • 702 – talking on cellphone with left hand while parked


  • 1 - right hand to cover face (no choice because of side police are on)
  • 33 – touches suitcase with right hand (left not practical because of cross body)
  • 241 - right arm to open door (right hand door)
  • 241 – right to fiddle with Baijiu bottle
  • 383 - right hand to talk on cellphone while using left to open door to exit car
  • 383 – right to hold flashlight while lighting cigarette with left (would have had to switch flashlight hands)

Sera Masumi


  • 768: Right hand to grip overhead bar
  • 768: Left hand strike at Ran followed by a high right leg sweep. (Ambiguous as hand to hand combat relies on effective use of both hands and legs.
User:BlackWings says: Likewise, while her return to a southpaw stance with her front/right hand occupied indicates this is her natural stance, but says little of handedness, especially since she's a Jeet Kune Do practitioner[5])
  • 768: Grabbed pervert’s hand with right hand
  • 769: Gestures to ears with left hand
  • 769: Grabs chin with left hand
  • 769: Examines string evidence with hanky using right hand
  • 769: Touches paint can with right hand
  • 770: Rubs back of head with right hand
  • 770: Facepalms with left hand
  • 771: Right hand to touch face
  • 771: Bag over left shoulder (opposite Sonoko)
  • 771: Facepalms with right hand
  • 771: Right hand to touch face
  • 771: Grabs Ran’s phone with right hand, pretend to close it on the phone strap, and set it down.
  • 773: Left hand to touch face
  • 774: Gripping bag with left hand over left shoulder (same as Sonoko)
  • 777: Uses right handed mouse
  • 778 – Touches face with right hand
  • 787 – Bag over left shoulder using left hand(same as Sonoko)
  • 798 – Right hand to fiddle with helmet
  • 798 – Bluetooth device (or whatever it is) clipped to left lapel (set for right hand answer as shown later)
  • 798 – Right hand to raise helmet.
  • 799 – Helmet under right arm
  • 801 – Switches school bag to left arm over shoulder. (Bags over shoulders tend to switch up hands a lot.)
  • 801 – Touches face with right hand.
  • 801 – Gestures to Ran with right hand

Using phones, radios, listening devices

  • 798 – Using left hand to hold phone to ear.
  • 800 – Answers phone with right hand
  • 800 – Holding phone earpiece in left ear with left hand (Same as Amuro and opposite Okiya)
  • 801 – Using left hand to hold phone to ear. Possibly unavoidable since holding school bag under right arm.


  • 769: Grabs Conan’s head with right hand (Conan was standing on Sera’s right)
  • 771: Blocks Ran with left hand (Ran was standing on Sera’s left)
  • 773: Right hand to whisper to Ran (Ran was standing on Sera’s right) and then uses same hand’s finger to make a shush sign

Amuro Tohru


  • 793 – Serves Ran cake with right hand
  • 793 – Grabs Banba’s shoulders with right hand
  • 793 – Holding platter with left hand (keeps right hand free)
  • 793 – Grabs head with right hand after being knocked down. Left to support
  • 793 – Takes glasses off with right hand
  • 794 – Touches face with right hand
  • 795 – Holding platter with left hand (keeps right hand free)
  • 795 – Left hand to mouth to whisper
  • 795 – Right hand to salute
  • 796 – Points to self with right hand
  • 796 – Holds coffee cup in right hand
  • 796 – Examining coffee cup by holding it in his left hand
  • 796 – Right hand to face to make “shush” gesture
  • 797 – Left hand to focus voice.
  • 797 – Right hand to hang up Ran’s phone
  • 797 – Left hand to face to make “shush” gesture
  • 797 – Right hand to hold up bug detector. (several times)
  • 797 – Right hand to use bug detector (several times)
  • 798 – Right hand to examine condition of body in suitcase
  • 798 – Right hand to focus voice.
  • 800 – Touches face with left hand

Using phones, radios, listening devices

  • 800 – Answers phone with left hand (Same as Sera and opposite Okiya)
  • 808 – Deletes message on touchscreen phone using only right hand.


  • 796 – Closes door with left hand (looking around room, left side hinges)
  • 796 – Right hand to open door (right side hinges)
  • 798 – Right hand to open door (right side hinges)
  • 800 – Grabbing Ran (she is to his left.)


  1. ^ Inigo Montoya: I admit it; you are better than I am.
    Man in Black: Then why are you smiling?
    Inigo: Because I know something you don't know.
    Man in Black: And what is that?
    Inigo: I am not left handed!

    None of this type thing in the long term.
  2. ^ It is unlikely Akai is really right handed because of the preponderance of other left handed uses of weapons, and that it would be very foolish to use his off dominant hand on a one-try-only precision shot from 700 yards
  3. ^ It was a random patient's gift basket so setting the fruit down wherever would be rude; holding the fruit in his hands without setting it down would be more polite, necessitating the use of the right hand.
  4. ^ The radio doesn't have an antenna, but unfortunately the art isn't clear enough to tell.
  5. ^ Many fighters deviate from the traditional "lefties fight southpaw, righties fight orthodox" idea, and Bruce Lee was one of them, believing that one should place the dominant hand in the front ("lefties fight orthodox, righties fight southpaw") to shorten the distance between the hand and the target - not all JKD users adhere to this idea, but the principle is taught in a number of schools, and some, particularly Jun Fan branch schools, train their students this way.