Talk:The Mysterious Retro Room Case
Conan figures out who the murderer is when he hears a plastic-like sound in Yamamoto's pocket. After tranquilizing Kogoro, Conan enounces his deduction: first, the pepper spray found in Fujimaru's pocket wasn't used, which means that she knew her attacker. Second, the room key was on the table, so if it was a burglar, he would have locked the door on the way out. This would delay discovery of the victim and reveals the time of death was around 12:20 PM, not 1:00 PM. Nobody needs to be here to insert a coin, they could just use all the candies. Using the ice cream bar and candy with a string, first, drape the string candy over the candy slot. Next, place the ice cream bar between the TV controls and a furniture as a bridge. Finally, put the other end of the string under the ice cream bar and put a coin in the coin slot. After setting up the trick, the culprit left the room. Overtime, the ice cream bar melts and falls away, allowing the thread to slip to the floor and the coin to slip in to turn on the TV. Indeed, remember the channel knob and table were damp, it was from the ice cream bar. Besides, the ice cream bar was a fairly new flavor, it wouldn't be included with the room's selection. The culprit did not lock the room just so this trick would work. if the culprit had opened the door, would not have been able to open the door and watch the TV turn off automatically and also the culprit hung out the sign because the room had to be unlocked but nobody was supposed to get in early, or the plan will fail. The culprit used the victim's cellphone.
This text was dropped from the page. I hope it can be streamlined and reincorporated. Chekhov MacGuffin talk 09:46, 4 May 2016 (CEST)