Questions given by the Shonen Sunday magazine
From Detective Conan Wiki
At the end of each issue of Weekly Shonen Sunday, Gosho answers one question that the magazine asks.
Issue # | File | Japanese | English |
1994 #5 | ??? | 今一番会いたい、という94年の注目の人は、「シャーロック・ホームズ!・・・ムリか・・・」 | The person who stands out in 1994, whom [Aoyama] wants to meet the most is, "Sherlock Holmes! . . . That's impossible, isn't it . . . " |
1994 #6 | ??? | 今最も熱中している趣味や遊びは、「もうすぐ引っ越すので、荷作りに熱中してます。」 | The hobby that (Aoyama) is currently obsessed about is, "Since I'm moving soon, I'm obsessed about packing." |
1994 #7 | ??? | 最近買った物の中で、お気に入りは「もらった物ですが、鉄剣十郎の名前入り木刀ですね。」 | Of goods recently bought, the favorite is "Although this was a gift, (my favorite is) the wooden sword with Kenjuro Kurogane's name on it." (Kenjuro Kurogane is the main character's father in Yaiba.) |
1994 #8 | ??? | ちょっと疲れた時の、とっておきの気分転換は「最近引っ越したマンションから見る夜景です。」 | To change the mood when slightly tired, "(I like to) look at the night view from the mansion (I) recently moved into." |
1994 #9 | ??? | これだけは欠かせない拘っている事は、「家具は絶対、黒に統一するってことですね。」 | Something that you are particular about, that you cannot miss doing is that "Furniture must absolutely be unified in black." |
1994 #10 | ??? | 今までで一番貰って嬉しかったプレゼントは、「YAIBAがアニメ化された時にもらった雷神剣。」 | The present that made you most happy so far is "The Sword of Lightning God I received when YAIBA became animated." |
1994 #11 | ??? | 現在連載中の作品が映画化されたら、演じて欲しい主人公役とヒロイン役は、「コナンはさんま大先生の祐太、蘭は牧瀬里穂だな」 | If your current work becomes a film, you want your protagonist and your heroin played by "Sanma the Great Teacher's Yuuta for Conan, Riho Makise for Ran." |
1994 #12 | ??? | 最近仕事場で良くかける曲やラジオ、テレビ番組は、「もちろんアニメの「YAIBA」に決まってるよ!!」 | Songs, radio, TV shows that you play often these days at work is "The YAIBA anime, of course!!" |
1994 #13 | ??? | 最近応援しているスポーツ選手は、「スキーのノルディック複合の萩原選手頑張れ!」 | The athelete you cheer the most these days is, "Go go Ogiwara at Nordic combined in skiing!" |
1994 #14 | ??? | 映画や小説で、強く印象に残っている作品は、「初めて見た長編アニメ「長ぐつをはいた猫」」 | The movie or novel that left you with the strongest impression is, "The long-running anime I've seen for the first time, Puss in Boots." |
1994 #15 | ??? | 一度で良いから行ってみたい国、またしたいことは、「オーストラリアでバンジージャンプをやりたい。」 | The country that you want to go to, or an activity that you want to do, just once, is "Bungee jumping in Australia." |
1994 #16 | ??? | 公園や遊園地など、お勧めの遊び場は、「前に住んでいたマンションの近所の石神井公園。」 | Playgrounds, such as public parks and amusement parks, that you recommend is "The Ishigamii park, which was near the apartment I used to live in." |
1994 #17 | ??? | もしもう一度、高校生に戻れるとしたらやりたいことは、「野球部に入って、甲子園をめざす!!」 | If you could go back to high school once again, you want to "Enter the baseball club and aim for Koshien!!" |
1994 #18 | ??? | 10代の頃に憧れていた人は、「現巨人監督、長嶋茂雄の大ファンでした。」 | The person you admired during your teens is "Shigeo Nagashima, the (Yomiuri) Giant's current coach." |
1994 #19 | ??? | 今まで見た夢のベスト1は、「悪い夢はよく見るけど、いい夢は記憶にないです。」 | What is the best dream you've ever dreamed? "I see bad dreams often, but I don't remember good dreams." |
1994 #20 | ??? | 今気になる女性は、「ありがちな答えですが、今は内田有紀かな。」 | The woman who currently holds your attention is "Though this may be a common answer, Uchida Yuki for now, I think." |
1994 #21-22 | ??? | GWにお勧めの本は、「池波正太郎の「剣客商売」がおもしろいよ。」 | A book you recommend for (reading in) Golden Week is, "Shoutarou Ikenami's Kenkaku Shobai is very interesting." |
1994 #23 | ??? | 良い思い出も悪い思い出も、いっぱいつまった青春のテーマソングは、「大滝詠一の「君は天然色」が好きでした。」 | The theme song for your youth, full of good and bad memories is, "I liked Eiichi Ōtaki's You are naturally colored." |
1994 #24 | ??? | 最近食べたもので美味しかったメニューは、「近くのパスタ屋のスキ焼き風スパゲッティー。」 | Something that you recently ate that you found delicious is, "Sukiyaki-style spaghetti at a nearby pasta restaurant." |
1994 #26 | ??? | 中学・高校の頃好きだった科目と、その訳は、「答えが一つしかないので、数学が好きでした。」 | Your favorite subject during middle and high school, and your reason is "I liked math, since there was only one answer." |
1994 #27 | ??? | 今一番格好いいタレントや俳優は、「警部補古畑任三郎役の田村正和。カッチョイー!!」 | The coolest start or actor is, "Masakazu Tamura, who plays the role of the assistant inspector Ninzaburou Furuhata. He's super cool!" |
1994 #28 | ??? | 先生の故郷は、「鳥取です。出身地の大栄町はスイカが特産品だよ。」 | Sensei's home town is, "Tottori. My birth place, Daiei, is famous for its watermelons." |
1994 #29 | ??? | 梅雨の時期にカラッと笑えるオススメの映画やビデオは、「映画も小説も面白い「大誘拐」がオススメ!」 | The movie or video that makes you laugh during the rainy season, that you would recommend is, "Rainbow Kids (direct translation is 'The Great Kidnapping'), its film and novel are both interesting!" |
1994 #30 | ??? | よく似ているといわれる人は、「自画像の絵は、なすに似ているけど、実物は・・・・・」 | People say you look like this person: "My self portrait looks like an eggplant, but in reality . . ." |
1994 #31 | ??? | 体を鍛えるとしたら、まずやることは、「とりあえず、寝ることからかな。」 | If you were to train your body, you would first "Sleep for now, I think." |
1994 #32 | ??? | 中学・高校の時の部活動は、「剣道部と美術部に入っていました。」 | During middle and high school, your joined these clubs: "I joined the kendo club and the art club." |
1994 #33 | ??? | 昔よく見ていたテレビや、遊んでいた玩具は、「大好きだった仮面ライダーのベルトで遊んでたな。」 | TV shows that you often watched, or toys you often played with in the past is, "I played with my favorite show Kamen Rider's belt." |
1994 #34 | ??? | どんな生き物でもペットに出来るとしたら、飼うのは、「チラノザウルス。」 | If you could have any creature as a pet, you would have "Tyrannosaurus." |
1994 #35 | ??? | やみつきになるドリンクは、「サントリーのウーロン茶。仕事中には10本くらい飲む。」 | The drink that you are addicted to is "Suntory's oolong tea. I drink about 10 bottles during work." |
1994 #36 | ??? | 甲子園に自分が出るなら、そのポジションは、「4番サード。背番号はもちろん3です。」 | If you could participate in Koshien, your position would be "3rd base 4th. My number would be 3, of course." |
1994 #37 | ??? | 自慢できる物や自慢できることは、「「YAIBA」の記念で作った雷神剣と風神剣!!」 | Something that you can do, or that you possess, that you can boast about is "The Sword of Lightning God and the Sword of Wind God that were made as a commemoration of YAIBA!!" |
1994 #38-39 | ??? | 一番苦手な物は、「ゴキブリ!レーズン!!納豆!!!日本そば!!!!」 | The thing you dislike the most is "Cockroach!! Natto!!! Japanese soba!!!!" |
1994 #40 | ??? | 好きな言葉や、座右の銘は、「死して、しかばね拾う者なし。」 | Your favorite phrase or motto is, "Those who die do not pick up corpses." |
1994 #41 | ??? | 何にでも変身できるとしたら、変身するものとしたい事は、「ルパン三世!女の子に囲まれて、お金もうけダーイ!!」 | If you could transform into anything, you would transform into "Lupin III! He's surrounded by girls, and he makes a lot of profit!" |
1994 #42 | ??? | 子供の頃好きな食べ物や、お袋の味は、「トン汁。ありがたや。」 | Your favorite food during childhood, or food that reminds you of your mother's cooking, is "Tonjiru. Arigataya.") |
1994 #43 | ??? | もしも馬主になったら馬に付ける名前は、「トウカイダイマオウ。」 | If you could own a horse, you would name it "Toukidaimaou." (The literal translation is likely the "Great Devil King of Destruction.") |
1994 #44 | ??? | 秋の遠足や修学旅行で、心に残っている思い出は、「中学の林間学校で、夜遊びして怒られた!!」 | The memory that remains in your heart from your school trip in the autumn or field trip is "At the school camping trip in middle school, I played during the night and was scolded!" |
1994 #45 | ??? | 秋と言えば、「スポーツの秋。毎日、野球やりてえ~ムリか!?」 | Autumn makes you think of "Sports. I want to play baseball every day - what, that's not possible?!" |
1994 #46 | ??? | 食欲の秋、好きな果物とその理由は、「20世紀ナシ!地元の名産だからです。」 | During the fall when your appetite increases, your favorite fruit and your reason is "20th century pear! My home town is known for its pears, you see." |
1994 #47 | ??? | つい出てしまう癖は、「クツのかかとをふんではく、中坊みたい。」 | Your bad habit that you can't help doing is "Stepping on the heel of your shoe when wearing it - I look like a middle school student." |
1994 #48 | ??? | もしもオリンピックに出るとしたら種目は、「剣道がないから野球かな!」 | If you could participate in the Olympics, your event is "Baseball, I think, since there's no kendo." |
1994 #49 | ??? | あと一つ特技を持てるとしたら、「“金庫破り”っきゃないね!!」 | If you could have one more special skill, it would be "Safe-cracking, what else?!" |
1994 #50 | ??? | もし商品やプレゼントで1年分貰えるとしたら欲しいのは、「ウーロン茶!!毎日飲むから誰か送って!!」 | If you could receive a year's worth of product or present, you would want "Oolong tea! I'll drink it everyday, somebody send me some!" |
Issue # | File | Japanese | English |
1995 #1 | ??? | 締切に追われた時にやりたくなる事は、「草野球。とにかく仕事以外の事ならなんでも。」 | When nearing the deadline, you want to do "Grass-lot baseball. If it's unrelated to work, I'm willing to do anything." |
1995 #2-3 | ??? | 捨てようと思っていても捨てられない物は、「巨人。やめられないんだこれが、阿波野ガンバレ!!」 | Something you tried to get rid of but you couldn't is "The (Yomiuri) Giants. I can't quit them, do your best Awano!!" |
1995 #4 | ??? | お正月の過ごし方は、「のんびりファンレターを読むんだ!送ってね!!」 | How do you spend your New Years? "I leisurely read fan letters! Do send me some!!" |
1995 #5-6 | ??? | お年玉で一番の思い出は、「野球のウルトラマシンはうれしかった!!」 | The best New Years gift in your memory is "The baseball pitching machine, I was so happy (to receive it)!" |
1995 #7 | ??? | 今年一番やりたいことは、「スカイダイビング!!」 | What do you want to do the most this year? "Skydiving!!" |
1995 #8 | ??? | もし一ヶ月だけ何をしても怒られないとしたら、やる事は、「銀行強盗に、金庫破りに、宝石盗んで、ウヘヘ・・・」 | If you could do anything without being scolded at for just a month, you would do "Bank robbery, safecracking, gem stealing - mwa ha ha . . ." |
1995 #9 | ??? | 鬼といって連想する人物は、「「YAIBA」の鬼丸です。」 | When hearing (the word) "ogre", the person you imagine is "YAIBA's Onimaru." |
1995 #10 | ??? | 2月14日の思い出は、「小1の時に、担任の青木先生に初めてもらった!」 | Your memories of February 14th is "When I was a first grader, I received one for the first time from the homeroom teacher, Aoki-sensei!" |
1995 #11 | ??? | 対談してみたい有名人とその理由は、「内田有紀!かわいいから!!」 | You want to hold a conversation with this celebrity, and your reason is "Yuki Uchida! Because she's cute!!" |
1995 #12 | ??? | 受験シーズン真っ最中の方へ励ましの一言を。「まんが家みたいに徹夜して体をこわさないでね!」 | Say something to encourage those who are in the middle of the exam season. "Don't destroy your health by staying up all night like a manga artist, okay?" |
1995 #13 | ??? | ひな祭りの内裏雛だったら隣に並びたいのは、「そりゃ、お雛様でしょう!」 | If you were (one of) the imperial dolls (that's the Emperor or Empress) of the Doll Festival, which (doll) would you place next to you? "The Empress doll, of course!" |
1995 #15 | ??? | Jリーグで前期優勝すると思うチームは、「柏レイソルが勝ちゃーおもしろいのに・・・」 | The team you think will win the championship during the first term in J League is "It would be interesting if the Kashiwa Reysol won . . ."
- ^ "名探偵コナン 青山剛昌先生(原作者)データ-週刊少年サンデー巻末言語録1994年分 (Detective Conan record of Gosho Aoyama-sensei' remarks at the end of weekly Shonen Sunday magazine in 1994)".
- ^ "名探偵コナン 青山剛昌先生(原作者)データ-週刊少年サンデー巻末言語録1995年分 (Detective Conan record of Gosho Aoyama-sensei' remarks at the end of weekly Shonen Sunday magazine in 1995)".