Heiji Hattori

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Heiji Hattori

Heiji Hattori Profile.jpg

Japanese name: 服部 平次
(Hattori Heiji)
English name: Harley Hartwell
Age: 17[1]
Gender: Male
Date of birth: Unknown[1]
Relatives: Heizo Hattori (father)
Shizuka Hattori (mother)
Nicknames: Hei-chan (Otaki)
"The Great Detective of the West"
First appearance: Manga: File 92
Anime: Episode 48
Appearances: Chapters: 213
Chapters: 13
Episodes: 108
Movies: 10
OVAs: 7
Specials: 4
Openings: 40
Closings: 10
Cases solved: All cases with Conan
Keyhole number: Volume 10
Japanese voice: Ryo Horikawa
English voice: Kevin M. Connolly
Drama actor: Tori Matsuzaka

Heiji Hattori (服部 平次 Hattori Heiji?), also known as Harley Hartwell in the Funimation dub, is a character in the manga and anime series Detective Conan. He is a childhood friend of Kazuha Toyama.


Heiji and Kazuha cuffed together as children

Heiji is a high school detective, and the son of Heizo Hattori, chief of the Osaka Police Department, and his wife Shizuka Hattori. Heiji wants to be a detective like his father, and he is also very skilled in kendo and has become a favored tournament contender for his school.

At one time during their childhood, Heiji had had the unfortunate idea of locking himself and his friend Kazuha together with a set of old handcuffs which had no key to unlock it; as a result they involuntarily had to spend time together even on some rather intimate occasions (i.e., bathroom visits) before the cuffs could be removed. As a reminder of this 'closeness' and for good luck, Kazuha fashioned two identical lucky charms, each incorporating a chain link from the cuffs, which she and Heiji have been wearing ever since.[2]

In the news, Heiji has been publicly declared the "Great Detective of the West", while Shinichi Kudo is the "Great Detective of the East". As a result, Heiji showed up unannounced at the Mouri Detective Agency looking for Kudo, seeking to challenge his rival to a showdown of wits. (In fact, they had such a contest before, three years previously, during a skiing trip in the Yamagata prefecture, although they never learned about each other's identities at that time.[3]) Heiji was soundly defeated in the following case after Conan Edogawa temporarily turned back into Shinichi, but he gained a lot of respect for Shinichi in the process.[4].

During their second encounter, Conan knocked Heiji out to solve the on-going case, but during his final presentation of the facts, Heiji awoke prematurely and discovered Conan's secret.[5] Ever since that revelation, Heiji has been helping Conan in hiding his secret identity, though he occasionally slips up by calling him "Kudo" in front of Ran.

Heiji and Conan most often congenially team up to solve assorted cases. Heiji has also helped Conan investigate the Black Organization on several occasions, such as when the two investigated Jodie Starling [6], or when Heiji investigated Eisuke Hondou on his own and then told Conan his findings[7]. He's also helped cover for Conan during several of the brief instances where Conan regained his true adolescent age, and has even disguised himself as Shinichi on several occasions in order to protect his identity, even though he is not very good at it. When not working on a case, he regularly attempts to invite Conan to take in the sights and culinary delights in Osaka, which he considers more wholesome than Tokyo's.


Even while solving a case, Heiji tends to be lighthearted and good-humored, preferring to work through it with a grin on his face. He is a big fan of baseball, and is most of the time shown wearing an Osaka cap, to support the local Osaka baseball team. He usually wears his cap with its visor pointed backward, but if he feels challenged, he turns the visor forward.

Despite him knowing the value and necessity of remaining calm in the face of a crime, Heiji tends to be impulsive at times, which tends to cloud his judgment a little. This was discussed directly in the "Detective Koushien" case, when Saguru Hakuba accused Heiji of being a poor detective for disrupting a crime scene in his rush to see if the victim could still be saved. Heiji, however, solved the case in the end, and reminded Saguru that the detective's first job is to prevent death if he can. Heiji is also known to be extremely protective of those he values as close friends, and tries hard to keep them out of harm. There are several instances where Hattori tells Kazuha to wait for him or leaves her behind in order to keep her from being involved in cases, simply because he's afraid of her getting hurt.[8][9][10]

Furthermore, he's pretty much always watching Shinichi's back, and does whatever he can to not only keep Shinichi safe, but to keep his identity under cover. Although he is very competitive when it comes to detective cases, when a case gets hot, he and Shinichi work effectively together. During Shinichi's first return to his high school during the play performance, Heiji let him take the lead role in the investigations, saying it was because they were in Tokyo, Shinichi's turf.[11]

Although he frequently mocks Kazuha for her superstitions and enthusiasm for good-luck charms, Heiji has several times revealed that he puts more trust in them than he would admit. He once dreamed of Shinichi being murdered, and out subsequently insisted that Conan wear his omamori, the good luck charm Kazuha gave him. The omamori ended up saving Shinichi's life by deflecting a knife blow, but Heiji, without his usual protection, was shot in the stomach.[12]. In another case, Ran hung a teruterubozu, a charm that's supposed to ensure good weather, in the window so that Conan would have good weather for his field trip the next day. Heiji, however, got up in the middle of the night to take down the teruterubozu so that Conan's field trip would be rained out and he could accompany Heiji on an investigation of the The Red Horse Among The Flames.[13].

Appearance and Attributes

Heiji has dark brown, spiky hair and dark skin, and his eyes are normally dark green in the anime but are drawn as blue in the manga. He speaks with a strong Kansai Ben accent, which is typical of the Osaka region. Since Heiji is so strongly accustomed to this accent, his lingual habit can be a disadvantage at times, especially when he has to impersonate someone who uses standard Japanese.[14][15]

Intelligence and eidetic memory

Heiji, like the other 'geniuses' of Detective Conan, has shown himself to have an eidetic memory, capable of remembering complex letter and number sequences at only a glance, such as when he was able to solve a code in his head during the "Heiji and Kazuha in Grave Danger" arc, and even reproduce another message using the same code to text to Conan. [16]


As Shinichi is to soccer, so is Heiji to kendo. He's the fifth position, or taisho, and captain of his high school Kendo team. Heiji may disable criminals using an improvised bokken similar to how Shinichi uses his soccer skills.


Heiji is also a capable motorcycle driver. He also speaks fluent English.

Plot overview

Main Article: Heiji Hattori Appearances.

Heiji attempting to disguise himself as Shinichi to alleviate Ran's suspicions.

The Great Detective Of The West

One day, Conan (using his Voice-Changer Tie to imitate his old voice) calls Ran to tell her once again that he is all right and that he is still stuck with the 'special case' when Ran hangs up on him as someone has just entered the detective agency. Coming home, Conan finds to his surprise that the 'customer' is a youth who keeps demanding to see Shinichi Kudo. When Ran mentions that Shinichi has just called, without asking about Ran's state, the youth deduces that Shinichi must actually be nearby, watching Ran from afar. He then introduces himself as high school detective Heiji Hattori and presents a gift, a bottle of baijiu, of which he gives Conan a swig. Just then, Kimie Tusjimura, the wife of a known diplomat, enters Kogoro's office to ask him to investigate the girlfriend of her son. In order to be inconspicuous, Kogoro takes Ran and Conan along, and Heiji, hoping to flush out Shinichi, tags along as well. What is originally meant to be a simple investigation job turns out to be a murder case, as they find Kimie's husband slain at his desk.[17]

Finding the One Truth

After this first case, it only takes one more run-in with Conan to get Heiji thinking about the similarities between Conan and Shinichi. It is on the "Holmes Freak Murder Case" that Heiji, despite professing a preference for Ellery Queen, exercises the Holmesian axiom: "When you've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." In addition, after Conan had knocked him out to use him as his mouthpiece to present his evidence, Heiji receives a clout on the head from Kogoro Mouri, which wakes him up again, and from the corner of his eye he spies Conan standing behind him and using his Voice-Changing Bowtie to mimick his voice; he thus discovers Conan's secret, which forces Conan to explain his situation.

Fast Friends

On their third case together, Conan was initially irritated to see Heiji, but they quickly formed a strong team. Together they cornered the murderer and even took steps to preventing the suicide she had planned. When she realizes that she won't be able to kill herself she weeps piteously, causing Heiji to whisper to Conan, "perhaps we should have let her die." Conan replies that "a detective who corners a murderer with logic and then lets them commit suicide is no better than a murderer."

Although Heiji seemed to laugh this off at the time, soon after he invites Conan (and Kogoro Mouri and Ran Mouri, because otherwise it'd look suspicious) to Osaka. It is revealed by Kazuha Toyama (in her first appearance) that Heiji has been talking about 'Kudo' so often that Kazuha thought 'Kudo' was his new Tokyo girlfriend. Heiji suggests that the reason he invited Conan to Osaka is because he has been worried about Conan's safety; he has had dreams of Conan being murdered. On a case together in Osaka, Heiji gives Conan his omamori, which ends up saving his life by deflecting a knife thrust. However, without it Heiji is injured while trying to prevent the murderer from committing suicide. In the ambulance, he reveals to Conan that he has taken to heart Conan's admonishment.

A Friend in Need

Since that time, Heiji has quickly grown to be one of the people that Conan/Shinichi trusts most. Heiji has helped Conan investigate the Black Organization, including Jodie Starling, has disguised himself as Shinichi on multiple occasions to protect his identity, and has, perhaps most importantly, become Conan's closest friend and confidante.

Relationships analysis

Family & Friends

Kazuha Toyama

Heiji's relationship with Kazuha Toyama is a very close one; they were childhood friends, and have stayed close through the years. Their relationship is identified as a romantic one by other characters and fans alike, even though they claim that they don't have that sort of relationship or feelings for each other. Heiji is clueless when it comes to love and has not yet realized he has actual feelings for Kazuha. However, it has been shown that he becomes visibly jealous when he sees Kazuha with other guys, becoming distracted throughout the whole case. At one point, after a certain case, while looking at Kazuha, his thoughts read: 'Fool. You're too naive. I promise you, as long as you're with me, I'll never let anyone hurt you.'. Kazuha knows she has feelings for Heiji, as she shows this by being protective and chasing off other women that might have a interest in him. Also, they have the same situation as Ran and Shinichi, being childhood friends that have romantic feelings for each other and have the same background as them. Heiji is a teenage detective and she is a police's daughter, like Ran is a police's daughter and Shinichi is a teenage detective. They are even called the 'Ran and Shinichi of Osaka' by fans of the series, since they're so similar. Although they are constantly fighting, they both are very close friends. It is also shown in the seventh movie, Crossroad in the Ancient Capital, that Kazuha is Heiji's first love, though he didn't know it was her at the time.

Shinichi Kudo/Conan Edogawa

Heiji acts rather brotherly towards Shinichi, even going so far as to pretend to be him on various occasions, so no one figures out that Shinichi and Conan are the same person. Of course, this might also be to make up for all the times Heiji calls him Kudo, which has nearly given Shinichi away multiple times. Heiji can be a little bit worried for Shinichi when he gets into trouble and in a life or death situation. They are as close as real brothers, both being detective's and having feelings for their childhood friends. When they're caught solving a case together, it's not unusual for their minds to move in sync; because of this and several other factors, they maintain a sort of friendly rivalry with each other, although when a case gets serious, they are both all business. Heiji has, on several occasions, declared himself to be Shinichi's best friend.

Heizo Hattori

Heiji wants to become a detective, and his father is very supportive of this, helping him solve tough cases. However, his father prefers a "tough love" approach, though mostly for the sole purpose of using Heiji to lure out a suspect.

Character popularity

  • eBookJapan held a character popularity poll from April 12, 2011 to May 12, 2011 in which readers of Detective Conan (international included) could vote for their favorite character. Heiji placed 6th in the poll with 261 votes out of the 5,883 that were cast.[18]
  • Heiji placed 3rd in the results of a poll ranking the top 3 "ikemen" ("good-looking men") of the series aired during the promotional special for The Lost Ship in the Sky.[19]
  • In honor of the release of the 15th movie, Quarter of Silence, the official Conan movie website held a popularity poll for the top 10 Detective Conan characters. Heiji placed 3rd out of 10 with 10.79% of the votes cast.[20]
  • In honor of the release of the 800th manga chapter, Shonen Sunday held a popularity poll/contest containing 91 Detective Conan characters to choose from. Heiji placed 5th overall with 956 votes.[21]

Name origin

Heiji's name comes from fictional Edo period police detective Zenigata Heiji (銭形 平次 ?) and famous samurai and ninja Hattori Hanzou (服部 半蔵 ?).

Different looks

Heiji's "Before" Appearance (Episode 48)
Heiji's "After" Appearance (Episode 611)


Humans are suspicious and jealous creatures. When they see something perfect, they wanna find a flaw.
Life is limited, that's why it's so precious. Since there's a limit, we try our best to live.

In other languages

Language Given Name Family Name
Flag of Japan Japanese 平次 Heiji 服部 Hattori
Flag of US English Harley Hartwell
Flag of France French Heiji Hattori
Flag of Germany German Heiji Hattori / Hatsutori (in Volume 10)
Flag of Malaysia Malay Heiji Hattori (Anime) / Hatsutori (Manga)
Flag of Vietnam Vietnamese Heiji Hattori
Flag of Saudi Arabia Arabic هيجي Hiji هاتوري Hattori
Flag of North KoreaFlag of South Korea Korean 인성 In Sung 하 Ha
Flag of Republic of China Traditional Chinese 平次 Pingchi 服部 Fubu
Flag of Finland Finnish Heiji Hattori


  • Heiji has become somewhat infamous for the amount of injuries he has sustained throughout the series. A fan-compiled full list can be found here.
  • Heiji, along with Shinichi, Kaito and Saguru Hakuba, are sometimes referred to as 'The Four Geniuses' or 'The Gosho Boys' by fans.


See also


  1. ^ a b Conan drill page 56
  2. ^ Manga Volume 19: Files 185 (Stabbed Wallet Case)
  3. ^ Manga Chapters 518-522: Yuki-Onna Murder Case
  4. ^ Manga Chapters 092-096: The Great Detective Of The West
  5. ^ Manga Chapters 121: The Holmes Freak Case: The Revelation
  6. ^ Aoyama, Gosho (in English). Case Closed. 34. Viz Media chapter=Files 2-7. 
  7. ^ Aoyama, Gosho. "Files 7" (in Japanese). Meitantei Conan. 56. 
  8. ^ Manga Volume 59, File 6, pg 6: Armored Warrior
  9. ^ Manga Volume 59, File 7, pg 11: Art of War
  10. ^ Manga Volume 63, File 1, page 3: My Deduction
  11. ^ Aoyama, Gosho (in English). Case Closed. 26. Viz Media chapter=Files 1-7. 
  12. ^ Aoyama, Gosho. "Files 5-8" (in Japanese). Meitantei Conan. 19. 
  13. ^ Aoyama, Gosho (in Japanese). Meitantei Conan. 39. 
  14. ^ Manga Chapter 256: Concealed Truth
  15. ^ OVA 06: Follow the Vanished Diamond! Conan & Heiji vs. Kid!
  16. ^ Aoyama, Gosho. "Files 8-10" (in Japanese). Detective Conan. 38. 
  17. ^ Manga Chapters 092:
  18. ^ "『名探偵コナン』 人気投票結". eBookJapan. 2011-05-12. http://www.ebookjapan.jp/ebj/special/conan/vote_kekka2.asp. Retrieved on 2011-05-15. 
  19. ^ The Lost Ship in the Sky Special Edition Blu-ray
  20. ^ "名探偵コナン「キャラクター人気投票」". www.conan-movie.jp. 2011. http://www.conan-movie.jp/camp_chara/camp15th_res.html. Retrieved on 2011-08-12. 
  21. ^ "Shonen magazine detective conan official poll results published [magazine pic"]. eva. 2012-02-28. http://forum.dctp.ws/index.php?topic=8024.msg651566#msg651566. Retrieved on 2012-02-29. 
Main Characters
Protagonists Shinichi KudoConan EdogawaRan MouriKogoro Mouri
Detective Boys Ai HaibaraAyumi YoshidaMitsuhiko TsuburayaGenta Kojima
Family & Friends Hiroshi AgasaSonoko SuzukiEri KisakiYusaku KudoYukiko KudoHeiji HattoriKazuha ToyamaYoko OkinoSumiko KobayashiTomoaki AraideMakoto KyogokuShizuka HattoriJirokichi SuzukiEisuke HondouAzusa EnomotoSubaru OkiyaMasumi SeraShukichi HanedaSakurako YoneharaRumi WakasaMomiji OokaMuga Iori
Tokyo Metropolitan Police District Juzo MegureWataru TakagiMiwako SatoNinzaburo ShiratoriYumi MiyamotoKazunobu ChibaNaeko MiikeKiyonaga MatsumotoInspector YuminagaShintaro ChakiHyoue KurodaKenji HagiwaraJinpei MatsudaWataru Date
Osaka Police District Heizo HattoriGinshiro ToyamaGoro Otaki
Nagano Police District Kansuke YamatoYui UeharaTaka'aki Morofushi
Other police districts Sango YokomizoMisao YamamuraJugo YokomizoChihaya HagiwaraFumimaro Ayanokoji
NPA and Public Security Bureau Rei Furuya (Bourbon)Hiromitsu MorofushiYuya Kazami
FBI Shuichi AkaiJodie StarlingJames BlackAndre Camel
CIA Hidemi Hondou (Kir)Ethan Hondou
MI6 Mary SeraTsutomu Akai
Black Organization The BossRumGinVodkaVermouthChiantiKornShiho MiyanoAkemi MiyanoElena MiyanoAtsushi MiyanoTequilaPiscoCalvadosRikumichi KusudaKi'ichiro Numabuchi
Magic Kaito Kaito KurobaKaitou KidAoko NakamoriGinzo NakamoriMidoriko NakamoriToichi KurobaChikage KurobaKonosuke JiiKeiko MomoiAkako KoizumiSaguru HakubaSnake
Others "The Criminal"Hideo AkagiRyusuke HigoTakahiro SanadaScar AkaiKohji HanedaKamen YaibaAmanda Hughes