List of Black Organization related characters

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Revision as of 06:57, 17 August 2015 by (talk) (Sumire Shindo)

Many main and minor characters have been linked to the Black Organization.

This list excludes major Black Organization members and characters with jobs investigating crime generally, like the police. Characters who are part of an agency targeting the Black Organization like the FBI and CIA are also excluded unless their connection to the Organization goes beyond their work.


This is a list of people who are known to have collaborated with the Black Organization, voluntarily or involuntarily. Some of these collaborators became assassination targets later. Those whose collaboration with the Black Organization is not clearly confirmed are listed with targets below.

Unnamed Weapons Smuggler

Weapon Smuggler.jpg
See: Roller Coaster Murder Case

Gin and Vodka blackmailed an unnamed company owner who had been smuggling guns for over 100 million yen in cash. After Vodka received the briefcase of cash, he returned the film evidence of the business' gun smuggling. Vodka may have intended to kill the man when the transaction was complete as he began to draw his gun, but it could also have been in response to the company owner's remark the Black Organization does even worse things than gun smuggling. The man escaped when Gin assaulted Shinichi who had been spying on the transaction and Vodka was distracted.

Akemi Miyano and the billion yen robbery gang

Akemi Miyano.jpg

Five years prior to the current time-line, FBI agent Shuichi Akai infiltrated the Black Organization by dating Akemi Miyano. He was expelled after his true allegiance was uncovered, but Akemi could not be silenced because it would jeopardize the loyalty of her valuable sister Shiho Miyano. Eventually the Organization came up with a way to get rid of Akemi by pretending to make a deal with her; in exchange for a successful bank robbery, Gin told Akemi she and Shiho could go free. The Organization thought Akemi would surely fail and thus they would have an acceptable reason to kill her.

Akemi hired two partners, the family-less, get-away driver Kenzo Hirota who worked at a taxi company in Tokyo, and an unnamed giant man with connections at a Pachinko building to serve as muscle. Akemi and her two partners successfully pulled off the robbery, killing a guard in the process. Kenzo Hirota then backstabbed the other two by running away with the billion yen. In order to track him down, Akemi and her partner approached different detectives pretending to be Kenzo's relatives. Under alias Hirota Masami, Akemi Miyano pretended she was school girl from Yamagata to enlist Kogoro's help.[1] Masami’s other giant accomplice pretended to be Kenzo's elder brother, Akira Hirota, from Kyushu. After the two find Kenzo, a fight broke out between the two men, resulting in the giant strangling Kenzo against Akemi's wishes. Akemi and the giant hung Hirota's corpse from a rope to make it appear like a suicide, grabbed the cash, and left for a hotel. Gin had given Akemi sleeping pills to add to the giant man's drink so she could take the money from him. The pills were really laced with cyanide and the giant man was killed. Akemi left the real cases of money at the hotel and went to meet with Gin and Vodka at the shipping yard. Gin killed her there, but was unable to recover the money.

Unnamed woman

See: Shinkansen Bomb Case

An unnamed woman exchanged 400 million yen for information about gold worth even more money with Gin and Vodka on a bullet train's dining car. Instead of information, the Organization packed the case they were giving her with explosives to kill the woman because she was no longer useful. The anime replaced Gin and Vodka with lookalikes in the corresponding episode. [2]

Hideaki Nakajima

Hideaki Nakajima.jpg
See: Game Convention Case

Hideaki Nakajima, age 27, worked for Mantendo corporation's game development section and designed a mystery video game about Kogoro Mouri. He was in a University boxing club and has issues with creditors. He made an exchange with Tequila, giving Tequila a list of some of the world's most highly skilled programmers in exchange for a large amount of money. One of Hideaki's coworkers wanted to kill him for revenge, but Tequila was killed instead by accident.[3] The Black Organization then immediately blew up the Daiko Building's Cocktail Bar where Hideaki and Tequila had meetings.

Ki'ichiro Numabuchi

Kichiro Numabuchi.jpg

Ki'ichiro Numabuchi is an assassin who escaped the Black Organization before they could test APTX 4869 out on him when they decided he was useless. He then escaped from prison after that. He first showed up in Osaka in the The Naniwa Serial Murder Case where he is a suspect. He is innocent of these particular crimes and was being starved in a shack by the real serial killer who wanted to frame him. He tries to stab Conan with a kitchen knife while escaping, but Heiji's good luck charm luckily blocks the blow. He took driving lessons at a seminary 20 years ago but failed.[4] He appears again in Mitsuhiko's Mystifying Forest. When he escaped from the police (again) in a forest in Gunma, Conan discovers he apparently lived by the forest when he was younger and liked fireflies.[5]

Suguru Itakura

Suguru Itakura.jpg

Suguru Itakura, age 45, was a famous CG graphic designer/games system engineer who also worked on special effects for films.[6] He probably owns Itakura studio. Three years before the current timeline, he stopped developing CG and a particular program due to poor eyesight. Two years ago Tequila showed up at his office to say he was interested in the particular “system software” Itakura stopped developing. One year later, he was later forced to finish the program with a year deadline. Itakura didn’t want to complete the program “not only for his eyesight but for the sake of humanity.”[7] He stayed in New Beika Hotel where he was killed by an unrelated party. He kept a diary and noted Vermouth had a cat around when he talked to her.[8] Conan pretending to be him was told to put the disk in locker 1012. Itakura also helped provide many special effects for films and plays Vermouth and Yukiko Kudo were in. This is presumably how Vermouth hired him for the Organization's research as she was seen arguing with him on sets, something she never did with anyone else.


This is a list of people involved in a Black Organization plot, either as victims of crime, intended victims, or intelligence targets. Targets who are known to have collaborated with the Black Organization are listed above.

Shinichi Kudo/Conan Edogawa

Conan Edogawa.jpg

Shinichi Kudo has been involved in many Black Organization plots over the course of the series. For a full account of these events, please see the Black Organization timeline.

APTX 4869 Victims

Partial list of APTX 4869 victims

The Black Organization keeps a record of people who were poisoned with APTX 4869.[9] According to Haibara they were all confirmed dead, except for Shinichi Kudo who was listed as uncertain.[9] Besides Shinichi, the following people are on the list.[10]

  • ?? 宗男 (Status: Dead)
Surname not visible
Possible given names: Muneo[11], Norio
  • ?石 良雄 (Status: Dead)
Surname not visible. (?-shi used by Viz)
Possible given names: Yoshio[11], Ryouyuu, Nagao
  • 豐田 稔[12] (status partially visible, probably "dead")
Possible surname: Toyoda
Possible given names: Minoru, Toshi, Minori, Jin, Jinji, Nen, Yutaka
  • 羽田 浩司 (status not visible)[13]
Possible surnames: Haneda[11], Haneta, Hatane, Hata, Hada
Possible given name: Kouji[11], Hiroshi, Hiroji, Koushi, Goushi, Gouji
  • 野本 昌治 (status not visible)
Possible surname: Nomoto[11]
Possible given names: Masaji[11], Shouji, Masaharu, Yoshiji, Yoshiharu

Masami Hirota

Masami Hirota.jpg
See: Murdered Professor Case

Masami Hirota, age 61, was a Nanyo University professor. Akemi Miyano had contact with and was probably close to him because she borrowed his name when coming up with an alias. Shiho mistakenly sent him an APTX 4869 disk when it was mixed up for a disk of Akemi's pictures Shiho was sending back via the professor's address. The Black Organization intended to kill Masami Hirota, but he was killed by an unrelated person first. Vodka disguised his voice and left a message on his answering machine pretending to be from "Kuro Life Insurance" so he could try to set up a meeting.[14]

Shigehiko Nomiguchi

Shigehiko Nomiguchi.jpg
See: Hotel Party Murder Case

Shigehiko Nomiguchi, age 56, and a politician, was bribed by someone who was never clarified (possibly by the Black Organization), and was going to be arrested and divulge information. The Black Organization decided to eliminate him. Pisco, with the unwilling help of Vermouth was ordered to perform the assassination. Pisco managed to successfully kill Nomiguchi by dropping a chandelier on him, but due to Conan's interference, the police discovered it was a murder and not an accident like the Black Organization hoped it would be ruled.

Araide family

Tomoaki Araide.jpg

Vermouth attempted to kill the Araide family so she could disguise and take the place of Tomoaki Araide. Dr. Araide was targeted for his job as school nurse at Teitan Elementary and Teitan High which allowed Vermouth to get close to Haibara Ai, Conan Edogawa, and Ran Mouri. The FBI caught on to Vermouth's intentions before she could act and used disguised stunt doubles to make it appear that the Araide family were all killed when their car ran off a cliff into the ocean. After Vermouth was unmasked, Dr. Araide has been able to come out of hiding and continue his job as school nurse where Vermouth left off. At this time, Vermouth was acting without the approval of the Black Organization, so it is doubtful whether Tomoaki Araide was of any interest to the rest of the Organization.

Jazz club man

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See: Bus Hijacking Case

Gin and Vodka set up a man to be killed when they met with him at a jazz club. Vodka remarks that he seemed happy even though "he didn't even suspect that that drink would be his last."[15] He was never shown in the manga, but was shown stepping into a taxi in the anime. Vermouth was disguised as a waiter in the club at the time, although it isn't clear whether she was there to assist if Gin and Vodka failed or if she had her own reasons.

In the anime added a non-canonical business card which lists his name as Masahito Yoshioka (吉岡昌仁 Yoshioka Masahito?), the real-life chief producer of many Conan-related films and episodes from the anime studio Tokyo Movie Shinsa.

Starling family

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Vermouth killed Jodie Starling's parents 20 years ago and burnt down the Starling house. Vermouth's primary aim was to kill the FBI agent Mr. Starling and destroy his investigation files that involved Vermouth. Jodie survived because she left the house before it burnt down. After hearing that only two bodies were discovered, Vermouth desperately searched for Jodie, but to no avail; Jodie had been placed into the witness protection program by her father’s colleagues. Jodie became an FBI agent to seek out Vermouth.

Senzo Fukura

See: Halloween Party Case

Senzo Fukura, movie producer of "The Haunted Ship" series, was killed by a man wearing a werewolf costume whom Vermouth had blackmailed. His death was part of Vermouth's plan to lure Shinichi Kudo away from Ai Haibara, so it is unclear whether Vermouth had a particular reason for wanting Senzo Fukura dead or if she only selected him as the target because he was convenient. At this time, Vermouth was acting without the approval of the Black Organization, so it is doubtful whether this man was of any interest to the rest of the Organization.

Werewolf man

See: Halloween Party Case

Vermouth blackmailed this unnamed man into killing Senzo Fukura. After this man posted in a murder forum about wanting to kill Senzo Fukura, Vermouth replied back using her codename and asked if he would do so if she provided the tools and the strategy. The man revised his thoughts and refused, so Vermouth blackmailed him with a letter threatening his family and a box full of recordings of his family, tapped phonecalls, and detailed notes of his and his family's daily schedule. Blackmailing the werewolf man was part of Vermouth's plan to lure Shinichi Kudo away from Ai Haibara, so it is unclear whether Vermouth had a particular reason for blackmailing this man, or if she chose him because he was convenient. At this time, Vermouth was acting without the approval of the Black Organization, so it is doubtful whether this man was of any interest to the rest of the Organization.

Yasuteru Domon

See: Black Organization vs. FBI

Yasuteru Domon is a politician hard on crime whom the Black Organization attempts to assassinate after the events of the Ding Dong Dash.[16] The FBI believed the boss ordered the assassination of Yasuteru Domon who wasn't even part of the Diet yet because he is hard on crime and had a chance of becoming the next Prime Minister. The Black Organization ordered Kir to arrange an interview with him in exchange for suppressing information that his father was under suspicion of having an extramarital affair 20 years ago. The Black Organization planned the timing so that it could be blamed on female gang leader Kiriko Busajima who had been accused of hiring a hitman to kill him before. The assassination plot was called off because Yasuteru Domon decided to stop running for office when the affair information was about to come out anyway. The Black Organization had not realized that this information was enough to get him to stop running for office.

Kogoro Mouri

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Kogoro Mouri temporarily became an assassination target when Gin mistakenly thought that the detective planted a tracking and listening device on Kir's shoe. With the boss's permission he, Vodka, Vermouth, Korn and Chianti went Beika city to silence the detective. As the Black Organization snipers, Korn and Chianti, prepare to fire at Kogoro, they are interrupted by Conan kicking a soccer ball into Kogoro's window and Shuichi Akai's sniper shots. Thus, Kogoro is saved at the last second by a double effort from Conan and Shuichi Akai, and the Organization is made to believe the FBI planted the tracker. Despite Vermouth's prompting, Gin does not believe that Kogoro is completely innocent.

Tooru Amuro investigates and then apprentices himself to Kogoro because Amuro suspected the detective may be connected to Sherry.[17] (Kogoro was previously suspected of being linked to Sherry because the tracker, microphone, and gum combo Gin found on Kir's shoe after the Ding Dong Dash case was the same style as the one Gin discovered in his car that Sherry supposedly planted.)

Touji Funemoto

See: Black Organization vs FBI and Mysterious Job Case

Touji Funemoto is a young boy who bore witness to Rena Mizunashi's motorcycle accident.[18] Vermouth confronted and interrogated him to figure out how much he knew.[19] Gin noticed Touji was taken into witness protection by the FBI, but Vermouth told Gin he was irrelevant.

Touhei Benzaki

See: Jodie's Memories and the Cherry Blossom Viewing Trap and A Detective Solves a Case in a Bar

Touhei Benzaki is a single man[20] who inadvertently became a random target in one of Bourbon's plans to further investigate Conan and the FBI. Needing to use his appearance to approach Jodie at a cherry blossom viewing place, Bourbon made Touhei unconscious and disguised as him with Vermouth's help. Unfortunately for Bourbon, Touhei had just been pickpocketed by a female thief and he got caught up in a murder case where she's the victim. After the case is over, Bourbon returned the stolen purse to Touhei's unconscious body and left him to eventually wake up. Some point later, the police arrived at Touhei's apartment to question him about the pickpocketing case but he declared he did not know anything regarding the murder of the pickpocket. At this point it appears that Bourbon and the Black Organization have no further interest in Touhei Benzaki.

Natsuko Shibuya

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See: A Scarlet Return

Natsuko Shibuya is a Japanese friend of Jodie Starling's whom she helped in a case while she was studying abroad in America. Tooru Amuro was hired by Shibuya because she was being stalked and they met multiple times. One of these times, Amuro stole her phone and texted Jodie while pretending to be Shibuya, asking Jodie to go out for drinks. Jodie contacted Shibuya back via Camel's phone. Bourbon then planned to have Shibuya get into an accident, possibly by running her over with his car. Before Amuro could attack her himself, another person attacked Shibuya first. When the police came to the accident, they contacted Camel because it was one of the most recent phone numbers used. Vermouth copied Jodie's clothing while Amuro participated in solving the case. Vermouth then lured Jodie and Camel to the hospital by pretending to be a nurse calling in to report that Shibuya's condition had become critical. In the end, Amuro and Vermouth were able to trick Camel into revealing that Rikumichi Kusuda killed himself. Shibuya was fine in reality and recovered without incident. It is unclear how Amuro found out she was connected to Jodie.

Acquaintances of individual Black Organization members

This is a list of people who are acquaintances of Black Organization members, but were never part of the Organization themselves. Former Black Organization members are listed on the main Black Organization page.

Hiroshi Agasa

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Hiroshi Agasa is a distant acquaintance of Atsushi Miyano and Elena Miyano. Agasa had met them at conferences, and Atsushi complimented Agasa on his inventions.[21]

Toichi Kuroba

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Toichi Kuroba taught Vermouth (who was disguised as Sharon Vineyard at the time) the finer arts of disguise.

Yukiko Kudo

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Vermouth, as her alias Sharon Vineyard, and Yukiko had a friendly relationship between the time they met under Toichi Kuroba's tutelage until the time Sharon "died". Yukiko had no idea Sharon was leading a double life as an operative in the Black Organization. Yukiko and Sharon seemed to have kept in contact with one another because Yukiko and Sharon both know about events in each others' lives that occurred after Toichi's lessons. Sharon was the one who got tickets for Yukiko, Shinichi, and Ran to the Golden Apple play on Broadway in New York City one year prior to the current time line. Yukiko also attended Sharon's funeral. Yukiko is currently aware that Sharon and Chris are the same person and a member of the Black Organization who had tried to kill her son earlier.

Shinichi Kudo

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Vermouth, as Sharon Vineyard, knew Shinichi Kudo since he was young through her friendship with Yukiko. After Shinichi helped Ran save Vermouth's life in New York while she was disguised as a serial killer, she nicknames him "Cool guy". Vermouth later becomes one of the few characters who know Conan is Shinichi.

Ran Mouri

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Vermouth, as Sharon Vineyard, met Ran Mouri through the Kudo family. After Ran saved Vermouth's life in New York City, Vermouth nicknames Ran "Angel".

Souhei Dejima

See: Bathroom Murder Case

Souhei Dejima, age 54, was Haibara’s father’s childhood playmate. He hasn’t seen Atsushi Miyano for thirty years, which means they were friends until their twenties. He has lived in the house that Professor Miyano inherited from his father (Haibara’s grandfather) for thirty years. Professor Miyano and his wife Elena stopped by after Akemi was 4 or 5 years old (and they were in the Organization) to tell Dejima something important but Dejima was out so he never got to say what it was. Souhei Dejima was being watched by the Black Organization at that time. Akemi came back as an adult to hide tapes left by Haibara’s mother for Shiho in the toilet, and afterwards the Black Organization came to investigate secretly. Souhei Dejima was killed by someone unrelated to the Black Organization.[22]

Wataru Date

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Wataru Date was a close friend of Tooru Amuro while they were in police academy together. Amuro was the top-ranked student, while Date held second place. While Date went on to become an officer, Amuro went somewhere else, probably the Secret Police or the Black Organization, and fell out of contact with Date. Date's last text to Amuro asked him where he was and chided Amuro to communicate once in a while. After discovering his old friend was dead, Amuro visited Date's grave, and left a toothpick out of respect for Date.




Kazuki Honjo

Kazuki Honjo.jpg
See: The Raven Chaser

Kazuki Honjo is a serial killer who murdered with a stab wound non-canon minor agent Masaaki Okakura for revenge of his younger sister Nanako's death entirely unrelated to the Black Organization. Without knowing it, he has taken away the charm bag with a memory card listing the complete Black Organization agents that have infiltrated various organizations, that Masaaki obtained it possibly as insurance as speculated by Vermouth. So the boss orders to Irish to disguise himself as Superintendent Matsumoto and follow this serial murders case for retrieve the memory card before the police catch the culprit and look into the database.

Minoru Fukase

Minoru Fukase.jpg
See: The Raven Chaser

Minoru Fukase, age 27, is one of Inspector Kansuke Yamato's main suspects in Shuuhei Jinno's death, the first of the serial murders case.

Sumire Shindo

Sumire Shindo.jpg
See: The Raven Chaser

Sumire Shindo, age 34, is an abstract painter who lives in Hachioji City. During the second conference on the serial murders case, the police receive a call from her, who says she has a clue that could take them to their suspect, so Irish mails the boss. Gin goes immediately there along with Vodka before the police, however this woman was kidnapped and killed by the serial killer before their arrive.

Princess Latoona

See: Special Volume 26

Eva Port

Eva Port.jpg
See: Special Volume 35

Acquaintances of individual Black Organization members


  1. ^ Manga Volume 2, file 4 (13): "The Missing Man "
  2. ^ Manga Chapter 35
  3. ^ Manga Chapter 114
  4. ^ Manga Volume 19, Files 5-8 (185-188): Stabbed Wallet Case
  5. ^ Manga Volume 35, Files 8-10 (358-360): Disappearing Mitsuhiko Case
  6. ^ Manga Volume 37, Files 5-10 (377-383): "Footsteps of Darkness"
  7. ^ Manga Volume 37, File 8 (380): "White Snow... Black Shadow..."
  8. ^ Manga Volume 39, File 6 (398): "Torn Friendship 1"
  9. ^ a b Manga Volume 18, File 9 (179), pg 6: "The Girl made of Lies"
  10. ^ Thanks to DCTP's Fujiwara for the name translations
  11. ^ a b c d e f used by Viz
  12. ^ This name was not included in Viz's translation.
  13. ^ Listed as "dead" by Viz
  14. ^ Manga Volume 18, Files 180
  15. ^ Manga Volume 29, File 3 (287), pg 2: "The Invisible Fear"
  16. ^ Manga Volume 48, File 10 (500): "A New Person in Black"
  17. ^ Manga Volume 78, File 10 (827), pg 16: "The key to solving the mystery"
  18. ^ Manga Volume 49, File 3 (503): "Black Organization vs FBI 1"
  19. ^ Manga Volume 53, File 10 (553): "The Mysterious Job"
  20. ^ Volume 81, File 855, Page 16
  21. ^ Volume 39, File 6, Page 6: "Torn Friendship 1"
  22. ^ Manga Volume 41, File 10 (423): "A Mystery Left by a Visitor"
Black Organization
High ranking The BossRumGinVermouth
Other agents VodkaKir (undercover) • ChiantiKornBourbon (undercover)
Deceased agents Akemi MiyanoTequilaKenzo Masuyama/PiscoAtsushi MiyanoElena MiyanoCalvadosRikumichi KusudaEthan Hondou (undercover) • Hiromitsu Morofushi/Scotch (undercover)
Former agents Shiho Miyano/Sherry (Ai Haibara) • Shuichi Akai/Dai Moroboshi/Rye (undercover) • Ki'ichiro Numabuchi
Extended canon Yoshiaki Hara (movie only) • Irish (movie only) • Masaaki Okakura (movie only) • Arrack (special manga only) • Generic (special manga only) • Blackbeard (special manga only) • Kate Lauren (playstation only) • Curaçao (movie only) • Stout (movie only) • Aquavit (movie only) • Leona Bucholz/Riesling (movie only) • Man in bar (tv special only) • Pinga (movie only)
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