Questions given by the Shonen Sunday magazine

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At the end of each issue of Weekly Shonen Sunday, Gosho answers one question that the magazine asks.

1994<ref name=sundayq&a1994>"名探偵コナン 青山剛昌先生(原作者)データ-週刊少年サンデー巻末言語録1994年分 (Detective Conan Gosho Aoyama-sensei' remarks at the end of weekly Shonen Sunday magazine in 1994)". 

Issue # File Japanese English
1994 #5 ??? 今一番会いたい、という94年の注目の人は、「シャーロック・ホームズ!・・・ムリか・・・」 The person who stands out in 1994, whom [Aoyama] wants to meet the most is, "Sherlock Holmes! . . . That's impossible, isn't it . . . "
1994 #6 ??? 今最も熱中している趣味や遊びは、「もうすぐ引っ越すので、荷作りに熱中してます。」 The hobby that (Aoyama) is currently obsessed about is, "Since I'm moving soon, I'm obsessed about packing."
1994 #7 ??? 最近買った物の中で、お気に入りは「もらった物ですが、鉄剣十郎の名前入り木刀ですね。」 Of goods recently bought, the favorite is "Although this was a gift, (my favorite is) the wooden sword with Kenjuro Kurogane's name on it." (Kenjuro Kurogane is the main character's father in Yaiba.)
1994 #8 ??? ちょっと疲れた時の、とっておきの気分転換は「最近引っ越したマンションから見る夜景です。」 To change the mood when slightly tired, "(I like to) look at the night view from the mansion (I) recently moved into."
1994 #9 ??? これだけは欠かせない拘っている事は、「家具は絶対、黒に統一するってことですね。」 Something that you are particular about, that you cannot miss doing is that "Furniture must absolutely be unified in black."
1994 #10 ??? 今までで一番貰って嬉しかったプレゼントは、「YAIBAがアニメ化された時にもらった雷神剣。」 The present that made you most happy so far is "The Sword of Lightning God I received when YAIBA became animated."
1994 #11 ??? 現在連載中の作品が映画化されたら、演じて欲しい主人公役とヒロイン役は、「コナンはさんま大先生の祐太、蘭は牧瀬里穂だな」 If your current work becomes a film, you want your protagonist and your heroin played by "Sanma the Great Teacher's Yuuta for Conan, Riho Makise for Ran."