Subaru Okiya

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Subaru Okiya

Subaru Okiya Profile.jpg

Japanese name: 沖矢 昴
(Okiya Subaru)
Age: 27
Gender: Female
First appearance: Manga: File 622
Anime: Episode 509
Appearances: Subaru Okiya appearances
Cases solved: 2
Keyhole number: Volume 60
Japanese voice: Ryotaro Okiayu

Subaru Okiya (沖矢 昴 Okiya Subaru?) is an engineering student who currently resides in Shinichi Kudo's house next to Professor Agasa. It is strongly hinted that he is the Black Organization member Bourbon although another popular theory is that Okiya is Shuichi Akai disguised after faking his death with Hidemi Hondou's help.


Gosho Aoyama's colored drawing of Subaru Okiya in the keyhole for Volume 60.

Okiya is a graduate student attending Tokyo University to earn a doctorate degree in engineering. He originally lived at a boarding house, where the landlord's son nicknamed him "Red Man," after a firetruck, because he frequently saw him watering the plants. After the boarding house burned down in the Red, White, and Yellow Arson Case, Conan suggested he move into Shinichi's house, explaining to Agasa and Haibara that someone living in the house would help to hide his (Shinichi's) disappearance. When Haibara protested, Conan cheerfully responded that someone who loves Sherlock Holmes cannot be a bad person - much to Haibara's consternation.[1] Nevertheless, Conan decided to keep from Subaru which persons - specifically Ran - were closely connected to Shinichi.[2]

Okiya is left-handed and greatly admires the deductive power of Sherlock Holmes. He is also an excellent detective as he was able to solve several mysteries including the paper airplane case[3], the Ikkaku Rock case [4], and the 13 red shirts mystery.[5] He is also shown to be calm in crisis situations and quite skilled at hand to hand combat, capable of knocking a knife out of someone's hand [6] and easily KOing a kidnapper without so much as ruffling his clothing.[7] Okiya also knows how to enable the tracking function of Conan's glasses and that they track the detective boy's badges despite the fact Conan has never used the glasses in front of Okiya.[7]


Okiya is generally shown to be quiet and reserved, often seeming unfazed by normally stressful situations, such as when Ran attacked him while he was brushing his teeth, believing he had broken into Shinichi's house[8], or when a murderer grabbed Ayumi as a hostage.[6] He often tends to behave in a friendly and modest manner, smiling and rubbing the back of his head whenever someone compliments him or says anything about him. He enjoys cooking and seems ready and willing to help with various tasks. He doesn't mind interacting with the Detective Boys, is always polite to them, and listens to their theories during cases.

Okiya becomes more serious while working on cases and enjoys revealing the truth to others similar to Conan. Sometimes he speaks mysteriously, leaving the meaning and intentions of what he said open to interpretation. Okiya has a more menacing side seen whenever he takes to the offensive or is intently focusing on something. In this frame of mind, Okiya triggers Haibara's Black Organization sense.


Haibara senses the Black Organization aura from Okiya.


Okiya is an intelligent character with observation and case solving abilities comparable to Conan's. On his first meeting with Sonoko and Ran, he correctly deduces they had been to the restaurant "Wonder Burger" and what they had to eat while they were there.[9] He tends to hold back to allow Conan or others to present their conclusions rather than take center stage himself.[10]

Black Organization aura

Okiya emits what Haibara describes as the aura of the Black Organization when he is intently focused on another person[11] or is acting as an aggressor.[12] Haibara only gets the feeling from him transiently.

Okiya knocks a knife out of a hostage taker's hands

Hand to hand combat

Okiya demonstrates he is skilled in hand to hand combat when he knocks away the knife a culprit had been using to hold Ayumi hostage with one hand and rescues her from the culprit's grasp in the same quick movement.[13] He also easily KOs a kidnapper without so much as ruffling his clothing, although he later comes up with the excuse that he found the kidnapper passed out near the stairs, most likely from losing his footing.[7]

Okiya is also shown to possess great physical resilience: Upon their first encounter, Ran, mistaking Okiya for a burglar, kicked him straight in the jaw, but unlike her many other victims, that blow failed to knock him out instantly.

Plot overview

Red, white, and yellow arson case (Manga: 622-624, Anime: 509-510)

Subaru Okiya standing in front of the remains of his burnt apartment talking with Inspector Yuminaga.

After school, Conan receives a phone call from Jodie who tells him that the Black Organization has activated a new member codenamed Bourbon. Meanwhile, the Detective Boys receive a request from their classmate, Kaito Suigiura, to investigate the actions of a strange man at his father's apartment building which is close to Shinichi and Agasa's house[14] The next day the Detective Boys find that the apartment has been burned down. Subaru Okiya first appeared as one of the suspects in this arson case. When Inspector Yuminaga introduces the detective boys to the suspects, Okiya gives Ai Haibara the chills which she only gets from those who have been in the Black Organization, although she isn't sure who is responsible at the time and the feeling of pressure unexpectedly disappears.

The revelation that Kaito Suigiura's diary describes a suspicious "yellow" tenant who had argued with the landlord the night the apartment was burnt down leads to the police to question the three suspects about their alibis at the time of the arson as well as their favorite color. Subaru Okiya's alibi was that he was driving alone that night long the verdant Teimuzu river to clear his head after submitting a paper to his professor. Although he likes the greenery of plants, Okiya declared that his favorite is black, "because it covers things inside me that I don't want known", although he hates the color for the same reason.

Conan and Subaru Okiya seem to hit it off when Okiya recognizes Conan quote a line from Sir AC Doyle's "The Adventure of the Copper Beeches". After Conan solves the case, Okiya asks to meet Professor Agasa. After introducing himself, Okiya asks Professor Agasa if he could stay for at his house until he finds another place to live, offering to help Agasa with his research in the spare time. Agasa consents, as long as Haibara also agrees, but Haibara strongly refuses. Conan chimes in offering Shinichi's house, saying that Shinichi has gone missing all of a sudden and Conan will tell Shinichi later that Okiya moved in. Conan overrules Haibara's concerns that the Org may find out through Okiya that Shinichi is still alive by simply saying, "A Holmes fan can't be a bad person!" Conan gives Okiya the key along with the request to take care of the place while he (Shinichi) is gone and Okiya agrees.

Sports Car Arson Case (Manga: 635-637, Anime: 524-525)

Conan and Agasa are quick to view Okiya as a resource, seen in the Rolls Royce explosion case where Agasa suggests calling Okiya to bring gasoline when his beetle runs out in a remote location, and later in the same case where Conan secretly asks for his help to set up a trap to trick the culprit into confessing. Okiya secretly watches Conan's plan to trick the culprit into confessing in action.

Paper airplane case (Manga: 638-640, Anime: 510-511)

Ran Mouri greets Subaru Okiya with a kick to the face after mistaking him for a robber.

Ran and Sonoko visit Shinichi's house to clean up unaware that Okiya is living there, and they confront him thinking he is a thief. Okiya fails to explain fast enough and winds up on the receiving end of Ran's karate kick. Conan calls Ran to explain that Okiya has been living in the house after the fire and warns her not to talk about Shinichi in front of him. After the two girls apologize, Okiya correctly deduces they had been to "Welcome Burger" earlier. Okiya makes a strong impression on Sonoko, while Ran thinks "he looks like someone" and she had met him before.

Subaru Okiya figuring out the paper airplane message.

Sonoko then concocts a deduction battle between Okiya and Shinichi to see who can solve the mystery of the paper airplane first. Shinichi and Subaru prove to be equally skilled although neither know they are competing against one another. During the detective showdown, Okiya overhears Sonoko talking about Shinichi's deductions and asks this Shinichi is also the landlord of the house. Ran, thinking of Conan's warning not to talk about Shinichi to Okiya, interrupts Sonoko to say they are consulting one "Kinichi" and that the landlord Shinichi has no special deduction ability. Okiya easily sees through the lie and reveals he had looked around the house but found no personally identifying items. Sonoko and Ran leave to find another paper airplane and Okiya is left to ponder over the landlord.

The deduction battle continues with Okiya and Conan matching each others' deductions perfectly. With the case solved, Okiya suggests that he will leave calling the police up to Ran and Sonoko because they have police acquaintances, revealing he knows something of the backgrounds of the girls and their connections. When the pair leaves, Okiya celebrates the successful resolution of the case with a Sherlock Holmes story and a glass of bourbon.

Ikkaku rock (Manga: 664-666, Anime: 542-543)

Okiya stops Ai Haibara from slipping off a dock.

Okiya's next appearance occurs when he comes at the request of Professor Agasa to pick up the detective boys who had gone fishing. Haibara is again suspicious of him, but Conan brushes her feeling aside. Okiya stops Haibara from slipping and offers to cook the Detective boy's fish. When the Detective Boys stop at an island called Ikkaku Rock, Okiya Subaru takes a group photo. The gang stumble into onto a dead woman who appeared to have gotten lost and died on accident, but Okiya and Conan quickly recognize that she was deliberately abandoned to die. When Inspector Jugo Yokomizo tried to prevent the Detective Boys from questioning the suspects, Okiya stepped in, pointing out that sometimes a child's perspective can be the hint that unlocks the truth and, "Weren't there a number of cases that were solved as a result of some hint from these children?" revealing he knows about the Detective Boys' many prior successes.[15] Indeed, with such a hint from Mitsuhiko and Haibara, Conan and Okiya simultaneously realize who the culprit is. After they took turns explaining the case, the culprit pulled out a knife and grabbed Ayumi Yoshida as a hostage. Conan didn't have any gadgets to help him. At that moment, Haibara felt a menacing aura from Okiya, and he slowly approached the criminal, saying he couldn't escape and even if he did, could he bear the pressure and loneliness of hiding in fear of someone uncovering his identity? The provoked criminal removed the knife from Ayumi's neck and lunged at Okiya. In one effortless movement, Okiya knocked the criminal's knife away and took Ayumi from his grasp. Despite his rescue, the malicious pressure Okiya emitted and his words left a strong impression on Haibara who is certain he is one of the Black Organization members.

A Dangerous Couple (Manga: 680, Anime: 557)

Later, Haibara, who had gone with Professor Agasa on a trip because she did not want to be alone while Okiya was around, demanded that Conan find some excuse to kick Okiya out of Shinichi's house. She explained to Conan that she thinks Conan is keeping him around and using her as bait in order to spy on him. Conan replies that he thinks Okiya is a good man and as for using Haibara as bait, "I-Idiot, you think I would do that!?"[16]

Haunted Warehouse (Manga: 691, Anime: 572)

Conan calls Agasa and finds out he invited Subaru Okiya over to cook because Haibara was out. Agasa says Okiya is a pretty good cook.

Thirteen Red Shirts Case (Manga: 700-704, Anime: 578-581)

Subaru Okiya knocks Jodie Starling over to prevent her from catching up with Scar Akai.

Jodie Starling visits the Beika Department Store, the origin of Scar Akai's cap, to look for clues about him. Okiya follows her there. Subaru Okiya, along with Scar Akai and Conan, is then trapped on one of the department store floors by a bomber demanding to find the sender of thirteen red shirts. Meanwhile the Black Organization has heard that someone who looks like Akai appeared at the department store. Gin and Vodka park outside the department store with the snipers Chianti and Korn to wait for scar Akai.

Back on the bombed floor, Subaru Okiya takes an interest in the red shirts case. He solves the flag semaphore message and deduces it has to do with an incident in the mountains. Okiya then sees Scar Akai in the crowd and ducks away before scar Akai could spot him. Okiya goes to the windows out front and spies Gin's Porsche and Chianti who has set up in a hotel across the street.

Conan tranquilizes Kogoro Mouri to begin his deduction show just as Kogoro receives an anonymous text message containing a mostly complete solution to the case from Scar Akai. After the case is over, Andre Camel reveals to Jodie the Black Organization are waiting outside with a sniper. Jodie rushes after scar Akai to stop him from being killed, but is prevented from reaching him by Okiya who knocks her over.

To prevent Scar Akai from being shot, Conan stirs the crowd up by lying that the store is giving out 10,000 yen gift cards. Okiya confronts Conan, who is surprised to see him, and introduces himself to Kogoro Mouri. He reveals that he was trapped on the bombed floor and tells Conan he was in the area because he visited the Teito bank and followed Conan when he saw Conan enter the Beika Dept store. He leaves Conan with the mysterious quote:

Remember how there was a robbery at that bank? There was someone I knew in the footage from that robbery, so I was trying to find out if they use that bank. If that person uses it, they must live nearby. I was hoping to run into them.... Well, coincidentally they were also on this floor, but it turned out to be a look-alike, so I didn't say anything. I know that person from a long time ago, so there is no way I would mistake them with a look-alike.

— File 704 pg 16, Subaru Okiya

Communications Code (Manga: 755), (Anime: 623)

Subaru Okiya with Conan's tracking glasses.

Okiya comes to rescue Conan and the detective boys who had been trapped by kidnappers in a building. Okiya thought they had encountered trouble when he noticed that no lights came on at Agasa's house after dark, and when he went over to inspect, the front door was unlocked, nobody was there, and two suspicious phone calls arrived. Okiya uses a spare pair of Conan's tracking glasses in order to find the detective boys, proving he knows about the function of Conan's tracking glasses and that they lock onto the detective badges.[17] Conan has never used the tracking glasses in front of Okiya before. Okiya KO's one of the kidnappers, but tells the detective boys that the robber fell down the stairs. When Haibara questions why he had been paying so much attention to Agasa's house, Okiya tells her he wanted to give them some extra curry he had made for lunch.

Ayumi Kidnapping Case (Manga: 775-776)

Masumi Sera stops Genta and Mitsuhiko outside of Agasa's house to ask them if they are acquaintances of Professor Agasa's. The topic of Shinichi comes up when she talks to the two detective boys about the prior hostage case. Sera asks who is living in the Kudo house now because she saw the curtains shift slightly. The detective boys tell her that Subaru Okiya has been staying there since his apartment burnt down.

Subaru hearing Conan's conversation.

Sera cryptically comments with a smirk on her face, "And here I thought that someone had just settled in without permission...But it seems I was just getting worked up over nothing..." while looking up at where Okiya Subaru is hiding and secretly observing the conversation.

Later, after Genta ruins Agasa's curry, Okiya secretly follows the detective boys on an errand to buy new ingredients. He tails the detective boys rather closely; Haibara, who is wearing a hat, seems determined not to acknowledge his presence. He stops and looks over his shoulder to watch a car that parked on a side street. The car pulls out of sight and Okiya turns away and continues on, but soon enough car reverses back into its former position. Okiya is later seen in the grocery store, and he worriedly watches Conan and Haibara dash out of the grocery store after hearing that Sera saw Haibara's reflection in Agasa's glasses in an online video. Okiya follows the detective boys back and listens into Conan's conversation at Agasa's via an earpiece while watching on the professor's house from one of the Kudo household's upper story windows.

Murder at Mouri Detective Agency (Manga: 798-800)

Okiya appears at Haibara and Agasa's house and goes with them in his car to save Conan who had been kidnapped. During the chase, Okiya uses the phrase "Don't make that kind of face", to reassure Haibara that he will definitely catch up to Conan. When he pulls up behind the suspect's car, he leans out the driver's side and puts his hand in his jacket, likely to pull out a handgun to shoot out the suspect's tires. Okiya aborts this plan when Tooru Amuro pulls up alongside him and they look at one another. Amuro and Sera successfully stop the kidnapper and Okiya drives away without delaying at the scene.

Don't make that kind of face (Manga: 802)

In chapter 802, Haibara hears the same "Don't make that kind of face" phrase from Conan, causing her to remember both the statement that Okiya made in chapter 800, and Akai making the same statement while under the Dai Moroboshi persona about protecting her sister. After this Haibara begins referring to Okiya using his given name "Subaru".

Ski trip delay (Manga: 809-811)

Haibara and Conan are late for a ski trip with professor Agasa and the detective boys because Haibara forgot something at Agasa's house. Unable to rouse the drunk sleeping Kogoro into getting a rental car, Haibara suggests calling Okiya for a ride. Conan is surprised at Haibara's change of heart regarding Okiya. On the way to the ski site, Okiya suggests he might join in because he feels he has been getting out of shape. Haibara directly questions Okiya about why he needs to stay in shape. Okiya comments, "Well, in a way... I do want to look good for the ladies." A murder case happens, interrupting the trip. After Conan runs off to question the suspects with Takagi, Subaru examines the body and gives his thoughts. Haibara suggests that he is rather knowledgeable about murders. Okiya gently corrects her, saying his interest is derived from his love of Holmes, and that he likes solving puzzles.

"Because of that promise I made her".

Subaru said: "Beyond here is my area....and not your territory...Adults get cold...They're not outdoor creatures, after all..."

Yusaku Kudo's Cold Case (Manga: 812-814)

Ran, Sonoko, and Sera go to Shinichi's house to find pictures of a ten year old crime scene similar to a case they just stumbled upon earlier. Sera enters the bathroom looking for Conan and encounters Subaru brushing his teeth with his neck uncovered. Sera becomes suspicious of him. She also wonders if he has invited a woman over when she finds a woman's hair tie. While the three girls are trying to solve the case, they decide to call Shinichi, and Conan is obligated to go to the bathroom and take the call. Subaru notices this and realizes he is going to play the Shinichi Kudo role. Rather than disturbing him, Subaru sends a message to Shinichi via Ran, telling him the name "Kumogakure Saizou", a clue to solve the case. After revealing the truth, Conan runs out from the bathroom, but he does not realize that Subaru had been watching him. Subaru points out Conan left his bowtie on his cellphone and then teases him by pretending to address Conan as Shinichi Kudo before suddenly switching topics.

Relationships analysis

Subaru has met Conan, Haibara, Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, Genta, Inspector Yuminaga, Professor Agasa, Ran, Sonoko,[18] Jugo Yokomizo, Kogoro, Jodie Starling, Scar Akai[19], Wataru Takagi and Masumi Sera.

Conan Edogawa

Conan trusts Okiya for the most part, and they maintain an amicable relationship. Conan easily lends Okiya the keys to his house.[1] Conan also trusts Okiya to help in cases that put him in close contact with both Ai Haibara and him, like switching out the gasoline in a container for water to solve a case,[20] or calling him to pick up everyone when Agasa’s car broke down.[21] Okiya respects Conan and his intelligence and they both can solve cases at about the same level. Conan tells Haibara he is trustworthy because he is a fellow Sherlock Holmes fan, much to her annoyance.

Hiroshi Agasa

Okiya and Agasa maintain a good relationship with one another. The professor often asks him for favors, like picking the detective boys up from a fishing trip. Agasa also lets Okiya come over and cook from time to time and he will make Agasa food to return the favor, like stir-fried onions and curry. Agasa also seems well informed about when Okiya has free time and is available for favors or when he is on the road.

Ai Haibara

Ai Haibara doesn't trust Okiya because he gives her the chills which she only gets from those who have been in the Black Organization. She hides from him behind Conan when they meet in person and avoids being alone in Agasa's house when he is around. On his part, Okiya is kind to Haibara and seems to look out for her.

Haibara's opinion changes, however, in File 800 after Okiya consoles her when Conan is being abducted by a culprit in a crime. It is revealed afterwards that this is because what he said was similar to what Shuichi Akai had once told her when he was Akemi Miyano's lover (Haibara's sister). Because of this, Haibara gains trust in Okiya and starts calling him by his name.[22]


Okiya's allegiances, goals, and true identity -if he has one- have not been officially revealed.


Okiya smirking after telling Conan that he saw Scar Akai at the Beika department store.

As mentioned above, it is frequently hinted that he may be Black Organization member Bourbon. Okiya is intelligent and observant, much like Hidemi Hondou describes Bourbon. In both the Paper Airplane Case and the Department Store Bomber case he is shown to be exactly on par with Conan.[23][24] Okiya is also shown to be drinking Maker's Mark brand bourbon after the Paper Plane Case.[25]

During the Department Store Bomber Case, Okiya notices Scar Akai, but when Scar Akai turns to look in his direction, he has suddenly moved out of sight to the back of the crowd, hiding his face and smiling.[24] He also smiles when he sees Chianti in the building across the street, aiming at the store entrance.[26]

Haibara has told Conan that Okiya definitely gives her the dreaded feeling she gets from the Black Organization,[27] and she became certain he was with them during the Ikkaku Rock Case, where he gave a speech to the culprit about how impossible it is to ever truly escape anything, a speech she felt was intended for her[6] When Haibara asks why Conan would allow someone as suspicious as him live in the Kudo house, he jokingly answers "No one who likes Holmes can be bad",[1] but Haibara thinks Conan's real reason is to observe Okiya for suspicious activity.[28]

Ran also feels uneasy around him and thinks he looks familiar.[29] At Shinichi's request, Ran goes out of her way to refrain from talking to Okiya about him during the Paper Airplane Case, although Okiya seems to realize anyway who the mystery loving classmate Ran is talking about is Shinichi.

In chapter 800, Vermouth is seen talking to Bourbon over the phone, and congratulates him/her of gaining "their" trust. At the time Subaru Okiya, Tooru Amuro, and Masumi Sera were also talking on the phone.[29]

In chapter 813, Okiya makes a comment about a rumor he has heard of Shinichi losing his life during a case, information that could possibly point to him being Bourbon based on the fact that the rest of the world believes him to simply to have disappeared, while the members of the Black Organization believe him to be dead due to the effects of the drug Shinichi was forced to take. [30]

Shuichi Akai

Okiya and Akai have similar faces.

Besides Bourbon, another popular theory is that Okiya is Shuichi Akai who had faked his death with Rena Mizunashi's help. Except for the hair and the glasses, Okiya and Akai look very similar and have similar builds. The glasses Okiya is wearing may be an incorrect prescription, forcing him to squint on purpose similar to what happened with Genta’s dad.[31] Okiya is also left-handed like Shuichi Akai.

Conan appears to instantly trust Subaru Okiya, uncharacteristically ignoring Haibara's bad reaction to him. He also doesn't mind that Okiya is around Haibara, letting him stay at Shinichi's house next door and even suggesting to her to call him when Agasa's beetle broke down. The reason "A Holmes fan can't be a bad person!"[32] Conan gives Haibara as to why he trusts Okiya makes no sense, since the Holmes Freak Murder case[33] involved only Sherlock fans and the password to the APTX data was Sherringford, an indication someone in the Black Organization may be also be a Holmes fan.

Conan also seemed to know about Okiya’s address before ever meeting him.[34] Ran also feels she recognizes Okiya from somewhere.[35] Ran has met Akai three times prior to meeting Okiya.[36][37][38]. Finally, Okiya Subaru is a pun on "Char Aznable", which is also the source of "Shuichi Akai" and his alias "Dai Moroboshi" as well.

In File 800, Subaru Okiya, along with Haibara, goes to rescue Conan who gets kidnapped by the culprit in a crime. When Haibara becomes visibly anxious about the situation, Okiya says, "Don't make that kind of face, I won't let them get away." Haibara is consoled by these words and gains new-found trust in Okiya. In File 802, Haibara's changed opinion is revealed in her flashback that a similar quote was spoken by Shuichi when he was Akemi Miyano's lover.[39] The theory that Okiya is Akai requires that the Akai with the scar is a different character in disguise, possibly Bourbon, because both Subaru and Scar Akai both appear in the same crowd at the same time.[40]

Third Party

Some amount of fans have also been making third party theories; theories in which Subaru is neither Akai nor Bourbon, but someone else entirely. These theories include, but are not limited to Okiya being part of Interpol, CIA, or one of Akai's unknown connections.

Name origin

Okiya's name comes from Casval (sounds like Kyasubaru in Japanese) Rem Deikun, the real name of Mobile Suit Gundam character Char Aznable, whom Shuichi Akai is also named after.


If I had to choose, I'd say black because it is a color that covers things inside me that I don't want known. Well, I hate the color black for the same reason as well.

— File 623 page 7, Subaru Okiya responding to Inspector Yuminaga's question about what is his favorite color.

0.12%... That would be the probability that a criminal will succeed in escaping. That's about 1 in every 1000 people; however, of those that fall under the devil's influence, many grow tired of leading a false life and living in fear. If we eliminate those who eventually surrender to the police and those that opt for suicide, the amount that do successfully escape amounts to nearly zero. Are you prepared to endure the feelings of loneliness and pressure as a result of your actions?

— File 666 page 14, Subaru Okiya speaking off the top of his head trying to provoke a culprit holding Ayumi hostage into turning his knife on him instead. It worked.

Although... I would like to serve that lot some hot and bitter coffee... that lot waiting so anxiously in the heat for their prey...

— File 703 page 5, Subaru Okiya talking to a waitress about the Black Organization staking out the Beika Department store.

Remember how there was a robbery at that bank? There was someone I knew in the footage from that robbery, so I was trying to find out if they use that bank. If that person uses it, they must live nearby. I was hoping to run into them.... Well, coincidentally they were also on this floor, but it turned out to be a look-alike, so I didn't say anything. I know that person from a long time ago, so there is no way I would mistake them with a look-alike.

— File 704 page 16, Subaru Okiya talking to Conan about his encounter with Scar Akai.


Haibara serves the extra curry Okiya made to the Detective Boys.
  • Okiya describes his own cooking skills modestly[41], but Agasa says he in an excellent cook.[42]
  • Subaru Okiya is left handed.[43]
  • Okiya likes to drive on Namiki road by the Teimuzu River because the green trees and foliage are calming. He also likes to water plants for this reason.[44]
  • Okiya's favorite color is black.[44]

See also


  1. ^ a b c Manga Volume 60 File 5: The New Neighbor
  2. ^ Manga Volume 60 File 638 - Paper Airplane
  3. ^ Manga Volume 61 File 8-10: Paper Airplane
  4. ^ Manga Volume 64 File 2-4: Ikkaku rock
  5. ^ Manga Volume 67 File 5-8: 13 Red Shirts case
  6. ^ a b c Manga Volume 64 File 3: Thirst for Blood
  7. ^ a b c Manga file 755: "Communications Code"
  8. ^ Manga Volume 61 File 8: Paper Airplane
  9. ^ Manga Chapter 638
  10. ^ Red, White, and Yellow case, Ikkaku Rock, Red Shirts case.
  11. ^ Red, White, and Yellow case
  12. ^ Ikkaku Rock, 252 case
  13. ^ Manga Chapter 666: Thirst For Blood
  14. ^ Based on the Japanese address system, the houses are very close. Okiya's previous apartment was at Beika city district 2 #23A. Agasa's address is Beika city district 2 #22. Shinichi's house address is Beika city district 2 21B. Basically, Okiya's apartment is going to be across in the adjacent block of houses across a little street. The Okiya's apt isn't marked on the map of Beika city, but it should be on the same chunk of buildings that Shinichi's and Agasa's house are (i.e. not separated by a major road as that would change the city district number i.e Mouri agency is city district 5).
  15. ^ Manga Volume 64, File 2, pg 13: "Mackerel, Carp, Sea Bream, Flounder"
  16. ^ Manga Volume 65, File 6, pg 5: "A Dangerous Couple"
  17. ^ Chapter 755 page 14: Communications Code
  18. ^ Manga Volume 60 File 638 - Paper Airplane
  19. ^ Manga Volume 67 File 700-704: Department Store Bomber Case
  20. ^ Manga Volume 61 File 7: Crackle
  21. ^ Manga Volume 61 File 5: Burn
  22. ^ Chapters 800-803:When Objects Collide
  23. ^ Manga Volume 61 Files 8-10 (Paper Airplane Case)
  24. ^ a b Manga Chapter 702: The Bomber's Aim
  25. ^ Manga Volume 61 File 10: Rescue
  26. ^ Manga Chapter 703: The Truth Within the Snow Storm
  27. ^ Manga Volume 64 File 1: Ikkaku Rock
  28. ^ Manga Volume 65 File 6: A Dangerous Couple
  29. ^ a b Manga Volume 61 File 9: Message
  30. ^ Manga Chapter 813: Kinichi-Kun
  31. ^ Manga Chapters 658-660: Boar Scroll Case
  32. ^ Manga Chapter 624: A New Neighbor
  33. ^ Manga Chapters 117-120: Holmes Freak Murder Case
  34. ^ Manga Chapter 622: Red, White and Yellow
  35. ^ Manga Chapter 638: Paper Airplane
  36. ^ Manga Chapter 329: Sato's Odds
  37. ^ Manga Chapters 353-354: Golden Apple Case 4 & 5
  38. ^ Manga Chapters 379-380: Footsteps of Darkness
  39. ^ Manga Chapters 800-802: When Objects Collide
  40. ^ Manga Chapters 700-704: Department Store Bomber Case
  41. ^ Manga Chapter 664
  42. ^ Manga Chapter 692
  43. ^ * Okiya is brushing his teeth with his left hand. (638)
    • Okiya rips a paper out of his notebook and writes on it with his left hand. (639)
    • Okiya pushes up his glasses with left hand. (640)
    • Okiya is holding his glass of bourbon with his left hand. (640)
    • Okiya knocks away a knife using his left hand. (666)
    • Okiya is using his left hand to hold the spatula while stir-frying onions. (691)
    • Okiya is holding Conan's glasses in his left hand. (755)
  44. ^ a b Manga Volume 60, File 4, Page 7: Kuroshiro-kun
Main Characters
Protagonists Shinichi KudoConan EdogawaRan MouriKogoro Mouri
Detective Boys Ai HaibaraAyumi YoshidaMitsuhiko TsuburayaGenta Kojima
Family & Friends Hiroshi AgasaSonoko SuzukiEri KisakiYusaku KudoYukiko KudoHeiji HattoriKazuha ToyamaYoko OkinoSumiko KobayashiTomoaki AraideMakoto KyogokuShizuka HattoriJirokichi SuzukiEisuke HondouAzusa EnomotoSubaru OkiyaMasumi SeraShukichi HanedaSakurako YoneharaRumi WakasaMomiji OokaMuga Iori
Tokyo Metropolitan Police District Juzo MegureWataru TakagiMiwako SatoNinzaburo ShiratoriYumi MiyamotoKazunobu ChibaNaeko MiikeKiyonaga MatsumotoInspector YuminagaShintaro ChakiHyoue KurodaKenji HagiwaraJinpei MatsudaWataru Date
Osaka Police District Heizo HattoriGinshiro ToyamaGoro Otaki
Nagano Police District Kansuke YamatoYui UeharaTaka'aki Morofushi
Other police districts Sango YokomizoMisao YamamuraJugo YokomizoChihaya HagiwaraFumimaro Ayanokoji
NPA and Public Security Bureau Rei Furuya (Bourbon)Hiromitsu MorofushiYuya Kazami
FBI Shuichi AkaiJodie StarlingJames BlackAndre Camel
CIA Hidemi Hondou (Kir)Ethan Hondou
MI6 Mary SeraTsutomu Akai
Black Organization The BossRumGinVodkaVermouthChiantiKornShiho MiyanoAkemi MiyanoElena MiyanoAtsushi MiyanoTequilaPiscoCalvadosRikumichi KusudaKi'ichiro Numabuchi
Magic Kaito Kaito KurobaKaitou KidAoko NakamoriGinzo NakamoriMidoriko NakamoriToichi KurobaChikage KurobaKonosuke JiiKeiko MomoiAkako KoizumiSaguru HakubaSnake
Others "The Criminal"Hideo AkagiRyusuke HigoTakahiro SanadaScar AkaiKohji HanedaKamen YaibaAmanda Hughes