Police Organization
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Japan's national police organization is made up of the National Public Safety Commission (NPSC) and the National Police Agency (NPA). The NPSC holds administrative supervision over the NPA and appoints the Commissioner General. As head of the NPA, the Commissioner General 警察庁長官 (Keisatsu-chō Chōkan) holds the highest position in the Japanese police, but his title is not a police rank.
The NPA oversees the seven Regional Police Bureaus (RPB) and the prefectural police organizations. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (警視庁 Keishichō) and Hokkaido Prefectural Police Headquarters are excluded from the jurisdiction of RPBs. Police stations in a prefecture are under the command of the prefecture headquarters. Tokyo MPD headquarters are located in the government buildings area beside the Imperial Palace in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.[1]
- 1 National Police Agency Organization
- 2 Metropolitan Police Department Organization
- 3 Prefectural Police Organization
- 4 Police Ranks
- 4.1 Superintendent General (Rank 1)
- 4.2 Superintendent Supervisor (Rank 2)
- 4.3 Chief Superintendent (Rank 3)
- 4.4 Senior Superintendent (Rank 4)
- 4.5 Superintendent (Rank 5)
- 4.6 Police Inspector (Rank 6)
- 4.7 Assistant Police Inspector (Rank 7)
- 4.8 Police Sergeant (Rank 8)
- 4.9 Senior Police Officer (Honorary)
- 4.10 Police officer (Rank 9)
- 4.11 Unconfirmed Ranks
- 5 See also
- 6 External Links
- 7 References
National Police Agency Organization
The National Police Agency is the central coordinating agency of the Japanese police system. It is divided into the following bureaus[2]:
- Community Safety Bureau (生活安全局 Seikatsu Anzen-kyoku )
- Criminal Investigation Bureau (刑事局 Keiji-kyoku )
- Security Bureau (警備局 Keibi-kyoku )
- The Secret Police force (公安警察 Kō'an Keisatsu )[3] is the top of Security Bureau, and consists of MPD Public Security Bureau and prefectural security bureaus and departments.[4] Therefore, Rei Furuya and Scotch belong to this bureau.
- Info-Communications Bureau (情報通信局 Jōhō Tsūshin-kyoku )
- Regional Bureaus
- Attached Organizations
Metropolitan Police Department Organization
- See also: MPD organization structure and divisions
Police Station personnel are divided into nine departments or bureaus[5]:
- Administration Bureau
- Personnel and Training Bureau
- Traffic Bureau
- Security Bureau (Security for domestic and foreign dignitaries; also subversive activities and counterintelligence[6])
- Junpei Matsuda was on the bomb squad in this department.[7]
- Community Police Affairs Bureau
- Police Boxes (Koban)
- Residential Police Boxes (Chuzaisho)
- Patrol cars
- Public Security Bureau
- As the Secret Police[8] of National Police Agency Security Bureau also consists of MPD Public Security Bureau, and due to the fact that PSB holds the largest number of Secret Police officers,[9] Rei Furuya and Scotch possibly came from this bureau. Otherwise they would belong to one of the prefectural security bureaus and departments.
- Criminal Investigation Bureau (刑事部 Keijibu)
- Community Safety Bureau
- Organized Crime Control Bureau
Within departments, there may be specialized units, such as the Identification Division that collects crime scene evidence.[11]
Prefectural Police Organization
Police Ranks
There are nine legal police ranks and one honorary rank for all positions within the police force. [12]
Superintendent General (Rank 1)
警視総監 (Keishi-sōkan) is the highest police rank and the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the largest prefectural-level jurisdiction in Japan. This position is currently held by Saguru Hakuba's father.[13]
Superintendent Supervisor (Rank 2)
警視監 (Keishi-kan) is equivalent to:
- Deputy Superintendent General
- Toshio Moroboshi is the Deputy Superintendent General (警視副総監 Keishi-fukusōkan) of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.[14]
- Director General of a Regional Police Bureau or an NPA Training Department Bureau
- Chief of a (large) Prefectural Police Force
- Heizo Hattori is the Director General of the Osaka Prefectural Police (大阪 府警 本部長 Ōsaka fukei honbuchō).[15]
Chief Superintendent (Rank 3)
警視長 (Keishi-chō) is equivalent to:
- Chief of a (smaller) Prefectural Police Force or Tokyo Headquarters
- Director in the NPA
- Toshiro Odagiri is the Chief (部長 buchō) of the MPD Criminal Investigations Department (警視庁 刑事部 Keishichō keijibu).[16] He is Tadayoshi Uno's superior.[17]
- Ginshiro Toyama is the Osaka Prefecture Police Chief Criminal Investigator (刑事部長 keijibuchō)[18]
Senior Superintendent (Rank 4)
警視正 (Keishi-sei) is equivalent to:
- Director of a department in a prefecture police headquarters
- Previously a keishi (警視), Kiyonaga Matsumoto now has the rank of keishi-sei, being referred to as such by Hyoue Kuroda.[19]
- Tadayoshi Uno is the Senior Superintendent in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.[20]
- Masayoshi Sato held this rank in the Tokyo MPD before he passed away, presumably in C.I. and replaced by Uno.[21]
- Chief of a larger police station
Superintendent (Rank 5)
警視 (Keishi) is equivalent to:
- Director of a division/section in a prefectural police headquarters
- Hyoue Kuroda was transferred to Tokyo to replace Kiyonaga Matsumoto, and he introduces himself as the Director (管理官 kanrikan) of the Criminal Investigations Division 1 (捜査 一課 Sousa itsuka), so he presumably is a keishi.[19]
- Shintaro Chaki, MPD C.I. Division 2 Superintendent (警視庁 捜査 二課 警視 Keishichō sōsa nika keishi).[22]
- Chief of a police station
Police Inspector (Rank 6)
警部 (Keibu) is attainable in the early 30s via successive promotion tests and is equivalent to:
- Chief of a section in a police station (i.e., homicide) or other field unit supervisors in those sections
- Juzo Megure, Inspector and unit supervisor in the Criminal Investigations Division 1.[23][24]
- Ninzaburo Shiratori, starting from his first manga appearance, previously Assistant Police Inspector.[25]
- Ginzo Nakamori, MPD C.I. Division 2 [26]
- Yuminaga is an Inspector in the Arson section of C.I. Division 1.[27]
- Momose is a Tokyo MPD Inspector covering Theft[28]
- Chosuke Takagi is presumed to be Inspector rank because he is Megure's senior by two years, yet Matsumoto speaks of him subordinately, and he is mobile enough to be transferred to Tottori but high enough to represent MPD HQ C.I. in Tottori.[29]
- Ayami Ogino, Saitama Prefecture Police[30]
- Sango Yokomizo, Shizuoka Prefecture Police (previously Inspector in the Saitama Prefecture)[30]
- Jugo Yokomizo, Kanagawa Prefecture Police [31]
- Taka'aki Morofushi, Nagano Prefecture Police (recently instated)[32]
- Kansuke Yamato, Nagano Prefectural Police (promoted in-series)[32][30]
- Misao Yamamura, Gunma Prefecture (promoted in Movie 13).[30]
Assistant Police Inspector (Rank 7)
警部補 (Keibu-ho) is attainable via promotion tests. Officers at this rank and potentially below can be referred to as 'keiji'.[33]
- When Conan impersonates Takagi, he calls Miwako Sato keibu-ho.[34] Given that she and Shiratori both believed the impersonation, it must be accurate.
- Yumi Miyamoto refers to Wataru Takagi once as keibu-ho, possibly as a future reference.[35] After Takagi allows a criminal to be killed under his watch, he is definitely a junsa-bucho, but whether he received a pay dock only or a demotion as well is unclear.[36]
- Yumi Miyamoto, MPD HQ Traffic Division, wears the official uniform rather than plainclothes but is an Assistant Inspector.[37] Either the traffic division is required to wear the uniform on patrol, or she prefers the uniform for personal reasons.
Police Sergeant (Rank 8)
巡査部長 (Junsa-buchō) is attainable via promotion tests.
- After the bullet train fiasco where Takagi was lucky to not get fired, Miwako refers to Takagi as junsa-bucho.[36]
- Naeko Miike, who transferred to the MPD HQ Traffic Division from Haido Station, is a patrol officer who wears the uniform but who has also achieved Police Sergeant status due to the bars on her uniform badge.[38]
Senior Police Officer (Honorary)
巡査長 (Junsa-chō) is not a legal rank, but is bestowed on officers with years of experience and excellent work. These officers are often responsible for training and mentoring junior officers.
Police officer (Rank 9)
巡査 (Junsa) is the most junior rank.
Unconfirmed Ranks
- Detective Chiba
- Yui Uehara of Nagano Prefecture is a lower rank than Kansuke's Inspector status, but as a keiji she is likely an Assistant Inspector.
- Jinpei Matsuda was a keiji, but a given rank has yet to be found.
- Rei Furuya was seen commanding various Secret Police agents in the Scarlet series. However, his specific police rank, or if the ranking system applied to Secret Police officers is the same as that of other police forces are unknown.
- Scotch
- Officer Tome
See also
External Links
- ^ http://wikimapia.org/10641193/Tokyo-Metropolitan-Police-Department-The-main-building
- ^ http://www.npa.go.jp/english/kokusai/POJ2014_web1.pdf
- ^ DCTP translation
- ^ http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%AC%E5%AE%89%E8%AD%A6%E5%AF%9F#.E6.97.A5.E6.9C.AC.E3.81.AE.E5.85.AC.E5.AE.89.E8.AD.A6.E5.AF.9F
- ^ http://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.jp/foreign/graph2011/01_sosiki.htm
- ^ Bayley, David H. Forces of order: policing modern Japan
- ^ Volume 36, File 8, Page 10
- ^ DCTP translation
- ^ http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%AD%A6%E8%A6%96%E5%BA%81%E5%85%AC%E5%AE%89%E9%83%A8#.E6.A6.82.E8.A6.81
- ^ a b c Ames, Walter L. Police and community in Japan
- ^ http://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.jp/foreign/gaiyo2/keiji1.htm#investigative
- ^ Das, Dilip K. & Palmiotto, Michael. World Police Encyclopedia: A-K, index
- ^ Magic Kaito Volume 3, Chapter 2, Page 10.
- ^ Movie 6, 11:39.
- ^ Volume 32, Chapter 3, Page 2.
- ^ Movie 13.
- ^ Movie 14
- ^ Volume 19, File 185, Page 16: "Stabbed Wallet Case".
- ^ a b Volume 87, File 920, Page 16
- ^ Movie 14.
- ^ Volume 27, Chapter 4, Page 7.
- ^ Volume 16, File 6, Page 15; file 156.
- ^ Volume 1, Chapter 1, Page 19.
- ^ Volume 21, File 8, Page 3.
- ^ Volume 21, File 9, Page 5; file 209.
- ^ Volume 16, File 7, Page 8; file 157.
- ^ Volume 39, File 2, Page 8.
- ^ Volume 66, File 07, Page 2.
- ^ Volume 44: File 4, Page 13; File 4, Page 5; and File 6, Page 18, respectively
- ^ a b c d Movie 13 dialogue
- ^ Volume 34, File 9, Page 5.
- ^ a b http://forums.dctp.ws/index.php?topic=6114.0
- ^ Movie 1 and 3, Shiratori is 'keiji' to Megure and Conan respectively, which lasts until his promotion from keibu-ho to keibu in file 209.
- ^ Volume 33, File 2, Page 15
- ^ Volume 30, File 3, Page 15.
- ^ a b Volume 33, File 2, Page 17
- ^ Volume 80: File 8, Page 2.
- ^ Volume 71: File 2, Page 14.