Hiromitsu Morofushi

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Scotch Profile.jpg

Japanese name: スコッチ
Age: Unknown (deceased)
Gender: Male
Occupation: Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau Agent
First appearance: Manga: File 937
Appearances: Chapters: 14
Chapters: 6
Chapters: 13
Episodes: 12
Episodes: 3
Movies: 1
OVAs: 0
Specials: 1
Openings: 1
Closings: 1
Keyhole number: Volume 89
Japanese voice: Hikaru Midorikawa

Scotch (スコッチ Sukotchi?) was a deceased undercover agent from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau. He committed suicide while infiltrating the Black Organization.


Scotch was an undercover member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau inside the Black Organization. Not much has been revealed about his past and his time inside the organization, although he was acquainted with Rei Furuya (another undercover agent from the same organization) as well as Shuichi Akai (an undercover FBI agent using the alias Dai Moroboshi). Scotch committed suicide before his real name was revealed to the other Black Organization members.


Plot overview

File:Bourbon and Akai covered in blood.jpg
Shuichi has a flashback to himself and Bourbon covered in blood.

Scarlet Epilogue (Manga: 898; Anime: 783)

Scotch was first mentioned in Manga file 898. During the final part of the Scarlet arc Shuichi speaks to Bourbon on the phone and says "About him, I regret what happened. Even now...". In the Epilogue Shuichi mentions that Bourbon's grudge may be more deeply rooted than he thought. He has a brief flashback to himself and Bourbon covered in blood. During Bourbon and Vermouth's conversation, she mentions a male infiltrator from the Public Security Bureau (PSB) who had been killed before they could figure out his name. Bourbon tells her that his code name was "Scotch".

Masumi remembers meeting a man nicknamed Scotch

Girls Band (Manga: 937-938; Anime: 836-837)

Masumi has a flashback to 4 years ago where she saw her brother Shuichi on a train platform with another man. At that time, Masumi thought that Shuichi was supposed to be in America so she approached them. Shuichi told her to go away but she made the excuse that she did not have the money to get home. While Shuichi went to go buy her a ticket, the other man pulled a guitar out of the case on his back and taught her some notes. Before Shuichi returned, a third man that looks like Rei Furuya came over and called the other man "Scotch". Masumi believed this to be a nickname rather than an indication of his race because the man looked very Japanese.

Masumi reveals to Conan, Ran, Sonoko, and Rei that her older brother Shuichi Akai is an FBI agent. Sonoko then enquirers if her brother's friend might be an FBI agent as well but Masumi denies this possibility by saying that he must have been a friend that Shuichi was meeting with while on vacation. Rei thinks to himself that Scotch was a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau and that Shuichi was the one responsible for his death.

Shuichi shoots Scotch

Bourbon's Mission (Manga: 954-957; Anime: TBA)

A flashback from Rei Furuya occurs while he is daydreaming while driving around with Vermouth. He runs up the external staircase of a building while thinking of Scotch's words "I'm sorry Furuya, my PSB identity has been seen through by those people...it seems like the only route of retreat left is to the other world...goodbye Rei(Zero)". At the top of the building he finds Shuichi standing over Scotch's corpse holding a smoking gun and saying "Traitors...should be punished accordingly...right?". He wakes up to Vermouth telling them they need to pry information out of a target and then destroy them in one swoop.

Later Conan, Subaru, Ran, and Sonoko run into "Amuro" and Azusa, who Conan thinks is Vermouth, while trying to meet up with a musician who has some connection to a Rum case from 17 years ago. Rei speaks directly to Subaru, who he doesn't realize is Shuichi in disguise due to Scarlet Showdown. Conan reacts to them casually chatting and tells Subaru that they need to leave, but he doesn't want to. The group finds that the musician is already dead. At the end of the musician case it's revealed that Scotch's death was actually a suicide, as he tried to shoot himself to the chest where the bullet would have destroyed his phone where sensitive data is held.

Both Shuichi Akai and ironically, Rei (Bourbon/ Amuro) played an indirect role in his drive to suicide. Being cornered by Akai, who was still undercover at the time, and without realizing his FBI affiliation, Scotch was forced to commit suicide. But as he was about to do finish the act, Akai revealed his true identity and motive, managing to prevent the death. However, in that moment, Rei's hurried footsteps were heard, and both Akai and Scotch took that as approaching Black members. Scotch used Akai's distraction to pull the trigger, as Rei arrived at the scene after Akai retrieved the gun from Scotch's hand.

Relationships analysis

Rei Furuya

Rei seems to have a strong attachment to Scotch and blames Shuichi for his death. His resentment is strong enough to continue chasing after Shuichi, even after he was told that Shuichi had been killed.

Shuichi Akai

Shuichi has been on at least one mission inside the Black Organization with Scotch. The mission involved rifles inside bass guitar cases. During a later time, he is found standing over Scotch's bullet ridden corpse while holding a handgun.

In other languages



Scotch keyhole from volume 89.
Scotch in file 938.
Scotch in Episode 837.
Scotch in Episode 836.

See also


Black Organization
High ranking The BossRumGinVermouth
Other agents VodkaKir (undercover) • ChiantiKornBourbon (undercover)
Deceased agents Akemi MiyanoTequilaKenzo Masuyama/PiscoCalvadosRikumichi KusudaEthan Hondou (undercover) • Hiromitsu Morofushi/Scotch (undercover)
Former agents Shiho Miyano/Sherry (Ai Haibara) • Shuichi Akai/Dai Moroboshi/Rye (undercover) • Ki'ichiro Numabuchi
Extended canon Yoshiaki Hara (movie only) • Irish (movie only) • Masaaki Okakura (movie only) • Arrack (special manga only) • Generic (special manga only) • Blackbeard (special manga only) • Kate Lauren (playstation only) • Curaçao (movie only) • Stout (movie only) • Aquavit (movie only) • Leona Bucholz/Riesling (movie only) • Man in bar (tv special only) • Pinga (movie only)
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Tokyo Metropolitan Police District Juzo MegureWataru TakagiMiwako SatoNinzaburo ShiratoriYumi MiyamotoKazunobu ChibaNaeko MiikeKiyonaga MatsumotoInspector YuminagaShintaro ChakiHyoue KurodaKenji HagiwaraJinpei MatsudaWataru Date
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Nagano Police District Kansuke YamatoYui UeharaTaka'aki Morofushi
Other police districts Sango YokomizoMisao YamamuraJugo YokomizoChihaya HagiwaraFumimaro Ayanokoji
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